Certainly, if I were to (ahem) want to pay for some sort of adult entertainment on the internet (cam site, porn, etc), then bitcoin would be the way to go. No handing ID info to shady websites. Nothing weird showing up on credit card bills...
Why not use xxxcoin? https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/xxxcoin/
It bothers me that whales keep doing this. A couple of weeks ago, a Litecoin whale crashed the price of LTC to $3 on an exchange despite the fact that it makes no sense to dump such a huge amount of BTC or LTC at once. It would make much more sense to slowly sell off fractions of a stash - making sure you don't completely demolish all the buy orders and taking pauses in between to see how the market moves and to let the orders fill up again. You would think that most whales would be smart with their money to get to where they are today, but for some bizarre reason, this doesn't seem to be the case.  The primary motive of such behaviour could be market manipulation. Think of derivative markets. A whale could take a leveraged short position on an asset. Using derivatives his return will be magnified many times by a fall in the price of the asset. Sure, by dumping his asset he loses money, but the gains on the derivative front could dwarf this.
Maintaining this thread must not be easy. I see updates almost on a daily basis. 
Bad waste of a Member account, and a terrible fail. Since you are so bad at scamming, I'll give you a tip. Sound like a real human instead of typing like a bot or copy/pasting.
Member accounts are cheap. All it takes is 2 months.  yeah but you could earn long term from it If only he had the patience..... 
They definitely would diversify. If they can be sophisticated enough to use off-shore banking havens like Switzerland, using bitcoins would be no different. But I see Arvind Kejriwal publishing a list of addresses and claiming that they belong to Congress/BJP politicians.  Haha AK really making it tough for politicians. that's the point if he does that unlike the situation now where he keeps shouting the swiss account numbers of likes of Ambani's but can't prove they are real and are holding any money , he'll be able to back his claims. The situation now is you got the account numbers but both bjp/congress don't wanna share them with public for some obvious reasons. that won't be possible with btc. Knowing Kejriwal, he would probably pick up Satoshi / Silk Road's bitcoin address and claim they belong to Sonia Gandhi/Narendra Modi. 
Argentina could print pesos to buy dollars to pay back their debts. As they sell more pesos, the value of each peso would decrease so the more they print the less dollars they can buy on a per peso basis.
No country has managed to mint its way out of a crisis. Yep minting is never the solution to a financial crisis usually its development of the countries industries and diversifying the cash flow The other way is infrastructure spending. Hard to do when a country is in default though. But printing more of something worthless would just make it worth less (har har) Think the Zimbabwae Dollar or the Weimar republic as some examples. Develop the country's industries, make sure the fiscal deficit is under control..... You will automatically attract capital.
Government cryptos or fiat? I can see fiat surviving, maybe, for a while, but it's hard to see a government crypto surviving.
Could be a crypto which is backed by a fiat. ie, the money supply would still be controlled by a central monetary authority.
The future currency will probably be replaced by crytocurrencies.
Only difference will be who is backing them, either government or free market.
I agree. I bet on govt because legal tender laws I would bet on one or two free market backed altcoins surviving, along with the government currencies.
Would a spot be able to be reserved for me? I'll join on the 17th. This campaign looks awesome.
Username: e1ghtSpace Number of posts: 708 Address: 13naNiHE8tLmLPnCpW213wpjPSvRzxHKaG
I don't think reserving spots would work. Plus there is no point in mentioning your current number of posts, when obviously it won't be the same on 17th.
Right that since transacting in BTC is anonymous, it can be used by the bad guys on its maximum.  Well, it's considered to be *pretty* anonymous. Given some work, and enough people, it's still quite possible to trace a transaction back (even if you use multiple addresses). Blockchain sleuthing is something one of my friend likes to do in his spare time, actually o_o It is very easy for NSA and FBI to find out your identity if you do doggy thing with bitcoin. But would it be worth the effort involved? Even after Silk Road has been shut down, is the FBI going after individuals who purchased small quantities of pot? No, because it is probably not worth it.
When is Stunna's payout?
17th-19th But usually last payments go out 48 hours later. After which there may be a mad rush to post in this thread.  Nah, I think all slots will be full until then! I don't know, I can see a lot of people PM'ing stunna ASAP and then bolting to this campaign. There are still over 30 slots left here. It will be interesting to see if Stunna responds to this or not. Regardless dicebitco.in is looking like a strong competitor and thanks to investment maybe even heir apparent to Just-Dice. Some of Stunna's promotions have moved from bitcointalk to facebook. He could be shifting some of his ad spending there.
By The Way...to get back to the hobby-horse I've been riding on this thread: #1. Gold in the later 1970s went through a blow-off bubble that ended in January of 1980. The carnage was held at bay through most of '81 but came back with a vengeance in 1982. I did some poking around and found this Fun Fact. If you had loaded up on gold in the quiet time after the '74-76 bear market (say, a few months after America's 200th), and if you subsequently did nothing but HODL that stake, you would still have had a double even at the worst of the carnage in '82. #2. YHOO, of course, was one of the biggest stocks participating in the rocket-ride Internet bubble in the late 1990s: the peak of that bubble came in March of 2000. As with gold, the carnage was contained for some time but burst forth anew in '01 and didn't fade away until early '02. Now here's a Fun Fact about YHOO. If you had bought in the quiet time in the summer of '97, a little after the hot new contenders of '95 had had their stocks beaten bloody, and again did nothing but HODL subsequently, at the darkest post-bubble-carnage days you still would have had a quadruple. And The Lesson Derived From The Above:If you buy an asset that's suspected of being a bubble when its price action is quiet, particularly after a false bubble that ended up only being a regular bear market ( er-ahem), and don't monkey around with your hold, that asset can be swept into the worst kind of bubble - and you'll still emerge with a decent profit even after the worst of the post-bubble carnage. But in order for this plan to work, you have to buy quality and do nothing but HODL. Needless to say, Bitcoin is quality. ...but the HODL part will be a real toughie once Bitcoin becomes smokin' hot... or sell when you are satisfied with your gain. And not regret it afterwards.
So if at all BTC becomes mainstream in India, what will it be attributed to? corruption?
Depends.. but I don't think so that using bitcoin to take bribe is a good Idea, and when we talk about corruption in India , you know we are talking about Billions or $$ , politicians are not stupid when it comes to corruption nd I'm sure they don't want to get listed in public taking thousands or maybe more of btc's. on the other hand I don't think they are smart enough to not to leave any footprints behind of transaction. They definitely would diversify. If they can be sophisticated enough to use off-shore banking havens like Switzerland, using bitcoins would be no different. But I see Arvind Kejriwal publishing a list of addresses and claiming that they belong to Congress/BJP politicians. 
You can borrow dollars. You can't borrow Bitcoins. Get real.
If you can borrow dollars, you definitely can convert them to bitcoins. 
You missed the point. Satoshi is not Japanese. I was raining sarcasm.
We will have to wait until he reveals himself.  May be he is on the forum under different username  The forum now has some restrictions on certain TOR nodes. That may hinder his anonymous access to the forum. It needn't be anonymous. He could just be using a different pseudonym and accessing it normally. As far as I know, only theymos can view ip addresses. So he is safe to that extent.
Bitcoin has more use than just a storage of value. I can't just go to different websites and select "pay with gold". Bitcoin has a dual role in that sense. I love it.
True. But given the volume of merchant transactions compared to bitcoin's market cap, people tend to be using it more as an investment than as a means of exchange.
An excellent article which talks about deflation and debt-based currencies (fiat) vs asset-based currencies (bitcoin) https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/nozomi-hayase/blockchain-revolution-open-source-democracy-for-99Excerpt. He argued how we only have ever seen deflation during a catastrophic collapse of demand, as in Japan 20 years ago. He explained how this is a situation where interest rates go down to zero and you can print as much money as you want; money is flowing out of the central bank, but nobody wants it because everyone knows that the economy is dead. This collapse of demand is the primary fear behind the deflation phenomenon that economists talk about, where people stop buying and it effects the overall economy in a trend of stagnation.
Antonopoulos described how this deflation was a particular experience created primarily within fiat systems and especially debt-based currency. He pointed to how the Bitcoin ecosystem creates a very different experience of deflation. In the world of a currency that is based on debt, deflation is a bad thing because it only happens when there is catastrophic collapse of demand and this tends to bankrupt the government, which is followed with the phenomena of the state’s crazed printing to mitigate the situation. Antonopoulos noted how when a currency is asset-based like Bitcoin, there is never a spiral of infinite printing and within the Bitcoin ecosystem, ‘deflation’ means we gain purchasing power and all nodes effectively become wealthier.
I think it quite impossible Governments don't like bitcoin or other altcoin they will forbid it anyway
Just like they forbid the use of cannabis, file-sharing, and hundreds of other things which people use and do everyday?  Cryptos would survive even if every country in the world banned them. Cryptos would survive, but if the government cuts off access to banking lines, most mainstream companies would shun them. This would reduce the adoption of bitcoins to some niche areas.
Remember that the bitcoin drug trade started it all. Don't forget where we came from.  Not really, They only were the first to discover some advantages. I am the firm beleiver that Bitcoin would have been successful either way! Might have taken more time, but yes, it would have been successful.
Do the Bitfinex fees apply to the liquidity providers also? I want to know that as well. https://www.bitfinex.com/pages/feesSWAPS Charged on your existing swaps, paid by the liquidity provider 15.0% (of the swaps generated by active contracts)
What exactly does the above line mean? Since I essentially plan to have a long position, I wouldn't mind generating a return (however small it may be) by providing liquidity. But I do want to know if fees would eat into my returns.