If limited to 18,000 watts, one can obtain more hashing power with the S5 versus the SP20.
One single SP20 @ $479.00 without shipping [1,700 GH/s @ 1200 watts = .705 watts per GH] One single S5 @ $370.00 without shipping [1,155 GH/s @ 590 watts = .510 watts per GH]
Let's say power limitations at your location is 18,000 watts:
18,000 watts / 1,200 watts = 15 SP20's x 1,700 GH/s = 25,500 GH/s (25.5 TH/s) 18,000 watts / 590 watts = 30 S5's x 1,155 GH/s = 34,650 GH/s (34.65 TH/s)
Without going any further with comparisons on ROI, one can easily conclude the S5 is easier to achieve ROI than an SP20.
If limited to 18,000 watts you will have approximately 36% more hashing power with the S5.
Just saying...
If you're talking about 18,000W and 15 SP20s, why are you quoting the single unit price on the SP20? 15 SP20s cost $5500 shipped, which is a considerably better price. Downclocked to the same speed as an S5, the SP20 is as efficient or moreso that an S5 (neither of mine hit .510 J/GH on a Platinum supply, BTW), and the price is close to the same. 30 SP20s will set you back $10,990 shipping included, while 30 S5s will cost $11,100 plus shipping (~$11,900 shipped to the US). If you have 30 coupons you could probably knock $1000 off that price, but that just makes it a wash. Owning both, if I had 18,000W to play with and had to choose between the SP20 and S5 at the same price, power and hashrate I'd definitely go with the SP20. Either would work, but arranging that many would be nicer with the SP20 and it just feels like a much more rugged unit. You are using the bulk 15 unit price by SPT. I'm sure if you PM Bitmain, they will come up with a discount bulk price for 30 units the same way they come up with a bulk price for 52 units AND offer free shipping or discounted shipping. So, just because SPT has a quoted bulk price FOR 15 UNITS does not mean Bitmain will not do a bulk price for 15 or even 30 units. See what I'm saying? I do agree with you for the under clocking of the SP20 to the same efficiency as the S5. However, do not assume Bitmain will not give a discount on shipping or no shipping costs for 30 units. That's all I'm saying. Just because SPT actually lists their bulk price with shipping costs ($0.00) for 15 units does not mean Bitmain would do similar with 15 or 30 units.
If limited to 18,000 watts, one can obtain more hashing power with the S5 versus the SP20.
One single SP20 @ $479.00 without shipping [1,700 GH/s @ 1200 watts = .705 watts per GH] One single S5 @ $370.00 without shipping [1,155 GH/s @ 590 watts = .510 watts per GH]
Let's say power limitations at your location is 18,000 watts:
18,000 watts / 1,200 watts = 15 SP20's x 1,700 GH/s = 25,500 GH/s (25.5 TH/s) 18,000 watts / 590 watts = 30 S5's x 1,155 GH/s = 34,650 GH/s (34.65 TH/s)
Without going any further with comparisons on ROI, one can easily conclude the S5 is easier to achieve ROI than an SP20. This is based off the price of one single unit. If one wishes to compare based on bulk pricing, they must use both bulk package prices [SPT's 15 x SP20's versus BITMAIN's 52 x S5's]. Even if one wishes to choose the bulk price of 15 x SP20's versus the price of one S5, it would still be more worth while to get the S5 at this point in time. The main reason why it would be worth it IS TO KEEP FROM LIMITING THE AMOUNT OF HASHING POWER I CAN HAVE WITH THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF WATTS AVAILABLE TO MINE.
If limited to 18,000 watts you will have approximately 36% more hashing power with the S5.
Just saying...
Yes, we should have freedom of speech. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion while remaining civil.
My power costs are 7.3 cents per kWH. Attaining my ROI will be done within a 6 month time frame rather than 5 month time frame because of the price of bitcoin decreasing the way it has.
Example: 16 S5's @ $420.00 each = $6,720.00 8 1800 EVGA PSU's @ $170.00 each = $1,360.00 Total: $8,080.00
.2256 BTC mined daily with 18.5 TH/s on CKPool x 30.416667 days each month = 6.86200008 BTC in one month.
6.86200008 BTC x $257.00 per BTC = $1,763.53
power costs @ 7.3 cents per kWH:
Cost Per Hour: $0.803000 Cost Per Day: $19.272000 Cost Per Week: $134.904 Cost Per Month: $539.62 Cost Per Year: $7,015.01
BTC mined per day on average at present difficulty: .2256 x $260.00 per bitcoin = $58.65 daily - $19.27 power costs daily = $39.38 daily before taxes.
$8,080.00 divided by $39.38 daily after power = 205 days (almost 7 months at present price of bitcoin).
Will bitcoin remain at present price? I doubt it...
If the price of bitcoin increased 20% in one month and the difficulty increased 10% in the same month; one can subtract approximately 10% of the number of days from their ROI.
Example: 205 day ROI x 10% = 20.5 days [subtract 20.5 from 205] = 184.5 days remaining till ROI is met.
Example: Started with 205 days; 30 days past and 175 days remain; The price increased 20% and diff increasing 10% which resulted in subtracting 10% (17.5 days) from the remaining 175 days to leave left over 157.5 days.
If the next month the price of bitcoin increased 5% and the difficulty increased 15%; one must add approximately 10% of the number of days on to the remaining days.
Example: 157.5 days minus 30 days that passed = 127.5 days; 10% of 127.5 days = 12.75 days that I must add to 127.5 days = 140.25 days remaining to ROI after beginning with 205 days two months prior.
If the next month [3rd month] the price increased 20% and the difficulty increased 18%; then 2% in number of days would be subtracted from our next ROI days remaining.
Example: 140.25 days minus 31 days that passed = 109.25 days; 2% of 109.25 days = 2.2 days; I need to subtract 2.2 days from 109.25 days for a total of 107.00 days roughly.
These examples are assuming we waited till the end of each month to consider difficulty and price of bitcoin at payout (converting bitcoin to fiat). Does this mean one must convert their bitcoin to fiat to have a return on investment? No it does not. Money earned is money earned; weather it was in bitcoin or fiat or a combination of the two.
The previous example is the formula I use to determine when I've reached ROI. It is a general estimation and not completely accurate but it is close enough for me to determine when I have reached ROI.
EDIT: Bottom line; the drop in price of bitcoin below $300.00 has hurt many of us. Once it gets to $300.00 and above the better off most miners will be. The present price in bitcoin is the main reason why we see the difficulty dropping off rapidly as well. We have many miners who have not upgraded to more efficient rigs stop mining because their power costs are more than 10 to 11 cents per kWH with power hungry rigs.
I'm not surprised at all at the rise in price. I would have raised the price if I were in Bitmain's situation as well. Most everyone is in the business of bitcoin to make a profit; not to make donations. This goes for Bitmaintech as well. The price of these rigs are pegged pretty much with the average miner meeting ROI in 5 months time on average. It depends on your power costs. That's why I said, "...on average."
Look at the price of the S1 when it first came out and what the price of bitcoin was at the time it came out. You will notice then as well that the price was set pretty much for ROI at 5 months on average for most people.
Bitmain did lower the price at least 3 times since the introduction of the S5. They had the customer in mind when they discounted it as the price of bitcoin dropped. It is times like this when one needs to buy. However, it looks like many here did not have the funds available to purchase at the time or may have been unsure about the price of bitcoin and weather to continue mining. For whatever reason one did not buy, it is not Bitmaintech's fault for people not taking advantage of the price when it was lower. We had our chance and those who missed it should not blame Bitmaintech or label them as greedy.
We are fortunate enough to have a manufacturer who will sell to the small timer. We should actually be grateful!!! They have the most power efficient model on the planet and it's still at an affordable price. They have a right to raise or lower their price as they wish because they are in a position to do so. They did not get into this business to make donations. They got into this business to make as much profit as possible. Hell, if I were Bitmaintech, I would have done the same thing more than likely.
Those who want to hold grudges and create labels can do so. Are those grudges and labels going to hurt bitmaintech? Probably very little. Miners will still continue to buy their S5 as long as no other manufacturer offers a rig with the same price per GH and same .51 J/GH power efficiency at the wall. Those who make the decision to buy a less efficient rig for the same price will ultimately pay more over the long run because of paying more in power costs. They will also be unable to increase their total hash rate because the less efficient rigs are sucking up more power to keep them from increasing their hash rate by adding more rigs.
This is the beauty of "competition." I know I will buy bitmaintech units if their price and efficiency is better than the competition. Otherwise, I'm only hurting myself; not bitmaintech. So, those of you spouting off about no longer buying bitmaintech. Be careful about what you say. You just might eat your words later OR you just might pay more later and hurt yourself. I would be grateful to have these units made available to me instead of biting the hand of the person that provides me with the most efficient rig on the planet at what is still a fair price.
I missed buying at the lower price because I'm waiting to save enough money for a bulk purchase of 52 units. Will I have to wait a little longer now? Sure, it appears I may have to wait a bit longer since the price of the bulk package has risen. I will not be ready to purchase a bulk package until March/April anyway. It may be that SPT has a rig out similar in efficiency and maybe also in price. Only time will tell.
By the way, have you noticed the S4 is not up on the site anymore? I believe an S6 is just around the corner with the same form factor as the S4. So, this may very well be a blessing in disguise for those who want a very power efficient rig that will save them more costs in the long run and allow them to increase their total hash rate with what little power they may be limited to.
Be patient and let competition make it's course. Bitmaintech has every right to raise or lower the price as they wish. Be grateful you have a manufacturer to provide you with an outstanding rig and good customer service compared to most.
Thanks for your hard work in putting this pool together and for keeping it going!
BIG thumbs up!!!
Wow... You weren't kidding. 211 TH/s
EDIT: They're coming back.
One of my S4s just suddenly stopped working. One moment it was working, the next it stopped responding to API requests. When I checked it, it was still running, and the LCD indicated it had dropped to 0 GH/s.
I powered it off, waited 10 seconds, and powered it back on. Everything starts up, fans running at full speed, but it doesn't actually start. Fans run continuously at full speed and the LCD stays blank.
I've only had it about 2 weeks.
Any suggestions about how to fix it?
Try reseating the SD card. That happened to me on a couple of my S4's when I first got them. Ejected and reseated the MicroSD card and they have worked fine ever since. They are probably right about the MicroSD card.
I have Corsair AX860's running all of my S3's. They have a "hybrid/normal" switch. When I flipped that switch to "hybrid" on a couple of my PSU's, I had one board on several rigs stop working. My hashing power on each of those rigs cut in half. However, it worked fine when I turned off the power to the PSU and turned it back on. They would work fine for several hours. Then all of a sudden I get an alarm from the pool saying hash is down. I would look at the rig setting off the alarm, only to see the hashing rate was half of what it should be. It ended up being the "hybrid/normal" switch. When I flipped the switch to "normal," I have not had a problem ever since.
With that said, "Hybrid" probably limits the amount of power given to the rig once the PSU reaches a certain temperature. Hybrid makes the fan on the PSU turn at less RPM's. So, if you do not have Corsair's with a "hybrid/normal" switch, it may be your PSU is not sufficient at providing the power needed to the rig(s).
Still pay attention to Dogie. He knows what he's talking about.
Is it an AX or AXi? On the AXis you can toggle between single rail and multirail (which we don't want). It's the AX860. The only difference between the 2 models is one being able to connect to and control fan speed, etc... I suppose I should read the manual. I assumed hybrid helped it provide the same power while using less energy. LOL
Hello everyone
Hopefully someone can help me.
I rigged up my first 3 s3's last night and they were running at about 450gh/s, so all OK.
Overnight they all went down to about 200gh/s, so I turned them all off and started them again - they then went up to 450gh/s again.
They have been working for about 4 hours and now one of them has reduced again, but at the moment the other 2 seem to be OK.
Any advise would be great! They are new from Bitmain yesterday,.
Thanks Adam
It is possible it could be more simple depending on what PSU you are using. I have Corsair AX860's running all of my S3's. They have a "hybrid/normal" switch. When I flipped that switch to "hybrid" on a couple of my PSU's, I had one board on several rigs stop working. My hashing power on each of those rigs cut in half. However, it worked fine when I turned off the power to the PSU and turned it back on. They would work fine for several hours. Then all of a sudden I get an alarm from the pool saying hash is down. I would look at the rig setting off the alarm, only to see the hashing rate was half of what it should be. It ended up being the "hybrid/normal" switch. When I flipped the switch to "normal," I have not had a problem ever since. With that said, "Hybrid" probably limits the amount of power given to the rig once the PSU reaches a certain temperature. Hybrid makes the fan on the PSU turn at less RPM's. So, if you do not have Corsair's with a "hybrid/normal" switch, it may be your PSU is not sufficient at providing the power needed to the rig(s). Still pay attention to Dogie. He knows what he's talking about.
I apologize in advance if this has been addressed in this thread, I did my damdest UTFSE but can't seem to find any numbers on overclocking. I found a small bit on UC, but those were mostly troubleshooting. I am only doing this for fun, not because I think it will make me rich.
I can run stable at Freq: 225 / Volts: 726 <- Never had a single issue, ran hard for a week. One bump in voltage to 727 and once the top left line of 0s for normal operation turned to Xs. I shut down, brought up and changed back to 726 and all is good again.
I tried a few other variations and think it is time to pop the cover and check connections, use some canned air and give her a general massage.
If you have any resources I would truly appreciate them.
0726 is about as far as it will go with stock PSU, you could try increasing the freq by one step to 231.25 which is still pretty stable. That's the best I could get with my 4 S4 231.25 at 0726 Best that I could do was depended on the temperature. At 49 I could do 225 with 0725 bit above 52, it wasn't stable. That's what I've been doing. On cool days I clock up and warmer days I clock down
What you have done thus far is honestly about the best you will be able to do with over clocking on your S4. It varies from S4 to S4.
16 hours now, $5000 invested still waiting for 3 f-in dollars woo hoo life is great
Rearing your ugly head again, are you? Read between the lines, I care; and while at it, who asked you? TWAT.
You'll be alright! Merry Christmas!!!
visionman prospector 200, I know internet works because I did the ping test and got a reply. the pool address I'm using is: stratum+tcp://stratum.bitcoin.cz:3333
Hmmmmm You might try http://api.bitcoin.cz:8332 to see if that works.
He's right!
Who cares?
You're getting 3 Th's for $1,000.00 with free shipping!
Hard to beat!
I've been up all night looking at exhaust fans online. I've heard of football fans, and baseball fans, but... LOL  If you were to see what I'm up to you would understand, Sir Alan. Two pics and you'll understand: My rigs in an existing closet [18.5 Th/s; over clocked just a wee little bit]: The new mining closet I'm building still needs a bit more work (caulking, priming, painting, finish electrical, add an exhaust fan, add an exhaust duct with damper to the outside through the window in the closet, weather stripping around all of the doors, etc. As for the size of this thing: it's big enough to easily hold 96 S4's. It has two 36 inch doors on each side to have easy access to the front of the rigs. Each door will have four (4) 25"(w) x 14"(h) grilles to allow a 12,000 CFM to 18,410 CFM exhaust fan to easily pull air into the rigs intake, through the outtake fans into the closet and out of the exhaust fan to the back yard. One of the doors has four (4) grilles already. I'm installing the grilles only as needed. I only need one door with grilles at the moment. More grilles will be added as rigs are added. The center door in the front is for access to the switch, router, PDU's, fan, the rear of the rigs, etc. 25.5 Th/s will be added to this in March for a total of 44 Th/s. The goal is 200 Th/s by the end of 2015!These guys are doing something similar to what I'm doing but in a POD. They are pulling the air in through filtered grilles with three (3) 6500 CFM fans to cool the rigs but more high dollar elaborate: http://www.cryptokube.com/Youtube video of what they are doing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bDtgIcVb3sI have a window in the back center of this new closet. It is 32"(w) x 36"(h). This new closet is 8'(w) x 8'(d) x 7'(h) = 448 Cubic Feet. I'm presently eye-balling a 30 inch single phase 120/240 Volt 12,000 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) exhaust fan: http://www.h-mac.com/tpi-mcd30-112.htmlI'm also eye-balling two different 30 inch single phase 240 Volt 18,410 CFM exhaust fans: http://www.industrialfansdirect.com/IND-FA-EF-RS/LFI-HVAR30CBD30500M.htmlhttp://www.industrialfansdirect.com/IND-FA-EF-CM-II/LFI-HVA30SLB10500.html
^ Just the satisfaction of knowing your rig found it  The few, the proud, the ones who have actually found a block  Alright. Thanks, Billbags. Just wanted to make sure!!! It's 5:15am here. I've been up all night looking at exhaust fans online. Gotta get some sleep now. Best Regards
If one of my rigs find a block, do i get a bonus? 