quarks to the moon!
CGB to the moon Wait a coule of days and u will see how many of alts will remain on this price
At least the douche with the wall disappeared after stifling a days worth of growth.
Yup. There is only ~3.3k now to 0.004 BTC. Someone will buy or remove the wall after this crazyines with alts
ako mozete ljudi nabavite si gigabyteove kartice sa 3 venta ili accelero aftermarket coolere, tise je od povjetarca , a temperature do 50, 55 na OC, pri 20C ambijent temp. kupio sam 5 accelero coolera dosad i nije mi zao niti jedne kune.
koje kartice imas i koliko hasha ti prave ?!
At least the douche with the wall disappeared after stifling a days worth of growth.
If BTC gets through 900 $ on bitstamp it will go up to 950 tonight i am sure about it
joj ljudi ja znam da nekad moram i neke gluposti napisati. Al moram do sutra napraviti jos 100-injak postova da bih dobio sutra payout 0.2 BTC pa et koji post da polijepim ovdje nece nitko znati sta pise Odgovori na moje pitanje iz ove teme od prije dan dva pa ćeš konstruktivno nabiti još jedan Ama iskreno neznam sto da ti kazem, ako si gledao ono na Americkom senatu sto je ona Senatorica rekla. Ili ce ovo postati bas pravo ozbiljno ili ce biti samo kao jedan jako dobar experimnt. Svi mi, ja, ti i ostali mineri gledamo samo kako da profit izvucemo. Ja sam dosta novca potrosio u opremu i jos sam graficki narucio koje mi stizu za par dana tako da vjerujem da ce btc narasti ali mene to neinteresira. Mene zanima samo profit koliki mogu u jednom danu napraviti i koliki ce mi biti ROI za novu opremu i koliko mogu popusiti ako ovo sve stane ili ako se nebude moglo zaradjivati puno
vala RIG sam iznijeo napolje, fino ga zastitio od snijega i napisao sam gore par postova prije da sam uspio napucati 7950 grafike MSI da rade na 690 khs temperatura im paše snijeg napolju pada hehe, samo jedan rig? btw: kondenzacija ti ne radi probleme? 3 RIGA imam, a kondenzacija ne pravi probleme kad nemam kucista a imam napravio sam fini box, i GPU se ne griju toliko
M$ Windows is for degenerate corporate slaves.. Been using Linux since '92 -> epic hero In you oppinion. In my oppinion linux is not for everyone. And i like windows cuz it looks a way much better than linux I have same oppinion, linunx is not for evveryonne. Linux is for niice people, with muscular bodies and healthy apppetites, M$windows is for stricken goblin-people with hairy feet. FACT! I knew you weren't the persson in your avvatar. Everyone was saying you werre. Hey! don't try annd derreail this epic thread. Sticck to the topic at hannd: Why M$windows reduces erectile power while Linux users can bench press 120kilo Windows users don't have free timme to cook healthy foods while their OS is frozen, so they havve to eat only microwaved foods. Linux users (specifically, Ubuntu users) can decide to take the latest screen-lock and wait it out by makking a nice stir-fry and lift weights. Macc users should probably be healthy sinnce all they do is draw on their screen (a very expensive notebook and set of colored pencills, if you ask me). I guess we can just challk that up to mental disabbilities. so stupid .... what is you point
Along with billions of other coins. That's not my point.
Sorry .... what was your point? you should paste his sentence to google translate and maybe we can see his point
We're falling behind due to lack of exposure to the chinese market. Look at the market caps now.
899 $ max on the bitstamp. 900 $ will be tonight
M$ Windows is for degenerate corporate slaves.. Been using Linux since '92 -> epic hero In you oppinion. In my oppinion linux is not for everyone. And i like windows cuz it looks a way much better than linux I have same oppinion, linunx is not for evveryonne. Linux is for niice people, with muscular bodies and healthy apppetites, M$windows is for stricken goblin-people with hairy feet. FACT! it is not true but linux is not for ordinary ppl
ma nemoras mi nista govoriti, nemam kad ni misliti na gramatiku spava mi se Ne možemo spavat od šumova ventilatora na mining rigu, a? Slatke su to muke vala RIG sam iznijeo napolje, fino ga zastitio od snijega i napisao sam gore par postova prije da sam uspio napucati 7950 grafike MSI da rade na 690 khs temperatura im paše snijeg napolju pada
slabo mi vas je nesto iz češke i slovačke
They are so rich now, and getting richer every day
no i cant spare not even a single BTC
M$ Windows is for degenerate corporate slaves.. Been using Linux since '92 -> epic hero In you oppinion. In my oppinion linux is not for everyone. And i like windows cuz it looks a way much better than linux
The only crap is what you don't own yourself.
This is a Decentralized Monetary Revolution. Get used to it.
And get used to Crypsty's Business model. It's THE Winning Business model. The rest will fade out if they don't offer a complete Exchange Marketplace. Just see the leader in the Forex for why that is the case. (Oanda FX Trade).
As for CryptoGenicBullion: It's my #1 holding out of 2 dozen Crypto's. I am extremely heavily weighted toward my top few holdings, with more weight towards CGB than any other Crypto. But I am not going to be so foolish as to think that there isn't room for many winners in a pool of over 200 countries and 7 billion souls. Diversification is wise. period. Especially in any emerging marketplace such as this one.
What's the very best Crypto? CGB (CryptoGenicBullion). That's why I mined it more than all other Crypto's combined since I found and researched it last summer.
But attempting to rein in a Decentralized Market is foolish at best. It's grown very old watching those attempt to keep beating on dead horses per say in a vain attempt to demand their greed over-ride everyone else. Centralized Control is exactly what Decentralization is targeting. Or did you forget that?
Caveat emptor
lol you dont understand me, i said there are some crap coins which i meaned abbandoned coins on criptsy that worth nothing
Hahaha reading the first page now and seeing it's written in oct 2013 is pretty fucking humourous! Nobody could predict china to be this big. Such power, when will this end?
i hope never
to much costs for nothing