So the investors will get 5mil no matter how many coins are voted? The miners, which are probably more will vote 128M at the disadvantage of investors. Or i'm getting this wrong?
hi all ! I am having issues with the RIC win32qt wallet. I am able to open the wallet and get it to sync, but when I close it and attempt to reopen, the bitcoin logo populates and it it reads "verifying blocks"....but gets stuck and never opens. anyone else experiencing this ?
yes, i closed the miner to open it
| is stuck for 2 days... At least delete them from the OP.
does this pool work properly for anyone? miner keeps crashing at my end.....Win7_64 same windows
does this pool work properly for anyone?
The investors will start receiving their coins on 15th feb or already started?
We can hold a tourney here,software is decent.
I absolutely cannot get this to work.
My conf file is riecoin.conf in the appdata riecoin folder:
server=1 daemon=1 rpcport=28332 port=28333 rpcuser=myusername rpcpassword=mypassword rcpallowip= gen=0 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=
command line for the miner is: F:\rminerd_win32\rminerd.exe -a primesr -o -u myusername -p mypassword -t 1
still failjob.
json rpc call failed 401
Any advice?
had the same problem but worked after i restarted the client
how do i salvage wallet?
1 back up wallet 2 close wallet 3 at cmd prompt where your wallet exe live "metiscoin-qt.exe -salvagewallet" 4 wait thank you
is the first p2p pool working? i don't get any shares
I'm using it now... know for sure I have 1 accepted share at least, I'll let you know after pool hits the next block it's working, i only have one accepted share but i'm getting paid constantly
is the first p2p pool working? i don't get any shares
Cpu miner for win32bit?
forget cpu miner... too slow won't get any shares?
are any of the pools paying?
GTX670 x2, roughly 200,000khs cudaminer.exe --algo=keccak -i 0 -m 1 -d gtx670#1,gtx670#2 -l K512x32 -L 128 --benchmark Pretty good I think? why do i get 13000 with same options? also it's using only 70%