Seems like 10 more days to go. I am excited to see how things will go crazy when MNX start trading, this is such a long waiting project, hope it pays for waiting. Good Luck!
Let see what happen, Although I see in some seller of minexcoin at Altcoin marketplace placing their minexcoin below ico price, 3$ , 2$. I think that is an opportunity to buy those coin to get profit in minexbank. If the team didn't exchange the bitcoin they collected which is 288.41712580 BTC as of the the value of that bitcoin collected in USD is 1,642,000 $ . That's enough money I think if the really want to go raised up the price of MNX. 288BTC collected at second of ICO. Their have sold coins at first ICO with succesfully, But I'm really i can't got any an information more about this ICO. May be those investor are whale?
SONM telah mencapai harga ICO kemarin ( walau udah agak lama ) sekitar 5000 di Binance, apakah disini ada investor yang udah out dengan balik modal di SONM atau udah ambil profit karena itu?
ane mayan profit gan walaupun dikit, trus ane langsung jual pas diatas 5k satoshi waktu itu soalnya perkembangan koin ini agak melambat dibandingkan proyek/ico yang lainnya gan saya rasa sih, sonm bisa memiliki harga yang jauh lebih tinggi dari kemarin. yah, project ini begitu sukses, saya yakin bahwa devnya menunggu saat yang tepat untuk membuat sonm menjadi koin yang memiliki harga tinggi. Kenaikan harga diminggu karena masuknya ke market baru binance. Dan sekarang harganya sudah kembali ke harga ICO (dalam bentuk usd / $). Saya percaya harga SONM bisa naik berlipat lipat tapi cuman menunggu produk mereka meluncur.
It is hard to answer this question because no one knows exactly when the price goes up or goes down. But if I were you, I will sell immediately and try to trade another coin. Because, if you still hold, you can lose everything when a panic sell happens. Mate, Trading's not talking about sell them at high or sell them at price going down. That's why we should have a knownledge and learn about future of coins. Prices go up and down I guess that's a common thing, but we can got oppotinity on goals of coins.
Looks like good coin but price is very low i think. There are so many coins that we cant choose which one is good. mostly ideas are good and devs are lazy I've feel same here. But it's not best part to bought a tokens? :p Seems like 10 more days to go. I am excited to see how things will go crazy when MNX start trading, this is such a long waiting project, hope it pays for waiting. Good Luck!
It's closer, I dont think that's will be hot trade, currently after MNX added to market seems a bounty hunter will be sell them as cheap. MNX will be revival on their launch an official market.
gawat nih hitcbtc udah 24 jam lebih gak bisa depo/wd token, gak tau nih masalahnya apa di tanya di support juga gak ada balesan
lagi maintanance rutin, ane lihat untu depo dan withdraw ETH masih bisa untuk token emang lagi close, karena lagi maintanance jangan khawatir dengan hitbtc gan.saya sering wd depo disitu lancar lancar saja koq.paling lagi maintenis rate tfl setelah bounty dibagikan malah naik.sekarang jadi $0.76 udah naik lagi itu gan jadi $1 lebih dikit sekarang,kemungkinan yang masih nghold akan senang nih dengan kenaikan ini apakah ada kemungkinan bahawa tfl ini memiliki harga yang tinggi lebih dari $1 ? mungkin akan sangat baik jika hargnaya lebih tinggi dari $1, karena ketika harganya naik lebih tinggi darii harga iconya, maka itu membuktikan kualitas suatu koin Harga diatas 1$ masih spekulasi dimana saya pantau mereka mencoba bertahan di harga tersebut. Tapi ga tau juga kalau sekarang masih dalam penyisihan gembel gembel bounty yang ga sabaran pengen jual tfl nya.
yang memprediksi dump itu karena mereka mau beli di harga murah om. termasuk saya saya kira Minex bisa sampai $20 / MNX di akhir tahun waw mantap kalo tembuh $20 punya 1000 MNX aja sudah bisa dapet $20K Hahaa bebas saja sih gan memprediksi sesuai keinginan hati, tapi kebiasaan nya ketika pertama di listed ke Market harganya pasti kena dump, setelah bertahan 1-2 bulan baru naik. Apalagi yang ngehold coin ini juga banyak dari bounty hunter. Pasti bakalan di dump besar"an nanti. Iya sih kalau masalah dump sudah pasti, tapi balik lagi. nanti order booknya ada apa engga hihi . Kalau masalah naik kayanya nunggu market mereka sendiri kayanya sih. Kalau banyak market sih ane pikir minexcoin gak terjadi banyak dump,, seharusnya jika bener minexcoin punya market sendiri lebih duluan dibuka sebelum masuk kemarket lain kayak Coss kemaren,, biar harganya tetep stabil. Ya itu mah balik lagi ke seluruh volume market. Sebenarnya bisa aja bersabar kalau pada pengen nunggu market dari sononya, cuman orng orng bounty pada mendesak tanya tanya kapan marketnya ada, ya setidaknya dengan ada market gini walaupun belum tentu rame, bisa membuang bounty hunter yang ga kuat pengen jual.
yang memprediksi dump itu karena mereka mau beli di harga murah om. termasuk saya saya kira Minex bisa sampai $20 / MNX di akhir tahun waw mantap kalo tembuh $20 punya 1000 MNX aja sudah bisa dapet $20K Hahaa bebas saja sih gan memprediksi sesuai keinginan hati, tapi kebiasaan nya ketika pertama di listed ke Market harganya pasti kena dump, setelah bertahan 1-2 bulan baru naik. Apalagi yang ngehold coin ini juga banyak dari bounty hunter. Pasti bakalan di dump besar"an nanti. Iya sih kalau masalah dump sudah pasti, tapi balik lagi. nanti order booknya ada apa engga hihi . Kalau masalah naik kayanya nunggu market mereka sendiri kayanya sih.
Kenapa sepi nih apa pada gak tau campaign nya ada bonus total 10BTC diluar jatah token ? Aku join karena konsepnya nurutku bagus DDOS proteksi pertama di blockchain bro bisa jadi saingan clodfire ni Kebetulan minat saya join proyek ini karena ada bonus dalam bentuk bitcoin. yup ini pertamakalinya proyek pelindung dari serangan DDOS, boleh juga tuh untuk saingannya cloudflare, apalagi mungkin banyak web atau proyek yg sudah merambah dalam sistem blockchain.
awal open market pasti rame yang ngejual nih koin karena sudah pada lama ngeholdnya semoga tidak terjadi big dump lah.. sayang juga kalau sampai di jual murah sudah hold nya lama terus jual murah rasanya gimana gitu...
Udah jadi rahasia umum gan kalau setiap koin yang baru open market maka kemungkinan harganya akan murah, ya karena efek dump bounty hunter. Saran ane mending di Hold aja dulu 1-2 bulan. Hi guys ingat total token untuk bounty HANYA 300k tidak lebih aku malah suka kalo bounty hunter jaul semua di hari pertama atau seminggu lah biar enak baca alur harganya kedepan ayo ramekan parking biar beranak terus. Kalau prediksi saya sih, mungkin dsini hanya tempat pembuangan buat bounty hunter yang gasabaran untuk menjual hadiah bountynya. Mungkin sih enak tahan kali ya, nunggu market sendiri keluar seperti yang direncanakan sama proyek ini.
You won't have to deal with any loss if you don't make shitty investments like throwing dice in the first place. Investing in shitcoins has a price. Drink a nice glass of cold water and swallow it with your "lose" pill. It will make you smarter next time.
Newbies who started immediately at trading are the only person that is suffering from a huge amount of loss because they tend to just estimate the value of their coin to place in the market without even a good analysis or research. Newbies should never ever go for trading directly. Trading is not fun at all, it is a proper profession and demands a lot of homework before planning to do trading with any coin. You need to have complete history of your coin, its market trends and expected downfalls of the prices. Trading requires great experience which come with practicing trading with small amounts. So what is make different, newbie traders and master of traders? . You should remember, for those who have a good traders are starting for nothing. So if newbies can't suggest as starting trading, when those newbies can start? The best of teacher are experience. So I think for those who have interested on trading should be start from now. beside that, if we can learn from many tutorial about trading, then soon our skills will increase and we can trading like a pro trader. i remember that one of my friend come to me and asked how to do trading. i explain with live trading and he follow me with good and after that i suggest to him to watching many video on youtube so he can learn more. after few weeks later, he come to me and he show to me that know he can understand trading with good than few weeks ago although he is not yet making big profit but at least he can learn something. So that is based how much you have learn from experience. Knowledge's number 1. What's kind you share for "how to trading?" Just showing how deposit-withdrawal. Sell-Buy? .
We waited months and months and they come up with Livecoin, seriously? You said you are making your own exchange, what happened? Why do we have to see the coin in a shitty exchange? And you announce this like a big thing. Shame on you!
Livecoin is not a shitty exchange get your fact right, I think the team deserve some praise here, Livecoin has a fiat gateway and it has huge advantage for the project listed on it Those be options, what's you'll be waiting? own exhanger by minexcoin official or external market ? Minex team was hard work for these project, If you'd waiting for market own / exchanger by minex team just waiting don't yelling. Btw, how much you was invested your money?
waH udah lama banget ga mampir ke theart gan contes jack's race fortunejack di adain lg x ada yg minat ikut,kalau ane lihat bakal sepi peminatnya,dari aturannya hadiah contesnya harus di mainkan 5x taruhan bikin malas ikutan, untuk semacam kontes kasino sudah ga musimnya lagi hehe. Sekarang kontes terlalu memaksa dalam peraturan, bahkan dikontes tersebut orang dipaksa saling bersaing dengan resiko yang gede. yang lebih lucu bukan bersaing antara peserta tapi antara bandar dengan pemain.
until nsekarang i have not found exchange for minexcoin actually want to enter into the exchange or not for this coin?
Did you read announcement posted by official? Minexcoin will be added and live at exchange. Read more : News About Exchange MNX. P.S: If you'd to got more an information or have a question, I'm suggest you to post or ask them at local section.
You won't have to deal with any loss if you don't make shitty investments like throwing dice in the first place. Investing in shitcoins has a price. Drink a nice glass of cold water and swallow it with your "lose" pill. It will make you smarter next time.
Newbies who started immediately at trading are the only person that is suffering from a huge amount of loss because they tend to just estimate the value of their coin to place in the market without even a good analysis or research. Newbies should never ever go for trading directly. Trading is not fun at all, it is a proper profession and demands a lot of homework before planning to do trading with any coin. You need to have complete history of your coin, its market trends and expected downfalls of the prices. Trading requires great experience which come with practicing trading with small amounts. So what is make different, newbie traders and master of traders? . You should remember, for those who have a good traders are starting for nothing. So if newbies can't suggest as starting trading, when those newbies can start? The best of teacher are experience. So I think for those who have interested on trading should be start from now.
We start from the mind-set and your knowledge on trading, before you put your money then jump to the coins that have a great potential and take a opportunities. for you loss in trading assuming for coins have down value($). Just hold them and control your-self.
Hello guys, in this morning lm get notification from email, and opening an email containing news about Cobinhood is now a scam alert. Is it true.?
Could you share, what is message came to you ? But I'm just was an information about another site (phising). I dont thing scam if there's not enough a proof.