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2301  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 17, 2014, 05:13:35 PM
港人赴英听证会作证 建制派指年轻人违法应放弃遭质疑
2014-12-17    电邮 评论 分享 打印















(RFA特约记者:扬帆   责编:申铧)
2302  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 17, 2014, 05:11:45 PM
香港警权争议愈演愈烈 官媒吁严惩占领者引反弹

香港占领运动期间,有近2000人投诉警方滥权。为防止暴力升级,香港五个民间团体成立“雨伞警暴资料库”,将向联合国人权委员会提出申诉。但同时,也有多个反占领团体到警察总部支持警方执法,令警权争议越加严重。此外,中国官媒及香港政府表示要严惩占领者,引发民间强烈不满,令市民 “鸠呜”的反击行动进一步升级。












(RFA特约记者:忻霖  责编:申铧)
2303  Other / Politics & Society / Re: HONGKONG DEMO on: December 16, 2014, 04:47:18 PM
Hong Kong Police Clear Last Pro-Democracy Protests as Leaders Vow Movement Will Continue


Hong Kong police on Monday cleared away the third and last of the pro-democracy encampments on major roads and intersections in the semiautonomous Chinese city, as the city's leader said the 78-day-old civil disobedience movement had come to an end.

Police arrested 20 protesters as they cleared the last remaining Occupy Central site outside a Japanese department store in the busy shopping district of Causeway Bay, dismantling barricades, makeshift shelters and clearing away banners and symbols of the "Umbrella Movement."

"With the completion of clearance work at the occupation site in Causeway Bay, the illegal occupation that has lasted for more than two over," Chief Executive Chun-ying Leung told reporters.

He said the protests had caused "serious" economic losses and "damaged the rule of law" in the former British colony.

"If we only talk about democracy, but not about the rule of law, that's not true democracy. It's just anarchy," Leung said.

Monday's operation also saw the end of a small camp outside Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo), and brought to 955 the number of people arrested in connection with the movement, which has campaigned since late September for fully democratic elections in 2017.

The clearance of the sites went off peacefully, with protesters removing their tents and personal belongings well ahead of police deadlines, although some remained behind to be removed by police in a public show of civil disobedience.

Unhappy with response

A Causeway Bay protester in his nineties who was frequently interviewed during the protests and became widely known as Uncle Wong, said he was unhappy with Leung's response to the protesters' demands.

"C.Y. Leung hasn't responded to our demands, even though hundreds of thousands of us have been sitting here for several months," Wong told RFA as the Causeway Bay camp was cleared. "He has totally ignored us, so we still want answers from him."

"I want to stay in jail if I can, to force him to pay for my keep."

Pan-democratic lawmaker Chan Ka Lok was also at the scene.

"They can take action against us today, and clear us away from Causeway Bay, but that's not the end of the dispute over political reforms," he warned.

Many of the arrests were for "obstructing a police officer in the course of duty," local sources said, adding that those arrested were put into police cars and taken to nearby North Point police station.

But the clearances came amid warnings from one of the original founders of the Occupy Central movement, which brought hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets at its height, after riot police used tear-gas, pepper spray and batons on umbrella-wielding protesters, most of whom were students.

Occupy founder Benny Tai told government broadcaster RTHK that the end of the occupation didn't mean an end to the Umbrella Movement or the campaign for full democracy in Hong Kong.

Tai said the movement could descend into violent riots if the government continues to ignore popular demands for public nomination of candidates in the election for chief executive and more direct representation in LegCo.

According to an Aug. 31 decision by China's parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), all 5 million of Hong Kong's voters will cast ballots in the 2017 poll, but may only choose between two or three candidates vetted by a Beijing-backed election committee.

International support

Meanwhile, the ruling Chinese Communist Party has criticized international support for the Occupy Central protests, saying that the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration is "void" and that China answers to no one in exercising sovereignty over Hong Kong, which was handed back by the U.K. in 1997.

Beijing has lauded the clearance operation, saying that it "fully agrees and firmly supports" the Hong Kong government and police.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong police commissioner Andy Tsang has vowed to pursue the instigators of the Occupy movement.

"Our aim is to complete this investigation within three months, including all of the processing of suspects," he said. "In particular, we want to bring to justice those who played a leading role."

But Tsang also told reporters that the force will investigate more than 1,900 public complaints against the police during the Occupy movement, many of them linked to allegations of abuse of police powers or authority.

He defended the police force's handling of the protests.

"Any use of force was only enough to achieve legitimate goals, and officers stopped using that force when those goals had been achieved," Tsang said.

"If people had left when they received the verbal warning from police that they should leave, and if they hadn't acted illegally or resisted or charged at police officers, the police wouldn't have needed to use any force at all," he said.

Continuing the movement

Student leaders have vowed to pursue their movement using means other than blocking roads, with student groups polling their members about potential rent and tax boycotts instead of physical occupation.

Student leader Lester Shum, a core member of the influential Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS), said many of the arrests during protest clearances were "influenced by political factors," and that he had been told he would have to wait until Monday to find out if public order charges against him would be dropped or pursued.

"Or perhaps they just wanted to keep us under surveillance," said Shum, who like many others was released on bail shortly after being arrested.

HKFS leader Alex Chow told local media that the movement would continue in some form for as long as the government continued to advocate "fake universal suffrage."

"The government will undergo a second round of public consultations [on electoral reform proposals] in January, and other proposals may be on the table," Chow said, adding that the final reform package wouldn't be presented to lawmakers until May or June.

He described the end of the Occupy movement as "neither victory nor defeat."

"I think in the future we will see many more people supporting our movement," he said.

An Occupy supporter surnamed Choi, who camped for weeks at the main protest site near government headquarters in Admiralty, said the movement isn't over.

"They may have cleared the occupation sites, but they can't clear away our minds," Choi said on Monday. "The seeds have already been planted."

"We will continue with this; we won't give up," she said. "We will just find other ways to continue the struggle."

Choi said she had joined the movement out of anger at Hong Kong's chief executive, who was elected in 2012 with just 689 votes from a 1,200-strong Beijing-backed committee.

"To begin with, I didn't really agree with [Occupy Central]," she said. "But the more I watched things unfold, the more I didn't like what I saw...If we don't stand up now, then there won't be any Hong Kong left at all."

Labour party chairman and lawmaker Lee Cheuk-yan said the eventual clearance of the Causeway Bay site was inevitable, once the main Admiralty site had been cleared last week.

"This clearance operation doesn't signal the end of the movement, but a new beginning," Lee told RFA. "The movement will continue, if the special administrative region government and the central government refuse to give Hong Kong full democracy."

Reported by Lin Jing for RFA's Cantonese Service, and by Xin Lin and Yang Fan for the Mandarin Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
2304  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 16, 2014, 04:43:56 PM
经济数据不跌反升 反占中团体估错市

(博讯北京时间2014年12月16日 转载)
    经济数据不跌反升 反占中团体估错市

    经济数据不跌反升 反占中团体估错市

    经济数据不跌反升 反占中团体估错市

    经济数据不跌反升 反占中团体估错市

    来源:苹果日报 (博讯
2305  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 16, 2014, 04:43:01 PM
(博讯北京时间2014年12月16日 转载)

    与媒体对峙的香港警官 2012年6月30日 路透社/Carlos Barria
    作者 香港特约记者 甄树基
    来源:法广中文网 (博讯
2306  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 16, 2014, 04:38:49 PM

2307  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 15, 2014, 05:15:39 PM
香港占领区全部被清理 占领行动结束




2308  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 15, 2014, 05:14:09 PM






2309  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 15, 2014, 05:12:33 PM
大陆被捕占中支持者超70人 王藏获准见律师



2310  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 15, 2014, 05:11:31 PM
香港占领落幕“清铜”拘17人 学联:民主未胜但不败





















(RFA特约记者:忻霖 责编:吴晶)
2311  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 15, 2014, 05:10:00 PM
占领落幕官媒总结港人不解一国两制 学联发起“下半场抗争”首轮运动















(RFA特约记者:忻霖   责编:嘉远)
2312  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 14, 2014, 04:53:41 PM
警宣布铜锣湾明早清场 占铜勇士拟留下被捕
(博讯北京时间2014年12月14日 转载)
    警宣布铜锣湾明早清场 占铜勇士拟留下被捕

    【雨伞革命 第78天】
    记者:伍雅谦 麦志荣 潘柏林
    在金钟已被清除的连侬墙昨在铜锣湾「重生」,中五学生Krisy及中四学生Mario用12个发泡胶箱,在铜锣湾自修室外筑起「铜箱」,让市民留言,冀成为第二个连侬墙。 Krisy说:「唔系话要清场就乜都唔使做,一日喺度,一日都要做啲嘢。」
    来源:苹果日报 (博讯
2313  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 14, 2014, 04:26:17 PM
铜锣湾占领区最后一夜气氛热烈 市民:民心清不走占中没有输




记者在现场看见,地上铺设着的“我要真普选”的横幅上写满了民众的坚持与祝福。人们将心中所想写在黄色气球上,塞满了小小的帐篷,留言板上也贴满了各色便签,“加油”、“We will be back”的字样随处可见。而在道路中央,摆放着用气球扎成的“CY下台”装置。此前被挂上“我要真普选”横幅的狮子山上日前也再次出现了同样写有“CY下台”的横幅。







(RFA 特约记者:扬帆/ 责编:陈平)
2314  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 14, 2014, 04:24:59 PM
广东网民声援香港占中被抄家 天网义工报道北京人权日遭刑拘












RFA 特约记者:乔龙  责编:马平
2315  Other / Politics & Society / Re: HONGKONG DEMO on: December 14, 2014, 04:22:00 PM
Hong Kong Occupiers Vow to Continue Actions Without Blocking Roads


Smaller protests continued on Friday outside Hong Kong's legislature and in a busy shopping district after some 7,000  police moved in to clear the last protesters from the main Occupy Central on Thursday, arresting 247 people.

A handful of protesters remained encamped outside the semiautonomous Chinese city's Legislative Council (LegCo) in a bid to keep up the pressure on the government for fully democratic elections in 2017 and beyond.

LegCo chairman and pro-Beijing politician Jasper Tsang said he hadn't ruled out asking for police assistance to remove the protesters.

"The area in question...isn't a public space, and if people begin any sort of movement there, the secretariat will try to use their own get them to see sense and move on of their own accord," Tsang told reporters.

"That way, we won't have to ask the police to help us."

Protesters vowed to stay until moved on, however.

"We are gathered here...[because] the Basic Law gives citizens the right of assembly and protest," one protester outside LegCo told RFA, in a reference to the former British colony's mini-constitution.

But he said he had no plans to resist if police tried to remove the group.

'We won't leave'

A second protester surnamed Tsik said protesters planned to stay until LegCo begins its session next week.

"We won't leave, unless the police come and force us to leave," he said. "But we will want to know what law we are supposed to have broken."

"Don't we have the right to make our views heard, to demonstrate?"

He said the Occupy movement will continue in spite of the loss of its main encampment near government headquarters in Admiralty district after Thursday's clearance operation.

"All we want are fully democratic elections," Tsik said.

Student leaders of the civil disobedience movement, which blocked key highways and intersections in Hong Kong for more than two months, said they would likely switch tactics and avoid blocking roads in future protests in the densely populated and congested city.

"Now that the road occupation has ended, students will now  go into the community to publicize their ideas," Joshua Wong, who heads the academic activist group Scholarism, told government broadcaster RTHK.

"If there are occupy movements or other kinds of civil disobedience campaigns in the future, we won't allow them to drag on, but instead employ flexible strategies," said Wong, who has been criticized for his absence from the clearance when four other student leaders were arrested.

'More radical' protests likely

Meanwhile, Occupy Central co-founder Benny Tai said "more radical" protests now look likely.

"If the government could not respond to the people's call for genuine universal suffrage, it is possible that more radical actions will appear in the future," Tai told reporters on Friday.

"This is something that the local government and Beijing should think about," he said.

He said even if Beijing's electoral reform package gets through LegCo, unrest could still lie ahead.

Small protests also continued in the busy shopping district of Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island and in the Kowloon district of Mong Kok, where a protest camp was cleared last month amid widespread clashes with police.

A group of Christians carrying the now-familiar yellow slogans and umbrella logo gathered at the Times Square shopping mall, singing Christmas carols with the lyrics rewritten to call for greater democracy, photos and tweets posted to social media showed.


A Causeway Bay occupier, who gave only a nickname A Man, said he felt out of options at the imminent clearance of the last remaining occupation site in Hong Kong.

"I had hoped that we would still be allowed this place as a gathering place," A Man said, adding that he would likely take part in any future Occupy Central actions.

"If a lot of people turn out...when the Causeway Bay site is cleared, the government will understand the determination of the people to win universal suffrage," he said.

Hong Kong financial secretary John Tsang said the clearance of the Occupy sites was "good news" for the territory's economy, although a recent study failed to show any significant impact on the city's performance as a financial hub.

"Once the sites have been cleared, local shopkeepers and small and medium-sized businesses will start to feel that things are going better," Tsang said. "Now the traffic is flowing freely, people's lives can get back to normal."

"I'm sure that Hong Kong people are happy about that, and I think this is positive news for the economy," he told reporters.

According to an Aug. 31 decision from the country's parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), all five million of Hong Kong's voters will cast ballots in the 2017 poll, but may only choose between two or three candidates vetted by a Beijing-backed election committee.

Control by Beijing

Meanwhile, the ruling Chinese Communist Party has hit out at international support for the Occupy Central protests, saying that the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration is "void" and that China answers to no one in exercising sovereignty over Hong Kong, which was handed back by the U.K. in 1997.

Beijing on Friday lauded the clearance operation, saying that the ruling Chinese Communist Party "fully agrees and firmly supports" the Hong Kong government and police.

"The Occupy protest has not won the favor of the Hong Kong people," the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office under China's cabinet, the State Council, said in a statement.

"We have noticed that the clearance operation was well received and welcomed by the residents of Hong Kong," it said.

It called on Hong Kong to "learn from" the protests and build consensus around the territory's future political development.

"We hope that Hong Kong society will engage in rational and pragmatic discussions and accumulate consensus about its political development within the boundaries of the Basic Law and decisions adopted by the Standing Committee of National People's Congress," the statement, carried by the official Xinhua news agency, said.

It called on Hong Kong to follow the blueprint laid down in the NPC's Aug. 31 decision to "realize universal suffrage" in 2017.

The people of Hong Kong should have a better understanding and implementation of the "one country, two systems" principles, it said, referring to the formula agreed by Britain and China before the handover.

Reported by Lin Jing for RFA's Cantonese Service, and by Yang Fan for the Mandarin Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
2316  Other / Politics & Society / Re: HONGKONG DEMO on: December 14, 2014, 04:20:17 PM
Hong Kong Occupiers Defiant But Peaceful as Police Clear Main Protest Site


Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong chanted "We'll be back" as police and court bailiffs cleared their tents and barricades from a major highway in the semiautonomous Chinese city early on Thursday local time, putting an end to a two-month-long occupation.

Police arrested 209 people during the clearance of Harcourt Road near government headquarters in the former British colony's Admiralty district, while more than 900 people had their details noted and could still be charged, a spokesman said.

Among those arrested were student leaders of the Occupy Central, or "Umbrella," movement that began on Sept. 28, bringing hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets after clashes with riot police who used tear gas, batons, and pepper spray on umbrella-carrying protesters.

Pan-democratic politicians, protest leaders, and even a pop star were among those in the final sit-in who were arrested, with some walking quietly under police escort with plastic handcuffs and others being carried away by officers.

Police took away Democratic Party founder Martin Lee, Civic Party lawmakers Alan Leong and Audrey Eu, Democratic Party chairwoman Emily Lau, and media mogul Jimmy Lai, whose Apple Daily media group had covered the protests by live webcast and drone camera since they began.

Student leader Nathan Law, Cantopop star Denise Ho, and veteran activist Leung Kwok-hung, known by his nickname "Long Hair," were also held.

A major impact

Alex Chow said in an interview with RFA before the clearance operation began that the movement has already had a major impact on the territory's political life.

"The Occupy movement has been very effective in awakening our citizens," Chow told RFA. "We had such huge numbers; hundreds of thousands took part in the civil disobedience movement."

"Hong Kong people are willing to pay the price for democracy," he said. "We may not have gotten the result we wanted today, but ... people won't just give up on the movement now."

Chow said he still expects to see smaller but frequent protests greeting Hong Kong government officials as they try to persuade people to accept Beijing's electoral reform plan.

HKFS core member Lester Shum said both the HKFS and the academic activist group Scholarism would stick to principles of nonviolence.

"Everyone knows that the government isn't going to give way on electoral reforms, so we will have to work to put even more pressure on them in future," Shum said.

"A bigger weight of public opinion could force the government to make concessions," he said.

Jimmy Lai told CNN before being arrested that protesters know that the struggle for full democracy in Hong Kong will be a long-term one.

"We are not so naive," he said. "We know there will be many battles before we win the war."

'Unlawful assembly'

Some protesters and lawmakers had gathered in an area just outside the limits of a High Court injunction ordering the clearance of the area, brought by a bus company that complained the protests were hurting its business.

Many were arrested on suspicion of "unlawful assembly," with many demonstrators shouting slogans including "We'll be back!" or making the "mockingjay" rebel salute from Hollywood blockbuster movie The Hunger Games.

A protester surnamed Lam at the Admiralty site said that those who had camped there had already removed their tents and personal belongings on Wednesday.

"I don't think it's a good way to solve the problem by remaining here," Lam said. "But I hope to see the movement continue in our communities; that's the most important thing."

A second protester surnamed Lee said that the overwhelming trend seems to be to accept that the clearances are marking the end of the occupation.

"If a lot of people were staying, then I'd stay too," she said. "I'm not afraid of arrest."

"But there has begun to be a backlash among local people, now that so many have been here for such a long time," Lee said. "Why is our government like this?"

Demands still unmet

After the last protesters were taken away, taxis and minibuses began using the road, which was newly cleared of debris and washed down by water trucks to remove the last evidence of a vibrant protest community that once included impromptu art exhibitions, a "Lennon" message wall, first-aid stalls, makeshift study areas, and a trash disposal service all staffed by volunteers.

Hundreds of police officers posed for a group photograph outside the Admiralty Centre at the heart of the tent city and protest site that became known as "Umbrella Square."

But while their demands for full universal suffrage in the 2017 election for the next chief executive remained unmet following an edict from Beijing, most activists chose to leave the Admiralty site peacefully.

Police said they would clear a much smaller protest encampment in the bustling shopping district of Causeway Bay at a later date.

The scenes at Admiralty were in sharp contrast to the violent clashes between police and protesters when a similar site across the harbor in Mong Kok was cleared last month, sparking widespread condemnation of excessive force from police, who reportedly attacked a number of journalists as well as protesters.

According to an Aug. 31 decision from the country's parliament, the National People's Congress (NPC), all five million of Hong Kong's voters will cast ballots in the 2017 poll, but may only choose between two or three candidates vetted by a Beijing-backed election committee.

Meanwhile, the ruling Chinese Communist Party has hit out at international support for the Occupy Central protests, saying that the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration is "void" and that it answers to no one in exercising sovereignty over Hong Kong, which was handed back by the U.K. in 1997.

Reported by Xin Lin and Yang Fan for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Wen Yuqing for the Cantonese Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
2317  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 香港示威贴无故被封,继续发。不是你死就是我死,老子和你拼了 on: December 14, 2014, 04:18:39 PM

(博讯北京时间2014年12月14日 转载)

    作者 香港特约记者 甄树基
    来源:法广中文网 (博讯
2318  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 周永康案件是真正的中国特色! on: December 11, 2014, 05:11:27 PM
Smiley 自从人类有了政治体系后,腐败就从来没有停止过。

中国的问题是制度性腐败, 司法不独立如何根治腐败?!
2319  Local / 媒体 / 快讯:维权律师张科科在辩护席上被国保当庭带走 on: December 11, 2014, 05:08:10 PM

(博讯北京时间2014年12月11日 转载)


    张磊律师电话:139 1070 7905 (博讯
2320  Other / Politics & Society / Re: HONGKONG DEMO on: December 11, 2014, 05:05:23 PM

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