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2341  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany ⚽ - Qualifiers on: December 23, 2022, 08:06:13 AM
I cannot believe that people still think that Ronaldo was mistreated after it happened with 4 different managers. He was benched back in Juventus, he was benched by whoever that interim manager was last year in United, he was benched by Erik Tan Hag, and he was benched by Portugal manager, that's four different managers that managed to bench him.

Do we really think that he is still not doing what he supposed to do and just accept the fact that he is a bench player for high level teams? He will be hard to call up for euro 2024 if you ask me, dude would be nearing 40 by that time, and you think he would be any good by that time? I highly doubt that.

I don't know about 2024. But as far as 2022-23 is concerned, he remains as the best Portuguese player (you can disagree with me). I am not denying the fact that Portugal has a bunch of younger guys looking forward to replace Ronaldo in the squad, including Joăo Félix, Rafael Leăo and Bernardo Silva. But my take is that none of these players have the ability to single-handedly win the matches for their team. Ronaldo maybe out of form right now, but his class is permanent. I am sure that he will regain his form soon and make an impact during the Euro 2024.

I'm not so sure. He is a great player but younger players are coming and they will probably take up his spot soon. He is 37 now and in two years it's questionable how will he perform.
2342  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Wagmi united - Crawley town on: December 22, 2022, 09:13:05 AM
Ali zar nije tako općenito u svijetu? Ne samo u nogometu i ne samo u sportu. Kad se zaposliš i tvrtki i ta tvrtka ti pruži neko obrazovanje jer si još neiskusan, zar neće većina otići u drugu tvrtku za bolje uvjete (tu ne mislim samo na plaću)?
Nije isto kad ti zarađuješ tipa €1.500 pa dobiješ priliku da radiš isti posao negdje drugo za €1.700 ili €1.800. To je dosta velika razlika za običnog smrtnika. Ali kad se vratim na onaj svoj primjer gdje ti već imaš €10 mil. godišnje, ćemu prelazak u drugi klub da bi imao €10.7 mil u jednom sportski neizazovnom okruženju?

Možda je neka nostalgija za prošlim vremenima kad si znao kad upališ utakmicu ko će istrčati na teren. Znao si da imaju igrači na koje se možeš osloniti da će biti tu dugoročno i nije im novac jedina vodilja.

Par primjera da navedem bez da imenujem igrače i klubove. Nisu orginalni citati pa nema potrebe za navodima. Možda će se neki i sjetiti koje šta rekao.

Otac mi je igrao za ___, ja sam cijelu karijeru proveo u ____ i moj sin će također. (Već igra).
Šta ćemo u ___ kad nam je ovdje dobro? Tu nam je lijepo, djeca su nam sretna i idu u školu, ljudi nas vole i porodica nam je blizu.
Jedini način da ja zaigram za vas je da vi kupite ___ i onda ću bit vas igrač. Nikako drugčije.
Gospodine, ___ je u problemima a ja sam njihov kapiten. Zar stvarno mislite da bi mogao sad da ih napustim?
Da napustim ___? ___ je moja porodica. Jel vi znate nekoga da je napustio svoju porodicu i otišao da živi sa nekim bogatim strancima?

Zato sam i napisao da mogu shvatiti ako netko ode u drugu tvrtku/klub/nešto treće ako mu oni ponude bolje uvjete. Nije tu samo stvar kolika će biti plaća nego su bitni uvjeti. Misliš da bi Joăo Félix došao u Dinamo kad bi mu Dinamo ponudio godišnju plaću od 100 milijuna eura? Pustimo sad to što Dinamo to ne može financirati, ali kad bi mogao, misliš da bi Félix pristao na to? Prilično sam siguran da ne bi baš zbog uvjeta koji bi mu bili puno lošiji nego u Athleticu.
2343  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Wagmi united - Crawley town on: December 22, 2022, 07:37:16 AM
Zar misliš da bi Modrić postao ovakav nogometaš da nije otišao iz Dinama? Stvarno sumnjam...
Ma naravno da ne. Nisam ni mislio da bi igrači trebali ostajati u manjm klubovima i ligama. I naravno da je normalno da ćeš Dinamo gdje zarađuješ par stotina tisuća godišnje zamjeniti sa klubom iz jedne od 3-4 najjače lige gdje ćeš početi zarađivati nekoliko miliona.

Ali kad već dođeš na taj vrhunski nivo gdje imaš fantastičnu platu od recimo €9 miliona godišnje i klub ti ponudi produženje, tu onda počinje kockanje. Neću ja više €9 mil, hoću sad €12 mil. Pa klub kaže ne možemo toliko ali evo dat ćemo €10. Prije 20 godina se tu nije toliko cjenkalo i drago ti je bilo kad si u klubu okružen pobjednicima koji osvajaju trofeje. Ovi današnji igrači će prihvatiti i slabiji klub s kojim neće biti u prilici da osvajaju trofeje samo ako dobiju malo veću platu. Odlazim iz svog kluba gdje mi daju €10 mil. da bi igrao za €10.7 mil. negdje drugdje. I kod najmržeg rivala, šta me briga. Pa šta ti ta razlika znači? Šta to možeš za €10.7 mil godišnje sebi priuštiti što ne možeš sa €10 mil?  

Ali zar nije tako općenito u svijetu? Ne samo u nogometu i ne samo u sportu. Kad se zaposliš i tvrtki i ta tvrtka ti pruži neko obrazovanje jer si još neiskusan, zar neće većina otići u drugu tvrtku za bolje uvjete (tu ne mislim samo na plaću)? Pa onda opet ako netko ponudi bolje uvjete, odeš u treću firmu ako ova u kojoj si bio ne može ponuditi još bolje uvjete. Mislim da mi fanovi puno drugačije gledamo na sportske klubove nego što to rade sportaši. Njima su klubovi kao nama tvrtke u kojima radimo. Osim toga, igrači imaju menadžere koji imaju puno toga za reći u kojem klubu će igrač igrati. Pogotovo ako se radi o igraču koji nije svjetska zvijezda.
2344  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: December 22, 2022, 07:32:00 AM
 Nema šanse da proizvodi automobile samo da bi sa svakim prodanim autom izgubio nešto love.

samo mala ispravka, Tesla je sa svakim proizvedenim automobilom u gubitku, ali sa svakim prodanim automobilom nije, posto svaki prodati automobil donosi i zelene poene, koje onda proda ostalim proizvođačima u SAD, i prebaci se u profitnu stranu

ono što je problem za njega je to što sad i ostali proizvođači proizvode elektro-automobile, pa Tesla nije monopolista u SAD što se tiče zelenih poena - tako reći raste broj proizvedenih automobila, a smanjuje se potražnja za zelenim poenima od drugih proizvođača - jasan znak da je Tesla dugoročno u problemu jer ne mogu da ostvare profitabilnost u proizvodnji

nije ni čudo da se okrenuo Twitter-u, da od njega napravi platformu za sve, ne treba zaboraviti da je on prakticno stvorio PayPal, sad verovatno hoce kroz Twitter da napravi kombinaciju platforme za kripto plaćanja i socijalne mreže
Živimo u svijetu di je image i društvene mreže skoro dovoljan za uspijeh. Samo pogledajte onu budalu Salt Bae ili kako se već zove. Sad se naslikavao s Argentincima kada su digli pehar. Po kojoj logici jedan loši kuhar koji postao slavan samo zbog načina kako soli hranu može doći tamo s argenticima. Da ne pričam uopće o još većem problemu što takva osoba uopće postane poznata.

Musk je ipak napravio jako puno toga što god mi mislili o njemu. Čovjek dobije ideju i relizira ju, naravno da bogatstvo pomaže ali opet ima puno bogataša a malo ih je onih s utjecajem kao Musk.

@casperBGD da, u pravo si. Malo sam krivo napisao Smiley

@Trofo ovo kako si opisao Muska je zapravo najtočnije. Nitko ne kaže da je Musk u pravu što se tiče svojih stavova i načina kako radi, ali da ima rezultate iza sebe, to mu se ne može osporiti. Mene samo zanima ova zadnja anketa koju je napravio na Twitteru vezano uz to treba li odstupiti kao CEO Twittera ili ne (anketa je završila tako što je 57.5% korisnika reklo da žele da odstupi). Vjerojatno je mogao pretpostaviti kojim rezultatom će anketa završiti ali me zanima je li on i prije odlučio otići s tog mjesta pa mu je ovo samo alibi ili stvarno toliko sluša glas korisnika da će otići i s CEO mjesta ako korisnici tako žele?
2345  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany ⚽ - Qualifiers on: December 22, 2022, 07:19:41 AM
In my opinion, Italy are not ready for the changes in the squad. If their squad is always identical with experienced players, then when they try to combine young players with experienced players, they will not find their best form. To be precise, we can say that Italy need time to return to their best form.


I don't agree. I think that the best way to introduce young players into the national team is by giving them a chance to play along more experienced players. Look what Croatia did after the World Cup in 2018. Half of the players that were playing the World Cup in 2018 left the national team. And what happened? Their coach Dalic introduced younger players to play with older and experienced ones. I guess you know the result - third place in the World Cup 2022 and a place in the final four of the UEFA Nations League.
2346  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 22, 2022, 07:14:36 AM
I don't know why France management asked players such as Tchouameni to take the penalty. They had more experienced players available. England also did the same mistake during Euro 2021. They sent inexperienced players to take the penalties and in the end they lost out. Kingsley Coman was another poor choice. I would have preferred players such as Antoine Griezmann or Olivier Giroud. Even Ousmane Dembélé or Adrien Rabiot would have been better choices. And for some unknown reason, France went with a bunch of inexperienced guys for the penalty.
The penalty shootout is very tense and even the best player in the world do miss penalties both at top level. Leo Messi missed a penalty in the opening game against Saudi Arabia, it's not longer a shock to me see players missed the penalty, it's fact about the game that whenever a game results in a penalty shootout, there's every possibility that a mediocre player can outrun the high profile players. France did make a mistake, but those inexperienced players you talking about are the same players that brought France to the final. Didier Deschamps have one of the best squad despite losing his keyplayers due to injuries, these average players are very good on the pitch because they always give in all their best.

I'm not sure how much experience can help a player to stay cold headed in a penalty shootout. It can help a little, but even the most experienced players can miss a penalty shoot. Remember how Harry Kane missed the penalty against France? That penalty could have taken the match into overtime but he missed it. And I'm talking about the team's captain. I don't think there is more experienced player in England than him.
2347  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 21, 2022, 04:53:25 PM
We could also argue that Argentinian goalkeeper didn't deserve a golden glove. Look at this comparison between Martinez and Livakovic:
So do you agree that Martinez deserved a golden glove reward as the best goalkeeper on the tournament?
Comparison charts will not give you the bigger picture, Emiliano Martínez impact is evident when they played against Netherlands and he was able to hold on to his position during the penalty shootout and the same happened during the final against France. His saves impacted the match during crucial situations and hence he is adjudged the best goal keeper.

Have any of you watched the games when Croatia played against Japan, Brazil and Morocco? Livakovic saved the games against Brazil and Japan during the penalty shootout and denied quite a few great chances that Morocco had in the bronze medal game. I won't go into which game is more important, but Livakovic impact in those three games was crucial.
2348  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Qatar world cup Final Predictions on: December 21, 2022, 03:11:06 PM
This World Cup was good for many gamnblers by the way considering group matches and overall results. Least likely things that happened: "Brazil was eliminated early", "Morocco finishing at top and beating Spain later", "Japan finishing at top", "Germany leaving at group stage" also "Belgium with same", "Uruguay getting eliminated in group stage was also surprise" So people should never underestimate weaker nations. They can beat more recognized nations, indeed.

I don't think that gamblers like unexpected situations. Yes, someone could have won pretty big if they bet that Saudi Arabia would won against Argentina. But gamblers rarely bet on high stakes. They like to combine more bets with lower odds and then something happens (like S. Arabia win against Argentina) and they lose money.
No gambler wants to bet in such a situation because there is a 99% chance of losing his money so no one wants to waste his money. And if someone wants to take Ricks then he never wants to bet a big amount there maybe they can leave a small amount there so they get a big return according his betting amount from it but not a very big money. I enjoyed that match between Argentina and Saudi Arabia and when Saudi Arabia offered 100x then I wanted to bet $10 there but I accidentally skipped it.

That's exactly what I said. No serious gambler will bet on high odds because there is high chance of losing his money. It's better to stack up few bets with low odds and earn money. The problem is that every now and then an upset like this happens and that's what gambling sites are making their money on. Gambling sites actually like when an upset happens because there is much more people betting on the expected result than on an upset.
2349  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Qatar world cup Final Predictions on: December 21, 2022, 02:50:26 PM
This World Cup was good for many gamnblers by the way considering group matches and overall results. Least likely things that happened: "Brazil was eliminated early", "Morocco finishing at top and beating Spain later", "Japan finishing at top", "Germany leaving at group stage" also "Belgium with same", "Uruguay getting eliminated in group stage was also surprise" So people should never underestimate weaker nations. They can beat more recognized nations, indeed.

I don't think that gamblers like unexpected situations. Yes, someone could have won pretty big if they bet that Saudi Arabia would won against Argentina. But gamblers rarely bet on high stakes. They like to combine more bets with lower odds and then something happens (like S. Arabia win against Argentina) and they lose money.
2350  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Wagmi united - Crawley town on: December 21, 2022, 02:34:15 PM
preporuka za ljubitelje fudbala ukoliko imaju priliku da pogledaju mec top2 tima, sigurno bolji fudbal od npr. Qatar - Senegal ili slicnih meceva
Engleska 2. liga je po svojoj kvaliteti bolja od mnogih 1. liga u Evropi. A profesionalni nogomet se igra i u 3. i u 4. ligi. U tim nižim engleskim ligama još postoje neke vrijednosti koje su davno zaboravljene od ovih profesionalnih kurvi. Ah šta mi bi, htio sam reć fudbalera i super zvijezda. Privrženost svom klubu i želja da sa svojima pobjeđuješ i osvajaš je stvar prošlosti.

Ovo zadnje je (barem u Hrvatskoj) tako valjda od početka HNL-a. Ali osobno ne vidim ništa loše u tome jer nogomet nije jedini sport u kojem se više ne gleda na privrženost klubu nego na lovu. Ma zapravo svi sportovi su takvi, samo što se u nekima općenito vrti puno više love, a u nekima manje.

Da sam nogometaš i da igram za Dinamo u kojem sam prošao sve omladinske škole, vjerojatno ne bi puno dvojio oko seljenja u neku od liga petice kad bi imao priliku. Odnosno da se bolje izrazim, od seljenja u drugi klub bi me više sprečavalo seljenje cijele obitelji nego to što sam privržen klubu i želim s njim osvojiti sve što se da osvojiti. Zar misliš da bi Modrić postao ovakav nogometaš da nije otišao iz Dinama? Stvarno sumnjam...
2351  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: December 21, 2022, 02:30:12 PM
Ja iskreno mislim da je ovo sve samo medijski cirkus, isto kao i Elon Musk koji sad kao pita ljude na twitteru da prestane biti CEO twittera Roll Eyes
Sad vidim da je Edward Snowden izjavio da bi mogao biti novi CEO, i da bi primao Bitcoin za to.

Rekao je Musk neki dan (prije ove ankete) da je već našao idealnu osobu za poziciju CEO-a Twittera.

Musk nekad stvarno djeluje kao budala ali definitivno to nije, ima on neki svoj plan. Bilo bi genijalno kad bi stavio Snowdena Grin

Ma naravno da ima neki svoj plan. Da sve radi po hiru, vjerojatno bi brzo ostao bez svega. Možemo ga mi voljeti ili mrziti ali činjenica je da je stvarno uspio napraviti nekoliko vrlo uspješnih tvrtki. Može netko reći da Tesla gubi sa svakim prodanim automobilom, ali ima Musk neku računicu u tome. Nema šanse da proizvodi automobile samo da bi sa svakim prodanim autom izgubio nešto love.
2352  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽⚽⚽ Sportsbet's Bitcointalk World Cup 2022 - discussion ⚽⚽⚽ on: December 21, 2022, 02:27:29 PM
Sorry, I almost forgot to send the form. I just answered and I want to congratulate once again to casperBDG for winning the competition and also to Trofo and cryptofrka for organizing such a great competition. Btw, I really like the league idea in the form Smiley
2353  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 21, 2022, 02:21:33 PM
In my opinion that Mbappé is a king and is new generation. I have never watched Football world cup but in 2022 it made me very excited. And I am also very excited to see that what will happen in 2026 when USA, Canada will host woord cup. And also there are some players like Morocco Goal keeper, he has done great job cause he made effort for moroco team.

Most of Mbappe's goals came against weak teams. Two of his goals came against Poland, two against Danmark, and one against Australia. And in the final, although he scored one goal by himself the other two came from penalty kicks. And during the initial 80 minutes his performance was pathetic (although he made up for that in the next 15 minutes of regular play and 30 minutes of extra time). I thought that although he received the golden boot, there was nothing special in his performance this time. For comparison, I would rate Julián Álvarez ahead of him.

Yeah, it's a problem with golden boot reward because it is not awarded to the best offensive player, but to a player that scores the most goals during the World Cup. There probably are better offensive players than Mbappe, but rules are rules.

We could also argue that Argentinian goalkeeper didn't deserve a golden glove. Look at this comparison between Martinez and Livakovic:

So do you agree that Martinez deserved a golden glove reward as the best goalkeeper on the tournament?
By all accounts France's goalkeeper led the way but all statistics failed when Argentina goalkeeper Martinez saved Randal Kolo's powerful shot towards the post in the 120th minute.  It means that if this goal could have been scored then France would have won the match outright.  But Martinez skillfully parried the shot to lead to the game's trybreaker and eventually Argentina won the final thanks to Martinez's skill alone.

pic collected from Google

This was the only victory FIFA decided the Golden Globes deserved for Martinez.

I didn't say that France goalie should have won the award. Livakovic is Croatia national team's goalie. While I agree that Martinez led his team to become the World Cup winner, but I still think that Livakovic had more great saves than Martinez. I know that FIFA often takes into consideration only the last game so I'm not surprised that they gave the reward to Martinez.
2354  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 21, 2022, 08:55:20 AM
We could also argue that Argentinian goalkeeper didn't deserve a golden glove. Look at this comparison between Martinez and Livakovic:

So do you agree that Martinez deserved a golden glove reward as the best goalkeeper on the tournament?
Haven't checked the stats of the two at the World Cup but seeing what you're showing it honestly has to be said that Livakovic deserved much more and the difference is vast and it's become quite puzzling why with such disparate statistics the organizers didn't award the Croatian goalkeeper a golden glove.
Being able to bring Argentina to win the World Cup should not be a reason for giving it because appearance should be the benchmark for judging this is quite disappointing and suspicious.

There were also saves that marked the final match. We can say that his save in the 120th minute was perhaps the breaking moment of the match. He also made great saves in penalty shootouts. Livakovic brought Croatia to the semi-finals. Because penalty shootout determined 2 matches. These two goalkeepers came to the fore, but in order to play in the big team, the goalkeeper needs to act like a defender when his foot needs to be smooth as well as penalty saves. These goalkeepers cannot be great team goalkeepers for now.

We all know that Martinez got the golden glove reward just because Argentina won the World Cup. However, one save in the 120th minute of the final game doesn't make someone the best goalie of the tournament. If a golden glove reward is a reward for the best goalie of the tournament, then FIFA should take into consideration all games that a goalie has played, not just the final game. I'm not saying that Martinez didn't play good or that he isn't a good goalie. I'm just saying that Livakovic probably deserved the reward more than Martinez.
2355  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 21, 2022, 08:05:47 AM

Yeah, it's a problem with golden boot reward because it is not awarded to the best offensive player, but to a player that scores the most goals during the World Cup. There probably are better offensive players than Mbappe, but rules are rules.

It's not exactly a problem, there's 2 awards in this case:

Golden Boot to the player who score more goals
Golden Ball to the best player of tournament

The only possible way to measure the golden boot is goal

I agree. I was referring to someone who said that Mbappe maybe wasn't the best offensive player in the World Cup. Maybe he wasn't but the rules for a golden boot reward are clear. Whoever scores the most goals in the tournament, he will get the reward. It's not the best player reward but a reward for the best scorer.
2356  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany ⚽ - Qualifiers on: December 20, 2022, 07:22:24 PM
He will (as I said) won't be able to compete with 25 year olders who are running like hounds a pitch at the age 39. His body is gonna be very old at that point for that kind of very high level football. In Portuguese league he may be able to keep playing but at Euro finals? Nearly impossible. Best way to use Ronaldo would be giving him chance at the end of match like 10-15 minutes as opponent will be tired and he will be able to use his talents. Or just extra-times where every player will be tired anyways. Playing champions league and/or world cup level football is very hard.

Playing the last 10-15 minutes of every game is disrespectful for a player like Ronaldo and I don't think he will agree to that. And he shouldn't. He is/was a great player and the world should remember him like that and not like a player who can't run so his coach is giving him last minutes of a game when everything is decided.
2357  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 20, 2022, 07:18:42 PM
This is my best world cup, Qatar performed well, the hosting was classic. I think everyone enjoyed Qatar. In the future they will host again. No one ever believe dthat just small country will displayd such quality. I'm very impressed.
All the players are back to Their various clubs , tomorrow premier league begins. We're back to club football.

It doesn't matter what size is the country that is hosting the World Cup. The point is that Qatar have money to spend and they don't care what will they spend it on. I didn't go to Qatar so I don't know how well was everything organized but on TV everything looked OK.
2358  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 20, 2022, 11:38:47 AM
We could also argue that Argentinian goalkeeper didn't deserve a golden glove. Look at this comparison between Martinez and Livakovic:

So do you agree that Martinez deserved a golden glove reward as the best goalkeeper on the tournament?
Haven't checked the stats of the two at the World Cup but seeing what you're showing it honestly has to be said that Livakovic deserved much more and the difference is vast and it's become quite puzzling why with such disparate statistics the organizers didn't award the Croatian goalkeeper a golden glove.
Being able to bring Argentina to win the World Cup should not be a reason for giving it because appearance should be the benchmark for judging this is quite disappointing and suspicious.

Yes, I think that Martinez received this golden glove prize only because the Argentine national team won the WC, but first of all because he defended a penalty shootout in the final match, I think this influenced such a decision in his favor, all this is very subjective, but Livakovic undoubtedly deserved this award.

I agree but also think that Martinez deserved it more than any other goalkeeper simply because of the number of penalty saved,it was about 4 of them,2 in Holland game and 2 in final game taking into consideration that he found the direction even in that penalty which got out.It is only natural for him to have gotten the golden glove because of this and because he had done more than Livakovic,we don't know how Livakovic would have behaved in a final,he surely was great against Brazil but that is only one match.

Livakovic didn't only save few penalties against Brazil but also against Japan. At best I would say that Martinez and Livakovic performance on this World Cup was equal, but just because Argentina won the title. But I definitely don't think that Martinez showed better performance because it was because of Livakovic saves that Croatia finished third. Croatia had problems with scoring goals but because of good defensive play and good goalie they finished third.
2359  Other / Off-topic / Re: 🔥🔥After the 2022 World Cup🔥 on: December 20, 2022, 09:44:59 AM
In my opinion that Mbappé is a king and is new generation. I have never watched Football world cup but in 2022 it made me very excited. And I am also very excited to see that what will happen in 2026 when USA, Canada will host woord cup. And also there are some players like Morocco Goal keeper, he has done great job cause he made effort for moroco team.

Most of Mbappe's goals came against weak teams. Two of his goals came against Poland, two against Danmark, and one against Australia. And in the final, although he scored one goal by himself the other two came from penalty kicks. And during the initial 80 minutes his performance was pathetic (although he made up for that in the next 15 minutes of regular play and 30 minutes of extra time). I thought that although he received the golden boot, there was nothing special in his performance this time. For comparison, I would rate Julián Álvarez ahead of him.

Yeah, it's a problem with golden boot reward because it is not awarded to the best offensive player, but to a player that scores the most goals during the World Cup. There probably are better offensive players than Mbappe, but rules are rules.

We could also argue that Argentinian goalkeeper didn't deserve a golden glove. Look at this comparison between Martinez and Livakovic:

So do you agree that Martinez deserved a golden glove reward as the best goalkeeper on the tournament?
2360  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany ⚽ - Qualifiers on: December 20, 2022, 09:36:26 AM
From what I see all the groups are somewhat interesting here but of course the group A with Spain and the group where Italy is in which has missed I think two consecutive World Cup appearances need to improve themselves by qualifying here for Germany 2024 and finally to see Italy back where it belongs to the top of soccer.

Maybe Ronaldo will still play this last Euro cup for him but I think that the age does not permit that or better permit it but not at full power because Ronaldo is going to be 39 years old,we have seen other great players giving a last try to such tournaments at this age so why not.
It's pretty sure Ronaldo will keep getting called to Portuguese national squad until he completely retires from football. Although his performance will gradually get worse. He is old for football, fans should accept this reality. I wish we could watch him more but time flies. I think he will mostly become bench to play in last 10-20 minutes at max in next European finals. But I think he won't retire yet. He will play for 2 more years in my opinion.
That could happen too but it all depends on Ronaldo and if the country wants him and he wants it then why not. Ronaldo can still be relied upon, although not as good as before, and he also still has the potential to strengthen Portugal and it seems that Ronaldo still has the desire to defend his country.
and group B is no less fierce because the Netherlands are in the same group as France and are still in the same group, there are the Republic of Ireland, Greece, Gibraltar. And I think the Netherlands and France will qualify for the next round.

He is 37 years old now so I'm not sure if he will be able to play at the highest level in two years. Some star players don't know when to stop and then fans are forced to watch them making a fool of themselves by playing football when it's obvious they can't play it at a high level.

Luka Modric said that he will participate in the final four of the UEFA Nations League in the summer and then he will see if he will say goodbye to the Croatia national team or not. I'm pretty sure he will say goodbye.
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