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241  Economy / Economics / Re: Rigged markets: Only the FED can save the stock market on: December 27, 2018, 11:45:12 PM
Inflation adjusted Dow Jones:

Amount of money printed by the FED:

FED prints money, markets go up. Simple as that.

There is no random walk, there is no chaotic markets.

The FED controls the markets.

242  Economy / Economics / Re: The markets are rigged on: December 27, 2018, 11:37:44 PM
]Did you look at the article I linked to and see the chart of the inflation-adjusted DJIA?  From 1916-1994, the market was NOT linear.  

I did look. Here is the chart from that article:

And here's the amount of money the FED printed :

Do these look similar to you?

Neither chart is linear, but the relation of debt to market valuation is linear.

The FED prints money, the markets move up.

Why isn't 1916 to 1970 like the period after it? Because during that first period the FED wasn't allowed to freely print money.

Note how things moved more smoothly before 1970!!!

Because before 1970 their ponzi scheme was not running yet.

In addition, I mentioned that the components of the Dow get changed and that also affects things.  Poorly-performing companies get dumped from it, good ones get added.  I'm not sure how a broader index, i.e., one with way more than 30 stocks, would look as far as your hypothesis goes, but I'd be curious and I think it'd be a better test.

That's not how the Dow works. They don't kick out poorly performing companies due to PRICE, they substitute LOW VOLUME companies.

If GE stocks move 200 billion a day and crash 90%, GE would still be listed.

The Dow represents the stocks that matter the most (in the opinion of the Dow Jones methodology), not the best performing ones. The intention of this index is precisely to show how the American industrial output is doing on the market.

Also, you're saying that the slope of the index (price vs. time) is the % gain.  That doesn't seem right simply from a unit analysis [slope = d(price)/d(time)], whereas % gain is p2/(p2-p1)*100 .  You'd have to do linear regression to get a curve and then take the derivative of that--and the result isn't the percentage gain.  Maybe someone with a stronger background in math could give some input here.

You're overcomplicating things.

My point about the slope is that you mentioned the inflation adjusted chart.

Note that the chart you posted goes back before the time when the FED could freely print money so you clearly have two periods there: from early 1900's when there was real capitalism and then after 1970 when the FED started controlling the markets by freely printing money for their banking pals.
243  Economy / Economics / Re: Rigged markets: Only the FED can save the stock market on: December 27, 2018, 07:55:59 PM
Aaaaand here's some more data. Just a coincidence I guess.

The FED will either start heavily printing money again or it's a sure crash.

More printed debt = you work more, bankers work less.
244  Economy / Economics / Re: The markets are rigged on: December 27, 2018, 07:37:59 PM
Indeed, it does strike me as very odd that you drew a straight line on a linear chart instead of a logarithmic one, thus implying that the Dow was negative prior to 1984 (for reference, it was not).
Yeah, and I'd also like to read a response from OP (or anyone) to the post I made in this thread pointing out that the chart is not inflation-adjusted--but meanwhile, OP has begun a new thread ranting about how the Fed is rigging the markets.  Makes me wonder if OP really wants a discussion on this or not.  

But hey, this is Economics, right?  The section that's almost as bad as Bitcoin Discussion, where very few people read posts.

Sorry if I didn't reply to your earlier question.

Adjusting the chart for inflation would only lower the slope of the linear trend. My point is not the % gain (the slope). It's about it being linear!

The whole point of this thread is to point out that the FED and the fractional reserve system simply manipulate the stock market at will to keep it a straight line.

What I mean by "the markets are rigged" is that it's not a random walk, it's not chaotic, it's none of these things. The markets are completely controlled by the FED as shown in the 30+ year trend. The FED's true mission is to keep that linear behavior on that chart. That's my point.

If you adjust every price on the composite index used for that chart (the Dow) for inflation, you'll get a lower slope, that's all. Will not change the point I tried to make.

EDITED: The reason I opened the other thread is because yesterday we saw the greatest pump EVER on US markets. And today we see a dump. So we have these two new facts.

This new information adds to the point I'm trying to make: the banks control the markets at will. There is 200+ trillion dollars out there printed by the FED (unpayable debt) that is used to do whatever they want to the markets. They can crash it, pump it, dump it, what ever.
245  Economy / Economics / Re: The markets are rigged on: December 27, 2018, 07:29:54 PM
The government has to continually pump the stock market as most people have their savings in stocks.  The country would be in chaos if it crashed drastically as most people would go broke over night.  Something is going to give though, I don't think the USD will continue to be the world currency within the next 5-10 years.

Sadly you're probably correct. Although what you describe in the first sentence is all but capitalism (governments pumping the stock market).

Does anything strike you as odd in this image?

Note the red line I drew on the chart.
Indeed, it does strike me as very odd that you drew a straight line on a linear chart instead of a logarithmic one, thus implying that the Dow was negative prior to 1984 (for reference, it was not).

I didn't intend to imply that. The reason I don't show prior to 1984 is because the chart only went so far.

This present day system began in 1970 IIRC, not on 1984.
246  Economy / Economics / Rigged markets: Only the FED can save the stock market on: December 27, 2018, 07:27:29 PM
Do you realize that actions by a single bank which is run by bankers is the only way the stock markets can rebound?

It's not the productivity, it's not about value, it's not about sales, jobs or about the general economy.

The FED must print more debt in order to pump the markets. THAT is the state of the world today. It's unreal.

A single bank.

One. Single. Bank. Crashed the world markets because they wanna.
247  Economy / Economics / Re: US markets have 2nd biggest pump in history on: December 27, 2018, 05:51:42 PM
Losing 50% of yesterday's gains (WTF?) today.

If this isn't classic pump and dump, nothing is.

200+ trillion dollars in debt printed by the FED. Inexistent value, money printed for bankers who will never pay it back, ever. It's impossible to pay 200 trillion U$.

The markets are rigged.
248  Economy / Economics / Re: China says rejecting physical cash is illegal amid e-payments popularity on: December 26, 2018, 10:01:59 PM
China is right on this one but it's not really unique. US Treasury notes (greenback US Dollars) also cannot be rejected within the USA. Paper money is legal tender anywhere in the USA and cannot be rejected.

And needless to say a cashless society is a menace to privacy and even to national security.

249  Economy / Economics / US markets have 2nd biggest pump in history on: December 26, 2018, 09:57:01 PM
US markets displayed all the power of printing over 200 trillion U$ in debt

Banks have so much free money they can pump trillions of U$ in a single day.

This is the heavily regulated FED money phony capitalism they say is better than crypto.

Petroleum 10% pump

Dow jones 1000+ points pump in a single session.

This is the effect of inexistent value being printed into money. The markets go on without fundamentals, nobody knows why everything went up 10% today and nobody will know why the next crash will break a whole generation of market participants.

It's a ponzi scheme, new participants must work exponentially more to keep the system afloat.

Worse: these same people from the banking mafia say cryptos are a bubble!
250  Economy / Economics / Re: The markets are rigged on: December 26, 2018, 09:52:33 PM
So many people claim that "the markets are rigged". Yet, they are unable to provide any kind of evidence, they can't show how the markets are rigged, and they can't show who is rigging the markets.

If you are going to claim that the markets are rigged, then I want to see some evidence so that I can agree or disagree. I'm not going to just take your word for it. Oh, and "everybody knows the markets are rigged" is not evidence.

I presented the linear trend in the chart. You can access this chart on I didn't make it up.

How can a random process have an underlying linear trend? Impossible.
251  Economy / Economics / Re: FBI warns of imminent mass attack on world’s ATMs on: December 26, 2018, 03:33:12 PM
Cashless society means less ATM machines.

Cashless society means nothing works during a power outage.

Also means full control of society by banks.
252  Economy / Economics / Re: Wasn't this crypto-crash (course) needed? on: December 26, 2018, 03:31:48 PM
George Soros explains this very clearly in "The Alchemy of Finance"

Everyone wanted to hoard coins in order to sell.

Since most cryptos had four digit gains in 2017 everyone thought of selling at the same time.

Until cryptos become widespread accepted and become actual currency, everyone's just buying waiting to sell when the next bull market happens.

You thus get boom / bust cycles.

253  Economy / Economics / The markets are rigged on: December 26, 2018, 02:32:02 PM
If you've read any stock market literature then you've likely heard of "The Random Walk" and similar texts.

Basically the idea is that the markets are chaotic. You know the old story of how air moved by a butterfly in Tokyo become a thunderstorm in Los Angeles?

It turns out markets are NOT chaotic at all. In fact, it's quite the contrary. The markets are rigged.

While ups and downs seem kind of random in the short term, in the long term you can see that markets are absolutely linear and predictable.

Have a look at this 30+ year chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average 30.

Does anything strike you as odd in this image?

Note the red line I drew on the chart.

It doesn't matter what happens, the FED keeps printing money and the markets are ALWAYS rising linearly.

2008 subprime crisis, 1999 dotcom bubble? Doesn't matter. Right after these maket turbulences, the trend resumes because the FED simply prints more money.

Doesn't it seem strange to you that a "random" walk has such a linear trend over 30 years?

It'd be expected if this trend happened over a few weeks or months. But over 30 years? 3 decades of almost linear growth?

The crashes happened and bubbles burst, but the linear pattern returned to its trend. How?

How come major market turmoil didn't completely shift this long term trend?

It doesn't matter what happens, the US can print money using its power projection in the world. Every single time there was a crisis after abandoning the gold standard in the early 1970's, the FED simply printed more money and pumped the markets back artificially.

But shouldn't this cause inflation? Monetary inflation, yes. Price inflation? Well, here's the catch: they don't print this money for YOU! They print this money for bankers. That way you can't spend any of this money, but bankers bought more and more equities in the stock market.

Thus, the FED simply keeps printing money to keep the stock market growth linear. No matter what happens in the short term, in the long term the markets are completely controlled by the FED.

But you and others who put their money into savings are simply being robbed. Banks buy all the equities using their free printed money while you save up and work 9-5 for decades to build savings. It's a ponzi scheme, new blood, new generations keep working more and more and more to buy a fraction of what people could buy 30 years ago. Banks keep printing money and robbing 99.9% of the world's population who work for a little over a dozen people.

It's phony capitalism. The markets are rigged and 7 billion people on this planet pay the bill for a dozen people controlling the banks.

254  Economy / Economics / Re: Facebook Is Developing a Cryptocurrency for WhatsApp Transfers, Sources Say on: December 26, 2018, 12:23:46 PM
This kind of application doesn't even require a blockchain.

Facebook's "currency" could be stored in a centralized database, since FB itself is centralized.

You can only use FB and Whatsapp from within their proprietary apps (no API like Telegram), so their currency can simply be another feature added to the app, without blockchain at all.
255  Economy / Economics / Re: Is small business ready to sell for cryptocurrency? on: December 26, 2018, 12:21:49 PM
The supply chain must accept BTC in order for it to become small shops' currency.

Also utility bills may present a cash flow problem since they can't be paid in crypto.

Mining operations are closing down due to the cash flow issue. Their revenue is 100% in crypto, but so far most real world bills are in fiat.
256  Economy / Economics / Re: welcome bulls , Bye bears on: December 26, 2018, 12:13:30 PM
BTC will only have a substantial bull run once it gains widespread adoption.

Right now people are hoarding coins for no reason other than to dump it on the next pump. That's not ever gona work in the long run.

When BTC becomes more widespread with more shops accepting it, then it'll reach another all time high IMO.
257  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin eventually disappear... on: December 26, 2018, 12:01:20 PM
Only way for BTC to disappear would be a big security flaw found on it.

So far it has stood the test of time and hackers haven't been able to crack Bitcoin's cryptography.
258  Economy / Economics / Re: Ron Paul: All Bubbles Must Pop, the Sooner the Better on: December 24, 2018, 10:59:26 AM
Problem is we're looking at a U$ 200 trillion bubble here.

The debt is unpayable. It's nonexistent money they printed. Nobody's going to pay all this debt, ever.

If this bubble bursts, it's the end of capitalism as we know it.
259  Other / Off-topic / Re: If you want to live longer on: December 24, 2018, 10:50:44 AM
Is this a scientific fact or is this thread just trolling?

Does eating every other day really make sense?

Every nutrician I've ever heard says you must eat every 8 hours!
260  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: December 24, 2018, 10:49:05 AM
Godwin's Law never fails.
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