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2401  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: November 18, 2022, 12:11:57 PM
Let's see if Messi will really play in the world cup this time because there is no confirmation about it through official news although I personally believe that Messi will definitely be used by the Argentine team considering that Messi can still play well in Ligue1 at PSG. Although the productivity of the number of goals is no longer the same as when Messi was younger, Messi is still able to help the team play better.

There is no chance that Messi will be left out of the playing XI, if you are pointing towards that possibility. At this point, he is one of the top players in world football and Argentina's chances of winning the trophy this time depends a lot on him. Fortunately for Argentina, they are not overdependent on Messi (unlike the case with some of the other teams such as Portugal and Belgium), as they have good players such as Ángel Di María, Paulo Dybala and Lautaro Martínez, who can release some of the pressure on Messi.

That's right. I don't know how anyone can think that Messi won't be playing in the starting lineup for Argentina. He is their best player, but fortunately for them, other players are pretty good too. Besides, Messi is not a player who's only strength is scoring goals. He is also one of the best playmakers in the world. So he doesn't need to score a lot of goals for his team to be indispensable for them.
2402  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 18, 2022, 12:05:34 PM
Most of the world's football fans are interested in Argentina this time. Everyone is hopeful that Argentina will win the World Cup title. They have great players in their team and they are performing very well at the moment. And their biggest confidence factor is that they are unbeaten in 36 matches so far.

I was thinking the same thing. When you read this thread, most posts are about Argentina and it's for a reason you mentioned - their streak of 36 matches they manage to stay unbeaten. It's impressive. But the World Cup is another thing and they will have to put an extra effort because every game is important and often all it takes is one mistake in a knockout stage to be sent home.
2403  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Binance kartica on: November 18, 2022, 11:50:54 AM
slazem se
kad samo pogledas Juni, i pad Celsius-a, situacija je bila sledeca:
- FTX je odvojio fond za pomoc projektima koji su u krizi zbog likvidnosti
- SBF je izjavio da postoji veci broj kripto menjacnica koje su tajno nesolventne
- FTX je izrazio nameru da kupi Celsius, pa odustao jer imaju veliku rupu u bilansima

sad kad je pukao FTX, situacija je bila sledeca:
- Binance je formirao fond za pomoc projektima koji su u krizi zbog likvidnosti
- CZ je izjavio da postoji veci broj kripto menjacnica koje su tajno nesolventne
- Binance je izrazio nameru da kupi FTX, pa odustao jer imaju veliku rupu u bilansima

ima tu jos slicnosti, ali mislim da je jasno kuda usmerava post

Wow! Sad kad vidim ovo, nevjerojatna je sličnost. Nadam se da Binance ne očekuje ovo što se dogodilo s FTX-om jer bi to stvarno bilo katastrofičan scenarij za kripto. Naravno da kripto ne bi propao zbog toga ali bi se u slučaju propasti Binance-a stvarno zapitao hoće li idući BTC halving stvarno pokrenuti bull run kako je bilo do sad. Za sad još uvijek vjerujem u to bez obzira na sve što se događalo oko FTX-a.
2404  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Akcija kupujemo Bitcoine svaki dan on: November 18, 2022, 09:55:33 AM
Evo ja se pridružujem akciji i odučio sam kupovati $70 vrijednosti BTC-a svaki tjedan. Naravno, ne govorim o kupnji za fiat nego o sudjelovanju u signature kampanjama. To je stvarno najbolji DCA prilikom kupnje Bitcoina koji postoji i drago mi je da ste me natjerali da se aktiviram u Gambling sekciji Grin

BTW, kad smo već kod El Salvadora. Neki dan sam negdje u bespućima Twittera pročitao da su držali BTC na FTX burzi. Nekako pretpostavljam da je false news ali baš me zanima zna li netko detalje.
2405  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA World Cup 2022 Group Stage Highlights on: November 18, 2022, 09:51:06 AM
The result of the match has been determined by Qatar vs Ecuador, in my opinion both countries want to buy and sell attacks, even though Ecuador is everyone's favorite, but we have to be wary of the Qatar host game, because they are playing at home so anything can happen in football so , I hope that Qatar can win its first match in this World Cup..

I have mixed feelings about that first game. I really like Ecuador and therefore I would love to see them win. However, it would be a great boost of confidence for Qatar players and fans if Qatar wins the opening game. We have two more days and I can't wait for the tournament to start. Too bad that the first games in every day are scheduled for the time when I'm at work so I probably won't be able to watch Sad
2406  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: November 18, 2022, 08:37:29 AM
S neopisivim guštom sam uninstalirao Ledger Live i nadam se da ga više nikada neću vidjeti.
Ledger Live će ti i dalje trebati kad budeš radio nadogradnju firmware-a i ažurirao BTC i druge kripto aplikacije na svom Nano novčaniku. To nažalost mora ići preko Ledger Live aplikacije.Trebao si je ostaviti nek stoji na računaru a Electrum je svakako puno bolja opcija kada govorimo o slanju bitcoina sa Ledgera.

Baš je ludilo ovih dana na bitcoin chainu. Konstantno mempool pokazuje da ima 30.000-40.000 nepotvrđenih transakcija. 

inace, gde god je moguce, ja biram seed od 24 reci
Seed od 24 riječi ti garantuje sigurnost od 256 bita. U engleskom dijelu foruma reče ti 256 bits of security (nekad se govorilo entropy). Seed od 12 riječi ti daje sigurnost od 128 bita. Duplo manja sigurnost ali i dalje dovoljna sigurna da je potrebno nekoliko miliona godina da se provali tačan redosljijed riječi u seedu. Ali ono što je bitno je da je sigurnost bitcoin privatnih ključeva samo 128 bita. Nema veze što ti je seed od 24 riječi ili ako nekad bude 48 kad sigurnost privatnih ključeva ostaje na istom. I ko želi da "napadne" bitcoin može na metu da stavi privatne ključeve a ne seed riječi.

To bi ti bilo kao da na utvrdi imaš zidove i željezna vrata od pola metra gdje nijedna vojska ne može proći ali si zaboravio da imaš veliki prozor koji se može razbiti kamenjem. Naravno, sigurnost privatnih ključeva se ne može porediti sa staklenim prozorom ali dajem samo slikovit primjer.   

Ma ja mislim da ipak malo pretjerujemo sa sigurnošću. Naravno da sigurnosti nikad dovoljno ali prilično sam siguran da bi se pročulo da je neki wallet uspješno provaljen na način da je netko brute force napadom pogodio privatni ključ ili seed phrase. Ne znam kakva je situacija s kvantnim računalima jer je prije bilo govora da ona (kad budu razvijena) mogu bez problema probiti sigurnost kriptovaluta ali mislim da smo za sad mirni. A i vjerujem da će se rješenje probijanja zaštite riješiti dok netko ne razvije kvantno računalo jer će u tom slučaju probijanje zaštite kriptovaluta biti malen djelić problema.
2407  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Croatian League - Hrvatska nogometna liga 2022./2023. on: November 17, 2022, 01:00:12 PM
As expected, after Rijeka's disastrous defeat against Dinamo, 7:2, Rijeka's coach was fired.
It seems to me that this is Rijeka's biggest home defeat in history.
The long-standing wrong club policy and the large sale of players after each season led to this disaster.
Once a big club that always fought for titles in the Croatian league and in Europe often participated in the group stages of European competitions, now it is fighting for survival in the Croatian league.
It's a shame how the club's management destroyed this club with wrong decisions and the president of Miskovic should be the first to leave because he is the most responsible for the current state of the club, not the former coach.

Yeah, too bad for Rijeka. Everyone expected that Cosmi will be let go after the game against Dinamo. I honestly did not expect them to lose 7-2. It's not a matter of the goal-gap, the problem is that Dinamo scored seven times against Rijeka. For someone who doesn't follow Croatian league it wouldn't be that surprising that Dinamo scored that many goals against the club who is sitting near the bottom of the league. But for those who remember Rijeka as the club who is always in one of the first spots of the league, it's surprising. But like you said, the management and their lousy decisions should be the first to leave. Not the coach.
2408  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA World Cup 2022 Group Stage Highlights on: November 17, 2022, 08:43:19 AM
The Senegal football association are saying that they are going to employ spiritual help on Mane if the injury didn't go on time before the world cup starts. The way it is, the Senegal football association wants Mane to be in Qatar no matter what. There are chances that he will be on the list of their selected players of the world cup. Let's see what unfolds next

I guess they want him in the team no matter what. Whatever they do, I hope he recovers and help his teammates to advance to the next stage of the competition.
With the injury he suffered, be was initially expected to miss the World Cup. But with the proximity of the tournament, which kicks off on Sunday November 20, makes it even more difficult for him to be ready. Honestly I think it is a difficult situation for Sadio Mane because he will have to decide whether to rush back for the World Cup appearance in exchange for compromising his physical health in the final stretch of his career. I think he has joined the team to Qatar but not sure if he’ll be available for their first game.

I'm pretty sure that he won't be ready for the first game. But since the first game is against Netherlands, maybe they will prepare him for the games against Qatar and Ecuador because they probably have better chance to beat those two teams than Netherlands.
2409  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: November 17, 2022, 08:12:01 AM
Ma još mogu i podnjeti da imaju problema s nekim tokenima ili manje poznatim chainovima, ne bi trebali imati ali ajde. Kada imaju problem s BTCom ili ETHom to he totalno nedopustivo. Imaš itekako prvjerenu infrastrukturu i kod i tu nema mjesta za pogreške.

Sva sreća da imamo dobre 3rd party aplikacije. Electrum je stvarno odličan wallet kada zagrebeš ispod površine, daje ti potpunu spending kontrolu kao i bulk transakcije. Što ga više koristim to sam zadovoljniji s njim. Multisig isto radi dobro i jednostavno ako nekome zatreba.

Možda sad malo ulazimo u off-topic ali si me sad natjerao da prebacim BTC wallet s Ledger Live na Electrum. Kako s BTC walletima imam iskustva možda jednom godišnje kad nešto prebacujem, nemam pojma kako u Electrum importati wallet koji imam u Ledger Live. Kad importam wallet koji mi Electrum po defaultu nudi, tamo imam 0 BTC pa pretpostavljam da trebam promijeniti derivation path. Znaš li možda kako mogu u Ledger Live aplikaciji pronaći derivation path walleta koji imam tamo?

EDIT: Nema veze, uspio sam pronaći pod Advanced.

Mrzim Ledger od prvog dana i vjerojatno sam jedan od rijetkih koji ima nešto značajniji kripto iznos a ne koristi ga.

Kad smo već kod toga - moram priznati da mi ni Electrum baš nije neko oličenje sigurnosti.
Garantiram da nekakvi kineski softveri danonoćno kucaju 12 riječi i vjerojatno je samo pitanje kad će to krenuti biti hakirano.

A koji onda wallet koristiš ako ne Ledger ili Electrum?
2410  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: November 16, 2022, 07:06:28 PM
Spojio sam ga sa electrumom sad, trebalo mi je ukupno 2 minute i sad sam ljut na sebe što to nisam odavno napravio. S neopisivim guštom sam uninstalirao Ledger Live i nadam se da ga više nikada neću vidjeti.

Ja na hardver nemam zamjerki za sad, ali softver, briga za korisnike i sigurnost podataka su im na razini osnovnoškolskog projekta.

Pa općepoznata činjenica je da im je softver sranje nad sranjima. Ja jednom nisam mogao sinkronizirati ETH wallet koji mi je na Ledgeru s njihovom aplikacijom i to je trajalo dobrih nekoliko mjeseci. Pisao sam supportu i ništa nisu mogli pomoći. Na kraju se ispostavilo da sinkronizacija nije radila jer sam nekad na tom walletu držao SNX token. Nikad mi nije bilo jasno koji vrag se tu dogodio, ali tada sam shvatio da Ledger mogu povezati s MetaMaskom i od tad više ne koristim Ledger Live za Ethereum. Ovo s Electrumom ću zapamtiti za slučaj da poželim trošiti BTC od sig. kampanja koji mi se skuplja na Ledgeru.
2411  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 16, 2022, 06:57:48 PM
I still find Luca Modric on the squad, He is 35 old year which I think is not good again to run to get the ball. better to put him on the front together with Mandzukic. but the formation I look, Modric will play as playmaker to supply a ball to front. so when meet Maroco where have Ziyech and Hakimi, there will be surprise if draw. We have to forget Croatia as finalist long time ago because they have the old player inside.

Luka Modric still plays good even though he is 35 years old. He is playing as a playmaker and he is still Croatia's best midfielder. The team doesn't look the same with him in the team or without him.

You mentioning Mandzukic shows that you have no idea about Croatian team. Mandukic stopped playing for Croatian team after they finished at the second place in Russia four years ago.
2412  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA World Cup 2022 Group Stage Highlights on: November 16, 2022, 05:50:06 PM
The Senegal football association are saying that they are going to employ spiritual help on Mane if the injury didn't go on time before the world cup starts. The way it is, the Senegal football association wants Mane to be in Qatar no matter what. There are chances that he will be on the list of their selected players of the world cup. Let's see what unfolds next

I guess they want him in the team no matter what. Whatever they do, I hope he recovers and help his teammates to advance to the next stage of the competition.
2413  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 16, 2022, 03:05:36 PM
I believe that these friendly games are not valuable at all to derive any conclusions from them. Who in the world would risk to get injured right before everything starts in such a game? Hell, I would definitely play at 70% maximum unless I still have to lose something and might not make it into the best 11 of the squad.

Friendly matches cannot be an accurate indicator. No player cares about friendlies. Teams play mainly as substitutes to avoid injury before the cup. Nobody gives 100% to the field. There are no players playing abroad in the Saudi Arabian squad. The quality of the Arab league is obvious, it's difficult to get a good player from there. Croatia won the match without difficulty. Even if the match had ended in a draw or Croatia had lost, nothing would have changed. Dalic tried a few tactics he had in mind, that's all. We should not attach too much meaning to these matches.

Yeah, but friendly matches are also a good opportunity for players who are not in the starting lineup to show their performance. I know that no one wants to get injured in a friendly match just before the startbof the World Cup but I really expected a better game. I guess I just can't wait for the World Cup to begin and to see the real performance of all players.
2414  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 16, 2022, 02:04:43 PM
So Croatia managed to beat Saudi Arabia in today's friendly game but it was tougher than expected. Saudi Arabia was probably a test game for the first game against Morocco. Croatia had two goals canceled because of the offside and I think that Dalic should be a little worried because Croatia didn't dominate as it would be expected. Saudi Arabia missed few really good chances and just because of that Croatia won in the end. Interestingly, Luka Modric wasn't in the starting lineup. I guess that Dalic wanted to test how would his team play without their best playmaker.

And judging by the attendance (the game was played in Saudi Arabia), local fans couldn't care less about their football team.
2415  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 16, 2022, 11:00:16 AM
Qatar puts a QR barcode in every hotel room for guests that came for world cup and to follow this big event, and when you scan this code using your mobile phone, a website will open for you that contains a book "Introducing Islam" in all languages of the world. This step confirms that there will be no legal alcoholic drink or any forbiden thing against islam in this Qatar world cup edition

I see nothing wrong with that. I saw on the news yesterday that France captain Hugo Lloris talked about respecting the host nation and I agree with him. He said:

When we are in France, when we welcome foreigners, we often want them to follow our rules, to respect our culture, and I will do the same when I go to Qatar, quite simply.

That's the best message to all people that plan to travel to Qatar.
2416  Economy / Exchanges / Re: FTX issue might be for the greater good on: November 16, 2022, 09:38:39 AM
You are very naive if you think that more regulations will bring good results and consumer protection to anyone  Roll Eyes
I've been thinking the same thing for a long time now--increased regulation just goes against the spirit of what bitcoin stands for, which is to have a form of money/store of value/whatever that exists outside of governments and banks.  Once regulators start stepping in and controlling things, it's game over.  But we'll see what actually happens; it's strange that there hasn't been too much regulation so far, and bitcoin has been around for over a decade.

I don't think that regulation will bring anything bad to crypto. But I'm not talking about regulating crypto as the industry. I'm talking about regulating projects that use crypto to earn a shitload of money and actually bring nothing to the crypto industry. Take FTX, Binance and other CEXes. What do they bring to the industry? Nothing. Their owners are just using crypto to earn themself a lot of money. That should be regulated and people who play with other people's crypto should know that they can't do whatever they want.

On the other hand, we can't have people who just write code put behind bars (here I'm referring to the Tornado Cash creator) because people like him did nothing wrong just like gun manufacturers aren't held accountable for someone killing a person with the gun that they manufactured.

I doubt most people will learn anything from this FTX collapse.
Probably not, and I'm sure this won't be the last disaster to hit crypto no matter what governments do.

Of course! Personally I have learned from the FTX collapse and I withdrew all my crypto to my wallets. But the majority will probably keep using Binance and other CEXes. Especially when the dust around FTX settles. In a few years FTX will be remembered like today Mt. Gox collapse is being remembered.
2417  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 15, 2022, 03:53:01 PM
I don't agree that stars in the Belgium team are too old. De Bruyne is 31, Curtois is 30, Lukaku 29... All of them are around 30 years of age and that is the time when a football player should still play at their best. Especially for the star players like the ones I mentioned. OK, Mertens is a bit old with 35 but he is one of rare players that old in the team.
It is not only about their age, i agree that they are not too old, but their form as a team is not as good as it was, in my humble opinion many of Belgium's players were better around 8 years ago, and if they should have won a world cup, it may have been the ones held in 2014 and 2018, some of their players are not in form now, like Hazard and even Lukaku, de bruyne and courtois are still very good, but the general team are not as good as they were, that is why many people are not giving them a chance in this 2022 world cup.

It just confirms claims that no team in the World Cup can be considered as a certain champion. In 2018 Belgium lost 1-0 against France who later became a champion. Fortunately for them, later they won against England in the match for the third spot and at least they got a medal. England on the other hand was not that lucky and you can't say that they were bad in Russia.
2418  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA World Cup 2022 Group Stage Highlights on: November 15, 2022, 03:21:59 PM
Senegal is a strong team in Group A. But I don't think they will qualify easily. The Netherlands is also a strong team. My guess is the Netherlands will top the group. Also, the Qatar team should not be considered weak. They are the host team. And I think they get some extra benefits as hosts. So while Netherlands and Senegal from Group A are more likely to qualify, it won't be easy for them.

The question is how much will being a home tim help Qatar. I don't know how popular football in Qatar is. If there is not enough home fans, than I'm not sure that there will be a great atmosphere that we all are used to in home games. I would say that for now (at least until their first match) I would say that they are the biggest mistery of this World Cup. All I could find is that they have one lost game against Canada and one draw against Chile few months ago.
There is no special treatment for the host country in world cup matches. If the host didn't play well against their opponents, they are not qualifying to round 16, simply. Netherlands and Senegal won't allow Qatar to win them so easily because they are the host country.

All hope is for them to qualify out of the group stage no matter what. It will be a big blow to the country and its citizens if they are kicked out of the group stage after all their preparation for the host of the world cup.

I wasn't talking about referee helping Qatar in their matches. I was talking about home atmosphere that often helps players to perform a little better and to find that extra amount of strength when it's needed. I wonder how many people will travel to Qatar to see their national team playing. No one likes to see empty stadiums at the World Cup. We will see how much people in Qatar love football and will they attend the matches of other nations.
2419  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA 2022 world cup on: November 15, 2022, 12:48:03 PM
Many always consider Belgium to be a dark horse, but this country never lives up to expectations and only once were they able to finish third at the last World Cup. By the way, it's not a one player team. I take it you are talking about Romelo Lukaku or Kevin de Bruyne. Apart from those players, they have one of the best goalkeepers in the world Thibaut Courtois, midfielder Axel Witsel, strikers Dries Mertens or Eden Hazard. With players like that, they should be successful because it's likely that at the next World Cup, a lot of players will leave the national team.
Belgium have a good team that were capable of winning an international trophy for the country, i feel if they were to win something it would have happened either in the 2014 or 2018 world cup, or the Euro tournaments that have been played between that time, because that was when their star players were at their best, since they didn't win it then, they can't win it now, most of their best players are not as good as they were around 8 years ago, like Hazard for example, kevin de bruyne is still a great player, but i think he was better around 4 years ago. Belgium still have a good team, but i feel they are incapable of winning the 2022 world cup.

I don't agree that stars in the Belgium team are too old. De Bruyne is 31, Curtois is 30, Lukaku 29... All of them are around 30 years of age and that is the time when a football player should still play at their best. Especially for the star players like the ones I mentioned. OK, Mertens is a bit old with 35 but he is one of rare players that old in the team.
2420  Economy / Exchanges / Re: FTX issue might be for the greater good on: November 15, 2022, 12:40:40 PM
1) All other crypto exchanges will now have to proof to the world that they actually have funds secured, transparency must be proven for the exchange to see new users.
Problem is that those things will probably be faked as well. Rumour is that behind sending 320,000 ETH to Gate was the attempt to foll proof of reserve, which makes more sense than "oops we sent $500 million by mistake".

Maybe those auditors should do their job better and not just take a snapshot of the wallet balances at certain time but rather closely monitor wallet transactions few days/weeks before and after the audit. Then they could have noticed that there is something fishy with their wallets.

2) Regulation will get more serious, this have triggered more reason for regulation call.
Be careful what you wish for.

While I don't think that what happened with FTX is a good thing because many people will never see their money (even though they should have know better and not use CEX to store coins), there are reports that they miss ~9 billion meaning it would happen anyway so better than it happened now than 6 months later as FTX was getting more and more popular+ they planned to make their debit card available worldwide which means even more people would lose their money.

Of course it's always good that a bad company like FTX go out of business sooner than later. I just feel sorry for all the people and good projects that have lost their money on it. That's why I can never say stuff like in the title of this thread.
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