I will accelerate your transaction in 1 hour
Hello guy ,
Can you accelerate my transaction with fast accelarator ?
It will be really apreciated , it is really urgent need and if you want some tips after with pleasure !!!
Kindly accelerate 4beb715230a6156ff634efd43dad3f6a5cc263b3e3870a76118b6acbc6210c73 Will drop a tip when confirmed You have confirmations
Accelerator this please............... 771ae9ecb4501ec633538a8f4338b0f0bc3cec420ced63884c7befff68b3bbec
your transaction has been accelerated .. This is the last one today.. @connyH , sorry friend. I will do your transaction tomorrow. and yes unfortunately, I am very busy nowadays. see you tomorrow You have also confirmations. It is completed after 3 hours.
Can you help me?
Your transaction has been accelerated . It will probably confirmed in 1 hour Your fee is 38 sat/byte... You had confirmations at midnight, but took 2 hours..
Accelerator this please............... 771ae9ecb4501ec633538a8f4338b0f0bc3cec420ced63884c7befff68b3bbec
your transaction has been accelerated .. This is the last one today.. @connyH , sorry friend. I will do your transaction tomorrow. and yes unfortunately, I am very busy nowadays. see you tomorrow
Can you help me?
Your transaction has been accelerated . It will probably confirmed in 1 hour Your fee is 38 sat/byte...
Damir, please! Help!
done. Damire why are u ignoring me mate ? Pls help me because its alot of money tied up brother
sorry mate, I'm just doing the oldest ones. I will probably check it here tomorrow.
Would you possibly be able to help and accelerate this:
Thanks in advance.
Your transaction has been accelerated and you can wait confirmation in 1-2 hours. You have now confirmations
Hi tranquang059, I will add your transaction to the list.
Hi, I will add your transaction to the list now
Would you possibly be able to help and accelerate this:
Thanks in advance.
Your transaction has been accelerated and you can wait confirmation in 1-2 hours.
OMG !! you are a life savour thank you sir !! really appreciate what you did thank you @desteniz, appreciate for your words
Hi, been waiting for over 2 days:(
Please help if you can.
I added your transaction to the list
I will accelerate your transaction on the next hour
Would be greatly appreciated if you could accelerate this, pelase!
You have confirmations.. Hello! I would like to ask you for help. Could you please accelerate the following BTC tx? 759c8cfb8e30fc8e9192ffa7f9c19c8ce4839e9b092a85b98bb6927537b91721 I've paid big fee but even this fact didn't help. TX is still unconfirmed... Please help! Thank you so much in advance! You need to wait next blocks to be mined if you even pay the highest fee or the lowest ones. You may have confirmations in 5 minutes or after 2 hours. No one can tell you exactly time. It all depends on the blocks. Anyway, you have confirmations now
I have an old bitcoin-qt wallet like 8.1 that i sent a transaction through before it could sync. i dont have enough hardrive space to download the blockchain in this computer. the program tells me to upgradeand eventually shuts down. i tried and i think because i have an older 2008 imac the bitcoincore will not upgrade. i bought a new I Mac thinking i could just migrate over, but the old computer did not support migration. 5 hours with apple care and i got the program transfered over, but nothing else transfered over no history just the program. Can you look at my transaction and tell me if it can be accelerated. this Tx has a to low of fee I believe.
What fee do you charge to do this if it works.
I talked with John and explained him how to confirm his transaction. He did a little mistake for upgrades on his wallet and fees. After I accelerated his transaction, his transaction got confirmed in 57 minutes Included In Blocks 504379 ( 2018-01-15 19:55:51 + 20,625 minutes ) https://blockchain.info/tx/afb478f32e3ee170fdb477e921447735957d2a690d2b0f3ba876c188c9a8b87dJohn can also verify it if he will post here... I got it after about an hour, what a great service damir did for somebody of this forum
This transaction had only 4 sat/byte. All transactions can be accelerated even they are under 10 sat/byte. But these requires more technical details. I am trying to help you one by one starting from the oldest one. If i can't respond your post, be aware that i have already acceleration list or i am busy. This is all i can help today. I will check tomorrow.
Hey mate did u get a chance to add this transaction 50328f8a9d2c6a81e2d6ce55e2cf35905a8a57bc563addbc87b23055662eef05. I see you added many other people i stil have no confirmations
Because your transaction can not accelerated now.
Hello damir10, Can you help with my request...I've been waiting patiently... but mine has been stuck for close to a month....your help is much appreciated. Sorry mate but i am a bit busy today.. I'm doing one by one. I will look your transaction shortly...
Can you please accelerate mine?
Waited a very very long time to get a confirmation. Stuck at "0"
It is completed mate
if you haven't noticed, your tx has been confirmed about an hour ago Included In Blocks 504379 ( 2018-01-15 19:55:51 + 20,625 minutes ) Confirmations 8 Confirmations I'm pretty surprised with 4.818 sat/B tx fee, your tx can get confirmations did you use paid accelerator to get it confirmed? or is it CPFP ed? but the child txs was confirmed in the next block I helped John yesterday and confirmed his 4 sat/byte transaction in 57 minutes. Even 1 sat/byte fee can be accelerated and confirmed in 1 hour You can check this topic: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2753987.0I got it after about an hour, what a great service damir karati did for somebody of this forum