I think if the price of bitcoin falls into $100/BTC, many will surely panic and sell it. And I do not know if someone will still continue to invest bitcoins or they will trust its capability. But yes, it will be a good time to buy if it hit that price.
I doubt that its price would go as low as that. I think there is no way that its price would fall on that price. Many still believes its price would go up and so here we are still doing things to make more of them.
I think the bitcoin price will not go below $500. That is the mining cost of many miners. They will not sell below the price. Yeah I don't think that price will go below that level in coming days, and it goes then it will panic many users and they may start dumping their coins. It will not happen because many are willing to buy a cheaper price, the current drop is not that bad and the price is still going up. I can see it just part of the fluctuation which is just normal to bitcoin since it is not a stable coins yet.
Planning, strategy and, of course, efficiency when implementing the plan.
Indeed, planing and strategy are most conditions if you really want to save money. without strategy you can't save anything. and one more important thing is you need dedication to save money. you have to reduce your daily budget and reducing daily budget for a family holder person is very hard and that's what I call dedication. you need to sacrifice your needs sometime to save money. It is a matter of discipline, only discipline people can save money. Even if you have a good plan to save money you will not be successful in saving as with lack of discipline you can easily be tempted to buy things around and later you found that you are overspending already.
i think going full time on bitcoin is good way to rich, some people who earning bitcoin in first time now have more money because in first time we can earning 0.02btc just from faucet
It is not good because there is no single signature campaign who will allow you to post more than 100 posts per week and if you are doing trading then price of coin will decrease as well. And if you are doing it as a part time you will earn that money as bonus. Yobit allows you to do that as long as you are not spamming, it is a hard work actually but if you are enjoying doing it you will not notice the time consumed. Take it from me, but I don't really my expense in my earnings because I have a day job to take care of that. The fact is yobit have now stopped accepting new participants so that option is close and I don't see many active campaigns at a moment from where you can start earning bitcoins. Maybe you call those people who are already on board in yobit before they stop accepting new entrants as they can make good profit if they are just very hardworking in posting daily. I am also happy with my current signature and to be honest I love to promote gambling site as an a gambler myself. Working on signature campaign is a real fun, as you also learn many new things from it and you can also earn descent amount of coins from it but its not enough for living for sure. Definitely true, the amount you can earn is just an amount you can spend online like gambling or even trading but with that little amount it would not really take you anywhere if you succeed, just consider that job as for fun and a way to learn all about bitcoin.
I still believe in the fiat of course, the bitcoin will never replace this in my eyes due to the fact Fiat is way too big
That's true I think bitcoin is too small in compare to fiat and its also very new to many people, and people are using fiat since long time and find it easy to use. It's true but bitcoin has provided as a lot of opportunity to earn in different ways, as of the current market situation it is hard for bitcoin to compete with fiat as we all need fiat to convert our bitcoins, maybe in the future but I cannot ascertain when it is going to happen.
I wouldnt consider 1 BTC as an investment as current bitcoin price is not favourable for holdlers
Really? Explain me why... I am a holder myself, and as a holder I don't care about the current price as my focus is pointed at the future price. Yeah if you are a long term holder then 1 btc is really a good amount to hold, as everyone is predicting that it will reach to the moon in future and if that happens then you can grab great profits. I am still not convince with only holding 1 BTC for a long period of time, that's a little amount of trust in your investment unless it is the only amount you can afford to invest. For me, this is the opportunity so we need to seize it and invest more to benefit more on a good profit in the future.
bank and bitcoin wallet have their own importance and value. we cannot ignore the importance of both wallet and banks.
we can ignore bitcoin but we can't life without bank in this time. im bussines and i need bank everyday for buying something or paying anything, because bitcoin can't cover it. I agree, we can't ignore banks because it is really important and the people are into banks. But if we are going to think outside the box and being a wise man. We are going to choose both, and since we are into bitcoin industry of course bitcoin wallets are going to be important too unless the banks are going to accept bitcoin too. We cannot deny that we are still tied to fiat. Even if we have bitcoin, there will still be need for us to use fiat. So using a bank is still good. Maybe when bitcoin is so mainstream that it can serve all our needs, then maybe we can forget about fiat banks and just use bitcoin wallet and bitcoin. bitcoin will continue to grow. view statistics now I am quite confident in the future bitcoin could have the same features with the BANK. bitcoin provide services and features that are far better than the current BANK. some services in BANK even already available today in Bitcoin. The big advantage of bitcoin from banks is it is decentralized unlike the bank which is centralized. In short is the officers of a certain bank are corrupt there is a big possibility that you will lost your money while in bitcoin, we are trusting the decentralize system to manage our transaction and savings.
Well that is a further problem any gambler could get because there is no technique or skill that are needed in playing various gambling methods so there are no need to think about it and the only mindset some gamblers will posses is if they have plenty of money they can surely win a lot than getting losses that is why they will keep on playing it until they realized that they spend all of it in gambling.
Exactly, people always start fantasizing when they get a quite big capital in hands by thinking that they will make them double or triple in gambling without thinking that if gambling can provide us a lot of profit if we are lucky but it can also take away our money and that is likely to happen most of the times. It is just right to think that you can win in gambling as that would give you the confidence required in order to win in gambling but you need to be smart also and do not just be too confident without proper study of the bets you are taking, in sports betting you have a bigger chance to win.
I think that could be risky because USA has very solid record against Argentina, from my point of view USA will win this match without any serious resistance because average of winning points is around 25 points and on other side USA is looking nice for betting, anyway good luck with this bet. USA will take this game seriously and 21.5 or 22 points is manageable for them to cover it. They are a solid team and they can dominate any team in this competition, by the way how did you have that betting in nitrogen without risking anything?
i think going full time on bitcoin is good way to rich, some people who earning bitcoin in first time now have more money because in first time we can earning 0.02btc just from faucet
It is not good because there is no single signature campaign who will allow you to post more than 100 posts per week and if you are doing trading then price of coin will decrease as well. And if you are doing it as a part time you will earn that money as bonus. Yobit allows you to do that as long as you are not spamming, it is a hard work actually but if you are enjoying doing it you will not notice the time consumed. Take it from me, but I don't really my expense in my earnings because I have a day job to take care of that.
If I were rich first of all I would be due to my hard work and never would I throw it away to a casino after all casinos are built to take money away from people. They are not doing a charity work and giving money away otherwise they would go bankrupt.
So even if I am rich or poor - I would never gamble my money.
Since gambling is not really your thing then it is just right that you should not try it, rich people have more chances to lose and they have more to lose when they are not careful in gambling, always put in mind that gambling is a very risky and dangerous game that would put a rich man into bankruptcy.
It depends if i could sustain the gradually losing streaks and keep up again the winning chances maybe i could play for 2 hours a day but sometimes when i play gambling it varies on how much luck do you have on that day because everytime you play gambling is only a matter of luck.
I don't really believe in luck all the time because even if how lucky you are, there are still chances that you will lose in the end. It will always required a good strategy on how to properly utilize your luck, know when to stop is a good method to practice and master in order to win.
For man competitions i pick really interesting match
Croatia - Serbia
shame that they have to play but only one team will go trough
I would prefer to choose Serbia between the two, I have seen how the serbians play and they are really a threat in this competition. On the other hand, I am also rooting for the USA regardless who they will be facing with.
Thank you shogdite for giving us an updated information regarding the status of LIR, I like the way that is happening now and I am not losing my faith in this coin, I would consider myself lucky if the LIR that I am holding now will increase in terms of value by tomorrow because of your news.
Ever go all in  and have a positive result? Yep already use all in strategy but high chance of winning and I playin dice game. 89% winning chance I roll 3 times and then after I widraw my winnings . That's strategy is risky if your not lucky in roll you will lost all in just one roll. That is always true, the amount of your winning is very low compared to what you risk, so you should win the three rolls in dice otherwise you will have a big lose, shit happens sometime actually and even if you set the winning percentage to that level losing streak could be possible. Of course, I ever all in and get positive results, it's my pleasure to win in gambling that need some skills and experiences. I do not expect to win by play some kind of gambling depends on luck like dice game, it's so risky to loss more than you can win since the game arranged for us to lose. In sports betting I usually do all in when my first bet loses, I can say that I have a better winning percentage in sports betting than any other type of gambling games, as long as you are sure of your bets it is always good to go all in. The benefits is you will not waste your time anymore in gambling as the result is very fast.
if you will become rich, i highly suggest that you should just invest your money or make your own business. i will not suggest gambling because you might lose everything there. be wise bro! gambling will not do good to you.
Gambling is just fine when you are making a gambling sites, it requires a lot of money to start the business but I think you can afford that because you are already rich and in that way it will lose any addiction to gambling as even when you gamble you will still earn of your business.
I agree that we should hold on to some of our bitcoins as a long term investment, but I don't see a problem with using some for investing and trading. Also, spending it can help promote bitcoin at places of business.
You should have a balance use of your bitcoins to enjoy it, we cannot just hold forever because there is no guarantee that the price of bitcoin will continue to increase, though it is promising but still it is very risky to fully trust all your investment. yeah, let alone the future of bitcoin is uncertain, and there are no guarantees. if we think anything can happen on online investments in the future. simply put not too much and take some profit on the trade is better than just kept holding I think. Trading is good in compare to holding as only holding will never help you in growing your coins, but with trading its possible to multiply your coins regularly. I disagree. The price of Bitcoin has rised more than twice since last year so those who are holding their coins have more than 100% profit. Although maybe it's possible for experts to multiply their coins with trading, most people can't do that and they generally lose with trading. I agree that trade is better than just hold. if they get a 100% profit in a long time? if you do not know the trade can get 100% in a short time? can even get more than 500%, while those who hold only get 100%. this is about skill, they were smart to grow money will get more than those who simply hold and wait for prices to rise high. Trading is actually good because you can guarantee that the price of bitcoin will accordingly rise, and even if you have bought a cheap price and the price is still going down which would prohibit you in selling your coins because you will be at lose, still you can still wait for the price to rise to make profit.
I think you should convert them only for your needs (electricity bill etc.) and save the rest. You can make a good profit with this strategy.
I agree with that. I will use it to save as for now but if I will need it for buying or paying my needs, then I will spend it. Sometimes its better to spend it rather than save it. Try use it on gambling sites or sometimes at investing sites. That is best idea for the miners, that they only less the expenses of their mining then the rest would be their saving and wait for the right time to sell their mine bitcoin, we all know that the bitcoin value is continuous rising because of the continuous adoption of more people and some stores are starting to received bitcoin as their payment. I think it is not easy to mine now with bitcoins because of the halving, only the big mining business is profitable in the venture. Only those early miners are getting lucky because they have the cheap bitcoin that time and they are making money with the current price if they will sell it.
For our future bet of total score for USA, check this previous games of Team USA.
USA 119 v China 62 USA 113 v Venezuela 69 USA 98 v Australia 88 USA 94 v Serbia 91 USA 100 v France 97
Honestly, I think the USA can go all the way to the finals and win the gold medal, as USA has the best basketball team around in my opinion. I think the only way they would lose is if they get too arrogant, and accidentally let the other country get too many points ahead of them. My bets are on the USA. I think however, that France can win against Spain in the quarterfinals. Might be a long stretch, but I think they can do it, so I'm betting a small amount on them. High posibilities it would be happen and since they almost betten all the powerhouse nationalitist out there well provably they are one step closer ahead for the gold, and teams like argentina and australia needs to prefer more and do brainstorming on how they could dominate the surging USA squad. I am really excited to watch the final match of the olympics, I predicted this will be a blowout win for the USA but I have change my mind now, I like to see a close competition to whoever will match the USA.
Gold is for long term investment and it also for those people who have more money. Bitcoin is good for those people who do not have more extra money to invest and for those people who do not want to invest. and the best of bitcoin is the fluctuation of price most of the traders take advantage of that.
The fluctuation only favors the traders because the real aim of the long term investors is to see a good price in the future, I belong to investors who are after of the price in the future as I believe buying bitcoin now is very profitable if the price will increase in the future.
Many differnt ways exist nowdays, my favorite is trading cause it's always safe and profitable, but if you have not enough experience better to start with fauctes.
well trading is usually more or less a safe method though you might lose money with it either, in my opinion i would just hold my bitcoins if i didnt want to lose it If you don't want to risk your coins by investing it somewhere then holding is the best option as it involves zero risk and you can sell it in future when you see higher price. If someone is satisfied with the amount he currently has and does not want his coins to keep growing then he should probably just keep them somewhere safe, but if someone is not satisfied with his money and want more then he would have to take a risk and invest them somewhere like trading or something else. I would prefer not getting satisfied for what you just have. Grow it more, use it as a capital instead. I hate waiting or just being lazy waiting for the food to be served. Yeah that is going to be a good start if you are going to start out a capital to grow more to your bitcoin. For example you are into faucets or signature campaign then you are just going to make your earnings there as a capital for trading. For sure you are going to earn good profit if you are just going to be a good trader. Exactly, i am also just collecting bitcoins and storing them to make them a good capital for trading in future, because i feel in trading i can earn quite a good income every month if i can manage my trades in a good way. In my opinion, you don't need to save for your trading venture because if you have a money to use it now it is better if you can start with minimal amount so you could easily manage the loses if possibilities would happen, it is good to see when your money is growing consistently and it is more fulfilling being a trader.