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2701  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / akzeptiert jetzt Bitcoin on: January 29, 2013, 09:05:36 PM
Cool, hatte mich so um Weihnachten mal gefragt, was aus dem Nerdigen Shop geworden ist und nur den Thread nicht mehr gefunden.

Schön dass das geklappt hat.

Benenn deinen Thread noch um, siehe mein Subject.

Es gibt noch das Bitcoin Wiki .

Da die mit Spammbots zu kämpfen haben brauchst aber einen "Thrusted Account" um dich einzutragen.

Gib mir eine Einzeilen Beschreibung deines Shops die du da gerne hättest und ich trage dich ein. Willst du auch in den englischen Teil?
2702  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Stores Can Now Charge You Extra Just for Using a Credit Card on: January 29, 2013, 08:47:36 PM
Shouldn't the title be "Stores are now allowed to let you pay you credit card fees" or something like this?

Yes, I wonder how many stores really will pass the fees on. Many stores may not want to discourage customers from buying things they can only afford by charging it to a card. And in any high markup business it might just not be worth giving your customers a negative surprise at checkout.

I don't think many. But I can imagine it goes a little this way:

What I didn't find OK is that they weren't allowed to give customers paying cash any special Bonuses (f.e. 1% off when you pay cash), while CC Users get Bonuses all the time, Bonuses paid by the stores.

Now Stores are allowed to give Bonuses for paining cash and that's fair.
2703  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Stores Can Now Charge You Extra Just for Using a Credit Card on: January 29, 2013, 08:40:55 PM
Shouldn't the title be "Stores are now allowed to let you pay your credit card fees" or something like this?

IMO, I found it OK that the CC Companies let a store only use CCs if they agree to not let their customers charge extra for using them.

What I didn't find OK is that they weren't allowed to give customers paying cash any special Bonuses (f.e. 1% off when you pay cash), while CC Users get Bonuses all the time, Bonuses paid by the stores.

Now Stores are allowed to give Bonuses for paining cash and that's fair.
2704  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Kaufen ? - tipps ? on: January 29, 2013, 07:30:49 PM
Alles in allem fließt einfach nur Geld zum ASIC Hersteller.
schon bemerkt was sich hier abspielt:

So, we have a problem. Avalon need the money before this weekend starts to place orders for the parts....

  • Bitcoin Only

    • No Refunds

      • No Proof


Also wenn da jetzt noch einer Vorbestellt....

2705  Economy / Speculation / Re: Significant press today on: January 29, 2013, 06:45:38 PM
Personally, I'm holding out for a gold toilet.

Pah, a toilet

if an Gold Object, than I go for the real deal:

A solid gold death star, muahahaha.

But enough OT picture spamming now
2706  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-01-29 - Virtual Currency Hurting Central Banks? on: January 29, 2013, 06:27:40 PM
Virtual Currency Hurting Central Banks?
Bitcoin Gains Popularity

Bitcoin, the world’s biggest virtual currency, may be becoming a serious player. Its value has been increasing, leading to concerns that it could actually pull down the value of real-world central banks.

In the past year, per Bloomberg, bitcoin value has gone from $5.88 to $16.37. A report by the European Central Bank last October indicated such virtual currencies can have a detrimental effect on central banks and their effect on the real-world market.

Remarkably, bitcoin value shot up 55 percent after that report’s publication.

Johns Hopkins University professor Steve Hanke thinks “the ECB obviously is concerned,” as he told Bloomberg, considering how easy it can be to use a virtual currency like the bitcoin.

More intriguingly, bitcoin gained a lot of popularity in Iran last year, Bloomberg reports, due largely to the difficulty of acquiring dollars and the low value of the rial.

It’s hard to say where this is going, but we’ll definitely be keeping an eye on the bitcoin.

That's all, so nothing important.

It's on their frontage and wealthdaily has 10,962 page-views per day, so that something.

2707  Economy / Goods / Re: WANTED: Goods from Sweden on: January 29, 2013, 06:09:37 PM

Hmm, maybe I should introduce you two?
2708  Economy / Goods / Re: The Swedish Shop on: January 29, 2013, 06:05:45 PM
If have no idea what Swedish specialities are.

Why don't you make some pictures off candy you only get in Sweden?

This should attract some customers.

Like this Guy did with Japan:
2709  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Paar (allg.) Fragen bzgl. BTC <-> € on: January 29, 2013, 05:51:52 PM
An diesen Punkten wird schon gearbeitet.

Eine Vielversprechende Lösung ist die Multisignatur Adresse.

Eine Adresse bei der mehrere Private Keys nötig sind um eine BTC Überweisung zu tätigen.

Im Fall eines direkten Austauschs hat man dann z.B. eine Adresse bei der beide Personen eine Transaktion bestätigen müssen, damit die Coins gesendet werden.

Nun werden als erstes die Coins auf eine Adresse überwiesen bei der sowohl der Käufer als auch der Verkäufer bestätigen müssen, damit die Coins gesendet werden. Jetzt wird bezahlt, erst dann bestätigen beide den Weiterversand der Coins.

Dies ist in beliebigen Kombinationen möglich. Z.B. 2 von 3. Hier haben 3 Personen Zugriff auf die Adresse und 2 müssen eine Transaktion bestätigen damit sie stattfindet. 3. Person kann hier eine neutrale Partei sein, die nur im Streitfall benötigt wird und dann entscheidet wer die Coins bekommt.

Diese Adressen funktionieren bereits und werden getestet, es ist also nur eine Frage der Zeit bis eine entsprechende Funktion im Bitcoin Client intrigiert wird.
2710  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Kaufen ? - tipps ? on: January 29, 2013, 05:38:54 PM
irgendwann muss mir nochmal jemand schlüssig erklären, wieso mining-spezifische themen überhaupt irgendeinen einfluss auf den kurs haben sollten...

In den ersten Anpassungen der difficult bekommen weniger miner mehr Coins für für ihren Energieverbrauch. Warum dass den Kurs beeinflussen soll erschließt sich mir aber auch nicht.

Anders rum, wenn mehr leute minen bekommen mehr leute die gleiche Menge Coins für einen insgesamt größeren Energieaufwand. Dh. % mehr Coins müssen verkauft werden um die Unkosten zu decken. Einfluss auf den Kurs --> minimal bis gar keiner.

Hmm, wir haben ein Rätsel  Grin

im übrigen ist eigentlich sowieso jedem mit ein bisschen strategischem denkvermögen klar, dass die erfolgreiche entwicklung von asics eigentlich eine lose-lose-situation für miner darstellen würde.
wie soll man das verstehen bzw. warum?

Loose-Loose, deshalb weil miner die miner bleiben wollen Geld investieren müssen um die gleiche Menge Coins wie mit der Hardware die sie schon haben zu bekommen.

Neuen Minern wird der Einstieg erschwert, mann muss dann erst Teure Hardware kaufen um minen zu können, anstatt wie bisher mit der Grafikkarte.

Alles in allem fließt einfach nur Geld zum ASIC Hersteller. Mehr Coins wird es deswegen nicht geben.
2711  Local / Biete / Re: Bitcoins per Ebay zum Verkauf (Paypal) on: January 29, 2013, 04:25:58 PM
Rate dir auch ganz stark davon ab Bitcoins über Ebay und erst recht nicht über PayPal zu verkaufen.

Bitcoin über jedes Medium das Chargebacks und / oder die Nutzung von gestohlenen Accounts / Kreditkarten erlaubt sind zwei Dinge die sich überhaupt nicht vertragen.

Sehr viele haben das schon probiert, jeder einzelne ist damit auf die Schnauze geflogen. Wirklich 100%.

Mir ist nicht ein einziges Beispiel bekannt in dem das gut für den Bitcoin Verkäufer ausging.

Am Ende wirst du werde deine Bitcoins noch das Geld haben. Und falls dich einer abzieht kannst du nicht mal irgendetwas machen, weil der Verkauf von Bitcoin nämlich  von PayPal nicht gestattet ist.

tl, dr: Lass es!
2712  Economy / Speculation / Re: Significant press today on: January 29, 2013, 03:48:30 PM

I bet on parity with gold within much less than a decade !


1 BTC = 1 Gold what? Oz? Ton? Liter?
2713  Economy / Economics / Re: Concerned about the recent BTC price rise. on: January 29, 2013, 11:59:40 AM
id harldy call the current price a bubble   Cheesy

I'm still not sure if it's because of a rise in demand, or just because of an expectation of rise in demand.

If its the latter and the expected demand doesn't trigger than it will have been a bubble. But that seems unlikely at the moment.
2714  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: silk road!!!! was haltet ihr davon? on: January 29, 2013, 11:53:23 AM

Wenn es einen Konsens darüber gibt eine Welt ohne Geld zu schaffen dann wird uns das gelingen.
Und darüber willst du HIER sprechen?

LOL, das ist ja wie im Bordell Enthaltsamkeit zu predigen  Cheesy

Sorry fürs dazwischenfunken, musste aber wirklich kurz lachen.
2715  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new wealthy elite, gentlemen. on: January 28, 2013, 08:53:09 PM
Does this mean the new rally already ended before it started, or is this warning signal obsolete now?
2716  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2013-1-28—Is The ECB Responsible For The Second Coming Of BitCoin? on: January 28, 2013, 08:34:56 PM
And the comments again:

WARNING: Bitcoin is a SCAM. Bitcoin is an idiotic experiment which proves that a non-centrally planned currency is simply unfeasible. Bitcoin is highly corruptible as it is 100% computerized, unregulated and unmanaged. What if somebody cracks the code to your wallet? What if the code breaks? Libertardians never consider intricate details like this because they are too simplistic. The libertarian dream of perfectly functioning ‘free markets’ is a ridiculous fantasy. The only way to ensure peace and happiness is to delegate responsibility to democratically elected politicians with the skills, experience and education to manage complex social and economic issues.

Sadly those politicians are a rare species, red list rare.
2717  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-01-28 - An innovative concept comes to the fore on: January 28, 2013, 08:04:49 PM
An innovative concept comes to the fore

There’s very little awareness about Bitcoin — a new digital currency and payment system, designed for the voting process of ‘Bitfilm 13’  — in the City. Aaron Koenig, the managing director at Bitfilm Networks Hamburg, addressed this issue recently, during a talk held at The Centre for Internet and Society. The talk was based on the creation of Bitcoin and its various uses.

“The potential of Bitcoin is huge. It’s easy to use and currently, there are about 21 million (units of) Bitcoin in the world and everyone accepts it. It works differently, but it is the same as gold and has an intrinsic value,” explains Aaron.

Aaron also showed cryptographic diagrams of how a Bitcoin transaction works. “It is a clever way of encryption and it is easy to open an account. You just need to download some software and then, you get a virtual wallet and a user ID and password. The identity of the person is kept anonymous and hence, there have been instances of people misusing Bitcoin,” he says.

An animated short film about Bitcoin, which Aaron produced along with an animation team based in Bangalore, was also screened during the talk. “I have paid all the animators in Bitcoin. Initially, they were hesitant and did not want to accept it. But when they got to know about how its value almost doubles itself in the span of a year, they readily accepted it,” he explains.

“There is a German restaurant where Bitcoin is accepted. Slowly, more such places are coming up, as people are realising its worth. It is easy to transfer,” he adds.
There was an interactive session with the audience after the talk, which was equally interesting. Many wanted to know if Bitcoin can be liquidated.

“I am very curious to know if Bitcoin can be liquidated. Also, what is the exact process that one should follow when they want to liquidate Bitcoin?” questions Geane, who was attending the session. These queries, as well as many others, were addressed.

Vinod, who also attended the session, says that it was a new concept and interesting for those who wanted to know more. “The concept of a new form of money sounds great and Aaron really helped us get to know more about it. For people like us, who had no clue about Bitcoin, it was an enlightening session,” he


The article is (very) inaccurate, you can view the actual talk here:

To learn more about Bitfilm visit:

I have crated a thread (due to not finding one) for the Bitfilm Festival 2013 here:  - would be nice to get some bumps, IMO it's a nice Idea that seems to get next to no attention.
2718  Economy / Economics / Re: 'We are not "maxed out" of ideas...' - Mark Carney (Bankster) on: January 28, 2013, 07:39:53 PM
2719  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Kim Dotcom Mansion: Press conference 2013-01-19 GMT on: January 28, 2013, 06:24:54 PM
Well one of the Mega resellers is no longer accepting PayPal and is now accepting Bitcoin. I guess we should thank the folks over at for their part in this.  Wink

Wow, now that is really cool. I didn't think this was going to happen so fast.

2720  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbie restrictions on: January 28, 2013, 03:58:27 PM

I propose you copy this post and repost it here:

Kind Regards and welcome
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