would certainly help, more exchanges the better and mintpal is pretty fast, much easier to use than coined up!!! i see 'Each 0.00005000 BTC received will count for 1 vote.' Big holders of cage should send some BTC to mintpal??! CAGE CageCoin 14JPKbsPBodcATRTEkCTuq6BN8nyXpbKZ6 10 Vote Now
was 1000 sats earlier today and now 5000!!! All the coins at top of list r paid 4!!!
manipulation in cryptos is much worse than in stocks cause it completely unregulated, wild west of finance
Thats life, happens with every coin. the trick is to inform yourself and buy and sell at the right time. No one here cares about what you have to say. Getting very boring
dump, What the fuck you on about??? Meow has gone from 31 earlier today and is 41 now! Wouldnt call that a dump!! Dont listen to this troll, buy and/or hold!!!!
Look at that manipulation lol what a joke. Fake volume, its just one dude buying and selling to himself.
did you sell all your kittehs at 30??
Hope you guys sold above 50 when you got the chance.
I hope that you didn't sold  No id rather sell at +1-200 thanx!! Think ill hold
wasnt me who made that trial website, wrong info, cant remember who made it but its somewhere near the end of the other thread.
is that your voice or a program? My voice, actually I recorded this video yesterday late night with my laptop, and I was very tired, so that's why I sound very sleepy  i had a watch expecting to hear a robot! Nadadenada you sound just fine!! Good job with the video!!
this can still be turned around
I have come up with a plan of action for Dimecoin. I will announce it later today possibly. I truly think that it will turn the sinking ship around.
what happened to this?? Dont let the defeatist attitude get u down!!
Is there a way to sell my CENT? It's stuck on cryptsy and can't send it to bter.com, so does anybody know a place to sell my CENT?
Just forget about them or you could send them to www.centdump.com
No one here has a crystal ball to tell the future. But what is evident is that altcoins in general are exploding and should rise in the coming year, and innovative coins like zeta should be a good bet. Anything can happen, look at BTC today, all down to 1 exchange, gox!! 100,000 zeta on cryptsy now would cost you 2.28 BTC
Im happy to substantially contribute to a marketing fund that's paying for pro level work. Submit your proposals and Ill coordinate with the other guys on an approval, draft the terms in a formal agreement, execute it and place funds in escrow pending delivery of the fully functioning product. a What does it take to entice a name brand developer or other game changing industry veteran into the cause? I don't think its a requirement but like to know the cost and various option's out there. ame changing Well those bounties coins aren't pre-mined or anything, those are bought from the exchange site by myself.
But I agree with your point. We will increase the bounty if we can. Cheers!
+1!!! I will also contribute a meaningfull sum towards developement. We must get this sorted and make a developement fund so we can get proper devs onto this coin!!!
Lets get a cage foundation going or a developement fund !!!!
Do we have the official site yet..? I was trying to get dime coin on blockr.io and they need official site and some features and information the coin... the dev wont release it, hes asking for a billion dimes lol.... So how many do we have now to donate to him... Not a penny
is there a working mac wallet??
exactly doge after the initial hyp was in the 30's and even 20's for ages. Chill out n hold.
I know its not too late. The community can and i believe will turn dime into a serious contender!! The original dev is still a twat!