jujur aje karena treands menurun pasar begitu lama ane terpaksa menjual sebagian investasi ane karna kebutuhan yang mendesak di tambah ama banyak program bounty yang dak ngasilin uang malah bisa di katakan beku
saya juga suka dengan manager yang agan sebutkan itu, tapi paling favorit adalah sylone gan. saya pernah ikut bounty yang di manageri oleh sylone dan proyeknya selesai hardcap hanya dengan waktu sekitar 5 jam saja. proyek itu adalah wepower gan
Sependat dengan agan kalau sylon rata2 bounty yang dimanajeri sukses, saya pun dulu bercita2 join di signaturenya kalau sudah Full Member dikarnakan signature yang sylon pasti alokasinya gede, tapi harapan sirna ketika diterapkan merit sistem..wkwkk ane menjadi bounty hunter baru 3 bulan dan ane sudah mempunyai favorit bounty manager yaitu sapta, wapinter , newsilike, btcltcdigger. lalu siapakah bounty manager favorit agan ? siapa tau bisa nambah daftar favorit bm untuk ane kerjakan, btw kalau bisa sertakan dengan alasannya . terimakasih Kalau saya sendiri ngak suka ikutan bounty yang mengharuskan report, soalnya agak ribet, jadi untuk sekrang manager favorit saya yaitu founder bountyhive, disana serba otomatis tidak perlu report perminggu kalo pingin gak laporan ente juga coba bounty portal ama bounty suite tapi untuk sekarang saya suka bila program bounty di menejeri ama yahoo62278 dan sylon
saya baru denger peraturan baru untuk kenaikan rank bagi anggota newbie,ya... saya sarankan agar bisa meningkatkan kembali kuantitas postingannya dan cari sumber merit yang menwarkan smerit bagi posting yang berkualitas
Hy all
I want to ask for you opinion about the Market, but could this month be the best month for market come up fully? Secondly I want to invest but still afraid of the Market. Please suggest me best way to do now.
The only way to understand the market is to start investing, why not try the top 10 cryptocurrencies? There, you have the faith that over time it will increase in due time, take a look on the history of top 10 coins, they started few years back and then now, they have been adapted by the masses. Try to invest bitcoins and hold for long period of time. and for beginners this is a good thing because investing in other than the top 10 coins in the exchange is too risky and for beginners it can be a real demonstration by learning analysis and price predictions
The market continues to disappoint. Should I regret investing in altcoins?
Well "regret" is part our life. Does anybody did not regret their decision? i think no one even me im guilty of that but sometimes not all regret gives downside maybe we can see another bull run this year and say at the end the year that, oh god thank's for that trial! I endure it. Long expectations make us disappointed with what we decide but we must remain optimistic about what we have decided not to make a second decision we make us more sorry after that
looking at the market today seems like the price is so low but that doesn't mean we can buy it without careful analysis because the market can change more than we imagine
ETH sekarang mulai hijau kembali apakah ini saat nya tepat untuk membeli ETH? saya ada duit 2 jutaan untuk berinvestasi
Kemarin saya pantau aset saya masih turun tapi hari ini tiba2 naik, bukan cuma ethereum aja tapi juga bnyak altcoin yang mengalami kenaikan. Bisa dikatakan sih kemarin waktu yang baik untuk membeli, Saya pikir membeli di harga sekrang pun baik, soalnya kenaikannya belum seberapa. Beli sekrang atau tidak itu kembali lagi ke agannya saya kira jangan terlalu terburu buru mengatakan hijau gan karna pasar banteng masih bergulir tapi ini kesempatan kita untuk menambah investasi kita gan karna peridiksi saya sendiri eth akan bermain di harga terendah 2400jt -2600jt
saya pikir waves paling murah gan.... dan kesempetan meraih untung sangatllah tipis karna dalam tujuan proyek sbagai jaringan terdenstasi sudah bisa di katakan tidak di gunakan lagi oleh banyak proyek cryptocurrency jadi hanya berputar di pertukaran aje... jadi perediksi saya lambat laun weves seperti altcoin lainnya yang hilang di pasaran
salam kompak juag gan.... saya pikir kita sejenak melupakan apa yang terjadi di buersa pertukaran agar tidak depresi dengan rilek ato berwisata toh kita tetap optimis bahwa pasar akan berubah warna dan si banteng bakal terlempar ke luar
greed makes people forget about what will happen next and this happens because they speculate without knowledge in market analysis
we can believe it or not in the analysis, but remember it is just speculation and we must remain optimistic
Looks like this are turning around....what are you buying low?
In this time, I am buying more altcoins and bitcoins since the prices are low. I am taking it as an advantage and opportunity to buy more so that I would be able to have a good gain as the bull market comes. I would buy more now and just continue holding until the best time to sell approaches. he is right even can be said now is the time to collect but some have started to grow
I tried to join the telegram group chat and it looks like the chat group has been deleted and it looks like we can't expect much
hello is there anyone who has received payment for the cospaly bounty program ... and where is the development of this project
I am a holder of ETN for almost 7 months and as you feel, feel afraid of losing after a long time and in the end it still loses but I remain optimistic that good things will come and I will keep it to the limit of patience
until now the ETH still slumped and some even analyzed up to 100 $ but I am still optimistic that ETH will return the dump just waiting for time