in the title page of this thread the Mac wallet is not labelled
As promised despite selling out a while back, I re-bought 5000 MEOW and went on a tipping spree on reddit. So far 3500 MEOW have been collected by people who I am sure have never heard of kittehcoin before, and several of whom I know to be big tipbot users themselves (in Bitcoin) so they are likely to re-tip. The remaining 1500 are pending, probably by people who dont use reddit every day or are not yet able to figure out how to redeem the kittehcoin, or have no clue in general About half a dozen people asked me for more info or followed up with a comment in other ways. Most tips were an average of 200, if you tip 50 or 100 that's nice and all but it's such a small amount that very few people will bother to figure out how to redeem. I tipped about 1/3 in dogecoin subreddit, and that one got the most consistent response and redemption pattern (not surprisingly) People sitting on millions of MEOW or more, if I can do this holding -zero- MEOW, you can sure do it too. If you want your investment to be worth anything significant you should strongly consider it tipping at least 5000 MEOW total, and honestly since you got in so cheap you should do 10x more than that if you honestly want it to have an impact. No MEOW tip, no moon trip. I'll send you some meow if you tip out at least 50% of it. You can keep the rest for your effort I'll tip out all of it, I don't really the money, but I am very interested in seeing who does what with the tips, poster below this is quite correct on that note. Not using my own MEOW is sort of a conflict of interest but that's why I will tip 100%. The only gray area is that I don't see how to recall tips that aren't redeemed so those seem to stay in limbo. MOONcoin's community has started throwing MOON around on reddit like there's no tomorrow, and coincidentally MOON has climbed back from the abyss of 6 satoshi up to 10 or 11 in just a few days (yes I am sure there are other factors like, 6 satoshi is damn cheap for any coin, but the curiously similar timing is there). I am at work right now so I can't do much tipping for a few hours but I'll PM you my tipbot address and you can load it up with whatever you like. Please post your kittehtipbot wallet address and i will fund now
As promised despite selling out a while back, I re-bought 5000 MEOW and went on a tipping spree on reddit. So far 3500 MEOW have been collected by people who I am sure have never heard of kittehcoin before, and several of whom I know to be big tipbot users themselves (in Bitcoin) so they are likely to re-tip. The remaining 1500 are pending, probably by people who dont use reddit every day or are not yet able to figure out how to redeem the kittehcoin, or have no clue in general About half a dozen people asked me for more info or followed up with a comment in other ways. Most tips were an average of 200, if you tip 50 or 100 that's nice and all but it's such a small amount that very few people will bother to figure out how to redeem. I tipped about 1/3 in dogecoin subreddit, and that one got the most consistent response and redemption pattern (not surprisingly) People sitting on millions of MEOW or more, if I can do this holding -zero- MEOW, you can sure do it too. If you want your investment to be worth anything significant you should strongly consider it tipping at least 5000 MEOW total, and honestly since you got in so cheap you should do 10x more than that if you honestly want it to have an impact. No MEOW tip, no moon trip. I'll send you some meow if you tip out at least 50% of it. You can keep the rest for your effort Likewise, if you enjoy the meow tipping thing, think theres an element of research for you, i will send you a load 2 tip, please provide address if your up 4 being the meow tipper
this is all starting to look good!!!! I think a faucet would be good to get new interest!!
do you want to manage faucets on other major social sites, like kik, snapchat, etc? ill do fb If by manage you mean promote sure i will but im no dev. I will do some sort of twitter campaign to, offering bounty to retweet dime tweets, maybe the more followers bigger the bounty!
this is all starting to look good!!!! I think a faucet would be good to get new interest!!
i didnt create the primeblocks website.
it cant be at 100pm in London and 11pm in East Coast US, these are different time zones, Correct launch is 11pm East Coast
theres no link to it there!
3:00 am GMT 4/3, 11:00 pm East Coast US time 3/3
donated to foundation. Where can the final verified mac wallet be downloaded from?
Lets get a developement fund wallet going asap, at dime forum?
xibeijan 74sZz7TLZBPhbefj9PNPZsjfgBFPDtNFMz
11,000,000 sent to xibeijan towards mac wallet. I think even if things are moved to dime forum it would still beneficial to announce a community take over here on Bitcointalk, at the right time!!
anyone know what time this relaunch is supposed to go down??
LMAO! Thank god, i was getting really concerned that it was somewhat official. Would take me 20 mins to try and decipher a few sentances then id give up! Ban the twat!!
My mac wallet is allways out of sync. It has active connections. Any ideas what to do??
i will pledge 100,000,000 towards further developement. Can anyone else please state what they are prepared to put forward and lets try and get a decent amount together or this will die!! Please can someone who has used the macwallet comment on it!!!
If anyone is serious about doing something for dime now is the time to get onto it!! I can assure you will get paid for your trouble, I Have pledged 60,000,000 towards getting dime reforked and getting rid of the premine. Blueangel01 20,000,000. Im sure there will be much more put forward when something actually happens towards our goals. If youre serious about doing something for bounty start doing it and get something to show here instead of just asking for dime!!! The dime will come!!
my os wallet works just fine,cant remember if got from here or kitteh web?? Going back to discussion about govt shutting down silk rd and killing off altcoins, sure the govt shut down silk rd but it had the effect of drmatically bosting bitcoin, helping it go to 1000 dollers. Would be very hard, even next to impossible for governments to shutdown an alt. They would need to seriously crack down on the internet first, can see signs of that going on but were long way off still!!!!