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2821  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 25, 2022, 07:58:55 AM
... So, it is impossible to have a rational discussion with you people. ...

So why don't you leave then? It's obvious that you can't convince us that your opinion is right so just leave if you don't want to have a discussion with us irrational people.

I don't want to compare Bitcoin to anything. I have repeatedly told you that Bitcoin can't be compared to things like fiat money, gold or anything like that because Bitcoin is a new thing. I just told you this:
... If you need something to compare Bitcoin to then use gold as it is more similar to gold than to fiat money ...
This doesn't mean that I'm comparing Bitcoin to gold. It means that it's more similar to gold than to fiat money. The only difference to gold is that gold is a physical thing and Bitcoin is not.
2822  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 25, 2022, 07:06:43 AM
Why is it so hard for you people to look at what is actually happening? Nothing is sold. Factually, the system just plays with the numbers according to some protocols. Can you comprehend the reality of that? Nothing is sold or bought in your example. People sell and buy liabilities in the banking system. Liability is the type of money. Operation with the numbers in the banking system means quantifying liabilities. Liabilities are existent things in the banking system and are quantified with the numbers. In the Satoshi's system there are neither liabilities nor some other type of money. Only fake quantities. These quantities fool many people by creating the illusion that something exists. That something is quantified with them, like coins. But it's not. Quantities are fake.

Oh, you are still here? You still didn't give up? Damn you are one stubborn person...

First, stop comparing Bitcoin to fiat money. Fiat money represent (or at least should represent) liability as you say. Bitcoin does not represent anything. If you need something to compare Bitcoin to then use gold as it is more similar to gold than to fiat money. The only difference is that gold is a physical thing and Bitcoin is not. But you can't say that Bitcoin doesn't exist because it exist. It is a digital data that is generated to reward system that solves complex mathematical calculations in order to verify transactions.
2823  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 25, 2022, 06:57:10 AM
Sramota za Ledger za sva ova glupa curenja podataka, oni su zaista mogli biti pravi lider na trzistu. Ovo nije "traljavo" vec je potpuno ludo! Za kripto bezbednosnu kompaniju koja propusta licne podatke ljudi ukljucujuci i kucnu adresu... oni su zaista sramota i trebalo bi da budu ugaseni. Najgore iskustvo onlajn kupovine koje sam ikada imao. Nikada vise necu poslovati sa njima.

Apsolutno! Ali najgore je što zapravo nikoga nije briga za to. Odnosno ne baš nikoga, ali rijetko koga je briga što su tvrtki koja se bavi sigurnošću više puta procurili osobni podaci korisnika. Nekako imam osjećaj da ljudi curenje podataka još uvijek ne shvaćaju ozbiljno. Puno puta na poslu sam se susreo sa situacijom gdje osoba koristi vrlo jednostavnu lozinku za zaštitu ozbiljnih podataka. Kad pitam zašto ne postave neku složeniju lozinku, gotovo uvijek je odgovor "pa tko će to pamtiti". Ali zato kad podaci procure ili budu izgubljeni, onda dođu kod mene s pitanjem mogu li vratiti nekako te podatke.
2824  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 24, 2022, 06:25:23 PM
Kakva šteta da firma koja je među prvima došla na tržište i ima hardverski totalno pogođeni proizvod je tako nemarna na polju sigurnosti i traljava sa softverskim dijelom priče. Uz samo jedno normalno vođenje bez incidenata mogli su postati za hardverske novčanike ono Bosch za "Bosch pumpu". Ni ne znam kako bi je drukčije nazvao Smiley

Apsolutno točno! Sjećam se vremena kad mi se u Ledger Live aplikaciji nije htio syncati Ethereum wallet i nisam mogao ništa napraviti. Javio sam se njihovom supportu i naravno da nisu ništa pomogli. Na kraju je ispalo da je problem bio što sam u walletu imao neki Erc20 token (mislim da se radilo o Synthetix tokenu ali nisam siguran) i zbog toga je nastao problem. Tko nije imao taj token, nije imao problema.
2825  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: March 24, 2022, 02:47:24 PM
Zanimljivo da je primljen i alt account LoyceMobile, a Loyce je u Chipmixer kampanji koja više ne dopušta reklamiranje drugih mixera.

Ne mogu da se sjetim sličnog slučaja iz prošlosti gdje sam tako nešto vidio. Ali sam siguran da je Loyce sve provjerio sa DarkStarom prije nego što je počeo nosit njihov potpis. U biti ne krši pravilo jer nalog koji je u ChipMixeru ne reklamira drugi mixer. Ali ista osoba koja upravlja sa oba naloga rekamira dvije različite konkurentne usluge gdje pravila jedna kampanje to ne dozvoljavaju. Baš interesantna situacija.   

Nije mi jasna jedna stvar... Zar nisu zabranjeni alt accounti na ovom forumu? Neovisno o kampanjama, mislio sam da jedna osoba može imati isključivo jedan BitcoinTalk account.
2826  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: March 24, 2022, 01:44:27 PM
Točno to je po meni najveći problem pametnih ugovora. Radiš nešto i odlučiš ljudima ponuditi neki feature. Sagledaš problem iz 10 perspektiva ali si sigurno propustio još par koje ti uopće nisu pale na pamet.

Vjerojatno je kreator namjerno napravio airdrop na taj način kako bi neiskorišteni NFTi mogli vrijediti još više u budućnosti. Nešto kao neotvoreni kolekcionarski item.

Šta se tiče samo ovog slučaja, osoba koja je vlasnik NFTa koji su bili posuđeni je popušila dobru lovu. Zato je moralna dilema, barem meni. Jer ti NFT tokeni nisu vraćeni u istom stanju kao kad su posuđeni. Zar ne?

Što se tiče smart contracta, imaš donekle pravo. Ne može se jedna osoba ili nekoliko ljudi sjetiti svih načina kako iskoristiti određeni feature. Uvijek će biti dovitljivih ljudi koji će pronaći način kako iskoristiti nešto što originalnom kreatoru nije palo na pamet. Ali ovdje se radi o tome da su išli raditi airdrop na način kako to nitko drugi nije radio (barem ja ne znam za to). Uz NFT lending platforme, ne mogu vjerovati da nikome od njih nije palo na pamet da postoje posuđeni NFT-ovi i da će onda pravi vlasnici ostati zakinuti. Makar, kad malo bolje razmislim, slično bi bilo i da je rađen snapshot. Samo što onda ne bi upalio trik s flashloanom nego bi claim mogao odraditi vlasnik walleta kod kojeg je NFT bio u trenutku snapshota.

Što se tiče moralnosti, ne znam... Ne mogu se sjetiti neke analogije iz "normalnog" života s kojom bi usporedio situaciju.
2827  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: March 24, 2022, 12:56:25 PM
To sam baš proučavao kada sam vidio na Twitteru i prvo što mi je palo na pamet je bilo zašto se ja toga nisam sjetio. Ova radnja definitivno spada u sivu zonu ali po meni nije prevara. Lik je samo iskoristio ono što flash loan pruža na inovativan način. Ono što je najvažnije mislim da ga nitko ne može goniti po bilo kojoj osnovi.

eto, inace informacija da je to moguce se pojavila na twitter-u nekih 12-13 sati pre nego sto se sam dogadjaj odigrao
samo ostaje nejasno da li je neko video tu mogucnost i napravio program za to vreme, ili je neko vec imao ideju, pa radio na tome duze vreme

meni ta informacija da je moguce nije bila znacajna jer ne znam da napravim program (a imam i moralnu dilemu), ali mislim da ovde nema nelegalnih radnji u smislu zakona

Ja da znam napraviti tako nešto ne bi uopće imao moralnu dilemu jer ne radim ništa protiv zakona. Čovjek je samo iskoristio tehnologiju koja mu je to omogućila. Da je iskoristio neki propust, onda bi moralnost bila upitna. Ali on nije iskoristio nikakav propust nego samo ono što mu tehnologija flash loan-a omogućuje.
Problem je što je airdrop napravljen na, po meni, glup način. Nije uzet snapshot nego vlasnik BAYC/MAYC NFT-a u bilo kojem trenutku može claimati airdrop ako u walletu ima NFT kojim još nije claiman airdrop. Totalno glup način koji je omogućio upravo ovo.
2828  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 24, 2022, 10:06:05 AM
S druge strane imamo Tajland koji je zabranio korištenje kriptovaluta kao sredstvo plaćanja. Ovdje je link na cijeli članak:

Naglašavaju da to nije zabrana korištenja kriptovaluta općenito nego samo zabrana plaćanja.
2829  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: March 24, 2022, 10:04:15 AM
da, desio se uspesan merge na Kiln testnet-u, i to je poslednji korak ka merge-u na mainnet-u (bas smo poslednji kripto bilten posvetili tom dogadjaju)

inace, skoro sigurno ce biti deflationary izmedju merge-a i aktivacije shard-inga, jer ce naknade za transakcije biti na slicnom nivou kao sada (mada su u poslednje vreme bas niske), a posle shard-inga najverovatnije nece

Još sam na jednom YouTube videu čuo da validatori neće odmah moći claimati nagrade za stejkanje nakon merge-a nego tek nakon nekoliko mjeseci.
2830  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: March 23, 2022, 02:15:07 PM
Nitko nije komentirao (valjda casperBGD spava zimski san Grin ) da je Ethereum uspješno napravio merge na Kiln testnetu prije par dana (16.3.2022.). Prema CoinDesk članku, to bi trebao biti posljednji testnet prije nego se merge napravi na javnim testnetovima, a pravi merge bi trebai biti negdje u 7. mjesecu ove godine. Nakon što se ETH1 i ETH2 spoje, Ethereum više neće biti PoW nego PoS blockchain, a prema nekim analizama ETH će postati deflationary (ne znam hrvatski izraz Smiley ).
2831  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 23, 2022, 01:49:10 PM
Kako misliš otkud im toliko love? Pa od svih vas koji imate njihovu karticu i radite stake kod njih. Ugledali su se na banke pa su zaključili da je sve više od 10 posto uložene love previše. Pa neće valjda svi odjednom povući sredstva. Bankama prolazi godinama pa treba probati.

Ne znam. Ja stejkam samo 1000 CRO tokena što je davnih dana bila granica za dobiti Ruby karticu koja ima 2% cashbacka. Ali ne koristim ju. Tokeni stoje i neka stoje jer ako ću ikad htjeti koristiti karticu i cashback, morao bi zaključati puno više tokena. Više se niti ne sjećam koliko.
2832  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 23, 2022, 01:14:42 PM
Takodje su i globalni partner Formule 1,
Ako se ne varam, F1 je jedan od najskupljih sportova, sigurno nije jeftino sponzorstvo.

Da, točno. Viđao sam njihove reklame još kojekuda po sportskim događanjima. Čovjek se zapita... Otkuda im toliko love za marketing? I što uopće hoće postići s time? Jer reklamiraju se samo na sportskim događanjima. Nisam vidio neku njihovu "nesportsku" reklamu.
2833  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Afghans turn to cryptocurrencies amid US sanctions on: March 23, 2022, 12:56:19 PM
I don't think that this kind of things can be seen as bad for Bitcoin or crypto in general. You can't say that fire is bad if you use it in the wrong way (like when someone starts a forest fire). Just like that, no one can't say that crypto is bad because it can be used to avoid sanctions. Besides, "it takes two to tango". In another words, it takes someone who will accept Bitcoin from a sanctioned country and in my opinion that individual is doing the wrong thing.
2834  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 23, 2022, 12:42:59 PM

You're wrong. Learn to admit and move on.

He will never do that. I can't understand why is he so obsessed to convince all of us that we are wrong and that we are giving away our fiat money for nothing.
2835  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 23, 2022, 11:44:00 AM
Yes they are nonsensical because they misrepresent my position. I literally never said that bitcoin doesn't exist because you can't touch it or feel it.

I said that bitcoin doesn't exist because I checked the Satoshi's system and proved by empirical observation that neither liabilities (to redeem) nor digital products exist there. But just numbers. You can't touch or feel liabilities and digital products but they still exist. It is just that they don't exist in Satoshi's system. So no coins or bit-coins. Coins are tangible items or intangible liabilities. None of that is in Satoshi's system. Just numbers. Numbers are concepts on quantity represented by symbols (0-9). They are neither coins, nor invented by Satoshi.

No, you said simply that Bitcoin doesn't exist and that's it. Bunch of gibberish about why it doesn't exist that doesn't make sense to any of us, only to you. You are constantly saying that Bitcoin must represent something in the real world. IT DOES NOT REPRESENT ANYTHING AND IT DOESN'T HAVE TO IN ORDER FOR IT TO HAVE VALUE!
2836  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 19 Million BTC in two weeks' time on: March 23, 2022, 11:03:52 AM
Ohh this is very interesting to hear! It felt like that the last halving happened just a few months ago. I remembered checking all of my BTCs and their value skyrocketed since I HODLed most of them. Fortunately and unfortunately, after the halving I cashed out majority of my BTCs and that taught me a valuable lesson to invest long-term and take advantage of its value.

The good thing about halving is that it takes a considerable amount of time for all of the supply of BTC to be circulated. Every halving means that the BTC in circulation would be cut down as its denominations would considerably decrease.

Cashing out in plus is not unfortunate. Sure, now you know that you could have made more money if you didn't cash out. But you couldn't have known that the price will go up. It could have went down and then you would be happy that you cashed out. The only unfortunate thing is if you need to cash out while you are losing.
2837  Economy / Exchanges / Re: will be a sponsor of the 2022 FIFA World Cup on: March 23, 2022, 11:00:26 AM
I saw the news today and it really is a great thing that they will be a sponsor of the FIFA World cup. However, as many of you wrote before me, is already heavy invested into sport. I know that FIFA World cup is probably one of the most watched competition in the world, but is it worth it? Probably every sport fan knows about until now because of all other marketing campaigns.
2838  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 23, 2022, 10:56:17 AM
Sure, if people repeatedly lie that coin called bitcoin exists then I must repeatedly address their lies. I don't care about their nonsensical analogies with DNS or evolution. The people here are lying and spreading misinformation. That's the point. Hiding behind stupid analogies won't make that lies go away.

A coin, a token, or money in the form of a record is basically a record of liability. Liability of the issuer of the record to redeem it. So, if that guy Satoshi claims that the numbers that his system is writing down are coins than he is actually claiming that someone has the liability to redeem them. Like banks redeem their records via loan repayments, like casinos redeem their records (tokens), like retailers redeem their gift cards, or corporations their bonds. But no entity exists that has the liability to redeem the record next to addresses in Satoshi's system. That's why the records that his system writes down are not coins. They're not bitcoins. They are fake numbers. Any idiot can print numbers, and then claim they are coins, without having any liability to redeem them. That's called a fraud and not a payment system.

No, you are wrong! Analogies with DNS or evolution are not nonsensical because you claim that Bitcoin doesn't exist because you can't touch it or feel it. You can't touch or feel DNS or evolution and yet they exist. How are those analogies nonsensical if they confirm that a thing can exist even if you can't touch it or feel it?
2839  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Crypto wealth can only be built in bear market on: March 23, 2022, 08:52:16 AM
One of the biggest problems when investing in a bear run is selecting which project to invest into because a lot of them won't survive a bear market. Investing in a bull market is pretty easy because in bull everything goes up. However, when the market is bearish, investing in the wrong project can make you lose all your investment.
2840  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Some DeFi Tools on: March 23, 2022, 08:50:01 AM
Just a little suggestion... Please put links in your post so that users who want to try those services don't have to search for them. As we know, Google search results are filled with scam sites that will steal your crypto in seconds if you visit the wrong site and press the wrong Approve.
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