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2841  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why many crypto currencies use the same securities for large transfer and small? on: April 01, 2022, 06:52:45 AM
I never understood why projects with multisig wallets don't require all signatures to be valid in order to move money. I'm not sure if it is possible to put a limit like you said (for example, 5 out of 9 signatures to withdraw 1 ETH and all 9 signatures to withdraw 200 ETH). But why not require all signatures to withdraw funds from a smart contract? I'm guessing a withdrawals are not that often so the requirement of all signatures would bring more security.
2842  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 01, 2022, 06:36:18 AM
EDIT: A ne, ipak ova pitanja nisu jedina stvar. Svatko od nas je uz ostale podatke o profilu s lijeve strane dobio i podatak o IQ-u. Ako je suditi po prvom odgovoru koji sam dao, točan odgovor nosi 10 IQ bodova.

Ovo je zapravo odlična ideja. Napokon ćemo se riješit spammera na forumu!

...and starting next week, everyone with an IQ below 120 will be banned.

Dobro je da je naš lokal pun samo pametnih ljudi.  Grin

Da, mogao sam i pretpostaviti da neće šala biti samo odgovaranje na razna pitanja prilikom slanja poruke. Nisam vidio topic u Meti ali sad povlačim ono o razočaranju Smiley
2843  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 01, 2022, 06:03:46 AM
Ako je ovo jedini način kako Theymos obilježava 1. april, moram priznati da sam malo razočaran.

EDIT: A ne, ipak ova pitanja nisu jedina stvar. Svatko od nas je uz ostale podatke o profilu s lijeve strane dobio i podatak o IQ-u. Ako je suditi po prvom odgovoru koji sam dao, točan odgovor nosi 10 IQ bodova.
2844  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Goodbye, privacy, goodbye, it was nice while it lasted. on: April 01, 2022, 06:01:04 AM
I kinda had a feeling that this vote will go this way that is bad for crypto. I guess there still is a chance this won't happen any time soon because it has to go trough a bunch of other bureaucracy stuff in order to go trough. However, I really do think that unfortunately this is the future for crypto in the EU. Maybe a distant future (because of bureaucracy), but definitely a future.
2845  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why are there no altcoins that can replace Bitcoin? on: March 31, 2022, 11:58:30 AM
It is because Bitcoin has a huge community compared to Altcoins and of course the adoption around the world. It is also the most popular cryptocurrency to date and crypto is nothing without Bitcoin. Some country even accepted Bitcoin as a valuable asset and can be traded locally.

I don't think that Bitcoin has that bigger community than some popular altcoins. Many of top 10 CMC projects have really big community and I would not be surprised if one of them is even larger than Bitcoin's community. I'd say that the biggest reason why there is no altcoin that can replace Bitcoin is because we are still very early in the crypto adoption. Bitcoin is the king of all crypto and it probably will be the king for quite some time. But that doesn't mean that there won't be some altcoin that will emerge and dethrone Bitcoin one day.
2846  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin value more if no Altcoins or not on: March 31, 2022, 09:27:43 AM
I am pretty sure that bitcoin would have been great with or without altcoins, I am also sure that altcoins (the good ones) helped bitcoin grow bigger as well. These two things are not mutually exclusive, you could be great all by yourself, and still get help from other coins as well.

I do believe that bitcoin was already on a good path without all these altcoins came along, there were a few during the early days, like the first 5 years between 2009 to 2014 there were a few, but none of them really picked up this much and bitcoin was still doing awesome. At the end of the day altcoins became big and that certainly increased the love for crypto for sure.

I would add that altcoins surely added some more usage for the crypto and that brought more adoption. I'm not saying that Bitcoin wouldn't be adopted by people if it weren't for altcoins, but that adoption would be slower if it weren't for altcoins.
2847  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Mexican cartels launder 25.000M $ per year – press highlights association to BTC on: March 31, 2022, 09:21:49 AM
This could be seen as a bad thing. After all why would we want people like Mexican cartels to use crypto, right? But if you decide to find a way to block them from using crypto, then how long until we could block you from using as well? Either you are fully decentralized, or you are not at all.

This is why I believe that we should not be focusing our resources into finding a way for bad people to stop using crypto. ISIS uses crypto as well to launder their money, which is a terrible thing when you consider it but that is still a reality. Ignore the bad ways that cyrpto is used and just try to focus on the amazing great things that it helps get achieved like donations to Ukraine.

Almost every good thing that mankind has invented can be used both in a good way and in a bad way. But that doesn't mean that it is a bad thing in general. For example, electricity can be used to electrocute people but that doesn't mean that electricity is a bad thing. Likewise, of course Bitcoin can be used to do bad things, but it can be used for good things.
2848  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 31, 2022, 08:39:33 AM
Pa nisam ti rekao da ga odes testirat s ETH, to nije ni uvijet za kampanju. Samo sam rekao da mislim da mixa ETH. Onaj kome obično treba mixer obično ima i malo veću toleranciju na rizik. Testiras s BTC i ostane ti 19$ na kraju sigurno. Nije da me interesira ali je ipak račuica koja će nekome odgovarati.

Ma držat ću se ja provjerenih mixera. Sjećam se prije nekog vremena je bio SmartMixer (barem mislim da se tako zvao) čiji potpis sam i ja nosio u okviru signature kampanje. Sve je bilo super dok netko nije pokušao mixati veću količinu BTC-a. Čovjek je poslao BTC i nikad nije dobio ništa natrag, mixer je proglašen scamom i kampanja je prekinuta. Zato ne želim ništa testirati niti riskirati.

Ali back on topic... Ne znam jeste li vidjeli ali počele su kružiti glasine da će Apple u okviru svoje Apple Pay usluge implementirati plaćanje putem Bitcoin Lightning mreže.
2849  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Zilliqa (ZIL) staking on: March 31, 2022, 06:09:06 AM
Evo ga sad na 281.8% u zadnjih 7 dana (bar po CG izvestaju). Sad je na $0.17. U nekom momentu sam bas bio besan na sebe sto ga ne prodadoh kad je bio 0.2+.
Nego imate li neku svoju prognozu na kojoj vrednosti bi ZIL trebao da se ustali?

Gledam ZIL već danima (nakon što sam mali dio koji mi je ostao na jednoj burzi prodao na $0.08) i stalno mislim sad će malo stati i krenuti dolje. Tako je bilo kad je došla na $0.10. Onda se cijena dva dana vrtila tu oko $0.10 i sad vidim da je od jučer ujutro porasla preko 100% na $0.20+, a i volumen je duplo veći nego prije par dana kad je vijest o metaverseu izašla.
2850  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Nove NFT igre? on: March 31, 2022, 06:06:15 AM
Nije to tako lako za napraviti ako nemaš neki social media account sa hrpom followera. Onda ovisiš puno o drugima i moraš nekako doći do nekog influencera da počne širiti vjest za tebe.

Sada kada sam to napisao zapravo bi se vjerojatno dalo bez previše muke platiti nekom od njih da obavi posao za tebe ali opet taj mora biti dovoljno stručan za basic fact check prije objave. Možda je taj proces upravo potrajao par dana.

Ako imaš dokaz da je napravljen hack, ne znam baš da ti treba neki influencer da proširi vijest. Dovoljno je na nekoliko Discord i Telegram kanala pustiti priču i mislim da bi se lavina sama zakotrljala. Ali dobro, karma is a bitch pa je lik izgubio lovu na shortanju Grin
2851  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 31, 2022, 06:03:13 AM
Pa šta nije ovaj novi mixer koji daje 20$ za testiranje mixer za jedno 4 coina među kojima i ETH? Možda sam nešto krivo shvatio jer sam gledao dok sam bio na semaforu u autu samo letimično kada me manager kontaktirao da li sam zainteresiran to testirati.

Iskreno, pojma nemam. Ali nema šanse da testirajući mixer plaćam Ethereum transakcije i onda dobijem $20 kao nagradu. Osim toga, mene zanima neki provjereni mixer gdje nema straha od gubitka love.
2852  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When and how did you discover Bitcoin? on: March 31, 2022, 06:01:14 AM
I discovered Bitcoin in the summer of 2017. I was on a vacation with my family and I was bored so I started scrolling trough the Facebook newsfeed. I stumbled upon a Facebook group where I saw the name of one of my faculty teachers. He has relatively unique name so it caught my eye. I joined and pretty quickly I registered here on the forum where I started reading and learning about Bitcoin and crypto in general. I must say that it was exiting to see messages from satoshi and other early adopters.
That means you enjoyed ATH 2017 right? You're lucky because I'm a user who can't enjoy ATH 2017 even though when I signed up for an account the bitcoin price was still quite expensive for me to have.

I read newspapers and some other online media and I found bitcoin being talked about even though some of my friends have been here for bitcoin since mid 2015. I really didn't realize that until one day they admitted they had been here for a long time and even had hundreds of bitcoin. This is my 4th year on the forum, I'm really enjoying it now and I'm lucky during that time I'm enjoying some ATH.

Yeah, I somewhat enjoyed the 2017. ATH. I didn't bought Bitcoin right away in the summer because I didn't know anything about it. First real money that I have earned came from airdrops that were really popular back then here in this forum. Only after I earned my first "real" money by selling those airdrops I bought Bitcoin. Back then everyone was telling me to sell all my crypto when the price started rising. But I sold about 80% at the beginning of 2018. like I knew that it was the peak of that bull run.
2853  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Nove NFT igre? on: March 30, 2022, 11:37:24 AM
ovaj sto je prijavio nestanak sredstava, on nije haker, on je pomislio da Axie tim radi rug pull, pa ih je ucenio da mu daju 10 miliona dolara da cuti
ako sam dobro shvatio, nije u pitanju hack, nego dogovor izmedju 5 saradnika u multi-potpisu (ukupno je 5/9 novcanik), ili su nekima od njih nestali kljucevi

po meni, to nije hack, nego kradja, nemam pojma, tako mi se cini

Mislim da smo se krivo shvatili... Ja sam mislio na to da je onaj tko je shortao tokene trebao pustiti vijest o hacku (odnosno krađi, što li je već) što bi onda srozalo cijenu tokena, a on bi zaradio. Nebitno je li taj koji je shortao ukrao lovu ili netko drugi.
2854  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 30, 2022, 11:35:24 AM je mislim najbolji mixer za ethereum ali nisam siguran koliko se isplati koristiti ga kad su velike naknade za transakcije na eth mreži.
Sigurno ima još nekih mixera (možda onaj novi koji sad rekalmira Royse) ali su mnogi sumnjivi ili scam, a možeš koristiti i neki centralizirani exchange bez kyc verifikacije koji ima sličnu funkciju.

Moram priznati da stvarno jako dugo nisam gledao ethgasstation i upravo sam se šokirao kad sam otvorio stranicu i vidio da je standard gas fee samo 2 gwei. Ali onda sam malo bolje pogledao i vidio da je base fee 35 gwei, a ovih 2 gwei je valjda onaj tip. Uglavnom, nije tako strašno platiti par dolara transakciju ako želiš zaštititi svoju anonimnost.

Što se tiče CEX-ova koji nemaju KYC, njih nema baš puno, odnosno svi malo veći traže KYC za withdraw love. A ove manje i nepoznate ne bi koristio u tu svrhu isto kao što ne bi koristio nepoznate mixere.
2855  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 30, 2022, 09:58:39 AM
uz naknadu za transakciju na Ethereum-u, Uniswap takodje ima i svoj fee (nekad to izgleda beznacajno u odnosu na fee za transakciju, ali svakako postoji)
ranije je bio 0,3% za sve (ide ka LP-ovima), sad zavisi od para, i ide od 0,05% za neke stablecoine, do cak 1% ako menjas manje poznate i manje likvidne tokene

privatnost ima svoju cenu, i uvek se na kraju plati vise, meni je veci problem transparentnost, ako bilo gde posaljes sa te adrese novac, za neki proizvod ili slicno, svi mogu da izanaliziraju tvoje transakcije od "kulina-bana"

Hm... Da. Kad smo već kod transparentnosti... Zna li netko kakav crypto mixer, a da nije samo za Bitcoin? Provjerio sam Chipmixer i Jambler ali koliko sam uspio shvatiti, oni su samo za miksanje BTC-a. Kad bi postojali mikseri za ostale kriptovalute, onda i transparentnost ne bi bila tako velik problem.
2856  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Nove NFT igre? on: March 30, 2022, 08:21:57 AM

Odmah nakon hacka je izgleda otvoren veliki short na ronin i AXS od strane hakera kako bi i "legalno" došao do velike love kada vijest bude puštena u javnost. Odlična ideja u teoriji, i praksi završila likvidacijom shorta prije nego je pad krenuo  Grin

nisam cuo za to
ono sto je ocigledno istina je da je neko prijavio odliv sredstava jos 26.3., ali su mu rekli da ide kod psihijatra (ta prepiska postoji i sa Jihoz-om iz Axie-a, i sa Discord-a), jedino sto je on promasio za decimalu, pa napisao da je nestalo 1,7 miliona ETH (ipak je 170 hiljada ETH odliv)

tako da se za hack saznalo tek posle 6 dana, a u medjuvremenu AXS jeste rastao

Svašta... Pa zašto onda haker nije sam pustio vijest da je hack napravljen i na taj način uzrokovao pad cijene tokena koje je shortao?
2857  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 30, 2022, 08:20:48 AM
Ma lako se to ograniči. KYC na adrese preko 50k$ mjesečnog prometa i bok. Ako netko ima 425 povezanih adresa već će se skužiti.

Definitivno se ne smijemo pomiriti s time da netko ima pravo uvida u našu financijsku situaciju zato što postoje generalna AML pravila. Većina njih ni ne funkcionira jer banke uredno daju račune kriminalcima koji kroz njih peru lovu (pa i dokazano je već puno puta) - a najebemo mi s nekom sićom koja se onda analizira u cent.

Pa lakše im je onda obavezati sve korisnike na KYC nego provjeravati tko koristi više walleta da izbjegne KYC, zar ne? Druga je stvar ako bi ljudi počeli izbjegavati CEX-ove i njihova KYC pravila pa da se onda burze izbore za nekakvo ublažavanje tih pravila. Ja osobno to ne mislim raditi jer je ipak bolje platiti 0.1% trade fee za prodaju ETH-a nego platiti transaction fee na Uniswapu. Nisam dovoljno bogat da mi 0.1% nekog trejda vrijedi više nego što košta trejd na Uniswapu.
2858  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 30, 2022, 08:11:44 AM
The real problem is your inability to comprehend these words of mine: "... There are also no combinations of ones and zeros that would form digital products called bitcoins because no address holder is capable to show such products. All they are able to show are digital numbers...."

As you can see, I am not talking about metal in this part of my response. I am not sure whether this is your inability to comprehend or you are deliberately twisting my words.

No, no... You literally said that there is no Bitcoin because coins are made of metal and Bitcoin is not made of metal. Here, I'll quote it and make it bold for you:

Like I have said. You have a very twisted way of thinking. This response proved that also. Ones and zeros in a specific combination form computer programs. The same as ones and zeros attached to the addresses in the Satoshi's system form digital numbers. But there are no combinations of ones and zeros that would form a coin called bitcoin because coins are made of metal. There are also no combinations of ones and zeros that would form digital products called bitcoins because no address holder is capable to show such products. All they are able to show are digital numbers. So, your interpretation of my words is a twisted way of thinking.
2859  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: When and how did you discover Bitcoin? on: March 30, 2022, 07:26:43 AM
I discovered Bitcoin in the summer of 2017. I was on a vacation with my family and I was bored so I started scrolling trough the Facebook newsfeed. I stumbled upon a Facebook group where I saw the name of one of my faculty teachers. He has relatively unique name so it caught my eye. I joined and pretty quickly I registered here on the forum where I started reading and learning about Bitcoin and crypto in general. I must say that it was exiting to see messages from satoshi and other early adopters.
2860  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Great Bitcoin Secret Revealed on: March 30, 2022, 07:22:18 AM
Ok, this discussion is getting nowhere. For that reason I decided to make a video for you guys. I will call it: "Bitcoin is a myth and not real." I will explain everything there. The video I attached in the OP is somehow misleading. When I created it I was thinking that bitcoin is a some kind of message. But throughout  the discussion in this topic I realized that bitcoin actually doesn't exist. We can say that I was also the victim of this widespread false narrative on bitcoin's existence. So I will delete that video and make a new one. Probably over the weekend. Stay tuned.

I'm not sure if we all should admire your efforts to persuade us all that Bitcoin does not exist or should we pity you because you are not able to comprehend our reasons why Bitcoin is real even though you can't touch it and even though it's not made of metal.
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