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2881  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: It is possible mining via server on: July 21, 2014, 08:45:39 PM
It is possible to rent a server and mining his bitcoin?

Yes Smiley If you mean that you are looking for some hashes to buy.

You can buy some hashes from companies.  You can buy a mining contract.

You can check a link in my signature - this is example of mining contract services.

There are plenty of other similar services like that one from my signature, but before you buy anything remember to read around about it.

Here you have a thread from Lunamine

search around this section for more of similar services. :

also read : <- very interesting if you are thinking about Cloud Mining Smiley

2882  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][C2.1] Coin2 | Pow/PoS | ChainOfConflict[FPS] The Future of Gaming is Now on: July 21, 2014, 12:34:47 PM
Ok Coin2 Friends. Move your C2-shi and go check out the new trailer. With new footage from a level in Chain Of Conflict!

Hope you all like it! Smiley  And Share Share Share, Like Like Like, Donate Donate Donate! Smiley

Great video. Out of interest which version of animoto are you using?

Thanks for the comments.

I'm using animoto plus.  I hope to go to the pro version soon.  

Yes C2-shi is a word play on c2.1, ass and satoshi.  I joke early on if we trade in Coin2.1 fractions they should be called. C2-shi Smiley

My computer is running laggy. I need to redo my machine soon. just have not wanted to go through the hell of reinstalling all my programs. soon I will though.

Great results mate! I hope you will buy PRO license soon as you deserve it!
 Video is fearking awesome!
2883  Economy / Services / Re: Design a signature advertising ad for | Compete earn 0.25 BTC Bounty on: July 21, 2014, 11:53:50 AM
i have sent you a message with banner , please reply

How to enroll?

Post your design and your BTC address.

... Smiley instead of sending PMs you should post your one in here.
2884  Economy / Speculation / Re: Good news won't save Bitcoin's price any more on: July 21, 2014, 11:51:15 AM
No matter how many good news about bitcoin pop out everyday, bitcoin's price is still going down

Maybe we are looking at not the same charts my friend....

Bitcoin price is going down Huh WHAT A NONSENSE.

Smiley please study price charts better and then spread meaningless FUD.

2885  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][C2.1] Coin2 | Pow/PoS | ChainOfConflict[FPS] The Future of Gaming is Now on: July 21, 2014, 11:29:29 AM
Ok Coin2 Friends. Move your C2-shi and go check out the new trailer. With new footage from a level in Chain Of Conflict!

Hope you all like it! Smiley  And Share Share Share, Like Like Like, Donate Donate Donate! Smiley

Awesome game - awe some clip!!!

+100000!!! I hope same will go for the price! Cheesy!

2886  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: PIN for Blockchain wallet on Android device on: July 20, 2014, 10:38:43 PM
The app don't ask you for a PIN.

You create a PIN just enter what you want

Well maybe! Smiley Worth checking! Smiley I didn't though about that possibility Smiley

OP what's your case? What is it written on a screen when it ask for PIN?
2887  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: whats stopping you from investing in Altcoins? on: July 20, 2014, 10:25:32 PM
Fear and uncertainty stops most people for sure.


I find for me very hard to choose in which altcoin I want to invest ...

After so many crashes ... it is hard to choose.

Altcoins market is crazy and unpredictable. One day +30% another -80% .. .Cheesy

What is stopping me is a lack of founds Smiley ... anyway.
2888  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: PIN for Blockchain wallet on Android device on: July 20, 2014, 10:22:59 PM

I have just set up a new wallet on the official Blockchain site, and have paired it to my mobile device using the latest app for Android.

I have set up 2FA, verified via SMS, so security wise I have done everything available on BC. However, when I scanned the QR code via my app, it asked for a 4 digit PIN number. I can't seem to find this anywhere. The SMS and email verification codes were all 5 digits.

Any clues as to where I may locate this?



As I remember good - just after I downloaded for Android after installation on the 1st run I was asked to set up my PIN number (4 digits).  If you don't remember doin' that well you might have a problem. As PIN will be needed.

2889  Economy / Services / Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<< on: July 20, 2014, 10:08:38 PM
Wow some cool information Roslin. thanks for that Smiley I started having a look at some youtube tutorials for Unity3d.
Looks like you can do some very cool things, providing you no how.

How long have you been using Unity for ? Did you start using it at University ?
I saw in a youtube tutorial you can use Unity for making 2d projects as well... Do you have much experience with 2d ?

I have an idea for a game.. I think I want to iron out some of the details before I speak to you. But I think I would very much be interested in having you develop it... your price is very good to. Love the fact you can easily provide Linux, Mac or Windows binaries as well.. Kinda excited with all this now heh.. I might PM  you soon actually to have a chat.. hopefully I do not waste to much of your time.

Please keep your updates coming like you have been!! I found it very interesting reading what you were saying about creating games and what not so far.

Thanks for response!
Well I am working with Unity3D from about 15 months - not a long time but I must say I see huge progress each month Smiley

I knew something about C# and JS before I've started learning Unity3D so I haven't got bigger problems with scripting - just need an idea, Unity's docs, and every function is nicely explained there so I just search for what I need and code it for my needs.

I know that you can build 2D games with Unity3D Smiley and it is awesome feature too! Smiley I was testing this feature but I didn't finished any 2D projects as well .. I am trying mastering 3D Smiley

But we can talk about some 2D projects too. You will explain to me what you want, I will make a simple demo, you will review and tell me what do you think about it Smiley

With Unity3D you can build really almost everything - what you need is : time, skills (time), good 3D models, and good idea.

I am sure that what is most important in developing a game is really how much time you have Smiley - huge amount of time is needed for bigger projects.

This is why projects like Far Cry, Elder's Scroll, Battlefield, Grid   and other world's best games are developed in a time of few years instead like a week for simple game.

And well ... if you want to build up a huge great game you need to work with a team Smiley At least few people including a good flexible 3D designer.

Ubisoft, CD Project, EA Games, Blizzard etc. will spend millions while creating new game. When they will release it they will earn 100x times what they put into Smiley

My service as a game dev @Bitcointalk is kinda mentioned to build up smaller games Smiley I though that people who have some business might find interesting to have a chance to create their own game with their logo inside etc. Smiley

But if there will be some serious offer I am flexible and we can build something bigger too just we will need to discuss details so at the end we will be both happy Smiley

Anyway. I am still waiting for some orders and I hope someone will find this service interesting and useful. Smiley

I am waiting for Unity5 and webGL included ... so then I will start to build awesome web sites Tongue Smiley  I can imagine like a Flash on steroids Cheesy
This will be AMAZING.

Soon I will also release a Bitcoin Racing game Cheesy Just for fun... also few small projects will be released soon too Smiley all of them as free 2 play projects Smiley

Ah! Just want to let everybody know that when you order a game I will 1st create a simple demo for you to show you how it will looks like (+-). And when you say you like it! We will discuss the rest of our deal Smiley


2890  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: BANKSYCOIN OFFICIAL LAUNCH # NEW CRYPTO COIN on: July 20, 2014, 12:47:54 PM
Not sure how many of you are familiar with this software , but Eset security is what a lot of banks, ISPs and other companies that need high security use for their Internet security.... I downloaded this just now and scanned it with mine, there is nothing malice in the file sets end of story ....

User valta4065 already told that he played the game and he had no virus problems ... I was asking him to delete those posts about NON-existing problems with BanksyCoin game ... but he edited some of them instead of deleting them ... and still he left one where he wrote about it ...

Anyway I was 1000% about that everything is OK with it as I was checking it on my own. Smiley

Thanks for your comment! And do you like the game? Smiley Kinda not a long story but enjoyable while walking around this China district isn't? Smiley

2891  Local / Polski / Re: Wykresy z polskiej giełdy -- pogadajmy o cenie! :) on: July 20, 2014, 12:43:52 PM
Widzę, że nie ma za wiele chętnych do rozmowy o giełdzie Smiley


W każdym razie od mojego ostatniego postu cena jak można przeczytać się nie wiele zmieniła ...

W ogóle ostatnio obserwowanie ceny i wachań na rynku Bitcoin jest dosyć nudne ... Smiley brakuje emocji z października ... to było to Cheesy

Otwierasz rano oczy ... bitcoin +100zł. Idziesz spać - Bitcoin +100zł, budzisz się rano Smiley Bitcoin +200zł Cheesy

To było rally ...
2892  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Discussion about post quality for PRIMEDICE signature campaign. on: July 19, 2014, 11:26:36 PM
Thank you as I had seen many members spamming this sig campaign and wanted action taken against them, they dont post much but there posts are uselsess posts.

Never mind I found your addy

Feel free to correct me on any profile if u think im not correct. Same goes for everybody who wants to help.

So maybe lets discuss about the quality of your posts Micro.
Checked last of your posts and most of them are on this thread or PD thread or thread about paid sig campaigns.  How come you think this is constructive?


2893  Economy / Services / Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<< on: July 19, 2014, 09:41:53 PM
Will you be able to create a cheap RPG game like runescape ?

Yes but this game need a lot of work even if it doesn't looks like it
Maybe graphics are terrible in the game but still you have to code it Smiley

I am able to do RPG games but I know that if you want to make it MMO you will need to pay for Photon 4 Unity3D or put a dedicated server on your own.

Well this is not so small project Smiley Coding an RPG game is extremely hard if you want to make a good RPG game not just another crappy game. Cheesy

2894  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: BANKSYCOIN OFFICIAL LAUNCH # NEW CRYPTO COIN on: July 19, 2014, 08:21:38 PM
How do I unlock wallet and stake

You need to encrypt your wallet 1st - set up a password.

Go to : "Settings" -> Encrypt Wallet (And don't forget your pass phrase!)

Then "Unlock" your wallet using your password.
2895  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: BANKSYCOIN OFFICIAL LAUNCH # NEW CRYPTO COIN on: July 19, 2014, 08:18:46 PM
sorry meant the download not install, most likely false Avast does that alot

No most likely but I am ensuring you that there is no any suspicious things attached.

Anyone can check it anyway - just install better AntiVirus then Avast Smiley and everyone can check this package on his own.

As for sure most of you will do! Smiley Which is a good thing to be secured!
But like I told before I am hundred percent sure about what I am saying before.

This is FREE 2 PLAY game! Someone put effort to give it to you! It was BanksyCoin and it was me.

Community should to appreciate this idea. Isn't? Instead of trolling with informations about not existing problems  Wink

Kind regards.
2896  Economy / Services / Re: [0 avail.] UPFRONT PAYMENTS FOR YOUR SIGNATURE - Limited offer. | on: July 19, 2014, 07:47:07 PM
Sent everyone except monbux a PM regarding the signatures.

Slots are currently full. They could open, I will let the new applicants know!

Oh please i just want one spot and will be with your sig forever.. if it runs forever

I'm extremely busy right now, once time frees up I will consider your application! Smiley

roslinpl has been paid

Oh cheers!

Got it!

 Wink I hope we will enjoy to do business with each other.

Kind regards!
2897  Economy / Services / Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<< on: July 19, 2014, 07:44:32 PM
Hello again! Smiley

A new game created with my hands was released today!:) You can play it if you want to.

It was created for BanksyCoin developers - they ordered a game to advertise their coin better.
You can see results:

Or you can check on YouTube:

It is kinda short game but pretty cool!
It was developed by me with some help of Unity3D Asset Store (Unit-Chan Character and those amazing China's Streets and Shops 3D models!)
I did it in a week. Smiley Even a day less.

Good results isn't? Smiley

2898  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: BANKSYCOIN- HELP THE CHILDREN CHARITY GIVEAWAY on: July 19, 2014, 07:16:08 PM
Really good idea guys.

This is AWESOME idea!!!!

I am sure that kids will love it! Cheesy !!

BanksyCoin +100 for that Charity Giveaway!
2899  Economy / Services / Re: [10 avail.] UPFRONT PAYMENTS FOR YOUR SIGNATURE - Limited offer. | on: July 19, 2014, 05:43:48 PM
Give each one of  SigSellers own ref link in the sig then tell who was good and who was bad.

This is all from me.


I think that OP is already tracking users with this method (he ask to put a unique URL after confirmation)

I don't see unique URL in yours Sig.

Anyway if everyone will have seperated sig AND will be able to review his stats it will be very good.
If not - very bad Smiley

2900  Economy / Services / Re: [10 avail.] UPFRONT PAYMENTS FOR YOUR SIGNATURE - Limited offer. | on: July 19, 2014, 05:38:13 PM
This campaign is kinda not good? Or I am wrong?

People can be "removed" from campaign if bad results?
How did you check the results???

Each one of us SHOULD HAVE different reffere in their sig if you want to say who was good and who was bad.

This campaign seems good as we look at the prices + weekly payouts.

But I don't know will my results will be good enough. ... Cheesy this is kinda funny campaign.

Give each one of  SigSellers own ref link in the sig then tell who was good and who was bad.

This is all from me.

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