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301  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 07, 2015, 03:23:32 AM
That was a generalized statement to the pattern of the majority of all cryptos until now.

Artificial/unhealthy exponential growth spurt over a very short period of time followed by a swift crash.  It's the exact pattern of a bubble chart.

Are you not capable of looking at the bitcoin charts and the bubble chart I noted earlier?  And are you able to refute how its 2 month 1000% rise and subsequent halving in value 3 weeks later was anything but 'organic?'

I'd honestly love to hear this.  I'll go and grab my popcorn now.

Your assertion was the Bitcoin -- like all other cryptos -- would die after the initial pump and dump. I'm not going to refute that p'n'd occurs. I'm wanting you pick exactly one point you'll use as the "initial pump and dump" (note double quotes), and use that to show that Bitcoin is correspondingly doomed. Your quote revisited:

Bitcoin so far has been no different.  Check and compare the long term charts of all these digital currencies.  And none of them have ever come back to realize their initial pump and dump prices.  None.

You're the one with the assertion. I'm the one with the popcorn. Get to it.

Nobody has a crystal ball.  But like ass holes, everyone has an opinion.  And it is of *MY* opinion (and probably less popular because we're on a bitcoin promoted forum) that bitcoin exhibits all classic characteristics of a bubble market...AND COMBINED with the long string of negative press/fraud...will continue in its downward price trend until a) future investors shy away, b) current holders jump ship, and c) interest naturally dies down.

The euphoria phase of bitcoin is over, imo.  Same thing with Dogecoin.  But damn, those few months were crazy.  But that's what happens with bubbles.  Everyone starts talking about them like the 'next best thing in the history of mankind' and a frenzy ensues.

And unlike for certain recoverable bubble markets like the stock market and housing...bitcoin is not a necessity, but rather an alternative and luxury. 

The underlying basic tech of bitcoin may flourish under another new improved infrustructure/name down the road, but I think Bitcoin in itself has seen its best days, and lost grasp of its reigns in a downward spiral once the Mt. Gox debacle first hit.  It's in an unrecoverable phase, ironically akin to the excuses the scamming exchange operators give.  

With technology, there is often a very small window of opportunity to turn boom or bust.  And unfortunately with Bitcoin, the bad news just kept piling up and public perception went to the wayside with it.  About the only ones still raving over it are holders hoping to save face or in denial.

Again...since reading comprehension seems to be a difficult chore for some: the underlying premise/technology of bitcoin may have a future, but Bitcoin itself is (in my opinion) headed towards a fate of obscurity and an afterthought.  

Much like plasma tv's succumbed to LED' will Bitcoin.  

In my opinion, there will probably be some sort of government issued digital currency that will take its reigns and gain true widespread adoption.  I know people shudder at the mere mention of crypto currencies and government...but in the end, they are the real ones that have both the financial and advertising means to take the technology to the next level of adoption.

Disagree if you will. But those are my thoughts.
302  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Slur - New Wikileaks type platform based on Bitcoin payments on: January 07, 2015, 02:59:35 AM
.io domain registration? check

15 dollar wordpress template? check

Yeah.  I think I'll pass.

303  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 07, 2015, 01:59:43 AM
No.  Organic growth over a 4 year period /= a 1000% skyrocket in price in under 2 months, then a subsequent drop of over 50% in less than 3 weeks.  I suggest you present both market charts to a professor of economics at a local university for verification on how asinine your comparison is.

It's obvious this is going nowhere, as you don't understand the basic fundamentals of market conditions...and are just reaching for straws.

[edit - disparaging remark removed as gratuitous]

Care to answer my questions above? Still looking for what you feel is the "initial pump and dump", followed by a dive to "milli fractions" in value.

That was a generalized statement to the pattern of the majority of all cryptos until now.

Artificial/unhealthy exponential growth spurt over a very short period of time followed by a swift crash.  It's the exact pattern of a bubble chart.

Are you not capable of looking at the bitcoin charts and the bubble chart I noted earlier?  And are you able to refute how its 2 month 1000% rise and subsequent halving in value 3 weeks later was anything but 'organic?'

I'd honestly love to hear this.  I'll go and grab my popcorn now.
304  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The real problem with Exchanges/'s quite simple. on: January 07, 2015, 01:55:08 AM
This is a fundamental flaw in the bitcoin banking system.  The anarchists will claim 'BUT HAVING REAL NAMES AND REAL PEOPLE GOES AGAINST THE TRANSPARENCY OF CRYPTOS!'  No.  You can't have it both ways.  Either you have accountability or you get taken to the cleaners.  The 'blind trust' system never works on the internet.  Never has.  Never will.

It could be done, but it'd involve every bitcoiner start using PGP to build a collective web of trust. Now that'd be a nice thing to see, but it ain't gonna happen. It's too much hassle and complexity for the avg Joe, just like generating high-entropy private keys or signing offline transactions.

Bingo.  Completely agree with this.

Jbreher: I agree with some of your points, though to me (may not be the same for all) it seems like you're trying to downplay the greater issue by staking blame of risk vs. reward at the end user when most have been essentially robbed blind without recourse.  Or are we all to just 'expect the worst' in the crypto community when entrusting our bitcoins in transactions?

p2p? I've combed over that multiple times in other posts.  It's no different.  You're still putting your trust in another faceless entity over the internet with no verifiable name/address/location.  Go through an escrow? Lol.  What if the escrow packs of shop once they've hit personal economic hardship?

This is the biggest problem facing bitcoin, in my personal opinion.  You keep saying I'm blaming the technology.  No, I'm not.  I'm blaming the people who are using it, because the motives thus far have been anything but charitable.

What good is fiat without banks?  Or are we all to just hoard coins in our personal computers and let them collect dust while maintaining a 'wait and see/trust no one' approach?  I'm sure that's the entire point of bitcoin, right? To just hoard and remain stagnant. 

305  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The real problem with Exchanges/'s quite simple. on: January 07, 2015, 01:20:02 AM
I said bitcoin as a technology has so much advantages in its premise.  It's just fallen into the wrong hands.

Dude. [eta - or dudette - don't mean to offend the fairer sex] You're so far from the shores that your dried bones are bleaching.

The only thing in your rant that has ended up in the wrong hands is the bitcoins that the gullible have eagerly forwarded. It has absolutely zero to do with the technology. It is a basic failure to think things through to their logical conclusion.

Flashman has it exactly right. Act like a grownup and take responsibility for your own poor decisions.

You're multiple post rebuttal was basically agreeing with me.  Exchanges have no verifiable identities.

Now.  The greater question: how do YOU suppose bitcoin should be transacted/traded? I mean, if none of these exchanges are trustworthy, what other alternatives are there?  Or is that not an option whatsoever?

306  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 07, 2015, 12:50:07 AM
No I'm saying that you cannot predict the failure of the dominant product in the market by the failures that came AFTER it and never really challenged it's dominance.

It sounds like you're saying something similar to "WebTV never took off, this absolutely proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the internet is DOOOOOOMED!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOMMMMED!!!"

I'm simply stating every digital currency created up til this point has suffered the same exact pattern of an artificial pump and dump bubble.  Not one of them hasn't.  Whether from the actual coin creators or investors, all have been whored to death and then promptly dropped like a 5 dollar hooker.

I'm not claiming to know the future.  But I also base my opinions on facts, and trends.  And as of right now, the price trends/charts/and all the recent fraud news does NOT bode well for any crypto, bitcoin included.

As an owner of over 4btc (far from a fortune, but it's still money) and having lost over 8 btc on various exchange thefts, I wish this was not the case.  But it's really disgusting how dark the bitcoin community has gotten.  It's a sesspool of fraud and manipulation...which are the exact things that will run it to the ground and prevent it from gaining true mainstream adoption.
Same as apple stocks:
Is apple just a pump and dumb?

Did you really just compare the organic 4 year price increase of the largest corporation in terms of consumer electronics sales worldwide to a 24 month bubble spike chart of a speculative new tech named bitcoin?  

Like, I'm honestly not sure if you're being serious or not.

Lol.  This is hopeless.

You are the primary reason why most bitcoin and altcoin 'investors' get hosed.  Because they have no idea how markets really work.  They just see dollar signs and jump on the first hypes of 'TO DA MOOOON!!!!!!'
You were talking about patterns. There is a pretty similar pattern in Apple stocks. Is there not?

No.  Organic growth over a 4 year period /= a 1000% skyrocket in price in under 2 months, then a subsequent drop of over 50% in less than 3 weeks.  I suggest you present both market charts to a professor of economics at a local university for verification on how asinine your comparison is.

It's obvious this is going nowhere, as you don't understand the basic fundamentals of market conditions...and are just reaching for straws.
307  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The real problem with Exchanges/'s quite simple. on: January 07, 2015, 12:41:31 AM
Consider it a response to the general amount of whining you've been doing lately.

The shiller will always shun away constructive criticism/reality.  This is no real surprise.

Keep living in your perfect world, though.  Seems like it's doing you a lot of good up 'til now.  After all, we all know technology thrives/grows when it's never amended or improved.  Just let it rot stagnant and it all will be gravy!
308  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The real problem with Exchanges/'s quite simple. on: January 07, 2015, 12:08:43 AM
I don't know how you've been here this long and missed this.... the responsibility for your own bitcoins, is in your own hands.

It's not up to the whole of the internet or the bitcoin community to lead you by the hand, wipe your arse, and help you cross the street, if you can't put on your big boy pants and man up to your own mistakes then tough shit, life is continually going to suck for you. At the moment you think it's bitcoin making it suck, but I'm afraid you'll get out of bitcoin, and things start to suck in your other ventures, what is the common factor there? Oh, it's you.

Reading is fundamental, and apparently you suck at it.

Please re-read my OP.  I said bitcoin as a technology has so much advantages in its premise.  It's just fallen into the wrong hands.

And please enlighten me: how exactly is bitcoin supposed to flourish and grow when every single one of its exchanges goes belly up?  Is everyone just supposed to do peer to peer transactions doing FS/Wanted trade threads on forums?

309  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The real problem with Exchanges/'s quite simple. on: January 07, 2015, 12:06:10 AM
We need some exchanges that are run by a real company. If that happens, they will become "the bitcoin exchange" and the problem would be fixed... The problem of no rock solid safe exchanges.

Why doesn't blockchain add an exchange? they are funded by rich people like Richard Branson (My guess at his name spelling Smiley )

They have the investors to make it the spot to trade and buy bitcoin.

Agreed.  This is a vital requirement or these scams will continue happening.  Guaranteed.

Why do you think actual fiat banks around the world are able to work?  Because they are physical entities with verifiable employees/assets.  Additionally, most are FDIC insured.  Meaning, should the absolute worst case happen, they are backed by the federal government and all your funds would be replenished should they go bottom up or robbed.

This is a fundamental flaw in the bitcoin banking system.  The anarchists will claim 'BUT HAVING REAL NAMES AND REAL PEOPLE GOES AGAINST THE TRANSPARENCY OF CRYPTOS!'  No.  You can't have it both ways.  Either you have accountability or you get taken to the cleaners.  The 'blind trust' system never works on the internet.  Never has.  Never will.
310  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The real problem with Exchanges/'s quite simple. on: January 06, 2015, 11:51:32 PM
Is that we are dealing with faceless entities over the internet and entrusting them with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of our hard earned money.

Has anyone ever stopped to think how ridiculous it is that we actually put our faith and send money blindly to a most likely foreign operation ran by members known merely by an internet screenname?  I mean how damn professional is it knowing that a good majority of these exchanges are owned by teens and mid to late 20's Russians simply known as 'XxShadowRoguexX' or 'SysOp69_4u.'  With no physical company building or readily verifiable business location.  Well.  Let me rephrase that.  Even having a physical location such as Mt. Gox didn't stop Mr. Karpeles from cleaning out shop.

Step back for a second and think about this.  Do you think a company such as Apple or Samsung could just get away with being ran by anonymous CEO's that simply go by an internet screenname?

Bottom line is there's zero sense of accountability.  Which is precisely the reason why they're able to scam...and keep scamming.  Because they can make up any bullshit excuse they want and follow the crowd by saying they were 'hacked'...and there's nothing we can do about it.

And this is precisely the reason why I believe bitcoin will ultimate fade into the sunset of obscurity along with failed techs like tablet pc's and palm pilots.   Could another, better tech supplant it in the future? Possibly.  But as of now, it is nothing more than a haven for scammers, and has fell into the wrong hands.  Assuredly the same exact hands Mr. Nakamoto feared.
311  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Ponzi scheme or not on: January 06, 2015, 11:38:34 PM
Bitcoin is like a ponzi scheme.
No new comers, the price is falling ,right?

More new comers, the price is raising Smiley  same for HYIPs. they last as long there are new comers.
yes, the Bitcoin system itself can last but useless if nobody is using it.

Now, Bitcoin is used for cyber crimes and speculative investment(short period of time).

Seriously are you guys getting paid for this or something? I don't see why people would waste their life on a forum just to trash talk something all day.

There more people using bitcoin than ever before and the price of a bitcoin is irrelevant when it comes to the technology.

You seem vexed.

I'm not vexed just annoyed by all the sockpuppets here saying things that ARE NOT TRUE. If anyone represents something false as true it annoys me no matter what the subject matter is.

World Bank says bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme

When there will not be any new fouls to "invest" in Bitcoin, the system will collapse.

Bitcoin will not collapse if nobody "invests". It does not need investors. It works well regardless of the value of a bitcoin.

This is also true bitcoin is first and foremost a technology. People buying bitcoin has zero effect on the technology of the blockchain functioning as it should. The idea of blockchain is a primary technological innovation.

who said something about the Bitcoin tech? it's like you said "that HYIPs is using PHP for its website". So what? PHP is used for many application.

Bitcoin system is a bubble as it is now. Yes, there are a lot of interests around it because some people make a lot of money from new comers but it's a bubble in the end. Smiley

That's why "you" need to appear in the news, conferences and so on.

What would this "blockchain " without the new so called "investors", without money? why do you need the Bitcoin to be "traded"?
make  1 BTC = 1 USD and done. no price fluctuation Smiley

No, you need the price fluctuation in order to get new fouls otherwise will be like any other e-currency.

php is a relatively old technology and people who participate in HYIP's run from php script scam websites do not participate in php technology in the same way bitcoin users do with the blockchain. The blockchain has many uses and is still in its infancy. A php script scam website is not participating in changing technology in any way whatsoever. Bitcoin services, major investments in many bitcoin projects, and the blockchain itself is an unprecedented technology.

Charles Hoskinson says Bitcoin-related technology is about to revolutionise property rights, banking, remote education, private law and crowd-funding for the developing world.

There are much more articles out there but I am not going to waste any more time on this joke of a thread.

There are many uses for bitcoin blockchain.

I don't need to appear in the news at all. Bitcoin is a decentralized technology and no one individual owns it. If you are thinking of bitcoin as a company shows how little you understand it. It is nothing "like any other e-currency" at all.

The technology has everything to do with it. Bitcoin is at its core an unprecedented technology and even the World Bank agrees it is not a Ponzi but of course you must be right  Roll Eyes

For every arbitrary youtube vid/article you quote in your one-sided shill argument, I could quote another 10 negative articles outlining why this is no more than a speculative bubble that will soon collapse.

Look.  I'm not doubting that the bitcoin fundamentals were quite impressive.  In an 'idealistic' society, it would have flourished 10-100 fold by now, and perhaps been the next 'tablet computer' of payment processing.

However, majority of the technology fell into the wrong hands, casting a negative cloud over it that could not and cannot be remedied.

Every single one of the biggest and supposedly most trusted exchanges all go down due to hacks/ coin ipo scams galore, and basically every other perspective new start up involving some form of scamming in one way or another.

Then there's Silkroad 1 and 2. 

I'm not even going to include the amount of p2p scamming that goes on on an individual basis on forums either. 

With all this negative press, do you think any new large scale corporations are going to actually spend time and money to implement it? Come on dude, this is common sense.  Take off your rose colored blinders.  Without new's going nowhere...unless you're happy with just trading worthless coins to joe bloe in India like hoarding Farmville money...maybe that's your thing.

You're in denial man.  It's a burning/sinking ship..and it will take you down with it.  So be it though.  So long as you're 'happy' with the fundamentals, it shouldn't matter if you lose every penny you spent, amirite? That's a great way of looking at things though Smiley 

312  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Bitstamp: Less than 19,000 BTC lost !!! on: January 06, 2015, 11:19:43 PM
The overtly optimistc/blind will defend these guys til they burn down to the ground.

IMO, all these supposed 'hacks' of exchanges were nothing more than inside jobs.  Gox, Cryptorush, Coinex, Mintpal, Bitstamp...the list goes on forever.  This is stolen money..and the owners/scammers all just follow the same wordpress template during the situation:

*insert 'down for maintenance page'
*insert 'we have been attacked, please allow us time to address the issue' splash page message
*insert 'we assure your old funds are safe, please bear with us' update message
*insert 'we are terribly sorry but due to the losses we have to close up shop as we are insolvent' finality message, as you strung along users for over a month with enough time to flee your native country, change your legal name, and enjoy your millions you scammed from your own users 

At least with Mintpal, they admitted it.  But at the same time, after reading that whole fiasco, even that seems a bit shady because it's 2 owners deferring blame to a rogue member.  And I have heard zero updated on the court proceedings that supposedly started 3 months ago (and nobody has even verified or attended it) which they even raised a good 5 digits worth of bitcoin charity for their supposed prosecution money.

Ridiculous lol.
313  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 06, 2015, 05:14:22 PM
No I'm saying that you cannot predict the failure of the dominant product in the market by the failures that came AFTER it and never really challenged it's dominance.

It sounds like you're saying something similar to "WebTV never took off, this absolutely proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the internet is DOOOOOOMED!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOMMMMED!!!"

I'm simply stating every digital currency created up til this point has suffered the same exact pattern of an artificial pump and dump bubble.  Not one of them hasn't.  Whether from the actual coin creators or investors, all have been whored to death and then promptly dropped like a 5 dollar hooker.

I'm not claiming to know the future.  But I also base my opinions on facts, and trends.  And as of right now, the price trends/charts/and all the recent fraud news does NOT bode well for any crypto, bitcoin included.

As an owner of over 4btc (far from a fortune, but it's still money) and having lost over 8 btc on various exchange thefts, I wish this was not the case.  But it's really disgusting how dark the bitcoin community has gotten.  It's a sesspool of fraud and manipulation...which are the exact things that will run it to the ground and prevent it from gaining true mainstream adoption.
Same as apple stocks:
Is apple just a pump and dumb?

Did you really just compare the organic 4 year price increase of the largest corporation in terms of consumer electronics sales worldwide to a 24 month bubble spike chart of a speculative new tech named bitcoin?  

Like, I'm honestly not sure if you're being serious or not.

Lol.  This is hopeless.

You are the primary reason why most bitcoin and altcoin 'investors' get hosed.  Because they have no idea how markets really work.  They just see dollar signs and jump on the first hypes of 'TO DA MOOOON!!!!!!'
314  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Stop saying the Bitstamp coins were dumped!! They are right $%&#ing here -- > on: January 06, 2015, 02:05:19 PM
Here is an example of someone saying that:
New ATH in 2015 around $5500

That would be crazy.. n every early adopter will be immensely profited by that if it happens. but as per what I feel.. even reaching 500$ would be a challenge in itself!  

It's funny that everyone is predicting an ATH while the price is plummeting because of the Bitstamp news.

he is saying about the Bitstamp news, not even an indirect indication that its caused by the dumping of said stolen coins.

Nope.  The Bitstamp price drop hasn't even happened yet. This looks bad.
315  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 06, 2015, 01:50:58 PM
No I'm saying that you cannot predict the failure of the dominant product in the market by the failures that came AFTER it and never really challenged it's dominance.

It sounds like you're saying something similar to "WebTV never took off, this absolutely proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the internet is DOOOOOOMED!!!! DOOOOOOOOOOMMMMED!!!"

I'm simply stating every digital currency created up til this point has suffered the same exact pattern of an artificial pump and dump bubble.  Not one of them hasn't.  Whether from the actual coin creators or investors, all have been whored to death and then promptly dropped like a 5 dollar hooker.

I'm not claiming to know the future.  But I also base my opinions on facts, and trends.  And as of right now, the price trends/charts/and all the recent fraud news does NOT bode well for any crypto, bitcoin included.

As an owner of over 4btc (far from a fortune, but it's still money) and having lost over 8 btc on various exchange thefts, I wish this was not the case.  But it's really disgusting how dark the bitcoin community has gotten.  It's a sesspool of fraud and manipulation...which are the exact things that will run it to the ground and prevent it from gaining true mainstream adoption.
316  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: List of Major Bitcoin Heists, Thefts, Hacks, Scams, and Losses on: January 06, 2015, 01:21:51 PM
I was out the loop for about a month and a half.

Wow, did not realize Mintpal had gone the scam route as well.  Amazing.  I thought they were the one and only true trustable exchange since they had info and not an anonymous server domain registration.

But I guess that doesn't matter?
317  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 06, 2015, 01:19:00 PM
Doge, Aurora, Lite, Black, Dark, NXT, name it, it's suffered the same fate.  Started dirt cheap, rose astronomically 100-100,000% within a matter of hours/days...then crashed hard to the floor as the pumpers realized profits and moved on.

Hum, that's like saying Ford is going bankrupt tomorrow because other people's folding bicycles never really took off. Save retcon for your favorite comic books, it can't happen in the real world.

Not sure I'm catching your analogy.

Are you refuting what I'm saying that every single digital currency has been pumped and dumped and never fully recovered...all exhibiting the same market bubble long term trend? If so, I'd LOVE to hear your analysis to the contrary.
318  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Bitstamp: Less than 19,000 BTC lost !!! on: January 06, 2015, 01:16:03 PM
those big exchange always end up like this, with all the money they made, they can at least make a better secure system, instead we have gox 2.0

I don't think the problem is's the admins/ceo's stealing the money.
319  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I am pretty confident we are the new fiat slaves, gentlemen. on: January 06, 2015, 08:42:49 AM
BTC has proven able to surprise in both directions:
It could go to $43 and hit $2,499 in the same 12 month period...

...and this place would be more fun again.

dude, it's a pump and dump shitcoin
it's not superior to any other coin  - only in hashrate and that should change too hopefully.

A good coin is no torture but fun. Bitcoin is low-end outdated shitcoin with far too much hashrate on it. (no wonder because it pays miners massive amounts of coins)

People got wise - nobody gonna buy coins just to give their money to miners. Bitcoin is going nowhere until it gets pumped and dumped again at the halving and then do nothing for 4 years again like every p'nD pennystock does.

You got to note: bitcoin goes down for months and months with no real bottom, then shoots up for 2 weeks and gets dumped again. It's the perfect pump and dump shitcoin.  

Pretty scammy too.

If you want to save your funds from economic turmoil buy gold, silver, food, guns - not bitcoin
Bitcoin is just a bad gambling-habbit and will go nowhere.

Although your username is pretty hilarious and troll-esque, it's hard to argue against any of your points.

Pump and dump? Check.

Same exact trend has happened to every other alt coin in the history of mankind.  

Doge, Aurora, Lite, Black, Dark, NXT, name it, it's suffered the same fate.  Started dirt cheap, rose astronomically 100-100,000% within a matter of hours/days...then crashed hard to the floor as the pumpers realized profits and moved on.

Bitcoin so far has been no different.  Check and compare the long term charts of all these digital currencies.  And none of them have ever come back to realize their initial pump and dump prices.  None.  Matter of fact, most have gone on to become worth basically a milli fraction of what they used to be...or completely vanished altogether.

The entire bitcoin/altcoin game just seems like a virtual game of monopoly by young techies and scammers.  It's been ridiculous for months now.  Sexcoin? Unobtanium? Pandacoin? Koinye?   I mean really...when you step back with a level head and really assess the situation, you'll see how ridiculous the entire thing has become.  It's a joke.    And the funny thing is, a good majority of these exchanges that have popped up are no different.  Young techie scammers with absolutely zero knowledge of how a business or corporation is run...yet it's so easy to feed off the others to buy in because they're even more desperate to turn a profit.   Create a decent looking homepage with a 25 dollar wordpress template, create some shill accounts, and write up an ANN thread and basically you'll have investors flocking like flies. 

All in all, bitcoin is a fun social and technological experiment, but so far it's mainly brought out the worst in people.  Greed. Which is the very exact thing it sought to combat with the corruption of fiat.  It's as bad and probably even worse especially when there is such low accountability when you're dealing with faceless people behind a laptop.
320  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoins reputation? on: January 06, 2015, 04:51:01 AM
Yes, Bitcoin doesn't care what anyone says, or how many times people use it for crimes. Bitcoin doesn't care about Ponzi scams, web cams, drug sales, shady CEOs, or altcoin IPOs.

Is this how bitcoin execs pitch the technology to future adopters?
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