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3021  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: someone, please help! on: July 27, 2022, 07:36:29 PM
I wrote this short guide last year:

OP, I think that LoyceV's is the best and safest approach, also pretty well written.
If there's a big amount there, this is what you should do.
And if you're not sure, you can ask, and ask, and ask again, for each and every step, until you can do this.

I will add that:
* you may want to not send the entire amount to exchanges (if this is the reason for touching those coins)
* you may want to make sure the destination wallet is safe (maybe hardware wallet, double checked that the recovery seed is indeed correctly written and works) if you touch the coins in order to send them away
3022  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Website browser with mining features on: July 27, 2022, 07:24:03 PM
Hi guys, I'm new to the world of bitcoin and i found an interesting website that is a browser with mining features and I would like to know if it's safe and if it actually works.

A website that's mining cannot mine bitcoin, since Bitcoin can be mined only with special hardware (which you most probably don't have).

So it may be mining altcoins and sell it for bitcoin, in the best case (I'll come back to this). If that happens, you'll be earning coins that worth some pennies, but your computer will consume electricity that'll cost much more than those pennies, so you lose money.

And I'm back to "it's mining altcoins, in the best case". Since it's very few pennies you'd be "earning" (that's if you ignore the electricity cost) like this, there are (at least) 2 directions for this kind of websites:
* if you're lucky, some will show a lot of advertising and will act like faucets, letting you withdraw .. pennies (after a big threshold is reached)
* if you're not too lucky (and this is what I expect to be the most widely spread case) the website will show some nice numbers there, may even steal all the information it can from your computer or at least browser, but you'll never be able to withdraw (and if you insist, you may be lied to deposit money there - under whatever reasons).

TL;DR: you better avoid that kind of websites.
3023  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin production/Adoption on: July 27, 2022, 07:14:30 PM
I don't know where you've got these ideas from, but there are plenty of mistakes there.

Now bitcoin was produced by an individual (s) who is from a particular country so other countries wealthy men instructed their government

I guess that you meant there bitcoin was invented or created...
Even more, since the identity of Bitcoin's creator is unknown, hence his country of origin too, your statement cannot hold.

There will be no central bank and other financial institutions.

There will always be financial institutions. But some may/will/should choose to work with bitcoin (too).

Bitcoin is the Best Option to remove inflation.

Bitcoin prices fluctuations make it difficult for many to keep all their funds in bitcoin. Even more, if they earn fiat they already lose by inflation (if the cost of working hour is done in fiat, it's subject to inflation).

Companies are using inflation to suffer the poor masses/Citizens.

It's the state who plays the inflation game. Companies may rise prices more than they should and blame inflation, but that happens only where there's no proper competition (usually weak state, weak law enforcement agencies).
3024  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: July 27, 2022, 06:51:37 PM
Um... eu as sugera ca, din contra, sa te duci cat mai repede. Din cate stiu eu, coletele se tin la coletarie 10 zile lucratoare sau ceva de genul... Uneori le tin si mai mult, dar se plateste taxa de magazinaj. Si, orisicum, nu le tin mult mai mult, ci doar cateva zile in plus. Apoi se returneaza sau, dupa caz, se praduiesc, daca nu este indicata adresa de retur.

Acestea fiind datele problemei, eu unul, daca as fi in locul tau, m-as duce cat mai repede la oficiul postal, nu as sta sa treaca o luna... Nu de alta, dar sa nu te trezesti ca-ti spune ceva de genul "vai, ne pare rau, dar tocmai l-am dat la retur acum o zi". Poate ai noroc si inca il prinzi acolo daca te duci acum... azi-maine... Iti tin pumnii!

Hmm, ai dreptate. Nu o sa imi fie usor (program exagerat de strans), dar o sa incerc sa vad de colet chiar maine. In cel mai rau caz macar dau cateva telefoane. Multumesc de idee.
3025  Other / Meta / Re: - BitcoinTalk Post/Address archive + API on: July 27, 2022, 06:46:28 PM
It's possible to scrape hidden boards too, but those posts aren't supposed to be accessible by anyone (including search engines). That's why they're not scraped.

I've missed this and it makes perfect sense. Thanks for the explanation.
3026  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Is democracy an utopia nowadays? on: July 27, 2022, 02:30:11 PM
I think that the current type of democracy always was pretty much an utopia.
I think that for a working democracy all law related institutions have to work and have safeguards (if one doesn't work properly others will fix that).
I think that for a working democracy there's a need that the same set of laws are ruling everywhere.

There will always be people or institutions that will try to not follow the rules. But finding them (and successfully convicting them) without invading privacy is a big challenge that will have to be fixed sooner or later. But without same laws and without fully working institutions in each corner of the world, this is impossible.
3027  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi’s exit - planned from day 1? on: July 27, 2022, 02:18:25 PM
Do you feel the same way, or have a different take on it?

He may have had plans to step back at some point, sooner or later, but from my knowledge, Gavin's visit at CIA has greatly rushed the things.

I'm not even convinced whether he has "left" willingly or not...
3028  Other / Meta / Re: - BitcoinTalk Post/Address archive + API on: July 27, 2022, 02:13:21 PM
I have some sort of bug report, I think. It may be nothing, or just a glitch in the matrix, I don't know.

It has 2 parts:
1. If I search for: author GazetaBitcoin, post title paraipan, it gives no returns, hence missing
Also if I search for: author GazetaBitcoin, post content paraipan, it doesn't return that topic either, and also for example it's missing

2. For the last 2-3 days not all the mention notifications seem to come and some 6 merits are missed too (meaning 2 or 3 meriting events)

Both are no biggie, you've done great job on both tools, still, I thought that you may want to know about this.
3029  Local / Minerit / Re: Se merita achizitionarea uni miner Antminer S9i 14 THs Minat in 2022 on: July 27, 2022, 01:54:04 PM
Buna ziua vreau sa incep a investi in miner si as vrea sa stiu daca se merita in 2022 sa incep cu unul singur si daca pot scoate profit chiar in prim luna sunt strans tare cu banii. Undecided

Pai in primul rand conteaza pretul curentului. Si daca sunt corecte calculele din postarea anterioara, deja stam rau. Apoi, as aduga ca si daca ai avea profit, ar fi mic, insuficient chiar si pentru a plati pentru aparat din primele cateva luni. As mai adauga ca:
* pretul curentului este subventionat si probabil va crese mult in primavara; deci si daca ai avea un mic profit anul asta, la anul nu va mai fi cazul
* tine cont ca aparatele de minat produc mult zgomot si caldura, deci probabil ca nu vei dori sa minezi acasa.

Am facut si eu un calcul cu
Verifica si tu cu pretul de pe ultima ta factura de curent (eventual vezi cu regula de 3 simpla, ca altfel o sa te incurci cu toate taxele care se adauga peste pretul cel frumos de la furnizor)
Mie mia iesit ca, la pretul curent al BTC si al curentului, as pierde daca as mina.
3030  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: July 27, 2022, 01:33:46 PM
Fiuuu... ar fi trist sa fie asa... nu are cum! Poate ca ar fi mai bine sa te duci direct la oficiul postal si sa vorbesti cu dirigintele...? Zic si eu... Ii arati si lui AWB-ul, apoi poate ca te va ajuta sa gasesti coletul... Sau sa iei direct legatura cu firma de curierat care l-a adus pana la Otopeni...?

Ii mai dau cateva zile, sa treaca intr-adevar luna, si o sa incep sa ii intreb de sanatate.

Ce nu inteleg insa este de ce sa faci pauza aceasta... Chiar si sa fi fost ratacit coletul, cred ca este o situatie destul de rara totusi... Din cauza asta vrei sa renunti? De teama ca s-ar putea pierde si altele...?

Cam da. Adica si iau sansa altuia, si platesc pentru transport, mai deranjez si oamenii sa se dea peste cap sa trimita, mai si sper.. ca sa raman cu buzele umflate? Mai bine pas.

Imi pare rau sa aud ! Stiu cum e  Sad

Am patit si eu ceva asemanator. Trebuia sa vina la Posta Vamala dar dupa ce am mai vorbit e posibil sa fi venit la alt oficiu postal si nu am fost notificat. Cand am vorbit dincolo deja trecusera 1-2 luni si nu mai aveau/stiau nimic despre colet. Sau pentru ca era un briceag a ramas la vama... nu stiu.

Mie mi-a fost trimis fara tracking si adresa de retur. Deci e praduit deja cu siguranta.

Mda, asta este posta noastra de stat. Exact la fel de serioasa cam ca orice din tara asta.
3031  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: July 27, 2022, 12:50:38 PM
Avem un concurs nou!

Bafta sa ai!

Momentan o sa iau o pauza de la concursuri, cel putin cele din State si ma gandesc ce sa fac.
Poate stii ca am castigat un concurs anul asta. Mi-a fost trimis si... deja de o luna AWB-ul arata ca a ajuns la Otopeni, dar Posta Romana nu il "vede". Sper ca nu mi l-au furat astia de la Posta sau mai stiu eu ce...  Sad
3032  Economy / Services / Re: Payment middleman services for Russian products on: July 27, 2022, 12:33:11 PM
I need to pay for a product in Russia (all legal, just hard to get here in West) but the seller only accepts payments via card or Russian payment providers like robokassa/yandexpay/qiwi (which reject all western cards).
Tried to find a way around but it seems all normal services have banned transfers to Russia.

Most Russian banks are no longer part of SEPA hence the payment cannot get thru.

But I am not sure why you don't pay with bitcoin.

Or, another thing that comes into my mind would be bestchange, which is an aggregator of various exchanges that buy/sell bitcoin, most of those being Russian (I think) and will probably offer also qiwi, yandex and so on.

LE: A quick check there has shown that even PayPal USD to Qiwi RUR is possible. However, I don't vouch for those platform, be careful and don't work with big amounts until you're sure they're indeed reliable.
3033  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin 2017 : 20,000$ - Bitcoin 2022 : 20,000$ on: July 27, 2022, 12:21:42 PM
The ATH of this cycle was only 3.5 and it seems very unlikely that we will beat it.

From the current price, getting back to last ATH and some more, no matter it's "only" +50% (to get over the much expected 100k), is imho in the books for "explode"  Wink
Actually getting even near to last ATH would already be wonderful, since everything bigger that what banks, gold or stocks offer is already very good.
3034  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Binance temporary suspending Bitcoin network on: July 26, 2022, 08:40:07 PM
Indeed, lately exchanges often carry out periodic maintenance, until it takes a matter of hours and some up to days, I think what Binance said in the quote above makes sense, they have to adjust some features and withdrawal and deposit fees.

I think that it may be related to a possible exploit CZ said they've found at another exchange (heh). They may have ensured the same problem cannot happen at Binance.

Of course, they turned a news about a possible problem into a news about maintenance and an advertising...

On a more serious note, our security team just discovered an incident at another major exchange.  Not directly fund related. Info leak related, but could easily lead to fund losses. We have informed them.

Did he win that lawsuit against Nikkei when he accused them of unprofessional journalism and misleading facts about Binance losing its right to operate in Japan?
Did he win the lawsuit against Forbes? no, he decided to drop it and rather than that spend money on buying it, which can be labeled as the same sketchiness he was accused of every single time.

(He thinks) he's a rock star. Or politician. Every news about him is good or ends up in a lawsuit. Anything else doesn't matter. Shhhh.
3035  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin 2017 : 20,000$ - Bitcoin 2022 : 20,000$ on: July 26, 2022, 07:47:19 PM
Think Bitcoin has lost its bullish momentum? It feels like now continuing to hold BTC is pointless ...

If you don't trust Bitcoin enough to believe its price will explode again, be my guest and sell. Nobody forces you hold.
There are many very happy to buy. For some now it's crypto winter, for other it's summer sales.

However, I have a hunch that you made this post to convince others sell, so they basically sell to you or, more likely, your employer.
3036  Other / Politics & Society / Re: European Union looks to Nigeria for Gas to replace Russian supplies on: July 26, 2022, 07:38:29 PM
Of course, Putin uses gas as a weapon.

I'm genuinely surprised you admit that.

Be patient, it will get worse, much worse.

I know it will. I don't trust politicians, no matter what's their color. But I guess you also know/expect that it will be worse for both sides.
3037  Economy / Economics / Re: More investment in Tokamaks and hot fusion is required on: July 26, 2022, 07:34:49 PM
This is plasma, the pressure is not as big as you might imagine, ITER operates at a maximum achievable 2.6 atm.

I am not that knowledgeable in the matter (hence I may be wrong), but the plasma may be only a first step.
I don't know if 2.6 ATM is enough to fuse H2 into He and/or split He into H2 (isn't this that's supposed to happen on long term?)

So basically even if one would explode it will still be contained, there is no way for the amount of energy in a fusion reactor to keep building to generate a larger explosion, that energy build-up would again quench the reaction.

Here I agree, just, as I said, I expect to see there much much more than 2.6 ATM (and also "a bit" of heat).

Humanity has spent millennia dreaming about flying, now it's a trivial thing, the first electric car is more than one century old but they were considered impractical for most of the time till now.

And we dreamed about flying to the stars and no luck yet, and we dreamed about running cars with water and no luck yet (although solar panels + water => hydrogen may not be that far from that).
Some dreams came true, some others not. Or not yet.
I do hope I'm too pessimistic and we get to have free energy with basically unlimited supply, maybe even during my lifetime. But I won't hold my breath for that.
3038  Other / Politics & Society / Re: European Union looks to Nigeria for Gas to replace Russian supplies on: July 26, 2022, 07:16:13 PM
I don't understand Europe's whining about Gazprom.

Of course you don't, since you chose to trust Putin's propaganda instead of fact-checking everything.
Of course you don't, since you chose to ignore everybody who tells that Putin uses the gas as a war weapon.

But yeah, I don't know why I'm even answering. But at least I won't answer to your friend.
3039  Economy / Economics / Re: More investment in Tokamaks and hot fusion is required on: July 26, 2022, 01:40:59 PM
Nuclear fusion is the dream of scientists for quite some time now, and while it sounds great, .. I don't know...
* I don't know if it's indeed possible to be done (to run independently virtually forever) because of its requirements for pressure and starting energy, plus some other conditions I don't know (longest run was under 10 minutes)
* I don't know how (in)secure such a construction would be, since releasing such a pressure means .. a big bomb.
3040  Other / Meta / Re: Spam reserved post, edit later to hit post quota is back on: July 26, 2022, 01:36:07 PM
However, it should be a paid service, not free one. So I think managers will less likely to use it.

I expect good managers find that out. Actually good managers may not allow such users into campaign in the first place...
Bad managers don't care already, so they won't pay for such a feature.

All we can do is for the sake of the forum (since such behavior is abnormal and leads to shitposts) and clean the weed, but, in my idea, an actual rule is also needed so the mods have the reason to actually remove those when reported. A bot will be a later step (some mods have their own bots too helping in the cleanup work).
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