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31281  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The USA Presidential Election is all about CONTEMPT on: May 13, 2016, 03:34:29 PM
BTC will moon regardless of this.

I have never taken the position that BTC will never go higher than $1000 again. I believe it is possible it has not yet formed a bottom, but that is not saying it has seen its highest top.

If I were TPTB, I would want the maximum number of people to incriminate themselves by moving their assets into Bitcoin, before going after confiscations for money laundering and other fine prints in the laws.

So yes I see another big runup of the Bitcoin price and the regulation will come later perhaps 2018 or even after 2020, and then they will start to confiscate the Bitcoins with the control over mining. And I expect clawbacks too meaning if you divested of Bitcoin, they will come seize your other assets. Or jailtime if you can't pay up. Debtors' prisons will return. Why? Because the governments are bankrupt, socialism is bankrupt, but the world is mostly socialists and they will not stop trying to take money from other people, so they will go find the money every place they can to steal it. This is the way socialism works. No one can defect. It is until death do us part.

We are headed into a clusterfuck. Many of you are delusional labeling me a Chicken Little because you don't want to admit the clusterfuck the world is in now. Enjoy.

Even if they wanted to, I don't see governments being competent enough to take over Bitcoin in the near future when the world economy implodes.  That's why I say no matter what you think about Bitcoin, it's going to play a vital role as a life raft to get to whatever is on the other side of "the great reset".  You can nitpick about random metrics of Bitcoin if you're able to survive past that point.  All I know is, Bitcoin will either be extremely useful and valuable then, or everyone will be killing each other in the street for cans of soup and no currency will have value.

Socialism will not die. I had predicted this in my widely syndicated 2010 essay which predicted the EU would not breakup:

“It amazes that otherwise bright people can’t understand the simple concept that economic collapse doesn’t convert collectivists into anarchists.”

Asia's debt is not promises to retirees, but rather corporate and LGU debt which can be defaulted on. Asia will crash and bottom 2020 and then rise up leading the world in socialism and totalitarianism, while the West collapses into a clusterfuck of the end-game of socialism death spiral. The conservatives in the USA are fighting to break away from the rest of the USA. The USA will fracture into regions because the gun owners in the USA are willing to die for their sovereignty. Europe will collapse into a Dark Age because no one can fight back against the Troika and socialism. Plus now there are more muslim Europeans being born than white Europeans. Game over. Checkmate.

China+Singapore is going to tie your Bitcoin white ass to the totem pole and give you 50 lashes.

31282  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Video: The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars - Patrick Lin on: May 13, 2016, 03:30:45 PM
The answer, of course, is to make cars as complex as people in their driving abilities. This way the car will not make driving decisions in emergencies. Rather, it will simply react. The benefits we will get is the benefit of safer driving in some ways, combined with a chauffeur.

You can litigate the company or people who made the car if you feel like going this route (no pun intended).

31283  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin IS basically DESTROYED on: May 13, 2016, 03:20:03 PM
Bitcoin doesn't need fixing. Why not? Because it was really never meant to be a currency. What was it meant to be? Bitcoin was meant to be a centralizer for contracting. Here's what I mean.

We all have the right to contract with each other. But if we want to contract with somebody in some form of major investment, we need to go through some government controlled operation, like the New York Stock Exchange, for example.

The great benefit of Bitcoin lies in the things that Counterparty, Colored Coins, Mastercoin, Ethereum, and a whole lot of other companies that ride on the Bitcoin blockchain are doing. These companies, and the Internet, are opening up free but safe contracting to all kinds of people in all kinds of ways through the centralized thing that Bitcoin is.

How long will it take to mine all the bitcoins? That's how long there will be freedom to use these other companies that are building and maintaining secure trading and contracting in a host of ways, all on the Bitcoin blockchain. And this field of endeavor has just seen a few hints of the beginning of the gigantic contracting thing that it could become.

Look at and think about the details of Counterparty, Colored Coins, and Ethereum. Then set your imagination to work in figuring out how the operations and services of these companies can free your business from government limitations in ways that could never be done without Bitcoin.

31284  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2016, 03:02:46 PM
It seems like Trump is the (un)natural evolution for the States Administration. That man scares me as well and I am afraid he will get a lot of votes.
I really don't like his reasonings.

There is really only one reason why people like Trump. And it is NOT because he necessarily has any good ideas. Here is what it is and how it works.

For a long time, now, people have seen and felt that there is something wrong in government. But nobody in government has come out and clearly expressed the major things that are wrong... at least not as a candidate for the presidency.

Trump is simply showing the people that they were and are right in many of the ways that they have thought government is wrong. This confirms that they have been right, and people like to have somebody telling them that they are right.

Now that people are all happy with Trump telling and showing them how they are right, it makes them feel that he honest, and in honesty will clean up the mess. No president can clean up the mess. It will take the people, themselves, to clean up the mess.

Here is the danger that Trump poses for the "system." The people just might follow Trump's example and clean up the mess, while attributing (in their ignorance) the cleaning up that they did to Trump.

31285  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: May 13, 2016, 02:52:04 PM
.. the falling section of the tower would be crushed itself along with the floors it is crushing below it, meaning that if the building was structurally equivalent (it was not, the building is build progressively stronger as you travel down the building) it would crush the top 12 floors at the same time as it collapsed the 12 floors beneath it, leaving nothing solid to act as a "pile driver" to crush the remaining floors below it.

This is not true.  When the top section moves as one piece down just one floor, it is acting as a dynamic, not a static load.  As one moving section, it's internal stresses balance each other out.

Yes the floors were progressively stronger as you go down.  But that's nothing compared to the momentum from above.  

Here is a simple example.  A bowling ball weighs 10 lb, and rolls off a table 48" high onto your foot.  Once it hits your foot it dissipates it's energy in 0.25 inches.  The force on your foot is -

F = 48/.25 * 10 = 1920 pounds.  Your foot is crushed.  

Once the pile driver effect starts it can't be stopped.  

Except for one minor detail. There was no heat from burning fuel that was hot enough to weaken the structure symmetrically enough that it would fall directly into its own footprint. The fact of people walking around in the damaged section of the building shows this.

If the little bit of heat from the burning fuel did any damage, the damage would have been minor, or would at worst have caused a topple, but more than like would have caused a tipping or a sag.

The only way that the symmetrical fall at near gravitational rates could have happened would be through demolition.

31286  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why am I an atheist on: May 13, 2016, 02:41:29 PM
Can't you see how beautiful His creation?

How can you see the beauty without seeing the ugly too?

Did your all-loving god create HIV, cancer, smallpox, floods, drought, malaria, flesh-eating bacteria, leukemia, and poisonous snakes (to name a few)?

A reasonably powerful enemy did this.
Quote from: Isaiah 45:7 NRSV
I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the LORD do all these things.

The father is sitting on the armchair. On the end table next to the armchair is his drink in a glass. His little 3-y-o daughter is sitting on his lap.

Have you ever watched a child play with the hands of a parent? The little girl was playing, lovingly, with her father's hand. She would turn the hand this way and that. She would bend the wrist. She would open and close the hand finger by finger.

Finally, in her play, she lifted her father's hand and arm, and moved it so that his hand was on the end table. She opened her father's hand, and wrapped his fingers around the glass that held her father's drink. Then, she lifted his hand and arm, and twisted his wrist. The glass tipped, and the drink went all over the floor.

Now, tell me. Who dumped the drink, dad or his daughter? Do you think that the little girl had any kind of strength and control to actually mover her father's hand the way she did? And her father certainly would not have intentionally dumped the drink if he had been sitting there alone, or if his daughter had not done the things she did.

God is all powerful. But, he has given us certain control and freedom, while maintaining His power to Himself. In other words, we can do nothing at all, except that God is there exerting Himself in ways that make us feel like we did it.

This whole universe operation is far greater than we think or imagine. The enemy, the Devil, Satan, is also like the little girl in that his entire ability comes from God. God, for His pleasure in giving us freedom, has allowed us and Satan to move his hands and fingers at certain times and in certain ways.

It doesn't affect God in the least how we use our freedom... except that He is emotionally distraught when we hurt ourselves. But, because He has set our freedom in place, through using some of His power to enact it (our freedom), God let's us hurt ourselves if we want. And He lets Satan hurt us to some extent, although if you look in the beginning of Job, you will see that God has limits even on Satan.

In the little story, above, the father has the ability to clean up the mess his daughter made (but, mother probably did it while disdaining the foolishness of the game her husband was playing with their daughter). In similar ability, God has the strength to clean up the mess that we and Satan made of our lives. But, this is where the similarities between the above story and the reality of life end.

In reality, God does things in the wisest way. We are allowed our freedom. God will clean up the mess at the end, in the judgment. The difference in reality is that those people who truly forsake God will be destroyed along with Satan (who has set himself entirely against God).

God maintains control, maintains His love without turning, maintains justice even though it will only be clearly exercised in the judgment, maintains a place appropriate for us His faithful followers in Heaven, maintains wisdom in the best way in how He does things.

There is a whole lot more to the operation of this life than is apparent on the outside.

31287  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 13, 2016, 02:44:33 AM
Moloch, if you are black, you have a head start.

Are you racist, or was that some sort of failed joke?

Failed? Gotchya, didn't it.

All we are talking about is racism in this thread... a racism of religions. Haven't you figured that out yet?

31288  Other / Meta / Re: Why are the Politics Forums dominated by Wilikon's Opinions? on: May 13, 2016, 02:02:19 AM
Why are the Politics Forums dominated by Wilikon's Opinions?

They're not. The things he says are mostly truth. He wisely avoids saying things that are only his opinions.


EDIT: Maybe he's a woman.
31289  Other / Politics & Society / HILLARY'S DEATH SPIRAL: KREMLIN DECIDING TO RELEASE 20,000 EMAILS ... on: May 13, 2016, 01:58:56 AM

Joe Hoft at the THE GATEWAY PUNDIT reports Hillary Clinton's absolute worst nightmare may come true as the Kremlin is debating whether to release the 20,000 emails they have hacked off of Hillary Clinton's server. Judge Andrew Napolitano told Megyn Kelly on Monday, "There's a debate going on in the Kremlin between the Foreign Ministry and the Intelligence Services about whether they should release the 20,000 of Mrs. Clinton's emails that they have hacked into."


31290  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government? on: May 13, 2016, 01:45:43 AM
I'd say, nobody with access to this website would ever say yes.  Considering any nation with a walled garden for an information distribution system, you'd probably see a lot more yes votes.

But, how far can a person go not even trusting himself as Daniel91 says? If we are going to live in this life, we need to trust someone sometime. Who better to trust than our friends and neighbors... our fellow jury members. Inform everyone about jury nullification so that the laws get changed by jury court action. Then get on a jury, and change things.

31291  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 13, 2016, 01:40:01 AM


... in Holy Communion believers partake of the body of Jesus. They will rise to the new Heaven and the New earth forever, starting at the time of the judgment...

... while the unbelievers will be baked in Hell forever.

Moloch, if you are black, you have a head start.

31292  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government? on: May 13, 2016, 01:34:37 AM
I don't trust anyone, even my wife or myself Smiley
It's obvious that in today's world we don't have real freedom or democracy, so even politicians are not free to do what they want.
In their political campaigns they need financial supports but when they received donation for the campaign, they are required to give something back to the donor.
Also, they have to follow decisions of their political party, even if they don't like it.
Small countries have to follow big countries because of their financial and political dependence.
So, everything is connected and on the end nobody is free to do what he wants.
So, yes, we can't trust government because they are not free and can't do what will be the best for their country, their people but they have to do what stronger and more important countries and financial organizations order them to do.
It's sad reality, unfortunately.

Even though you don't trust, you still do. For example. If you are walking down the sidewalk in a busy part of town, you might be uncomfortable with all those people around you, but if you didn't trust them at least slightly, you'd go nuts.

The point? Get the word about jury nullification out to people. Juries can change the laws in America, Canada, Britain, Australia, India, and a few other countries that have them in common law. But the jury can't do what it doesn't know that it can do.

31293  Other / Off-topic / Re: Poll: Which religion is the best religion? on: May 13, 2016, 01:30:00 AM
I choose islam, and please don't judge the Islam without you learn it.

You picked Islam because you were born into it.
Are you sure? Where do you know that i was born as moslem?

To believe in this bullshit voluntarily would require an IQ of 70 or below.  I'm assuming your IQ is slightly above that since you can express yourself
in a foreign language.

Your religion is particularly fucked up because you guys kill people for leaving your religion, you kill gays, you kill atheists, you kill your fellow
countrymen for believing something else, or you kill people for drawing a cartoon of a 6th century pedophile.

You either were born into Islam and are stuck with it or you have lost your mind, or both.

You must learn more about Al Qur'an and Al-hadist, i was said before don't judge Islam before you learn it. You have got wrong information about Islam on media. Let me know    Cool
31294  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: May 13, 2016, 01:25:12 AM
So dat man sitting above the clouds is also true?

Will i go to that place what these people call hell ?_?

We live our lives, do our thing, and don't realize that God sees and knows it all, far better than we know it, and from every angle (not angel Cheesy).

The reason God doesn't simply blast us for the wrong we do is, Jesus salvation covers everything in this life, even unbelievers in this life.

We like to be free. We don't like anybody telling us what we can do and can't do. And God likes us to be free. Part of the reason He set things up as He has, is so that we can be free. Part of the reason that He sent Jesus to uphold a universe that should have been destroyed because of evil, is so that we can remain free.

Will you go to Hell? That's up to you. God has already set your salvation in place for as long as you live in this life. If He hadn't, neither you nor I nor anyone else would even be here.

We like to be free. We don't like some King telling us what to do. But in the case of salvation, we need some King telling us what to do. The evidence is that we will not be able to keep ourselves alive when death gets serious about taking us. Jesus can and will keep us alive if we accept His kingship over us.

Let Him be the King. Freedom to die isn't freedom. Freedom to set Jesus as Lord and King in your life will keep you alive, even though for a time you will be dead bodily. Jesus will keep your soul alive, but only if you accept His Kingship.

If you decide to accept Him, He will help you do even that.

Our soul and spirit are far more deeply connected to the universe than we know. If we don't trust in Jesus and accept His help, we will go down with this universe when God destroys it... destroying it not because there is evil in it. Jesus already corrected the evil. Destruction because this universe is not appropriate for saved people. God is making a better one for us. The destruction of this one will simply be done so that God gets His "energy" back out of it to be used in the new and better universe.

31295  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Land connected Panama and South America as far back as 10 million years ago on: May 12, 2016, 10:21:17 PM
All the dating of the earth or universe beyond about 5,000 years back, is just guesswork. Why? Nobody knows what the geological qualities of the earth were like prior to that for sure. And, we can't find "ancient pottery" that we can date accurately beyond about 5,000 years ago. Even Gobekli Tepe has been dated according to "best efforts," which could as easily be way off.

Political science has drummed the idea of millions and billions of years into us. But there is no for sure hard facts, and little evidence that cannot be interpreted as a short time span at the same time as long.

31296  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: May 12, 2016, 10:15:07 PM
....Nobody knows what percent of fuel was boiled off before it could burn....

It's only after fuel is in vapor form that it DOES burn.

It's only after the vapor fuel is mixed in proper quantities with air that it burns. Percents unknown.

31297  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Atheism and Health on: May 12, 2016, 10:13:16 PM
Right in the first line you quoted it says:
Apostolou establishes that parental choice is primary in human evolutionary history: ...
Note that it says, "human evolutionary history." It doesn't specify the history of human family tradition.

Then later it refers to evolutionary history again:
Therefore human evolutionary history has left modern individuals, in a world where parental choice and control has been all-but eliminated from mainstream life, woefully ill-equipped to manage their sexual lives.
Is this really talking about human traditions when it says "evolutionary history?"

Personally, I understand to mean that family traditions are controlled by the process of evolution, which has to do with random selection, which is mathematically impossible in the extreme by any known process.


There are two aspects of Darwinian evolutionary theory:

Natural Selection: The process in which organisms maladapted to their environment tend to be eliminated.
Random Mutation: The hypothesized process in which new variation is introduced into the population.

There has been documented cases of natural selection over time. It is the data backing random mutations as the primary mechanism of introducing new variation into the population that is much weaker. I have not spent a tremendous amount of time studying evolutionary biology but Bruce Charlton has. These are his thoughts on the matter.

Quote from: Bruce Charlton
Strikingly, there has been no success in the attempts over sixty-plus years to create life in the laboratory under plausible ancestral earth conditions – not even the complex bio-molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. It has, indeed, been well-argued that this is impossible; and that ‘living life’ must therefore have evolved from an intermediate stage (or stages) of non-living but evolvable molecules such as crystals – perhaps clays (Cairns-Smith, 1987). But nobody has succeeded in doing that in the lab either, despite that artificial selection can be orders of magnitude faster than natural selection.


Certainly natural selection can coherently describe the historical situations leading to relatively small differences between organisms – perhaps up to the level of creating new and related species. This was already known to Darwin and was indeed the basis of his evidential argument – e.g. he described the nature and scale of effects of artificial selection done by animal breeders, plus some effects on the shape and size of beaks among Galapagos finches. To this, modern biologists could add observations on the modification of microorganisms under laboratory conditions, for instance the evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. And there are also human racial differences of skeleton, teeth, skin and hair, brains and behaviours and many others – probably amounting to sub-species levels of differentiation – again these were (approximately) noted by Darwin (for instance in the mention of ‘favoured races’ in the subtitle of his 1859 book).

But all these are quantitative, not qualitative, changes; changes in magnitude but not in form. Neither natural selection, nor indeed artificial selection done by Man, has been observed creating a new genus, nor any taxonomic rank more fundamental such as a new family or phylum. There is no observational or experimental evidence which has emerged since 1859 of natural selection leading to major, qualitative changes in form – nor the originating of a novel form. Nobody has, by selection, changed a cat into a dog, let alone a sea anemone into a mouse (or the opposite); nobody has bred a dinosaur from a bird, nor retraced, by selective breeding, a modern species to its assumed ancestral form. There have, at most, been attempts to explain why such things are impossible in practice – why, for instance, the linear sequence of evolution cannot be ‘rewound’.

The scientific law of cause and effect as upheld by Newton's 3rd law shows that there is no random in the pure sense. All the suggestions and theories that there is pure random do not stand up against the proven facts.

Natural selection is either based on pure random, or it is just a wonderful piece of guesswork. It does not come close to standing against the facts of cause and effect or probability.

31298  Other / Politics & Society / Re: "Fake" Alien invasion comming on: May 12, 2016, 10:08:02 PM
Is it the aliens that are fake?
Or is it the invasion that is fake?
Or is it the coming that is fake?
Or, since you have the word "fake" in quotes, is it the word "fake" that is fake?

31299  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: May 12, 2016, 10:03:02 PM
This argument...
4.  The "free fall" speed of the buildings falling somehow cannot coexist with a building collapse due to gravity after structural failure from planes hitting buildings.

...asserts that if X is the speed of the fall of an object in air, then a building collapse should be X - Y speed.  Where Y is resistance by the part of the building below the section falling on it.

This argument is flawed in it's premises, it's approach, and in it's conclusion.

The "free fall speed" is V = 32 ft * time^2/seconds.

Roughly in the first second, an object moves 32 feet.  In the second second, 64 feet, and so on.

I'm not seeing support for #4 either in the video of the towers collapse, the seismic records, or in the math and structural stuff.....

Nor are you taking into account many other factors that show that buildings like these can not fall in free fall style as they did, without some critically timed detonations going off inside to make them fall that way.

If we wanted to use odds, it couldn't happen with one building. Three buildings in the same day equals demolition equals an inside job.

It's simple problem of the exponential increase in kinetic energy from t=0, weakened by a factor for the resistance.  So if free fall was V = m * T^2, the proposition of "resistance" would lead us to calculate the possible range of that resistance, and we might have V = m * T^1.7 or 1.9, or whatever. 

But these are huge numbers for the energies, regardless of exactly what that exponent is. 

Oh, and there is no such thing as "odds" here.  There seem to be two lines of thought among conspiracy theorists.   First there is the belief that the initial structural failure could not have occurred without "additional assistance" such as thermite or explosives.  Second there is a belief that the downward pancaking of the towers must have been accompanied by additional explosives or thermite, such as charges on each floor or something of that sort.

In my opinion the first is a valid question, and should be explored and answered.  We can do that pretty easily.   Also in my opinion, the second is way over in batshit crazy land.   

Actually, odds is all there is. I don't mean the odds in chemical reactions, or the odds in math. I mean the odds that the chemical reactions and the math that you stress apply to 9/11. The reason? Because there were all kinds of other activities going on that you don't take into account in your chemistry and math application.

Name one? Nobody knows what amount of the fuel was on board the planes. Nobody knows what percent of fuel was boiled off before it could burn. Everyone can see that the almost perfect collapses, if they happened because of the fuel, would have had to have the perfect amount of fuel added to the absolute correct places in the Towers, or the Towers would have toppled well outside of their footprints.

These simple points make all your math and chemistry irrelevant, except if it is applied to explosives already placed in the buildings.

31300  Other / Politics & Society / Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found on: May 12, 2016, 09:21:49 PM
Are you sure the aliens are not the ones teaching us how to relocate to another planet?

Good point. Illegal aliens are showing us how to do it, simply by coming up from Mexico. Just do it, right?

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