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31341  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POLL] Do you unconditionally trust your government? on: May 11, 2016, 09:25:50 AM
yes for now because i am still a liability. Sad

No, you are not a liability. You are an asset to government. The little bit of liability that you are is nothing when compared with the great asset you are to them. It works like this.

-    You were born.
-    Your birth certificate was created as an artificial person in place of you, because you were too young to handle your life.
-    When your mom or dad (your owners, because they created you) signed the BC, they handed you over to government with themselves as caretakers of property, YOU (The BC is a UCC-1 form, a transfer of property form. Note that UCC numbers have changed now and again, so this might no longer be accurate.).
-    All your life government has been handling you in trust, using your BC as the trust doc.
-    At age 18, you could have taken over the trust, but you never showed up to do so, because nobody ever told you or your parents what had happened.
-    Your BC trust is worth $billions that government is holding for you, when you "return" to take up your BC trust (All of this has to do with English Common Law regarding the purpose for trusts. English Common Law regarding these trusts is probably why the BAR Association is an acronym for British Accredited Regency - see and
-    If you die without naming a beneficiary (because you know nothing about it), government simply keeps the money being held in trust for you, because there is nothing else they can do.

Time to take up trusteeship, or ownership of the BC trust that is in your name. It owes you $billions. Any debt that you seem to owe is really owed by your BC trust to you as first lien holder... then to banks or any other entity you default payment on (You don't really default. Your BC trust does.).

Interested in seeing the details? Look here Look while you can. This info may be bashed by government if it becomes too popular.

31342  Other / Politics & Society / Re: More than 1,200 new planets that could hold life found on: May 11, 2016, 09:01:48 AM
I wonder how many thousands or millions of planets have there been that have come and gone before our time which were able to support life similar to ours. I also wonder if any of those planets had beings intelligent enough to have created something like bitcoin...

Too intelligent to trade at all. No need for money. Rather, give in love... every one of them. Besides, no income tax that way. No government needed. Good planets. No space flight needed or wanted, nor contact from silly earth beings.

31343  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: May 11, 2016, 02:04:34 AM

So my point is that the core columns would still be standing or flopped over. Not cut into nifty little pieces that all fit onto dump trucks.

Even with the Wikipedia entry you pointed out. The columns below and above where not heated only the floors where the plan crashed. So if it was structural failure then why don't we see core columns, about 80 floors of them, laying on the ground around the collapse site? Instead we just see a pile of rubble and some core columns cut. Very strange indeed.

Because they were pulverized in the thousand foot fall?  Again, duh.  Not strange.

Question.  Very simple.  Do you really think that if you take a piece of concrete, and drop it 1000 feet, that it will still be a piece of concrete?  Or will it be rubble, dust, etc.  And why?

Are there any pictures of the columns as they were before they were cut with a torch? We'd like to see what they looked like. Would they look very similar to the way they would look if cut with a torch? Nobody seems to have pictures of anything but torch-like cut pieces. Seems to me the thermite took care of most of the cutting.

Not saying that the clean-up crew didn't do some cutting. Just asking for pictures of anything other than "cut" pieces. If they had not been cut by thermite, there would be all kinds of twisted, jagged pieces, wouldn't there. No pictures?

In addition, if you take a piece of concrete, and drop it 1000 feet, it would generally remain a piece of concrete all the way down until it hit the ground or pavement. Some of the videos show the concrete disintegrating in mid air. What's up with that?


EDIT: When an airliner crashes, the FAA spends months or years putting all the pieces together to see exactly what happened. The Towers remains were carted of with no known examination... certainly not the months or years that would have been done if an airliner simply crashed. Yet 9/11 involved 4 airliners.

Anybody who says there isn't a cover-up is either very naive, or a propagandizer on the government payroll.
31344  Other / Politics & Society / Re: I hope I just hope Trump wins if clinton wins I am going to kill myself in mu h on: May 10, 2016, 02:02:55 PM
You need to chill out. Good thing you are not a gambler.    Cool
31345  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 10, 2016, 02:01:07 PM
I think this has many stories thats been passed down on many generation but what i can say is because of misunderstanding and misconception.
That's right the bible is nothing but the longest running fiction book going.
Some stories may of had a little truth in the beginning but it's like a Chinese whisper, the more people it goes through the more bullshit that gets added.
As we like to say here- never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Ban the catholic church worldwide and declare them a criminal organization.

This world only needs one rule and that is treat people how you wish to be treated, although with the way we have become in the last 100 years that is really just not possible anymore.

Sounds like you haven't really learned many things surrounding the Bible. Investigate it. If you do, you will see that, unlike the other religious books of the world, the Bible is a book so full of miraculous surroundings in every way, that it can't exist without the miracle of God's power making it exists.

Or, are you simply setting yourself against God intentionally and directly?

31346  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: May 10, 2016, 01:53:35 PM
I think background checks could be a safety measure ex criminal or mentally disable persons should not be allowed to get the guns ... So we should check the roots of the crime such as poverty we dont want a world with full of people who are dangerous to society

We don't want a world full of people who are a threat to society. The best way is to get rid of governments and banks. In the past we couldn't do this. But if we keep the technology we have, we can do it now, because everyone can be his/her own government in our world.

Let people all have guns. Most people, if they had a gun, would not harm others except in times of great need... like self defense. "Most" is way bigger than "least." Soon the "least" (the crooks and criminals who would use guns to harm people) would be dead. Or they would have joined the "most." There would be peace.

With the world as it is, there will always be trouble. People will always die from something. But guns would be the least of our problems if everybody had them. So, to avoid more bloodshed than necessary in killing off the crooks and criminals who won't live peacefully, let us gradually initiate a program, over, say, 5 years, to get guns and ammo out to everyone. Phase it in slowly, so that people learn to respect each other, and to keep their mouths shut with derogatory statements against each other, so that there will be peace.

31347  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 10, 2016, 01:58:57 AM
I am an atheists and i really believe at least the catholic church should be banned and declared a criminal organisation.
They control their followers with threats such as if you don't follow gods will you will be punished for all eternity and burn in hell, out of fear you have poor people that can't really afford it donating money they can't spare to the church and old people leaving their houses and all possessions to the church hoping that it may help them get into heaven, it's nothing but a big scam that has gone on for too many years and needs be stopped.

We have a law here that says if a member of a bikie gang has been convicted of a crime he can no longer hang out with his "group" or will face 3 years in jail.
Why does this law not also apply to pedo priests who have been convicted of disgusting crimes, most of them can still hang out with their pedo priests mates and still attend their gang meetings (church mass).

In short i hate religion because society has allowed them to live by a different set of laws than the rest of us for too long now, if ever convicted of a crime their mates in the priests hood always covers their legal costs and hide them away to protect the churches name, they don't give a fuck about the victims they only care about themselves.

Here is where you are missing it. Government and all organizations that are large enough, and a whole lot of individuals, do bad things and never get caught. Forget that part.

The people who donate to the Church believe they are donating to God. God sees this, and will reward them appropriately in the afterlife. The bad people who do not repent and start to do good, will receive destruction in the afterlife.

This life is only for, maybe, a hundred years. The afterlife is for eternity. Get with God so that you have good in the afterlife. This life won't even be remembered or brought to mind in the afterlife times.

31348  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 10, 2016, 01:32:16 AM
Atheists have no interest in religion. It's not a lot different from having no interest in bowling or having no interest knitting. There's a specific part of the brain that determines if you have a 'spiritual' need. Those without this area of the brain never develop an interest in religion, or at best only a mild interest. The science behind this is compelling; anyone can look it up.

The more dogmatic atheists are about their atheism, and the more adamantly they proclaim it, the deeper they bring their atheism into religion. Atheism all by itself is not religion. However, the writings or the ideas of none of the formal religions are religion either. Writings and ideas only become religion when they get into the hearts and minds of people. Atheists turn their atheism into religion simply by practicing atheism.


"Dogmatic Atheists?"

Oxy Moron?

You got the point. Since science and nature prove the existence of God, atheism is an oxymoron.

31349  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 09, 2016, 10:48:36 PM

I have been trying that with you for a long time, but it doesn't seem to work... just like with Moloch.


You don't need to try with me, you need to try to say "worshipping a demon is not religion," a thousand times to see if you destroy religion or not.

No, I don't need to try with you. In fact, I don't need to try to try with you, since I haven't figured out what I would be attempting, anyway.

I accidentally say enough lies as it is. There is no reason for me to compound the number of lies that I say by intentionally saying, "worshipping a demon is not religion." Since you seem to believe it, you say it.


what a pointless argument....zzzzzzzzz

Well, it really isn't an argument. But your post^^ is more pointless, yet.    Cool
31350  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: May 09, 2016, 09:07:20 PM

Everybody knows that Wikipedia is just hearsay. Anybody can get in to be an author in Wikipedia if he wants. Wikipedia BS is just BS, same as all the other official story BS.

 Try to actually refute the argument, if you can.  This process is called "Understanding."

There is nothing to try. Whatever argument you are talking about, has been refuted over and over already.

31351  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 09, 2016, 09:05:12 PM

I have been trying that with you for a long time, but it doesn't seem to work... just like with Moloch.


You don't need to try with me, you need to try to say "worshipping a demon is not religion," a thousand times to see if you destroy religion or not.

No, I don't need to try with you. In fact, I don't need to try to try with you, since I haven't figured out what I would be attempting, anyway.

I accidentally say enough lies as it is. There is no reason for me to compound the number of lies that I say by intentionally saying, "worshipping a demon is not religion." Since you seem to believe it, you say it.

31352  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 09, 2016, 08:19:18 PM
" Religion is, but love "

When people are not able to understand something , they start hating it or digging it. The diggers got the result and those who are lazy enough got nothing but a lot of confusion and headache and they end up hating that particular thing. Those who hate religion, are those lazy who never like to dig things with logics.

Love is what religion originally was. But it changed when Adam and Eve fell into sin.

31353  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 09, 2016, 08:18:08 PM

If I said, "worshipping a demon is not religion," a thousand times, I don't think it would destroy religion at all. I am kinda shy when it comes to suggesting that I am powerful. However, thank you for thinking I am that powerful, that I might be able to destroy the word "religion."

And, I am kinda proud that I didn't say,"worshipping a demon is not religion." At least I don't recall that I ever did. It isn't in my post, above, that you replied to.

Keep trying, though. You'll come up with something right, yet, someday.


Try that: when finished show me the report of the experiment.

Thank You for your time.

Best regards.

I have been trying that with you for a long time, but it doesn't seem to work... just like with Moloch.

31354  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: May 09, 2016, 08:16:48 PM
I hate religion because it hurts my feelings and I'm an intelligent liberal person.

A religion of liberal intelligence, eh? Neat religion. But if you don't find the right God in it, your religion will destroy you.

31355  Other / Off-topic / Re: Poll: Which religion is the best religion? on: May 09, 2016, 08:14:04 PM
Population explosion is what God wants and is taking care of.

Hmmm..... Do you have any evidence to prove that god want population explosion? The uncontrolled increase in human population has brought only sorrow and misery. Various civil wars going on in the Middle East, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa can be directly attributed to the rapid increase in human population, and the resulting crunch in natural resources.

The closest I can come to proof is that God tells both Adam and Noah to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. There are lots of national parks, forests and wilderness lands in America that are not filled with living people. Disobedient America.


If the humans fill the earth, then what will happen to the other living beings? "Be fruitful and multiply" works when you are a member of a tribe, which numbers no more than 300 or 400 individuals. Additional population can offer protection from the rivals. But in case you are living in India, where 1.3 billion people are squeezed into 3 million sq. km, that will be a very bad idea.

Don't worry. Humans are not going to fill the earth. But if they did, God would expand the earth as necessary, like He did in the past (See Neal Adams Of course, Neal is a bit off in his age-of-earth. If God didn't expand the earth, He would allow us the ability to go off planet... which He has done already, but which we are going to destroy with coming the big money crash.

Don't worry. You'll not be around for such a great population explosion where it becomes a problem for you. And the way people are crazy just might never allow it to happen anyway (nukes).

31356  Other / Off-topic / Re: Poll: Which religion is the best religion? on: May 09, 2016, 08:06:31 PM
I am a Moslem. then I recommend that Islam is a religion that has the best path. Islam teaches about all the knowledge, kindness and peace. all the rules have been in the al-Quran and al-Hadith.

But all those good rules refer only to Muslims. Anybody else would be cannon fodder if Islamites had cannons. It's in the Koran and the Hadiths.

31357  Other / Off-topic / Re: Poll: Which religion is the best religion? on: May 09, 2016, 08:04:41 PM
I am a Moslem. then I recommend that Islam is a religion that has the best path. Islam teaches about all the knowledge, kindness and peace. all the rules have been in the al-Quran and al-Hadith.

All the religions claim that they offer the best path for the humans to succeed. So what makes your religion any different from the others, such as Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Shintoism, Buddhism and hundreds of other religions? Also, what makes the Quran and the Hadiths any better than the Torah, the Bible, or the Gita?

Didn't want to answer your question. Just think that you should name the popular religion of atheism by name.

31358  Other / Off-topic / Re: Poll: Which religion is the best religion? on: May 09, 2016, 08:02:48 PM
I'm too intelligent for any religion because i'm a liberal person. I believe in liberal values and LGBT community's message. Hillary will ban all religions and all opinion criminals will go to jail otherwise we will lose our freedom. Then golden age of USA will begin. After hillary, we need a first gay president to force other countries to adapt homosexual behavior, especially china and russia. Military force will be used if needed. NASA and all scientific programs must be shut down and money given to the gay community instead.

So, are you talking here about democracy and freedom of choice or dictatorship?
All people, under constitution, have right to believe what they want (and follow any religion) or to speak what they want, you (or anybody else including even US President) can't deny this freedom.
Do you want to replace USA with N. Korea?
I think last man who tried something like this, what you suggest here (ban all religions and all opinion criminals will go to jail, Military force will be used if needed) was Hitler in Germany before WW II.
Please study what happened with him.
Democracy isn't about fighting with someone you don't agree but to give freedom to others to choose their own life, even if you don't agree with them.

Religions caused all wars. Sounds like you are not very intelligent person and you are opposing gay rights.

Mostly the religion of atheism.    Cool
31359  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: May 09, 2016, 08:00:58 PM

Then where were the core columns? If the buildings went down because if structural failure then why didn't the core columns stay erect or at worse droop over? Instead they ended up on the ground with the rest of the building, cut into small pieces. Only thermite can do that.

Why is your assumption that structural failure would not include the core columns?  I don't get it.

And from this somehow it follows that "Only thermite can do that?"  LOL...that makes no sense.

Here is the explanation of Wikipedia.

Collapse initiation

After the planes struck the buildings, but before the buildings collapsed, the cores of both towers consisted of three distinct sections. Above and below the impact floors, the cores consisted of what were essentially two rigid boxes; the steel in these sections was undamaged and had undergone no significant heating. The section between them, however, had sustained significant damage and, though they were not hot enough to melt it, the fires were weakening the structural steel. As a result, the core columns were slowly being crushed, sustaining plastic and creep deformation from the weight of floors above. As the top section tried to move downward, however, the hat truss redistributed the load to the perimeter columns. Meanwhile, the perimeter columns and floors were also being weakened by the heat of the fires, and as the floors began to sag they pulled the exterior walls inwards. In the case of 2 WTC, this caused the eastern face to buckle, transferring its loads back to the failing core through the hat truss and initiating the collapse. In the case of 1 WTC, the south wall later buckled in the same way, and with similar consequences.[54]

Why did Building 7 get demolished? Anyone watching that footage will tell you it looks exactly like a building going down due to demolishing charges placed inside it. And I don't care what they said I want to hear your thoughts on building 7.

Go look at the Wikipedia entry on Building 7.  It had interior floors removed and several very strange foundation issues.  Then comment.

Everybody knows that Wikipedia is just hearsay. Anybody can get in to be an author in Wikipedia if he wants. Wikipedia BS is just BS, same as all the other official story BS.

31360  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: May 09, 2016, 07:55:52 PM
Before the creation of religions, humans were already fighting each other. Its all about greed, power and wealth. Religion is just a manipulation tool. Even if religion is removed from this world, humans will still fight each other.

Before the creation of religions, there were no humans. Religion came into being the moment humans were created.

If religions were removed from this world, people would never fight on earth. Why not? Because there would be no more people on earth, if religions were removed.

One of the nastiest religions is atheism. Why? Because it gives people no opportunity to be saved for eternal life. The only way people get eternal life is to believe in the salvation of Jesus, which was set up by God. You can't believe Jesus salvation if you don't believe that God exists.

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