even though now airdrop is starting to trend again but I think it is still difficult to find good airdrop, because there are still many airdrop scams or the developers just leave after the airdrop token has been shared.
Panic selling is just the stupidest thing to do. It brings nothing but the loss of money and bad mood for a long time. We must have patience and only deliberate actions.
Panic selling causes more panic because of lack of emotion control. Long term trading require to master yourself as a professional trader and 10K hours of screen time is required for being professional trader. This must be forgotten by traders who already have long flight hours in the matter of crypto coin trading, because so far if there are people who panic then sell it in large quantities, there are many traders who participate in doing it. thus, of course it only affects the declining market.
if seen from the current price, indeed bitcoin and other altcoins have been dumped very large, usually if this happens the market will experience a massive pump. but until now the market has not yet seen its development and is still weak, perhaps before starting the increase the market will still experience a lower dump, which certainly we all don't know what will happen in the future and we can only hope for the best for the crypto market situation.
I am an optimist, so I believe that the cryptocurrency market will go up. It seems to me that we have to wait very little before the onset of the bull trend.
we really have to believe that the crypto market will be able to grow again, moreover we have assets in the portfolio that we are waiting for the price can rise again to avoid losses. preferably before the uptrend comes so you slightly increase your holding portfolio, by buying back the coins you have when the price is still low.
By trading or investing at bitcoin I can buy mobile phone, I don't how to buy mobile phone with $600 without working at bitcoin, by the way if have real job maybe have wait for several months later to buy mobile phone.
Pretty good example. But for me, for now, cryptocurrency is an additional income and investment in the future. They allow you to pay some bills and buy something on the little things. overall the presence of cryptocurrency is easier for us, especially in economic terms, indeed for some people who have benefited from bitcoin or other altcoins believe that investing in crypto will have a good future, but for those who consume a lot of losses because of wrong in analyzing different thoughts with us.
If you will look back, bitcoin price was cheaper compared today. It's normal for bitcoin price to be corrected after a massive rise on it's price last 2017. Investors and traders should be patient to wait for the market to start rising again. There's no point on arguing if bitcoin will end or not, we all know the answer.
yes right if looking back before the massive increase at the end of 2017 the price of bitcoin is only around $ 1000, but that investors and traders I think they are just worried that bitcoin will not have a significant increase, because they have bought it when high prices compared to current prices. I am personally very optimistic that bitcoin prices will be able to rise again and continue to grow if the time has come, just be patient for now and don't panic too much when there is a deeper correction.
bener banget gan jadi kalo masuk indodax udah auto naik lah pokonya harganya, tapi itu cuma bentar biasanya suka dump lagi kalo udah seperti ini sih ga perlu campur tangan dev lagi buat pump, dev cuma butuh share berita bagus harga otomatis naik ada berita atau update bagus belum tentu juga gan. penting bagi sebuah produk itu diterima dan memiliki nilai guna. jika dari pengembang sudah bisa membuat nilai guna dari koin nya tinggal bagaimana permintaannya bisa meningkat. kerja dev pasti berat gan, tidak cuma share berita bagus walaupun ada berita bagus memang belum tentu harganya akan naik jika tidak ada yang berminat untuk membelinya, semua memang tergantung dari fungsi koin tersebut di ciptakan tetapi jika di lihat dari manfaat playgame sendiri akan banyak orang yang berminat untuk berinvestasi pada koin mereka, karena prospek kedepannya kemungkinan mempunyai potensi yang cukup bagus.
basically the two methods will be able to provide you with profits, all depending on the coins and the strategies you choose to do. just clever you in making decisions to use short-term and long-term strategies.
My advice should be to use both of these strategies with the capital you have, look for coins that have the potential for large increases in the future as long-term investments and coins that have a fast movement for your short-term investment, so that the profits earned will be more big.
The current market has fallen and is very weak, indeed it has been chosen to buy coins to invest and can provide benefits in the future. I am still very optimistic that the future of cryptocurrency will be able to return to better and that huge growth is imminent, I also hope that in the coming year bullrun will be coming soon.
it is difficult for some people to be able to distinguish project fraud or not because everything is almost the same at first. You must really study the project that will be followed and analyze it more carefully, usually the project will look scam if it is already running. there are lots of threads in this forum that discuss how to distinguish projects that are a scam or not.
I stopped investing in ICO in mid-2018. It stopped making me a profit. I do not know what will happen to this industry in 2019.
I think in the past year the market situation that experienced a downturn also had a negative impact on the current and emerging ICO projects, which made many ICOs fail. a good decision in my opinion if at that time you stopped investing in ICO, because it is better not to get a profit for a moment than the loss that will later be obtained. this year I am optimistic that the ICO situation will improve and be better in achieving success.
At the moment, people do not believe that alternative coins can survive in the future. But it seems to me that we should trust the cryptocurrency market more.
mostly to my knowledge most people just don't believe in tokens circulating in the crypto market in the future and they still believe in altcoins, but only altcoins have good potential in the future. yes, the crypto market will continue to survive if we all as users continue to believe in a future that can be better.
At the moment the price of this coin goes down again. But I hope that this coin will show itself with dignity in 2019.
last year this coin has experienced a very significant decline and it is difficult to rise again, so its position also dropped to third place and when it will enter 2019 ethereum shows its existence to investors that eth still deserves to be an investment choice so that it rises to second place. but at the moment the coin is back down in third place, apparently seeing such events there is still great hope that someday it will be able to return to rising prices.
It is very difficult for hunters to be united as there is no hunters society which would take care about their interest. There should be global regulations on ICOs which would prevent scams.
yes indeed to gather bounty hunters into one for an idea is indeed not easy, because every bounty hunter has his own way and thoughts in getting an ICO project that will later be successful and will be able to get paid. it is possible only with the existence of regulations on the ICO as a whole or in each country by the government, so I feel that the ICO scam will not appear too much.
modal yang negara anggarkan sudah harus terstruktur rapi dan jelas, mining dalam skala besar butuh ruang modal yang besar juga. Tapi masalahnya kripto sangat fluktuatif dan ini akan menjadi masalah serius, negara juga tidak harus menjadi spekulatif dalam hal ini. aku pikir ini tidak akan efektif dan akan membuat kegamangan besar.
beberapa hari terakhir harga terus terus saya baca-baca infonya ini karena efek tahunan menjelang imlek ya, dan harga naik lagi setelah imlek jadi saya pikir jika ada dana ngaggur sekarang waktu yang bagus untuk buy ni
imlek sudah siklus pendek seperti hari raya, memang dibilang agak aneh tapi fomo dari setiap hari raya besar di cina dan eropa terasa order sellnya, jika agan ada modal silahkan saja banyak orang yang optimis menjelang maret tapi tidak sedikit juga yang sanksi bitcoin bisa up setelah maret nanti, jadi spekulasinya masih dua arah.
When someone got into depression over the loss in the crypto currency of its Bitcoin assests, I can say to that person that he or she should take a break from crypto. Something like moving on. It is not so good if that person will keep going to loss its money because he will not be able to overcome the depressed she or he had. But he can make other stuffs and brig back to crypto when he recovers truly. Making interesting and amazing stuffs aside from minding the crypto market price.
I do not give up even though I experience sustained depression, my mind must remain active with every possibility, the best thing about all of that is to keep in touch with the optimistic community handling the same thing. Thousands of thoughts about other businesses do not make me go away or rest from crypto at all, there must be a belief in recovery and a mentality that is obliged to continue to be active. the best remedy for depression in my opinion is to work harder even though assets decrease.
Kalau menurut saya si ini baru awal. Saya cukup optimus dimana awal tahun kripto akan memiliki peningkatan kembali. Permulaaan peningkatan harga sudah mulai terasa di ahir tahun ini gan.. kalo sentimen pasar sudah membaik maka harga kripto akan kembali mrlambung seperti di tahun 2017 lalu gan
Banyak orang berharap awal 2019 bakal jadi awal untuk melihat harga Cryptocurrency naik. Tapi apakah harapan itu bakal terwujud ataupun tidak itu masih menjadi tanda tanya besar bagi semua orang dan juga termasuk saya. Harapan saya tahun 2019 penggila ICO ataupun investor ICO akan terus bertambah gan, karena dengan begitu harga Bitcoin dan Ethereum serta altcoin lainnya bakalan bagus kembali. momentum fluktuasi selalu muncul setidaknya one-time setiap tahun antara akhir-awal tahun, jika tidak sesuai harapan, maka tetap akan masuk musim beku dan ditambah ico fraud yang membesar. Harapan aku juga sama, setidaknya ada secercah sinar mulai januari hingga maret. Soal ico ini memang menjadi momok karena investor jadi gampang tebang pilih atau bahkan tidak ikut sama sekali. Harus ada stopping quantity untuk menyeimbangkan mood para investor.
kenapa XRP masih bertahan di peringkat kedua dalam CoinMarketCap? Apakah ETH ini sudah sepi peminatnya, Sehingga tidak bisa merebut kembali posisinya! Atau mungkin XRP ini memang lebih bagus daripada ETH gan? Bagaimana menurut Anda?
Simpel aja sih XRP suplynya lebih banyak daripada ETH terus Performanya juga gak jau - jauh amat dari ETH tapi ane yakin gak bakalan selamanya di rank 2 XRP semuanya tergantung dari demandnya masing - masing ETH dump karena miner pada depresi menurut ane. pihak yang terkait dengan xrp bersifat gabungan dari para banker, sedangkan eth masih meletakkan tujuan pada platform saja. jika januari eth mampu membalikkan keadaan, maka memang sudah sesuai dengan banyak pikiran para pakar, tapi kelemahan eth tahun ini adalah mereka tidak bisa berbuat apapun jika btc tidak bergerak masif. alhasil pairing eth berpindah ke koin exchanger atau tether. xrp masih akan lebih baik kurasa.
mungkin masa depan semua dunia akan menerapkan era digital, dari situlah menurut ane bitcoin / cryptocurrency akan tetap ada
hal kontras akan muncul jika dunia ndak menerima bitcoin dan membuat digital versi fiat dan diluar blockchain. faktor fiat masih kuat dan menghambat kripto selama ini. selama konsekwensi untuk tetap di pasar fiat maka btc dan alt akan tetap underground. Tapi karena bersifat kencang di hilir, pemerintah akan dipaksa mengikuti, aku setuju dengan kalimat agan, cuma masih merasa tidak bisa semudah itu.