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321  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: November 02, 2021, 10:08:45 AM
Say what you want, eu unul nu as putea vreodata sa consider acest NFT mai valoros de cativa dolari... In niciun caz nu as licita $61k pe el, ce naiba! Cheesy

Sa va cereti scuze lui Rare Pepe !
Aici nu sunt de acord. Treaba asta cu Rare Pepe a fost facuta prin 2016 pe Counterparty, deci folosind blockchain-ul BTC. A fost printre "pionierii" NFT-urilor.

Da, nu este spectaculos de frumos, dar nici poza cu "magic internet money" nu a fost vreo capodopera si a devenit ceva emblematic.
Eu cred ca este omologul din zona NFT unei poze cu whitepaper-ul lui satoshi, o poza cu ziarul NY Times sau Magic internet money ad de pe Reddit. Nu este vorba ca e frumos... pentru ca nu este, e vorba ce reprezinta. Si asta ii da o anumita valoare...  Tongue

322  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Pun & Fun Thread on: November 01, 2021, 03:09:20 PM

The dyslexic devil worshiper sold his soul to Santa

Ho Ho Ho, yuor suol is meni
323  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: November 01, 2021, 01:30:36 PM
Mi se par pur si simplu niste preturi aruncate landra, in speranta ca cineva pe va achita, fara nicio logica in spate, fara calcule, fara repere, fara sens...

Compari mere cu pere.
Cand a fost vreodata vorba de cerere si oferta cand e vorba de "arta". Toate stropelile de pensule la care trebuie sa inclini capul in stanga sau in dreapta sa observi diverse pattern-uri... daca ai noroc, sunt agatate prin expozitii care mai de care (in lumea crypto - prima pagina de pe opensea)
Asa e cand vorbesti de arta... nu ai cum sa zici ca nu esti de acord ca altcineva o considera valoroasa. Uite aici maestru contemporan al pensulei si chevaletului. Isi "apreciaza" munca la cateva mii

Nu vorbesc despre spalare de bani sau alte tertipuri de genul... ci doar de pasionati sau bisnitari de arta. Valoare = pretul cu care s-a cumparat ultima oara + 10% ez pz  Cheesy
324  Other / Meta / Re: Post Deleted For No Good Reason on: November 01, 2021, 12:21:22 PM
...And it's likely that this is what happened. Obito's post is gone too.

Would also say this is the case. Obito seems to have 100+ recently deleted posts according to the modlog and looks like he's temp-banned.
325  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: October 29, 2021, 11:12:18 AM
...cine are putin talent artistic,la desen poate sa incerce nu se stie niciodata cu putin noroc se pot face vinzari bune

Asta cam asa este. Bine, trebuie sa te si marketezi bine dar da, se poate

Asta ar fi un exemplu de asa da (parerea mea):

Dar ce mai zicea lumea pe aici despre preturile umflate artificial este inca valabil...

326  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: CIUGUban: un fel de CBDC, faza pe comune on: October 26, 2021, 08:39:01 PM

O alta posibila cauza este interpretarea gresita a termenilor din lege.
Sunt doi termeni diferiti: monede virtuale (numerele generate in serverele bancilor, cele care indica ce balanta ai in contul bancii X) si monede digitale (crypto). Am observat ca site-ul mentionat de tine le foloseste interschimbabil si nu este corect. Aparent si ofiterul de presa BNR mai are de lucrat la aspectul asta.

Oricum degeaba ne amagim cu vise umede... Ai nostri nu sunt in stare sa faca dracu un guvern! Ce pretentii sa mai ai de cadre legislative bine puse la punct, ambitii de progres economic etc.

Mda, din pacate, sa ma picuri cu ceara si nu inteleg o iota din "limba" aia. Am incercat si mi s-au incurcat circumvolutiunile. Mai nou o evit cat de mult pot.

Ca bine zici  Cheesy Cheesy
327  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: CIUGUban: un fel de CBDC, faza pe comune on: October 26, 2021, 03:21:08 PM
...moneda virtuală este o reprezentare digitală a valorii care nu este emisă sau garantată de o bancă centrală sau de o autoritate publică, nu este în mod obligatoriu legată de o monedă instituită legal și nu deține statutul legal de monedă sau de bani, dar este acceptată de către persoane fizice sau juridice ca mijloc de schimb și poate fi transferată, stocată și tranzacționată electronic.

Am citit si eu fraza asta de cateva ori ...

...stirea asta ne pune si pe noi sub aceeasi categorie in care se afla El Salvador?

Asa pare pe hartie dar in realitate nici pe departe !  Cry

Formularea in "legaleza" suna ciudat, dar nu se refera la introducerea cryptomonedelor ca modalitate de plata, desi asta se intelege !
mijloc de schimb = are o anumită valoare și este o modalitate de plată în care toată lumea are încredere (link)

Dar tot nu poti baga crypto in contabilitate si mori de gat cu procesatori de plati sau exchange-uri. Si chiar si atunci iti cer pe mama si pe tata.

Asa scrie, asa se intelege (parerea mea) dar 100% nu este asa. Ciudat, nu ?
328  Other / Meta / Re: Report Malware and Suspicious Links here so Mods can take Action ! on: October 21, 2021, 04:41:41 PM
I reported the above post for malware about 18 hours ago and included a virus total report confirming the malicious activity in the linked file. The report remains unhandled.

TBH I had a look at the report and personally cannot say for certain that the image contains any viruses.
Looked into it a bit and found nothing weird. I was not able to see (with my untrained eye) any metadata issues, obfuscated javascript or similar stuff.

That does not mean you are wrong. But just that one line in VirusTotal did not convince me. I can just assume others reached a similar conclusion or are waiting to see if anyone else confirms before taking any action.
329  Local / Market / Re: Vand mining rig 3x RX 580 8GB - 90 MH on: October 20, 2021, 10:09:25 AM
Fara suparare, dar cam scump !

Pe bucati (sh de pe OLX la pretul actual) sunt vreo 7.000 RON. E drept ca fara cadru, fara risere si fara configurare dar ramane destula diferenta.
Daca era cu 5 placi ar fi fost ceva...

Spor la negociere si poate pui si niste poze (poti folosi imgur) chiar daca ai contul nou si nu se va vedea poza ci doar linkul... poate ajuta
330  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: BSV officially dead? Finally confirmed by the BSV account :) on: October 19, 2021, 01:39:44 PM
Considering everything that happened with them I agree that the end is near. They will not be missed  Roll Eyes

Bitcoin Fork Suffers ‘Massive’ 51% Attack In Attempt To ‘Destroy’ The Cryptocurrency

111 nodes left in the network

Below are the recommended system requirements based on our internal testing and scaling progress, made with bitcoind node software. Bitcoin SV will continue to scale on the road to, and beyond genesis. This will also mean these requirements should be expected to change as time goes on.

331  Other / Meta / Re: India Mining Board Receiving Massive Spam Attack on: October 19, 2021, 11:15:28 AM
Seems that ADEMNL's project anouncement is also shilled/spammed by non-newbies: auy
332  Other / Meta / Re: Wall of fame / shame. Shit posts so bad that they are actually funny on: October 18, 2021, 12:19:06 PM
Applications for Bitcoin Wiki edit privileges have a weird format ...

#Proof of authentication Bitcointalk username: lonypink9 Bitcointalk Profile:;u=3383397; Telegram Username: @MDSOBUJCHOWDH Joined Campaign: Twitter, Facebook Bsc/Bep20: 0xE33d0F80953b373fD01de2B1D327E6094B73CC81
333  Other / Meta / Re: [CLUB] The SpamBusters! Busting rule-breakers constantly. on: October 12, 2021, 03:47:20 PM
at least I  learned that if a user was nuked without the posts being deleted first, all the reported posts from that user will become unhandled.
All my 6 reports have been marked as Good.
Normally when a reported post is deleted the report should be automatically marked as Good. Or at least this should be the expected behavior
334  Other / Archival / Re: [GUIDE] How to add a countdown timer to a forum on: October 12, 2021, 12:32:18 PM
This should count down approximately 24 hours from now.

I see your post was made at 11:08 PM / 23:08 (how ever you prefer)
So that means 52min + 15h29min (my local time) + 7h30min = 23h52min
8 minutes are missing...

It's good but not 100% accurate  Wink
335  Other / Politics & Society / The "Covid19 is an escaped lab experiment" theory on: October 12, 2021, 11:27:22 AM
Did a few searches and did not find this exact topic so I'm opening one now:

To be honest I initially thought that this possibility was too far fetched and the only believers have tin foil hats and banners with:

In light of recent events I'm not so sure anymore. Guess the more you know, the more confused you are...

It seems that a while ago some documents were leaked that, if true, would shed some light on the beginnings of this whole nightmare.

Scientists from Wuhan and the US were planning to create new coronaviruses that did not exist in nature by combining the genetic codes of other viruses, proposals show.

Documents of a grant application submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), leaked last month, reveal that the international team of scientists planned to mix genetic data of closely related strains and grow completely new viruses.

In a nutshell EcoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Institute of Virology were working on a hybrid virus. The reason was that many viruses would appear like Zika, Ebola, bird flue, swine flue etc and would put millitary lives in danger as they can be dispatched in random locations, very remote, with limited facilities and medical equipment and they wanted to create a "one for all vaccine" so dispatched armed forces would not fall pray to invisible enemies. They had enough on their plate with the visible ones as it is...

So they took many SARS virus strains and worked on creating a mix breed between all of them, with about 95% genetic resemblance, so they can create one single vaccine to kill them all (or at least that's what I understood)

The "leaked documents" I mentioned were some grant proposals submitted to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) for approving funds.
...Human pathogenicity Bat Coronavirus research ain't cheap !

See below the leaked info:

The documents seen by DRASTIC were made available by an anonymous source
Anonymous whistleblower might lower one's trust on the matter but hey... who would be able to come forward 2 years in this pandemic and say "I knew about it and X,Y,Z are to blame for this". Might get a bullet in the head faster than you can say "We are all satoshi!"

What's your thoughts on the matter ? How plausible is this theory? #factcheck
336  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Partidul Unit al Libertăţii Absolute on: October 11, 2021, 02:52:40 PM
Acum mi-am cumparat altul si o s-a fiu pezent mai des.
De glumit nu glumesc, situatia chiar e destul de grava. Pana acum am reusit sa locuiesc intr-un monument istoric din centrul vechi, care era ocupat abuziv de niste oameni de etnie rroma (adica tigani)
Aveam aceeasi problema ca si Gazeta, nu eram sigur daca este adevarat sau doar bascalie. Chiar imi pare rau sa aud asta  Cry

Apropo, daca stiti pe cineva care inchiriaza o camera relativ ieftin as fi profound recunoscator.
Prea mult nu imi permit sa dau pentru ca pemsia mea este de 1000 de Ron.
Zi care ar fi bugetul maxim si ma voi interesa. Iti scriu daca gasesc

Iar drept de munca nu mai am.
Aici m-ai pierdut !
Vrei sa zici ca daca muncesti nu mai primesti pensia ? Ca nu inteleg cum poti pierde dreptul de munca. Chiar si in situatia ta tot cred ca ar putea fi vreo varianta...

Incearca aici:
Ofer acest apartament in chirie . Chiria este 0 , dumneavoastră trebuie sa plătiți doar utilitățile . Tot ce trebuie sa faceți este să aveți grijă de cățelul meu , eu plec la un job in Irlanda . Nu îl pot lua cu mine și va trebuii sa găsesc o persoana responsabila și cu capul pe umeri iubitoare de animale. Aștept telefonul dumneavoastră . Apartamentul este mobilat utilat complet și se afla in militari residence.
337  Economy / Collectibles / Re: FREE RAFFLE- MyBitcoinMint Silver round on: October 06, 2021, 04:21:52 PM
75 - Rizzrack

Thanks for the raffle ! Good luck to everyone  Smiley
338  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: October 05, 2021, 11:22:35 AM
Și ca să ne și distrăm pe tema asta citiți acest articol. E proaspăt...

Sa pui la vanzare o poza NFT cu un tweet care face misto de NFT ! Nu ai cum sa nu apreciezi ironia  Grin
Unele lucruri nu trebuie sa aibe sens. Daca sunt destul de tampite si amuzante in acelasi timp presupun ca pot genera interes.
339  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: October 05, 2021, 09:18:53 AM
Pai atunci o baza de date e suficienta.

Momentan in destul cazuri chiar este doar o simpla baza de date.
Atat mai spun:
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE tokenID=3 ;
340  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: The Lightning Network FAQ on: October 05, 2021, 08:43:06 AM
one of the hillbilly BCH big blockers who still think it's a good idea to scale on-chain...

Sorry for the OT but was reading the latest posts and when I saw yours it reminded me of something:
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