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321  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 30, 2023, 07:51:46 PM
^^^ That is what the problem is... protecting national interests. Why is it a problem? Because no large nation can agree among its own people what its national interests are. Oh, sure. They all agree on things like prosperity and strength for the nation. But they never agree on the ways to achieve this.

Even if there is a majority of the people who all say, "We agree that we should do it this way," nobody gets into another person's mind to see what "this way" really means to somebody else.

The thing that happens is that a few shrewd people figure out ways to become government, and the people think that these government officials are working for them. But the government people are really working for themselves.

If the government people are wise, they will actually benefit themselves as well as the people. If they aren't wise, the whole country may be lost. The general populace never really has any say in it, even though they think they do, and even though it looks like they do to a great extent.

Same thing in Russia, the US, and almost every large country.


  Do not compare the free world with the Russian world, where there has always been a dictatorship of one person.

You haven't been listening, again, to the many times I have posted in this forum how a Democracy is simply a Dictatorship by a group.

Russia has always been out-in-the-open about the fact that they are essentially a Dictatorship. Their people know it because they have been told and shown over and over. But the people of the US are just finding out, now, by all the bad things that Biden is doing to them.

Russian honesty in government is way better than in the US Dictatorship.


  What kind of honesty of the Russian government are we talking about? First, there is no Russian government. All its functions are performed by one person who has never told the truth.
322  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 30, 2023, 11:59:52 AM
^^^ That is what the problem is... protecting national interests. Why is it a problem? Because no large nation can agree among its own people what its national interests are. Oh, sure. They all agree on things like prosperity and strength for the nation. But they never agree on the ways to achieve this.

Even if there is a majority of the people who all say, "We agree that we should do it this way," nobody gets into another person's mind to see what "this way" really means to somebody else.

The thing that happens is that a few shrewd people figure out ways to become government, and the people think that these government officials are working for them. But the government people are really working for themselves.

If the government people are wise, they will actually benefit themselves as well as the people. If they aren't wise, the whole country may be lost. The general populace never really has any say in it, even though they think they do, and even though it looks like they do to a great extent.

Same thing in Russia, the US, and almost every large country.


  Do not compare the free world with the Russian world, where there has always been a dictatorship of one person.
323  Local / Политика / Трагическая ошибка ПВО (отмазка для Путин on: August 26, 2023, 06:46:29 AM
Алик Бахши

Трагическая ошибка ПВО (отмазка для Путина)

     В России сбит гражданский самолёт средствами ПВО. Произошла трагическая ошибка. Здесь присутствует и традиционное разгильдяйство и менталитет. Дело в том, что в последнее время украинские дроны стали обыденным явлением в небе России. Короче, оператор, увидев на экране радара неопознанный объект, вероятно с бодуна, решил, что это очередной военный дрон, летящий бомбить аэродром со стратегическими бомбардировщиками, и не мешкая, дабы не получить нагоняй от начальства, нажал на красную кнопку. Вот и нет Пригожина, ближайшего соратника Путина. Надо думать, что Путину сразу не доложили, чтобы подготовить как-то хозяина к случайной гибели дружка. Российские СМИ до сих пор молчат и не знают какую версию озвучить, без указания сверху. Но дедушка Путин в печали и молчит с… , а ответственные за зомбо ящик в замешательстве, и не знают, то ли объявить народу всеобщий траур, то ли похвалить средства ПВО, доказавшие, что небо России под надёжной защитой. Короче, русский народ в замешательстве, - когда начать пить за упокой безвременно ушедших героев Бахмута и Центрально-Африканской Республики


324  Local / Политика / Re: Законченный мудак, или последняя война Ро on: August 25, 2023, 12:29:31 PM
Итак, разборка между двумя бандитами окончилась тем, Путину удалось убить Пригожина и его друзей, сбив самолёт. Теперь надо будет расформировать вагнеровцев. Пригожин думаю подготовил компромат на Путина, и вскорости наверное начнётся его слив в СМИ.
325  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 22, 2023, 02:56:16 AM
It's so funny. Trump brought prosperity to America, and Biden brought inflation so great that you almost can't live. But loads of folks act like Trump is the bad guy. What's wrong with this picture?

As I said elsewhere, Biden and his team aren't stupid. They did the sanctions against Russia, so it would look like they were against Russia. Then the sanctions backfired, making Russia financially stronger than ever.

Most media, either major media or 'patriot' little media, talk like Biden didn't understand what he was doing... didn't understand that the sanctions would only make Russia stronger. Biden ain't that dumb. He WANTED to make Russia stronger... for whatever his reasons are. BIDEN is Putin's American hand... and he WILL be cut off.


  Yes, based on your assumption that Biden made Russia financially strong, then you are right that he is Putin's hand in the White House. However, in reality, the opposite is true, the Russian economy is heading for the abyss.
326  Other / Politics & Society / Ragozinsky trampoline does not work on: August 21, 2023, 10:01:02 AM
Alik Bakhshi
   Ragozinsky trampoline does not work

        Ragozin demonstrates the launch of a heavy moon rocket.

The mission to send a spacecraft to the moon failed for the Russians. The lunar module crashed during landing. It was not enough that the communist ideology destroyed the USSR, so a person with a diploma from the university of Marxism-Leninism was entrusted with such a complex scientific and technical project. Ragozin, who for many years led this space project, once again proved the viciousness of the theory of Communism. Ragozin obviously did not care how to overcome the gravity of the Earth, whether on a trampoline or on a rocket. Now his advice to Elon Musk to use a trampoline is clear.

327  Local / Политика / Рагозинский батут не работает on: August 21, 2023, 04:08:28 AM
Алик Бахши
Рагозинский батут не работает
  На рис.  Рагозин демонстрирует запуск тяжелой лунной ракеты.
     Миссия послать космический корабль на Луну у русских провалилась. Лунный модуль при посадки разбился. Мало было того, что коммунистическая идеология развалила СССР, так человеку  с дипломом университета марксизма-ленинизма был поручен столь сложный научно-технический проект. Рагозин, многие годы, возглавлявший данный космический проект, лишний раз доказал порочность теории Коммунизма. Рагозину явно было без разницы как преодолевать притяжение Земли, что на батуте, что на ракете. Теперь понятен его совет Илону Маску использовать батут.
328  Local / Политика / Re: Русско-украинская война 2022- … годов за спасе on: August 19, 2023, 10:12:01 AM
Америка выдала добро на поставку F-16 Украине, что намного увеличит боеспособность украинской армии.
329  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 18, 2023, 06:56:49 AM
Reading through the comments, some people think Russia made a mistake getting involved in the Ukraine conflict and will regret it later. But we can't be sure about that. If the US and UK were in Russia's place, they might take stronger actions, or they might not. The situation is complicated and hard to predict.

Yes, Russia made a big mistake when it decided to restore the USSR within its former borders. The time of empires has passed, and the Russian Empire is facing its inevitable end.
330  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 18, 2023, 05:06:50 AM

Thanks. All these accusations against Putin, and almost 100% no proof. Not even evidence when you consider situations in Russia and Ukraine.

That's a lot of pages you have up on your websites. Are you that fast of a typist? Or how many people do you have working with you?


Most of Russia's crimes are organized by the bandit Putin. The fact that this murderer is awaiting a tribunal and a gallows is beyond doubt. According to your approach, there is no evidence for Hitler either. However, there is no doubt that if Hitler were arrested, then he would hang next to other criminals. The same will happen with the Russian international terrorists led by Putin. There will be retribution for evil, this is how the world works.

You are more or less correct in that... no evidence for Hitler, either. But, to keep it in context, almost no evidence if you wrote it the way you write about Putin.

Maybe somebody has evidence for how bad Putin is. But there is evidence for the good, as well. One BIG chunk of evidence is that Putin has held off regarding nukes, even though the US is straining to goad him into using them. Putin wants peace and prosperity for the world rather than destruction for the peoples of the world.


And Hitler also wanted peace, Putin is not the first in this desire. He said that Russia has no borders.
331  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 17, 2023, 09:54:13 PM

Thanks. All these accusations against Putin, and almost 100% no proof. Not even evidence when you consider situations in Russia and Ukraine.

That's a lot of pages you have up on your websites. Are you that fast of a typist? Or how many people do you have working with you?


Most of Russia's crimes are organized by the bandit Putin. The fact that this murderer is awaiting a tribunal and a gallows is beyond doubt. According to your approach, there is no evidence for Hitler either. However, there is no doubt that if Hitler were arrested, then he would hang next to other criminals. The same will happen with the Russian international terrorists led by Putin. There will be retribution for evil, this is how the world works.
332  Other / Politics & Society / Armenia's fiasco before the world community on: August 17, 2023, 06:29:33 PM
Alik Bakhshi

Armenia's fiasco before the world community


           Armenia once again failed to present itself as a victim of genocide by Azerbaijan. The representative of Azerbaijan, Yashar Aliyev, in his speech denied the false accusations that Azerbaijan created a humanitarian blockade of the Armenian population of Karabakh. The Armenian ploy she used to try to solve the political problems of the Karabakh conflict was well understood by the members of the Security Council, which was reflected in his decision to deny Armenia its intention to force the Security Council to adopt a resolution condemning Azerbaijan. It should be noted that the support of France, following the lead of the politically strong and large Armenian diaspora, and therefore traditionally hostile to Turkey and Azerbaijan, could not change anything. The representative of Russia clearly stated that the issues of integration of the Armenians of Karabakh, including the humanitarian one, should be resolved between the population of Karabakh and the government of Azerbaijan, thereby making it clear that Yerevan has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, on the simple basis that Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan, which, by the way, was recognized by Armenia itself.

         By appealing to the UN Security Council, Armenia once again demonstrated its ingratitude to Russia, which created a state for it on the lands of Azerbaijan and which refused Armenia to help create another Armenian state of Artsakh inside Azerbaijan, which actually looks like this. The hope of Yerevan to find a new patron who would rush to build them Great Armenia from sea to sea is failing so far. In fact, it is better for Armenians to hold an independence referendum in California, today there are more than 1.5 million Armenians living in America, which is much more compared to 120,000 in Karabakh.
   Armenians, like gypsies, live in many countries, but there is one very significant difference between them, the gypsies do not claim to be states, and the Armenians create permanent compact centers of residence, build their churches, create communities, while spreading the opinion of their superiority over the indigenous people, which can turn into a situation that took place in Azerbaijan. You can accuse me of bias and even of nationalism, but well-known authorities also paid attention to some feature of the Armenian character.
      Ilya Chavchavadze, a Georgian poet and publicist of the 19th century, wrote about Armenians and their mentality: “Armenians “settle where they have never lived. Is it not clear that with this superficial scholarship they want to convince the world that they have the historical right to occupy these places ... "
  The opinion of Vasily Grosman echoes Chavchavadze: “With insidious ease, the nationalism of the people loses its noble foundation, it does not become formidable, it becomes pitiful, does not cause, but humiliates. So trying to prove some kind of inferiority, a person discovers his own. Some of my interlocutors in all areas of human creativity, first of all, emphasized the Armenian national priority in architecture, science, and poetry. They emphasized the superiority of the architectural merits of the temple in Garni over the primitive architecture of the Acropolis that seemed to them: speaking of the poet Tumanyan, they persistently convinced me that the genius of Tumanyan was higher than the genius of Pushkin. The point, of course, is not that the architecture of Garni is not more perfect than the architecture of the Acropolis, is Tumanyan more brilliant than Pushkin, the essence, and the essence of course is sad, is that poetry, and architecture, and science, and history in itself, according to their essence in the conversations of some of my interlocutors cease to mean. They only mean to reveal the superiority of the Armenian national character over the national character of other peoples. It is not poetry that is important, but it is only important to prove that the Armenian national poet is higher than, say, a Russian or French poet. My interlocutors, without noticing it themselves, impoverished their souls and hearts by ceasing to rejoice in poetry, the perfection of architecture, the greatness of science, and saw in poetry and science only a means to assert their national superiority. This desire can be so fanatical, narrow, that for a moment it seems like a manifestation of madness.”
        In more detail, my opinion about the Armenian people from a historical point of view is set out in previously written articles, a list of some of them:

1. Was there a “Great Armenia”?
2. Armenia - history and legend.
3. Armenian nationalism on the site
4. About the very, very, very ... people.
5. Legal nuances of the Karabakh conflict.
6. On the issue of genocide, or why Armenia is wary of the court.
333  Local / Политика / Фиаско Армении перед мировым сообществом on: August 17, 2023, 05:10:52 PM
Алик Бахши

Фиаско Армении перед мировым сообществом


          Армения в очередной раз потерпела неудачу представить себя жертвой геноцида со стороны Азербайджана. Представитель Азербайджана Яшар Алиев в своей речи опроверг лживые обвинения в создании Азербайджаном гуманитарной блокады армянского населения Карабаха. Армянская уловка, которой она пыталась решить политические проблемы Карабахского конфликта, была хорошо понята членами Совета  безопасности, что и отразилось на его решении отказать Армении в её намерении вынудить Совет безопасности принять резолюцию, осуждающую Азербайджан. Надо отметить, что и поддержка Франции, идущей на поводу сильной в политическом отношении многочисленной армянской диаспоры, а потому традиционно враждебно настроенной против Турции и Азербайджана, не смогла ничего изменить. Представитель России четко сказал, что вопросы интеграции армян Карабаха в том числе и гуманитарный должны решаться между населением Карабаха и правительством Азербайджана, тем самым, дав понять, что Ереван не имеет права вмешиваться во внутренние дела суверенного государства, на том простом основании, что Карабах является территорией Азербайджана, что, кстати, было признано самой Арменией.

        Обращением в Совет безопасности ООН Армения вновь продемонстрировала свою неблагодарность России, создавшей ей государство на землях Азербайджана и которая отказала Армении в помощи создать ещё одно армянское государство Арцах внутри Азербайджана, что на самом деле так и выглядет. Надежда Еревана найти нового покровителя, который бы бросился строить им Великую Армению от море и до моря пока терпит неудачу. Вообще-то, армянам лучше провести референдум о независимости в Калифорнии, сегодня армян проживающих в Америке более 1,5 миллиона, что значительно больше, по сравнению со 120 тысячью в Карабахе.
    Армяне подобно цыганам живут во многих странах, но есть одно очень существенное отличие между ними, цыгане не претендуют на государства, а армяне создают постоянные компактные очаги проживания, строят свои церкви, создают общины, одновременно распространяя мнение о своём превосходстве над коренным народом, что может обернуться ситуацией, которая имела место быть в Азербайджане. Вы можете обвинять меня в предвзятости и даже в национализме, но на некоторую особенность армянского характера обращали внимание и известные авторитеты.
   Об армянах и их менталитете писал грузинский поэт и публицист ХIX века Илья Чавчавадзе:  «армяне «селятся там, где никогда не жили. Разве не ясно, что этой поверхностной ученостью они желают убедить мир, будто за ними историческое право занять эти места…»
   С Чавчавадзе перекликается мнение и Василия Гросмана: «С коварной лёгкостью теряет национализм народа свою благородную основу, он не становится грозным, он становится, жалким, не вызывает, а унижает. Так стремясь доказать некую неполноценность, человек обнаруживает свою собственную. Кое кто из моих собеседников во всех областях человеческого творчества, прежде всего особо выделял армянский национальный приоритет в архитектуре, науке, поэзии. Они подчеркивали превосходство архитектурных достоинств храма в Гарни над казавшейся им примитивной архитектурой Акрополя: говоря о поэте Туманяне настойчиво убеждали меня, что гений Туманяна выше гения Пушкина. Суть конечно не в том, что не совершенней ли архитектура Гарни над архитектурой Акрополя, гениальней ли Туманян, чем Пушкин, суть, и суть конечно печальная, в том, что и поэзия, и архитектура, и наука, и история сама по себе, по существу своему в разговорах некоторых моих собеседников перестают значить. Они значат лишь для того, чтобы обнаружить превосходство армянского национального характера над национальным характером других народов. Не поэзия оказывается важна, а важно лишь доказать, что армянский национальный поэт выше скажем, русского или французского поэта. Мои собеседники, сами того не замечая, обедняли свои души и сердца тем, что переставали радоваться поэзии, совершенству архитектуры, величию науки, а видели в поэзии и науке лишь средство утверждать своё национальное превосходство. Это стремление бывает так фанатично, узко, что минутами кажется проявлением безумия.»
  Более детально моё мнение об армянском народе с исторической точки зрения изложено в раннее написанных статьях, список некоторых из них:

1.   А была ли «Великая Армения»?
2.   Армения, – история и легенда.
3.   Армянский национализм на сайте .
4.   О самом, самом, самом … народе.
5.   Правовые нюансы Карабахского конфликта.    
6.   К вопросу о геноциде, или почему Армения остерегается суда.
334  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 17, 2023, 04:02:46 AM

Actually, demonstration of love for Ukrainians. If they would only listen to my warnings, and look at what is happening to

Why in the world do you think that Russia isn't using nukes? They don't want to kill anybody. But they have to defend themselves when they are attacked by the US through Ukraine. Anybody would do that.


Yes, Putin invented the fairy tale that America staged a revolution in Ukraine, forcing Putin's henchman Yanukovych to flee Ukraine and therefore Russia was forced to attack Ukraine in order to protect itself from America. Who can believe this nonsense. Ukraine will defeat Russia and expel the invaders from their land.

Now, you have proof of this invention and that Putin did it?

Well, not me. Of course Putin did it.
335  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 16, 2023, 07:09:34 PM

I understand that you hope that Medvedev, if he replaces Putin, will immediately use nuclear weapons and immediately set a condition if he is sober. Firstly, if sober, I doubt that he uses nuclear weapons. Secondly, he will not become sober. And thirdly, if Putin leaves, or rather, he is removed, the empire will no longer exist, along with the post of president of Russia, Russia itself will disappear.

Now you claim to know Medvedev just like you claim to know Putin. What? Are you a fly on the wall in their government, listening to everything that goes on there? Is there a 'mole' in their group that reports every aspect of their lives to you? Maybe those guys should be working on eliminating you before they continue the war.

And you seem to think that you know what I am thinking in what I write. You say so. How in the world far off base can you go?


First, you remembered Medvedev, not me. Secondly, here I personally express my opinion about Russia as an aggressor, which was confirmed during the voting at the UN. And your threats against me only emphasize your fear of the inevitable defeat of the Russians in the war they started with Ukraine.
336  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 16, 2023, 06:57:54 PM

Actually, demonstration of love for Ukrainians. If they would only listen to my warnings, and look at what is happening to

Why in the world do you think that Russia isn't using nukes? They don't want to kill anybody. But they have to defend themselves when they are attacked by the US through Ukraine. Anybody would do that.


Yes, Putin invented the fairy tale that America staged a revolution in Ukraine, forcing Putin's henchman Yanukovych to flee Ukraine and therefore Russia was forced to attack Ukraine in order to protect itself from America. Who can believe this nonsense. Ukraine will defeat Russia and expel the invaders from their land.
337  Local / Политика / Re: Русско-украинская война 2022- … годов за спасе on: August 16, 2023, 09:48:29 AM
 Взятый в плен русский майор Томов, охотно рассказывает, где расположены военные объекты на левом берегу Днепра. Кстати, Томов был пленён именно на левом берегу, что свидетельствует о том, что украинцы в самом деле создали там плацдарм.
338  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 16, 2023, 07:28:38 AM

Ukrainians won't regret starting the war with Russia in 2014. Why not? Because there won't be any Ukrainians left to regret or not regret anything.


Demonstration of vicious hatred for the Ukrainians, and the reason is that Ukrainians broke off the teeth of the Russians.

Actually, demonstration of love for Ukrainians. If they would only listen to my warnings, and look at what is happening to them, they would surrender and survive instead of fighting to the last man and being simply gone.


Yes, it's a pity that Ukrainians don't know anything about you. Maybe it's better for you to go to Ukraine and tell the Ukrainians there on the spot that you need to surrender to the Russian occupiers and part with the country with the name Ukraine.
339  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 16, 2023, 07:22:24 AM
an arrest warrant has been issued for Putin.
The day that Putin will have an handcuffs to his hands will be the day when we will see a new formidable state to rival USA, as much as I hope that Putin gets tried for this, he will likely be assassinated. When it comes to Trump though, why is he still going for a re-election campaign? Is the majority of the USA still clamoring for his return?

  After Putin, the empire will cease to exist. Many of its peoples will become independent from Moscow. We must not forget that the Russians will have to pay indemnity for many years for the death of thousands of Ukrainians and the destruction in Ukraine. One way or another, the Russians will have to pay for evil, and this payment will be large.

After Putin, WW3. Medvedev won't put up with all the BS Putin has been taking.


 I understand that you hope that Medvedev, if he replaces Putin, will immediately use nuclear weapons and immediately set a condition if he is sober. Firstly, if sober, I doubt that he uses nuclear weapons. Secondly, he will not become sober. And thirdly, if Putin leaves, or rather, he is removed, the empire will no longer exist, along with the post of president of Russia, Russia itself will disappear.

Yes, Medvedev instead of Putin is more suitable for Russia and the Russian people. They say he is rarely sober.

Well what do you expect? The poor guy knows he will be taking over sometime. He knows what he will be doing (nuking). And he has a conscience. Let him drink, now, so he can be sober when he takes over.


I understand that you hope that Medvedev, if he replaces Putin, will immediately use nuclear weapons and immediately set a condition if he is sober. Firstly, if sober, I doubt that he uses nuclear weapons. Secondly, he will not become sober. And thirdly, if Putin leaves, or rather, he is removed, the empire will no longer exist, along with the post of president of Russia, Russia itself will disappear.
340  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 16, 2023, 07:02:29 AM
an arrest warrant has been issued for Putin.
The day that Putin will have an handcuffs to his hands will be the day when we will see a new formidable state to rival USA, as much as I hope that Putin gets tried for this, he will likely be assassinated. When it comes to Trump though, why is he still going for a re-election campaign? Is the majority of the USA still clamoring for his return?

  After Putin, the empire will cease to exist. Many of its peoples will become independent from Moscow. We must not forget that the Russians will have to pay indemnity for many years for the death of thousands of Ukrainians and the destruction in Ukraine. One way or another, the Russians will have to pay for evil, and this payment will be large.

After Putin, WW3. Medvedev won't put up with all the BS Putin has been taking.


 I understand that you hope that Medvedev, if he replaces Putin, will immediately use nuclear weapons and immediately set a condition if he is sober. Firstly, if sober, I doubt that he uses nuclear weapons. Secondly, he will not become sober. And thirdly, if Putin leaves, or rather, he is removed, the empire will no longer exist, along with the post of president of Russia, Russia itself will disappear.

Yes, Medvedev instead of Putin is more suitable for Russia and the Russian people. They say he is rarely sober.

Well what do you expect? The poor guy knows he will be taking over sometime. He knows what he will be doing (nuking). And he has a conscience. Let him drink, now, so he can be sober when he takes over.

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