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321  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 08, 2017, 12:11:38 AM
For withoutforth [shall be shut] hounds, and witches, and unchaste men, and man-quellers, and serving to idols, and each that loveth and maketh lying.

Which of those am I for the vengance of God to be put on me? Do I love lies? No. Am I a witch? No I hate alchemy. Am I unchasted man? I don't know. I have not adultered. Maybe in the mind. I feel bad about it in my mind. Am I a man-queller? Not that I know of. Maybe unknowingly. What can I do not to be?

By the way I know Im sinful, and I repent everything, and have my hopes and sins to be forgiven. If i will not be forgiven, I will still still think its just and rightous.

Where have I done away with the words of the revelation? Would you finally want to prove anything and not just worthless accusations?

Even if I am to be punished. Fine. It's not a reason to decieve others.

P.S I am not sure if it was 2000 years or less. I would say it was less. I have not enough evidences for it. But "phantom ages" phenomen seems to suggest a lot of middle ages was a historical fraud.

You also have no reason to believe god actually exists in the first place. ''God had said he is uncappable to lie. So... why should I assume he lied? '' Why would you assume he exists at all or that he doesn't lie because he said so?

Maybe I have reasons. Do you have reasons not to believe it? I love the message - thats enough.

If by reason you mean evidences, yeah I have evidences. I had wrote about them in this topic.

God is shapeless and weightless so you can't verify him with measuring tapes or weighing scale.

Yes. That is why its only provable by proving the validity of his words and prophesies.

You forgot to write your Cool at the end

You forgot to get your glasses too ..
322  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 10:15:56 PM
do you know why this earth is dying right now ?
because many fools around this world,
it's so sad when everybody keep arguing each other and even killing for their fucking selfishness.
there're no islam hates people or what,there're no jew or other religion hates people.
it's all about yourself,your mentality to think that way and that's why you keep talking that way.

Ditto  Grin

Im not for propagating hate, but just really tired of usa doing their anti Islamic war propaganda on back of France, and being totally ignorant of situation in France and politics and history with colonialism and stuff. .

They need to find another justification for invadating muslim countries and developping their war industry  ..

Especially after 40 years of seeing them backing all fundamentalist in middle east against secular and peaceful regime who wanted to keep their resources to feed their people instead of feeding american interest . . .

They need to stop taking the rest of the world for fools giving moral lesson to everyone from the height of their school shooting and war industry, fake medias, reuteurs, & co  ..
323  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 09:43:04 PM
Read the history of Islam. After the split of society into two religions, there was not a day without war between Muslims and even more Christians. Sad

Is there a day in the history of mankind without a war somewhere for a reason or another lol either it's christian, muslim, jew, aztech, marxists, tutzis, shintoism or whatever else lol
324  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 08:01:13 PM

Islamist Terrorism From 1945 to the Rise of ISIS

Despite Islamic teachings against suicide and killing innocent people in battle, terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, or “ISIS,” have used a political form of Islam known as “Islamism” to justify an unholy war of terrorism. In 1988, Osama bin Laden founded Al Qaeda. Even after his death in 2011, Al Qaeda persists, and the more recently formed group ISIS has attempted to provoke an apocalyptic war with the United States and the West.

Sounds like they've been busy bees for a long, long time... Also when a population is too lazy or not smart enough to be creative, that culture always find a way to blame everything and the universe for their lack of progress as a positive for the world.

I understand camel milk is very good for your body, etc. Why not create a network that would compete with cow milk as an example. Billions. You exploit what you have, not complain about what you lack and blame others.

How come the big, rich nations can't afford to create their own weapon factory, instead of buying their gear from nations they hate. It is not as if they lack the capital or brain power. Or maybe they do.


All those groups are made in usa or kgb during cold war to recruit in muslim population to serve their own interest through violence and brainwashing. .

All  dictator in middle have been installed by usa against communism.

They dont even have to buy them, usa psychopath give them for free lol

The first jihadis in Afghanistan aka al Qaeda were all armed, trained and brainwashed by usa/cia .. for free of course ..

Same with free syrian army ..

Anytime they make a factory of their own it get blown by usa or Israel lol

They did same with "red groups" before ..

Islamic Fundamentalism: A Creation of US Foreign Policy

We must insist that international terrorism must never be seen as a sociological phenomenon spontaneously and directly arising from oppression and misery. International terrorism and national liberation movements are still relayed by a certain level of clandestine organization where secret service agencies play a decisive role. Many international terrorist groups are originally activists under a false banner. Others take on such status as a result of coordinated arrests, assassinations or cores by the secret services. Even when there is a genuine national liberation organization, the secret services never fail to create false banner operations, assign them to the organization, or commit atrocities on its behalf to isolate it and discredit. Again, deceit and concealment are the rule.

1. The reactionary monarchies : this variant was that favored by the British originally when they occupied various Arab States under mandate of the League of Nations after 1918. In conjunction with the Saud dynasty and the Hashemites, the British established the monarchy Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Jordan. These regimes, like that of King Farouk of Egypt, were in fact the corrupt puppets of the imperialists who did not wish to advance their country but rather amass personal wealth. In Saudi Arabia, for example, slavery remained legal until 1965 and was still widely practiced after that date, especially in households.

2. Nationalist regimes in the process of modernization : these may be democratic republics, but rather military governments that may evolve into a plebiscitary form of democracy. They can denominate themselves Arab socialists, like Nasser. The Arabs' best hope of catching up with the most advanced regions of the world in terms of scientific and technological progress is offered by the nationalist regimes whose program includes economic development and modernization. The best example is that of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who created the first permanent republic in Asia, the Turkish Republic of 1923. Rejecting the sultanate and the caliphate for the benefit of the Turkish nation, Kemal introduced the separation of religion and state , Thus making Turkey a modern and secular republic. He replaced Arabic script with the Latin alphabet, banned the veil for women and fez for men, and encouraged the wearing of the European hat as a "civilized headgear." He discouraged the existence of harems and gave women the right to vote and to hold public office. Atatürk adopted the Gregorian calendar, the metric system, and the surnames. A five-year dirigiste plan for economic development was introduced in 1933. Public law was based on European civil and criminal codes and no longer on Sharia. Atatürk considered religion to be a strictly personal and private matter; He tolerated all religions. Atatürk should be at the top of the list of creators of nations and modernizers of the twentieth century (or at least among the first). Among other things, he helped Turkey to be the only defeated power of the First World War to escape from a fascist regime.

3. The hereditary dictatorships : These appeared following the fall of the monarchies; Sometimes they also take the degenerate form of a nationalist and modernizing state. Typical examples are the regime of Hafez al-Assad and his son in Syria after 1963 and, no doubt, that of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the first being by far the most odious. Hafez al-Assad led a murderous and invasive police state, where the Algerian minority dominated an unhappy majority. Yet he has always been the darling of New York and London: Kissinger once said he hoped God would forgive him but that there would always be a small place in his heart for Hafez al-Assad. The regimes of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and the inconstant Gaddafi in Libya are to be classified in this category.

4. The fundamentalist theocracies : The best example is Iran, which is enough to show that this kind of regime can not be effective in ensuring national development in the hostile climate of globalization. In 1978, Carter National Security Director Zbigniew Brzezinski, desirous of avenging Soviet support in North Vietnam, was convinced by British Arabs and Orientalists that Islamic fundamentalism could be used to destabilize the five major republics Central Asia with a Muslim majority in the USSR: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Khirguizie and Turkmenistan. This strategy could also be used to shatter the ethnic labyrinth of the Caucasus and Trans-Caucasia, especially in Chechnya. In this way, claimed Brzezinski, Islamic fundamentalism could become the "ultimate bulwark against communism. In order to have a powerful center from which to radiate this new ideology, Brzezinski and Carter fomented a pseudo-revolution typical of the CIA, in the style of "the people in power", this time with nuances of Islamic fundamentalism, Overthrowing the Shah of Iran in 1979. On a personal level, the Shah was a monster in several respects; The Savak had nothing to envy the most deadly secret police in the world. However, the Shah was bringing European construction companies to create entirely new infrastructure and cities. An example is the massive construction project in Bandar Abbas (today Bandar Khomeini) by the civil engineering firm Condotte d'Acqua under Loris Corbi. But since the Shah did not tolerate any free political activity, he had no popular party behind him. The instrument chosen to overthrow it was Ayatollah Khomeini, an ignorant personage of ineffable blackness, worse than Savonarola. Let's not delude ourselves: Brzezinski did everything to overthrow the Shah and then ensure that no secular politician, such as Shapur Bakhtiar, took power. US Air Force General Robert Huyser of Haig's NATO Staff was sent to Iran with the message that only Khomeini would be accepted by the United States ( Dreyfus and La Levée , Pp. 50-53). The ascent of Khomeini represented an innovation in the recent history of the Middle East: Iran became a theocracy of religious and mullahs, financed by rich merchants of the bazaar and their interests. The advent of Khomeini meant the freezing, and even the regression, of Iran's economic and cultural development for more than twenty years. But Khomeini's Iran became a center of propagation of Islamic fundamentalist ideology, exactly as Brzezinski had wished, even if those who paid the price were not only the Soviets. Soon, the Anglo-American secret services were able to mount Iraq against Iran in the 1980s war that lasted 8 long years and further ruined the two countries. The Israelis were so satisfied with this war (where the Iranian mullahs launched suicide bombings of children against the fortified Iraqi positions) that they would have preferred never to end.

Iran : Following the Second World War, the first attempt to establish progressive nationalism in Mustafa Kemal came about as Prime Minister Mossadegh ascended to Iran. Mossadegh's program focused on the 1951 nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, now known as BP. With the end of the British protectorate in Iran, the young CIA of Allen Dulles and Kermit Roosevelt organized a coup against Mossadegh followed by the restoration of the imperialist seizure of Iranian oil and a reactionary era under the Shah.

Egypt : In 1952, a group of nationalist officers dethroned King Farouk, notoriously inept and corrupt. A coup d'etat of young officers brought Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser to power . Nasser's progressive nationalist program began with the expulsion of the British and continued with the nationalization of the Suez Canal, with the sums raised by the rights of way to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam on the Nile. The Aswan project was essential for flood control and for hydroelectric power, along the lines of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Tennessee Valley Authority. After the departure of the British, Nasser seized the channel and became a national hero. He immediately clashed with Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden and the Dulles brothers and soon became the target of an Anglo-French-Israeli intrigue: Israel would launch a surprise attack in Sinai and the Anglo-French intervention forces would resume the channel Under the pretext of restoring order. This gross conspiracy led to the crisis of October / November 1956 and was regarded by President Eisenhower as a personal affront.

Iraq : When the British took control of Iraq in 1919, they established the reactionary monarchy of the Hashemites. In 1958, the puppet monarch Faisal was assassinated. General Kassem became Prime Minister and launched a program of reforms that included the progressive constitution of 1959. This constitution and the other laws of the Kassem era imposed literacy, abolished slavery and guaranteed women equal rights . The impact of these reforms was sustainable. To cite just one example, in the mid-1970s, Iraq was represented in Rome by Ambassador Selima Bakir, an extremely intelligent woman. Like any good nationalist, Kassem decided that Kuwait was an integral part of Iraq. He was right on this point because Kuwait had been illegally detached from the Ottoman Empire by the British in 1899 to prevent the German-financed Berlin-Baghdad Railway from reaching the Gulf end. In 1962, the British fomented a revolt of the Kurds of the Barzani clan and Kassem was assassinated in 1963 by the CIA. When Kassem was replaced by Saddam Hussein, at the time of the CIA, the chances of development of Iraq were greatly restricted. The positive aspects of Iraq under Saddam Hussein were to a large extent the legacy of Kassem.

Pakistan : Pakistan's great opportunity for modernization came under Ali Bhutto in the mid-1970s. Bhutto was determined to put his country at the forefront of modern technology with a peaceful nuclear program in the Eisenhower tradition and " For peace. He soon found Kissinger on his way, who threatened to make a terrible example if he did not abandon his ambitious plans. Soon after, Bhutto was overthrown by the coup d'état of General Zia ul Haq, backed by the United States. Bhutto, under various charges, was hanged by the new regime, in accordance with Kissinger's threats. Later, his wife and children took refuge in West Germany. Fundamentalist tendencies have proliferated since his death.

Kosovo : When the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia began to disintegrate in 1991, the Muslim Albanian population of Kosovo, under the leadership of the nationalist LDK party, responded with an effective, non-violent self-administration that allowed it to challenge the occupiers Kosovars created their own parallel government, with their own school system, their separate elections, their public health system and their parallel network of enterprises.

Afghanistan : In the 1950s, during the reign of King Mohammed Zahir Shah, who had ascended the throne in 1933, the country was gradually moving towards modernization. The development of Afghanistan has always depended on the construction, never completed, of a vast hydroelectric complex in the center of the country. The king was deposed in 1973. Around 1978, the progressive regime of Noor Mohammed Taraki , pro-Marxist poet and novelist emerged with very special talents. Taraki legalized the unions, introduced a minimum wage, supported housing, and public health and sanitation services. He encouraged improvements in the status of women and tried to eradicate the poppy cultivation that made her country the world's largest producer of heroin. He also erased the debts of the farmers, including sharecroppers, and began agrarian reforms to break the hold of the absent owners and the latifundists

Palestine: Following Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula in June 1967, the Israelis found themselves with some 2 million Palestinians to rule. The United Nations system forbids the annexation of territories conquered militarily without the endorsement of the Security Council, which was denied in this case. On the contrary, the Security Council voted Resolution 242 calling for Israel to withdraw to the internationally recognized borders of June 1967. During the Iraq war, Bush's spokesmen accused Iraq of violating Some 17 resolutions of the UN Security Council, forgetting very appropriately that Israel was the champion in the matter since since 1967, this country regularly violates no less than 30 resolutions on the occupied territories. But the United States has never threatened to apply force to force Israel to implement them. In Palestine, the Israeli occupation was oppressive and humiliating; Soon the resistance was organized with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Its leader was Yasser Arafat , a secular nationalist more or less of Nasserite mobility. Since the PLO had almost no weapons and the presence of the Israeli army was dominant, the Palestinians began to do what the Jews had done between 1945 and 1948 against the British occupation in the same territory: They launched a guerrilla warfare, once called the terrorism by the occupiers. Israel still refused to recognize the existence of the Palestinian people.

The few facts from history they forget to mention on Reuters. ..

Islamist and terrorism is american culture of violence, deceit, brainwashing, manipulation and imperialism. Very busy bee indeed.

325  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 07:32:53 PM
Before 9/11 nobody would talk about Islam, nobody could name a single muslim country. .....

Who are you kidding?

The list of Muslim / Islam atrocities goes back and was front page news back at least to the 1982 Israeli Olympic athletes being murdered in cold blood. It includes some 400 terrorist actions and bombings by Yassir Arafat, Quadafi's downing of the jet, on and on and on.

Nobody knew any of that and didn't care before american war machine needed some propaganda to steal oil from middle east and justify the killing of millions innocents ..

Now each time a schizo out of the mental ward shoot allawakba all the world media are on it lol

Remember Vietnam ?

How many school mass shooting in the usa past 10 years ?
326  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: August 07, 2017, 06:02:17 PM
Atheists do not hate religion because they don't believe in the existence of God. How can you hate something that doesn't exist? I'm an atheist and I just wish believers. They are limiting themselves in all pleasures for the sake of after life to some good, but it will not. They're gonna live their lives only.

Religion is not that much about afterlife.
327  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 07, 2017, 04:56:51 PM
Im curious why you think humanism is opposed to survival ? Smiley

Seem more complex than this to me Smiley

Even plato said republic need guardians, athena is also a fighter at times Smiley

 Athene (/əˈθiːniː/; Ionic: Ἀθήνη, Athēnē), often given the epithet Pallas (/ˈpæləs/; Παλλὰς), is the goddess of wisdom, craft, and war[2] in ancient Greek religion and mythology. In later times, Athena was syncretized with the Roman goddess Minerva.[3] Athena was portrayed as having a calm temperament, and moving slowly to anger. She was believed to only fight for just causes and never fight without a purpose.[4]

That is a graver matter, and there, my friend, the modern interpreters of Homer may, I think, assist in explaining the view of the ancients. For most of these in their explanations of the poet, assert that he meant by Athena "mind" [νοῦς, noũs] and "intelligence" [διάνοια, diánoia], and the maker of names appears to have had a singular notion about her; and indeed calls her by a still higher title, "divine intelligence" [θεοῦ νόησις, theoũ nóēsis], as though he would say: This is she who has the mind of God [ἁ θεονόα, a theonóa). Perhaps, however, the name Theonoe may mean "she who knows divine things" [τὰ θεῖα νοοῦσα, ta theia noousa] better than others. Nor shall we be far wrong in supposing that the author of it wished to identify this Goddess with moral intelligence [εν έθει νόεσιν, en éthei nóesin], and therefore gave her the name Etheonoe; which, however, either he or his successors have altered into what they thought a nicer form, and called her Athena.

— Plato, Cratylus 407b

Thus, Plato believed that Athena's name was derived from Greek Ἀθεονόα, Atheonóa—which the later Greeks rationalised as from the deity's (θεός, theós) mind (νοῦς, noũs). Other Greek authors[who?] attempted to derive natural symbols from the etymological roots of Athena's names to be aether, air, earth, and moon.[20]
328  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: August 07, 2017, 04:43:59 PM
In my opinion i think that atheists hate religion due to reason they feel superior and they find it funny the think that many people are deceived in a kind of way.They also believe that the science have tell them the truth about everything and will rule the world with it.

Yes it's Kinda like this, academic want monopoly of knowledge, and absolute power, all the merit of everything that happen etc

I would also distinguish atheist as agnostic, more or less ignorant, dont care about anything and atheist as educated but without religion.

The educated as in scientist should have all reasons to study religion or philosophy too. Science is a branch of philosophy or theology.
329  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do you think "iamnotback" really has the" Bitcoin killer"? on: August 07, 2017, 04:38:23 PM
Trusted execution environment is interesting problematic  Grin
330  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 04:11:32 PM

Oh you've got a long story to tell. I'm in your part of not rejoicing for the misfortune and misery of others. I know this world is imbalance but that's how we deal with it. I'm aware of the propaganda of USA or sort of Illmunati things.

It's not even the illuminati, it's very small faction like Dick cheney, bush, the corporate media behind them ..

Many would say it's kind of Zionist group probably more than illuminati.

Before 9/11 nobody would talk about Islam, nobody could name a single muslim country. .

Then when there was the riot in 2005, the usa media were like it's Islamic riot, well no, it was riot everyone because of shit politics. . Even in place there was zero muslim.

Last year or so, there was also big protest because of work regulation law, some american media reported as muslim thing, well no it was work unions lol

How many stabbed to death in uk ?

17-year-old boy, Walthamstow, May 7
23-year-old man, Uxbridge, May 6
Crispin Siddon, 35, Harlesdon, May 5
Karolina Chwiluk, 20, Mile End, May 4
Seun McMillan, 23, Oakwood, May 2
26-year-old, Peckham Rye, April 28
Archie Sheppard, 38, Marylebone, April 28
Abdullah Hammia, 24, Wandsworth, April 25
Keith Sinclair, 60,  Bow, April 24
Mohammed Hasan, 17, Battersea, April 23
Damien McLaughlin, 42, Enfield, April 22

Last year 61 people were stabbed to death in London, while 29 people have been killed in 2017, up from 23 for the same period the year before.

But of course one nut out of psychiatric hospital shouted allawakba to fail hitting anyone, all the madias are on it.

And it's like this since 9/11 with everything.

The only point is clearly propaganda against Islam to justify invasion and racism.

And it's like this day after day for ~15  years ..

And there are always people to truncate statstics, spread terror, spread fear, etc etc out basically only bias, or because they think it look educated , but in fact it's only just hysteria to do the show.

Psychiatric hospital start to become recruiting ground for all sort of cults and radicals.

331  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 03:55:00 PM

Why 5,000 Jews emigrated from France to Israel last year

The interesting point to note here is that at least the Jews have a nation where they can immigrate to. Once the Muslims become a majority in France, it will be interesting to know where the native French are going to emigrate.

Muslims are french lol Algeria was France,  they had french nationality long ago, actually fought for France ( unlike Jews ) .

You think muslim started to arrive in france 5 years  ago after the Iraqi & Libye fiasco ?

Well the bulk of muslim in france emigrated from Algeria 40/50 year ago at least.

From Syria we have only got 40 000 or something.

Not going to make a huge difference lol
332  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 07, 2017, 03:36:12 AM
By jew, time to go back home if you cant face France lol

Then what should 3 millions muslim emigrate back lol

Its never ending story with jew & muslim anyway lol

They dont speak of the chinese too ..

Dont forget the tamil gangs too !

Paris, 10 September, ( Vennila, a ruthless pro – Tamil Tiger gang operating in Paris, and Mukkala and Minnal, the two Tamil gangs opposed to the Tigers, are at the centre of the current wave of Tamil violence raging in Paris.

And the jew extremist from betar

The leader of a violent gang of Zionist extremists was sentenced by a Paris court on Tuesday to a year in prison.

Also the Rom gangs ..
Paris: Criminal gangs from Romania press gypsy children into service stealing iphones and wallets from Paris tourists. As minors the  children are systematically released by the French police after a few hours. They are trained to give false names and refuse photographs and fingerprints. The French police is working together with the Romanian police to identify and arrest the adults in charge of these operations. According to France 24 a "Romanian" child can steal five iphones a day.

Not even talking about drunk foot Ball supporter and all this ..

And racist cop violence from extrem right wing and all this ..

Also the radical ecologist in notre dame des landes

Nice mess huh

Very vibrant on Reuters and youtube ...

But get a clue about Paris instead of watching amelie poulain and gentille alouettes on youtube. . Kenny arkhanab V for verite ( T 4 TRUTH ) Kenny arkhana the rage of the people the prophecy lol

Seeing terrorists coming or violence raising
Then going at islamism fiercely, it all makes nationalists happy
Mentionning an Arab in a report, on a popular channel is enough
To deeply offend old France and shock public opinion
(Mac Tyer - But what about Republic ?)
That's only for a Raghead or a Nigger
Their tiny wages are all the same, so they take part to labor unions
I'm portraying joys and tears, shouts and tragedies
Denouncing the government and its misdeeds 'cause mouth is an arm

No wonder why the Jews are leaving the boat, we expect no less from them ... very patriotic attitude as usual ..

Not worst than usa though .. always there to give moral lesson to everyone ...
333  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 06, 2017, 11:57:42 PM
They are acting the same. And yes Islam itself means peace.
But look on how people are suffering, division of Sunni and Shia.
Where's the peace there?

Islam claims itself as the religion of peace, but there is no peace in any of the countries where that religion is present. Look at the nations which are close to 100% Muslim like Yemen, Afghanistan and Sudan. Almost all of them are embroiled in civil wars.

Can be optimistic and seeing it as a work in progress Smiley

Hey are you a Muslim? Optimistic somewhere? Or you are just trolling around.
tell us.

Im not muslim.

Maybe slighly moor origin.

I live in Paris suburb, have many muslim friends.

My girl friend is also muslim  ( from Indonesia ) .

Just posting fact about usa war machine propaganda, especially targeting french muslim since bush & 9/11.

Bit fed up to see always the same made in usa propaganda about fake polls and fake news about Islam in france and yadda yadda. It's even illegal to make statstics based on religion in france.

Need to stop the psychosis at some point.

Or at least get to real issues at hand in objective and productive manner, rather than constant hateful bashing, fake polls, double standard, and all the shit about Islam, because it's ridiculous.

Most of french I know think the same with this histeria in Islam, which is not really helping anything, other than usa war machine.

My father do school helping for refugee who are mostly muslim I believe.

It's just a bit tired with the hate and non sense about Islam straight out of internet from people who never see a muslim of there life other than on the internet.

If you want to judges others, need to accept jugement on the same basis too. Otherwise it become injustice.

My background is more spanish / italian, we know all too well that sort of amalgam with refugee from war zones, racism and all.

40 year ago italian and spanish were the Muslim of today. With communism, anarchist mafia and stuff.

Now that we are out of the radar hot spot, can open a bit more our mouth on that whole circus. History repeat itself.

Im not muslim but still vaccinated from propaganda, media lies to support geostrategic stuff.

And I start to know the topic and the pattern with services, brainwashing, indoctrination, to support political interest. Not fooled one second neither by radicals or tv propaganda.

I dont carry people who rejoice on the misery of others to make the show very high in my hearth.

And I dont see the point to quote biased news from Reuters or hara-kiri without giving at least fair re balancing in facts and opinions. I dont see how that's helping or how that's even remotely objective. saul William amethyst rock  Grin manu Chao - denia media bs & bass nectar
334  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 06, 2017, 11:13:54 PM
France Has Seen 271 Jihadi Militants Return

France has seen 271 jihadi militants return from war zones in Iraq and Syria and all of them are subject to investigation by public prosecutors, the country’s interior minister said in a newspaper interview.

Some 700 French nationals are estimated to have fought in Islamic State ranks in Iraq and Syria, and like other European countries France has been wrestling with how to handle the flow of so-called returnees.

The number of jihadis to have returned to France included 217 adults and 54 minors, with some of them currently in detention, Gerard Collomb said in an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche.

Asked how many French jihadis had been killed in Iraq and Syria, Collomb told the Sunday newspaper that it was difficult to corroborate information.

The head of France’s special forces said in June that his units were directly involved in street battles in the Iraqi city of Mosul but denied they were specifically targeting French-born jihadis fighting for Islamic State.

France has participated in a U.S.-led coalition battling Islamic State in Iraq, and it also intervened in Mali to push back an Islamist rebellion in the west African state.

French military interventions overseas have exposed it to attack by Islamist militants at home. Gunmen and suicide bombers killed 130 people in and around Paris in November 2015 and over 100 were killed in other Islamist attacks in France in the past two-and-a-half years.

Doesnt seem all that great there after all lol

Eiffel Tower Evacuated After Man With A Knife Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Tries To Rush Past Security…

French police arrested an intruder brandishing a knife at the Eiffel Tower on Saturday night which led the monument to be evacuated, sources said.

The man, who is aged around 19 and has a history of psychological problems, forced his way past security guards and then shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is Greatest”), a legal source told AFP.

Armed soldiers who are permanently stationed at the Eiffel Tower ordered him to drop his weapon, which he did without attacking anyone, the source said, asking not to be named.

The man, who was apparently alone, was “very quickly overpowered and arrested” and nobody was hurt, a statement from the company that runs the monument said.

The alawakba shooting nutcase straight out of the asylyum of the day,

Meanwhile french women put her baby in the freezer. Nobody talk about it.

Double standard, racist bias etc

How many murder a day in the usa ?

Show who is the hater lol

335  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: August 06, 2017, 07:43:09 PM
Clearly those who support terrorism against innocent are not well in their mind lol
336  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 06, 2017, 07:18:12 PM
I think therefore I am he said  Grin
337  Other / Off-topic / Re: Flat Earth on: August 06, 2017, 06:47:21 PM
^^^ Keep on floundering, François.

I can only show you the door; you’re the one that has to step through.

Im already walking on the ceiling lol

Maybe it's because im on the other side of the flat earth
338  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 06:07:37 PM
Have u ever hear about theory of simulation for the world? I believe in it)

This imply a form of superior intelligence at play in the universe. The only claim that would come on top of this to get to belief in god as in the bible is that this simulation is intelligible to human mind.
339  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 05:54:15 PM
For withoutforth [shall be shut] hounds, and witches, and unchaste men, and man-quellers, and serving to idols, and each that loveth and maketh lying.

Which of those am I for the vengance of God to be put on me? Do I love lies? No. Am I a witch? No I hate alchemy. Am I unchasted man? I don't know. I have not adultered. Maybe in the mind. I feel bad about it in my mind. Am I a man-queller? Not that I know of. Maybe unknowingly. What can I do not to be?

By the way I know Im sinful, and I repent everything, and have my hopes and sins to be forgiven. If i will not be forgiven, I will still still think its just and rightous.

There is no man who has never sined Smiley ( maybe except jesus)

As long as you try not to sin, and try to be aware of what constitute a sin, there is not much more you can do Smiley

 “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11“No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,”Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

No one is born with enlightment Wink

If you know that you maybe dont know, that you remain on path of discovery of things you think you might not know i guess there is not much more that can be expected Smiley

Alchemy is not witchraft though. To the Blind all things looks dark.
340  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 05:49:06 PM
God is shapeless and weightless so you can't verify him with measuring tapes or weighing scale.

This shouldn't be an obstacle Smiley

Science is not about measuring scales or weight.

"Energy" doesnt have shape or weight, it's still the main subject of study of natural science Smiley

The main problem of "science" is the carthesian impulse who started to remove mind from the subject or study, or with Gallileo when they started to get into science as things that can be demonstrated objectively, thus removing the scientist from the equation.

But since the 19th when behaviorism, psychology and physiology started to get re introduced as object of science, it reintroduce concept that were previously subject of religion into science.

With neurosciences now they have to reintroduce the scientist in the equation.

Science is more about understanding the unseen order between events, through the study of mathematics , finding the elegant harmony of natural order, than measuring weight or shape of things.
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