..wird der Preis im kommenden Flash-Sale auch 0,11 € betragen oder wird er höher sein?
das kommt auf die Anzahl verkaufter Coins an: Der Preis beträgt jetzt am Samstag zuerst noch 0,11 € für die nächsten 19.952.793 COINs, danach steigt er wieder automatisch auf 12 cent.. danke.....da werde ich nochmal zugreifen So am I ... Bin mal gespannt, wenn wir uns diesen Thread in 6 Monaten erneut durchlesen, wie wir dann die 11cent/coin bewerten. Hab hier aber ein gutes Gefühl..
..wird der Preis im kommenden Flash-Sale auch 0,11 € betragen oder wird er höher sein?
das kommt auf die Anzahl verkaufter Coins an: Der Preis beträgt jetzt am Samstag zuerst noch 0,11 € für die nächsten 19.952.793 COINs, danach steigt er wieder automatisch auf 12 cent..
The flash sale is over! Thank you to everyone who participated. There will be another one next weekend!
That was incredible! I look forward to the next weekend, I am sure that you will arrange one more flash, which will blind everyone! Good luck We do have another sale planned for you for this weekend! As always, stop in our group at TG for your one time password. Flash Sale wir take place 24 hours on saturday! But after all this weekend, which come, this event will be held again? Or did I misunderstand something? it might be held again only if the 19.952.793 COINs left till .12€ price are not sold out before main token sale on 21. Feb
The flash sale is over! Thank you to everyone who participated. There will be another one next weekend!
That was incredible! I look forward to the next weekend, I am sure that you will arrange one more flash, which will blind everyone! Good luck We do have another sale planned for you for this weekend! As always, stop in our group at TG for your one time password. Flash Sale wir take place 24 hours on saturday!
To qualify for this airdrop: Submit the form below using your very best email address and a MyEtherWallet address (starts with 0x…). Click the link in your confirmation email Post 3 links to social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, BitcoinTalk, Reddit, Steemit, etc.) telling others about this airdrop, then email the links to Airdrop@etherbtc.io.
I've read that user will contribute part of their CPU and GPU power, for which need it will be used?
it will be sold for cloudstorage
Na toll, dass jetzt nochmal die Märkte kräftig runtergehen... wirklich . So bekomme ich weniger Token in den ICOs die im Feb starten. Die Märkte in diesem Januar kotzen mich an, das musste ich einfach mal loswerden. Ich mag diese Unentschlossenheit nicht. Wenn man nun zum 1. Feb in die Top-ICOs geht, besteht natürlich die Gefahr, dass man dort Kapital aus Coins bindet, die sich während der ICO-Laufzeit kräftig erholen. Wenn der ICO dann noch floppt, hat man sich doppelt ins Bein geschossen. Scheiß drauf, ich werde es trotzdem probieren. Jetzt erst recht. Wenn ich auf meine Trades zurückblicke: die entschlossenen Moves haben sich stets ausgezahlt. Nicht aus Trotz etwas bleiben lassen, von dem man überzeugt ist - nur weil es nun etwas teurer ist. Ich habe gute ICOs ausgemacht, habe mich informiert, in 3 Stück gehe ich rein, einer davon wird schon 5x machen, vielleicht auch 10x Ist doch immer so. Vor 3-4Monaten wollte ich in 3Ethereum in eine ICO investiert und hab mich sehr geärgert als genau wenn ich das geld zu exchange überwiesen hatte eth von 300 auf 350$ dollar gesitegen ist Was sind den deine TOP ICO vom februar? Oder sind die so geheim? Medicalchain, WePower + X . X könnte Remme, Metronom oder was anderes sein... mal sehen In WePower überlege ich mir auch zu investieren!
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#Join Bitcointalk username: pangu Telegram username: @pangux ETH address: 0x34A0220A49290375a872f63d5Ffd9956d090e42d
MEGA NEWS for CoinMetro!!! Kevin Murcko, the founder of CoinMetro was on promotion tour for the' Cancún Coin'. He wants to introduce a virtual currency in Cancun. Every year thousands of students and party-hungry people (springbreak!!!) go on pilgrimage to Cancún in Mexico. The city is world-famous as a tourist destination due to its 23 km long beach and had over 6 million visitors in 2016. Students are the ideal target group because they are open-minded for cryptocurrency! And here's the great thing: The Cancun Coin will be listed exclusively on CoinMetro if it works, that means every user has to trade automatically via CoinMetro if he wants to exchange it / use it for FIAT! -> that could be the boost like Tron did for Binance.. Translation: The Cancun coin would allow you to exchange dollars from your mobile phone. New technologies improve the image of the city, says businessman Kevin Murcko.
Cancun, Quintana Roo Monday 15 January 2018
Rodrigo Vázquez Coutiño, an independent candidate for Cancun's municipal presidency, used his first appearance before the campaign to promote an initiative by a digital money expert on foreign exchange.
Foreign businessman Kevin Murcko spoke at a press conference about the Cancun coin, a proposal for digital money, similar to Bitcoin, but anchored in the peso, which would allow tourists to change their dollars with a clear exchange rate and use their phone, to carry out the necessary transactions in the participating companies.
The exchange rate, the expert explained, varies greatly from place to place, from exchange office, taxi, supermarket or hotel, which gives the destination a bad image and the traveller, who does not know how much is spent, uncertainty.
Murcko said that in the world of Uber and Airbnb, Cancun must use these new technologies to improve it's image, because although we do everything with the phone, we still use a wallet with bills, like in the 19th century.
The Cancun coin could be introduced in five months, although in practice it will probably take a little longer because it needs to receive state support. The businessman estimated that 20 percent of companies could accept it within a year.
Original text (Spanish): https://www.lajornadamaya.mx/2018-01-15/-Cancun-Coin--permitiria-cambiar-dese-dese-el-celular
MEGA NEWS!!! Kevin Murcko, the founder of CoinMetro was on promotion tour for the' Cancún Coin'. He wants to introduce a virtual currency in Cancun. Every year thousands of students and party-hungry people (springbreak!!!) go on pilgrimage to Cancún in Mexico. The city is world-famous as a tourist destination due to its 23 km long beach and had over 6 million visitors in 2016. Students are the ideal target group because they are open-minded for cryptocurrency! And here's the great thing: The Cancun Coin will be listed exclusively on CoinMetro if it works, that means every user has to trade automatically via CoinMetro if he wants to exchange it / use it for FIAT! Translation: The Cancun coin would allow you to exchange dollars from your mobile phone. New technologies improve the image of the city, says businessman Kevin Murcko.
Cancun, Quintana Roo Monday 15 January 2018
Rodrigo Vázquez Coutiño, an independent candidate for Cancun's municipal presidency, used his first appearance before the campaign to promote an initiative by a digital money expert on foreign exchange.
Foreign businessman Kevin Murcko spoke at a press conference about the Cancun coin, a proposal for digital money, similar to Bitcoin, but anchored in the peso, which would allow tourists to change their dollars with a clear exchange rate and use their phone, to carry out the necessary transactions in the participating companies.
The exchange rate, the expert explained, varies greatly from place to place, from exchange office, taxi, supermarket or hotel, which gives the destination a bad image and the traveller, who does not know how much is spent, uncertainty.
Murcko said that in the world of Uber and Airbnb, Cancun must use these new technologies to improve it's image, because although we do everything with the phone, we still use a wallet with bills, like in the 19th century.
The Cancun coin could be introduced in five months, although in practice it will probably take a little longer because it needs to receive state support. The businessman estimated that 20 percent of companies could accept it within a year.
Original text (Spanish): https://www.lajornadamaya.mx/2018-01-15/-Cancun-Coin--permitiria-cambiar-dese-dese-el-celular