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3341  Other / Meta / Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed on: June 13, 2022, 01:21:05 PM
^ Yup, that's definitely a text-spinner, here is the source* (not familiar with coin360dotcom website though).
Good find, thanks for the help! I was sure that something was going on but just couldn't  figure out the source. I guess I got rusty, time to hone up my plagiarism checking skill. And yeah, just reported @Gaa7829 in case you haven't.

edit: user nuked, thanks mods.

3342  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Kutak za kulturni trenutak on: June 13, 2022, 12:06:43 PM
Pogledao sam ja Hustle prije par dana, dobar i pitak film, a NBA fanovi ce prepoznati hrpu trenutno aktivnih igraca. Da slazem neku listu stavio bih ga u top 10 filmova o kosarci, sa i dalje nedodirljivim  Hoosiers na vrhu.

Nisam ga ni ja još gledao ali sam isto čuo da je ovo možda jedan od njegovih najboljih uloga u filmovima, toliko da ga ljudi žele u novim filmovima s ozbiljnijim ulogama.
Sto se tice Sandlera, on je odradio solidan posao, ali ima on ozbiljnijih uloga od ove jer ovdje u biti i nije toliko drukciji od svojih standardnih izdanja. Njegov vrhunac je i dalje genijalni Uncut Gems iz 2019 za koji je po mom skromnom misljenju zasluzio Oskara a nazalost nije dobio ni nominaciju, vjerojatno zbog tipa filmova koje inace snima. Nikad ni u jednom filmu nije bolje predstavljen svijet degenericnog kockara kao tamo, i kroz sta oni prolaze. Ja inace uopce nisam bio fan Sandlera (cesto sam i izbjegavao filmove kad njega vidim), ali je toliko razvalio sa tim filmom da sam skroz promjenio misljenje o njemu i ako je neki film razlog da pocne dobivati ozbiljne uloge, onda je to Uncut Gems. Cisto upzorenje za one koji planiraju nisu a planiraju pogledati taj film, da je napad na osjetila. Postoji razlog takvog pristupa naravno, a to je da docara kaos i stanje svijesti u kojem se nalazi glavni lik u filmu, samo eto nije svima to sjelo  a meni je to najbolji i najnapetiji film u zadnjih par godina.

Napokon odgledao i 1883. Imao sam jako velika ocekivanja sa obzirom da je prequel Yellowstona koji me je jedna od najboljih trenutno aktivnih serija. Dobra je 1883, ali rekao bih ipak malo precijenjena i za klasu ispod Yellowstona. Slijedeca na redu je 1932 u kojoj cemo pratiti nastavak dogodovstina familije Dutton a za sada su potvrdjeni Harrison Ford i Helen Mirren.
3343  Economy / Reputation / Re: I could be wrong but what if? on: June 13, 2022, 10:00:48 AM
There is no doubt that these are alt farms, but for me personally there is a much bigger problem in the campaign manager who had to notice what was happening in front of his nose - unless he himself is involved.
The thing is, its not in altcoin bounty managers interest to notice altcoin farms operating in their campaigns because if they remove those, there won't be more than couple of dozens of genuine users doing them and how will they sell their service to potential clients then? They need numbers, and the only way to get that is to allow army of newbie accounts to join.

There is a simple solution to remove farms (or atleast majority of them)- introduce Jr Member as minimum requirement but that won't happen of course due before mentioned reason.
3344  Other / Meta / Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed on: June 13, 2022, 09:51:20 AM
It looks like this user either google translated text or use some sort of text spinner due weird selection of words like "Layer-2 answer" instead "Layer-2 solution" , using "velocity" instead of speed, "stage" instead platform etc. I did some google search and couldn't find anything but I am 100% certain that there is something fishy going on and would appreciate if someone can find the source.

The Matic Network become rebranded to Polygon in February 2021, however its local token continues to be called MATIC. The community is classed as a Layer-2 answer for Ethereum and operates as a sidechain to enhance velocity and decrease the value of transactions.

Polygon is a decentralized Ethereum scaling stage that looks to empower designers to construct secure, versatile, easy to understand DApps with low exchange charges. The undertaking offers a few Ethereum scaling arrangements, the center part of which is Polygon SDK, a measured, adaptable system that upholds the improvement of many sorts of decentralized applications.

MATIC rate in USD phrases noticed regular boom in the course of 2020, however its largest spikes got here in the course of 2021. According to our MATIC stay rate chart, the token went from under $0.02 to over $0.54 — a 3,070% increase — among Jan. 1 and March. 11, 2021.
3345  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Do you struggle learning about bitcoin? on: June 13, 2022, 09:28:47 AM
Eventhough I have been registered here a long time ago, I still find it difficult learning and understanding bitcoin technical aspect, the blockchain and development. I know this is a shame to admit but that is what am faced with. I once tried to read the white paper but could not make much meaning out of it.
There is no shame in it buddy, bitcoin whitepaper is tehnical indeed and you need some prior knowledge to understand it properly. But even understanding every aspect of bitcoin, you can use it without any issues whatsoever as you you really have to know is how to secure your bitcoins and how not to overpay transactions. After all, vast majority of people that that are using fiat have no idea how its created yet it doesn't stop them from using it. So don't let lack of deeper bitcoin understanding stop you from using it.

Is there a way out of this? Please am not asking for books to read. I need real life experiences of those who passed through this and overcame it.
If you are not fan of reading the books, I suggest you to check  series of YouTube videos Bitcoin for Beginners Playlist: Intro to Bitcoin, Satoshi, Security, Mining and More in which Andreas Antonopoulos covers Bitcoin basics in layman terms. His videos (and books) were a great help for me and it can probably help you as well.
3346  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: June 13, 2022, 08:01:59 AM
A evo, trenutno to imamo mi i CM. Ako uvede još par kampanja - možda i postane pravilo i promijeni se paradigma.
Osim vas i CMa, i dvije icopressove kampanje takodjer nemaju minimum tako da se stvari pomalo poboljsavaju. Ja sam svojedobno planirao preporuciti i BC kampanji da uvede to pravilo, iako je kod njih minimum dosta nizak, samo 10 postova.

Ovako lijepo platiš šta valja, ni oni nisu toliko ljuti jer dobiju većinu love - a za dalje pišu bolje i kvalitetnije jer žele punu zaradu. Totalni win-win, iako je menadžerima više posla.
Mislim da je ovo boldano jedini razlog zasto nema vise kampanja sa takvim pravilima.

Još jedno pravilo koje me osobno smeta je uvijet minimalno x postova negdje. Uopće ne znam kako je to dozvoljeno po pravilima foruma ako ne smiješ recimo plaćati postove u točno određenom topicu. To je po meni malo grey area. Šta nije puno bolje odustati od tog pravila i jednostavno izabrati postere koji sami po sebi već pišu u sekcijama koje su klijentu interesantne?
Uzrok ovog pravila treba traziti u tome sto ima jako malo genuine gambling board postera te je vecina njih vec bila u top kampanjama pa su onda manageri novih kampanja bili primorani natjerati ljude da tamo postaju. Nakon nekog vremena i hrpe takvih kampanja naravno da sada imas dosta ljudi koji pise u gambling dijelu, iako hrpa njih kurca pojma nema o sportu o kojem pise ali jebiga, kampanje to zahtjevaju tako da su se ljudi prilagodili.

Mi smo imali sreće da je naš klijent stvarno razuman pa su odmah prihvatili sve takve prijedloge. Ili da bolje kažem bili smo dovoljno uvjerljivi u prezentaciji naših namjera za kampanju.
Govorim napamet, ali mislim da je 90% toga do managera i kakve zahtjeve postavi a druga je stvar sto neki manageri rade samo po spranci jer im je tako najjednostavnije voditi hrpu kampanja i mislim da je to glavni razlog zasto nema vise fleksibilnosti.

3347  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: June 13, 2022, 07:02:13 AM
Nije sve u novcu, i to što bih negdje drugdje mogao zaraditi možda i duplo više, ne igra mi presudnu ulogu, ako me razumiješ.
Ma naravno, bitni su i uvjeti a iskreno meni uvjeti u toj kampanji bas i nisu nesto, dosta je sve rigidno (moras napisati punu kvotu da bi bio placen+ gambling postovi) a uz to i ne placaju bas najbolje. Bar ja tako nekako gledam na tu kampanju.

Dobrodošle promjene i Roobet kampanji, možda malo i zbog nas Grin

Drago mi je vidjeti da je i on prisiljen zbog vas i jos par novih kampanja mijenjati malo pravila ali tesko da ce to puno pomoci. Puno bolja promjena bi bila da si placen koliko postova napises, bez tih minimalnih zahtjeva i fakat ne kuzim zasto i on ne uvede to pravilo. Da sad trazim novu kampanju to bi mi bilo na vrhu liste prioriteta jer mi se neda forsirati postanje u preiodima kad nemam previse vremena.
3348  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [List] Crypto exchanges with financial problems on: June 13, 2022, 06:44:12 AM
I didn't very much follow the whole Coinbase IPO  thing, but I guess not, so many people would want to buy stocks that are just dropping nonstop. People want to make profits, and this includes even those founders.
Well, I wouldn't say that Coinbase stock price is dropping non stop, but more that is following the crypto market which makes sense as their profit depends on the amount of people trading there. Chances are that once we enter bull market again their stock price will start rising again so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if their founders are buying the dip.

Regarding the title of this thread, I am not so sure that we can say Coinbase has financial problems just because they ended one quarter in negative as probably every other exchange experienced the same thing in the last quarter, its just that others are not publicly traded so we have no idea what's going on there. One positive thing I can see from this though is that some people will get scared and  maybe start realizing that their money stored at Coinbase is not as safe as they think it is.

3349  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: First Post here: I hope this forum reignite my interest in bitcoin on: June 13, 2022, 06:26:56 AM
The most fascinating thing is how the forum frowns at scams and cheats.
While this forum has plenty of capable scambusters and its not easy for a scam to go unnoticed (at least not for a longer period of time), its important to mention that scams are not moderated here meaning scammers aren't banned, no matter the evidence so I would suggest you to thread carefully.

I hope you all won't get tired of my questions. Thank you all
Asking the right question is often more important than pretending to know it all (common newbie mistake). And yeah, welcome to bitcointalk .

3350  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What's been your greatest challenge on BTT ? on: June 12, 2022, 07:55:06 AM
Forums like what? I'm a heavy forum addict and the only other forum that I could think of that people take too seriously is probably BlackHatWorld (because posters promote their online service/business through signatures as well).
For example, couple of Croatian forums (general type of forums). On one of them I am active for ~20 years and while you can't make any money via signature campaigns, people do care about their own status to a ridiculous degree. 11-12 years ago member of that forum organized the real life meeting in some club and it was hilarious to see how forum veterans were full of themselves, and even trying to pick some girls that way, thinking that they will be impressed how reputable they are on some forum lol. Situation is not as serious as here, but people generally tend to take things way too seriously if they spend a lot of time doing something, that's how it goes and I've been guilty of that in the past as well.
3351  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What's been your greatest challenge on BTT ? on: June 12, 2022, 07:37:55 AM
While I love Bitcointalk and I enjoy conversing here, I think some people take it a bit too seriously as if Bitcointalk is some company and that they need to climb the corporate ladder on.
While this is more noticeable on bitcointalk due obvious reason (being able to make money) I noticed similar behavior in many other forums. After some time people start to substituting real life accomplishments with the virtual ones so bitcointalk is not an exception really.

It's just the reality of this forum that people join it for bounties and sig campaigns, because they have heard about their friends or someone on the Internet earning coins here. And the only way to change it is to ban paid campaigns, which theymos is not inclined to do for now.

Banning signature campaigns would basically mean end of this forum and theymos knows that so I don't expect it to change, no matter the negative aspects. It's just reality of this forum, whether we are like it or not. I mean, even with signature campaigns going on, number of posts (and quality new users) is consistently going down and now imagine what would happen if you remove that.

3352  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: [Meta] Andamento sezione italiana on: June 12, 2022, 06:18:18 AM
Un'ottima panoramica, come sempre!

Ora che ha finito di impastare pizze, aspettiamo fiduciosi i grafici di @Rikafip, che inserirň immediatamente, come al solito, non appena saranno prodotti.
Ho giŕ iniziato a lavorare sulla mia panoramica mensile e prometto che sarŕ completata entro la fine della prossima settimana.  Grin
3353  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: June 12, 2022, 06:12:52 AM
Sve dobre kampanje, dobro plaćaju a i manageri su korektni i ok.

Cudi me da ti ne riskiras malo i odes u neku bolje placenu kampanju, s obzirom na trenutnu situaciju 60 dolara tjedno i nije bas puno. Pa evo ova nasa "domaca" kampanja placa skoro duplo bolje, a ima ih jos par takvih tako da mislim da bi bez problema upao.

Problem je što se prijavi Legendary iz solidne kampanje i misliš to je to, prođeš kroz postove a ispadne lošiji od Sr. membera koji nije u kampanji.
Trenutno skoro da i nema kampanje koja nema bar par shitpostera kojima ne bi dao da pisu u altcoin kampanju, a kamoli btc signature kampanju. Ali jebiga, sellers market je, hrpa kampanja a nedovoljno kvalitetnih clanova i onda se moraju raditi kompromisi da se ispuni kampanja. Uglavnom sretno, vjerujem da nije lako izabrati.
3354  Economy / Speculation / Re: Would you be willing to support anyone who gives the most accurate predictions? on: June 11, 2022, 03:36:53 PM
-- crypto ones though, tend to all do badly in bear markets (no surprise) though they perhaps to limit losses and help people not throw away everything. They're certainly not on this forum =D
Vast majority yes, but not all. After all, bear market is when you can see a difference between those who know what they are doing and those who are just riding the bull market as I think for a pro trader bear or bull market doesn't make a big difference when it comes to profit, all they need is some volatility. That's how I though that I was a good trader back in 2017 when I was buying various shitcoins that were all pumping but then 2018 came and I realized that I have no clue what I am doing and that trading is not for me so I switched to hodl mode and never looked back.
3355  Economy / Economics / Re: Global bitcoin adoption to hit 10% by 2030: Blockware report on: June 11, 2022, 09:24:18 AM
I am surprised to see that bitcoin adootion is not yet up to 10% of the world's population. See the blue arrow, where we are in 2022, very not close even to 5% of the world adoption. With bitcoin presently at $30000 and having over $500 billion marketcap, I thought the world's adoption would have been more, but not, but an opportunity for people to buy bitcoin.
Its always interesting to hear people being kinda disappointed with current bitcoin adoption as I think its quite the opposite and that we should be very happy with the current rates. I am pretty sure that Satoshi and handful of enthusiast and early adopters  couldn't imagine this success in their wildest dreams. Keep in mind that bitcoin has been around for barely more than decade and went a long way from being traded among few cyperhunks for a fraction of  a cent, to situation that we have now. On top of that, big percentage of people are not interested in self-governnace and everything else that bitcoin represents.
3356  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: PayPal allows users to withdraw Bitcoin to external wallets on: June 11, 2022, 09:10:07 AM
Like for example, I am a paypal user but won't buy crypto on their platform. I can directly buy it from exchanges which are offering better deals. It is good that they are changing their services for the benefit of its users.
I haven't really bothered to check their rates as I stopped using PayPal 4-5 years ago after couple of my friends got their account banned due buying/selling crypto, but do other exchanges like Kraken or Coinbase offer better rates? I mean, what's the difference, percentage wise?

^Probably from what I have understood, they realized that no one buys BTC from them because it cannot be withdrawn but now you can transfer it to the external wallet.
I am not so sure that's the reason as I read somewhere that approximately 20% of the Paypal users in the United States bought/sold crypto. That number seems a bit too high, but even if its only 1/4 of that its still a big amount as PayPal has ~230 million users there. I think its more about PayPal realizing that majority of people won't withdraw bitcoin to their wallets, so why not offering that option for some good PR.

3357  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Can Someone Explain This Scam? on: June 11, 2022, 06:09:23 AM
Be wary if you are added without your consent to a group, its one of the signs that a group is a scam, legit projects will not add without asking for your approval first, I have been added so many times in groups and these are mostly related to ICO, trading, and airdrops you can hit report spam and leave once they added you, don't communicate with these people they are good with words to compel you to invest.
Why don't you disable that option to be invited in other groups without your consent in Telegram settings and change it to your contacts only?

I literally waste as much time on telephone scammers as I do with such things on Telegram myself, good points raised as well ofc...
I used to do that as well, thinking that I am saving someone by wasting scammer time, but the amount of scam messages I receive on Telegram is so big that eventually I stopped. I may still play that game if I see an interesting approach, but in 99% of the time I just use block&ignore. The big difference between phone scammer and Telegram scammer is that latter can chat with many people at the same time (and they probably do) so its questionable how effective that stalling technique actually is.
3358  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bounties and Airdrops on: June 11, 2022, 05:55:17 AM
The true airdrop is you're only need to give your address in order to receive the distribution, nothing more. Most of airdrop now required to follow, like, share, shills, and give our personal information in order to eligible for the airdrop. That's not an airdrop anymore, but a bounty task.
To be honest, it makes way more sense to me that you actually have to do something in order to get the tokens, instead just giving tokens without any requirement other than giving your address. I know that approach was very popular during 2017 ICO craze, but the way I see it, only the absolute shitcoin project would give tokens for nothing in return.

Most bounties today cant be as lucrative as before so I will say not profitable anymore, airdrops are more profitable if you are qualified on every snapshot from being an active users of their dapps just like Uniswap, dydx, if you want to try then you have to be an active users on many dapps/dex on different chains like eth, atom, solana, you need to spend money on this one like being a liquidity provider or atleast a previous transactions on this chains.
That's what people are doing nowadays, they trade on all those DEX that haven't had airdrop yet, hoping that one day there will be one, like Uniswap had. I have a friend who made pretty decent amount of money that way. Its not easy though as you often have to use some obscure exchange on not so popular blockchain and that is usually pain in the ass.

3359  Economy / Economics / Re: Food crisis coming? What's wrong about it? It could be good on: June 10, 2022, 03:45:03 PM
The only ones who will suffer is Africa from what I have seen in the news.Zelensky the Ukrainian president is saying that they have 22 million ton of grains in their silos and they have just started the new harvest,if things do not change that means in Autumn they will have like 75 million ton of grains stuck there.
Poorest will always suffer the most in the situation like this. That's why wealthy EU bureaucrats that have 10k+ euro monthly salary call for even harsher sanctions and telling crap how all of us have to make a sacrifice, perfectly knowing that they won't have to sacrifice anything and that won't achieve nothing.

I wonder who still believes that fairytale about people coming together when at the first sign of panic a lot of countries have banned food exports to protect their own, in case of a famine happening money will dictate everything, the ones that can afford to pay one cent more will get their loaf of bread the ones who can't have any other hope than somebody who can pay will donate that food to them and not to somebody else.
Hah yeah, some people think that in case of a global crisis people gonna hold their hands and sing kumbaya, while in reality its gonna be every man for himself when/if shit hits the fan.
3360  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: 📝[Discussion topic] Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns📝 on: June 10, 2022, 03:28:50 PM
Actually, I make exceptions for such nuggets ... for example, for n0nce, when he was a full member, the designer created an individual signature.
Good to hear that you are willing to go extra length for a quality lower ranked member, even though finding another member of n0nce quality won't be an easy task.

Also, if you know names that I should look out for, feel free to post them here.
Can't say that I noticed someone extraordinary lately, but if I do I'll let you know.

What's more, I'm currently reviewing other campaign spreadsheets and adding names to my draft to send out invitations. I don't think there are many managers on the forum who care so much about the prestige of the campaign.
Kudos for the effort. Since you are on the lookout for a quality members, have you tried doing the same for lower ranked ones via The future of Bitcointalk: Low Ranking Top Merit earners in the past 30 days. Majority of names there are probably merit farmers, but there might a couple of genuine talents.
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