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3381  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: September 28, 2021, 01:11:12 PM
Bacite oko na 500play kampanju. Vidim da je jedan Hero/Legendary član izbačen pa će danas ili sutra biti objavljeno da prima novog člana. Još jedan Full member i jedan Sr. Member imaju po dvije zvjezdice ali za sad još nisu izbačeni. Uvjeti su 20 postova ukupno, od čega barem 5 mora biti u Gambling sekciji.
3382  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: stable coin staking on: September 28, 2021, 07:16:32 AM
mozda je malo off-topic, ali se cini da je postalo praksa da dobra diskusija krene kao off-topic, pa zar nije vec krenuo bear?
ne vidim mogucnost za neki -80% bear na dalje, ali mi se cini da BTC nece napraviti ATH pre sledeceg halvinga
moze se desiti da merge i prelazak na ETH2.0 podigne ETH u odnosu na BTC, ali nemam osecaj da cemo videti nivoe $10k ove godine za ETH, mozda sledece (generalno mi se cini da ETH i BTC od sledece godine nece biti korelisani)

bice interesantno videti gde ce otici cene NFT-a, mnogo poznatih licnosti je uslo u tu pricu

Nadam se da nas dežurni dušebrižnici (pri tom ne mislim ništa loše ;-) ) neće prijaviti za off-topic Smiley Zapravo nisam siguran gdje bi uopće smjestio ovu raspravu.

Iskreno, ne znam što bi rekao vezano uz bull/bear. Nekako još uvijek naginjem prema bull runu i nadam se da bi mogli vidjeti novi ATH BTC-a još ove godine. Zapravo mene BTC ne zanima toliko kao što me zanima ETH koji mi je trećina portfelja. Ako je 60k stvarno bio top za ovaj ciklus, onda niti ja ne vidim mogućnost za tako veliki pad u bear ciklusu. Ako se ETH stvarno odvoji od BTC ciklusa, bit će još teže odrediti gdje smo u ciklusu jer do sad si svi gledali samo BTC. Jednom kad se ETH odvoji bit će zanimljivo pratiti kako će on imati cikluse budući da nema halvinga.
3383  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: stable coin staking on: September 28, 2021, 06:42:15 AM
Edit: Moj plan za bear je dio novca na celsius, dio na nexo i dio na CDC, i ubirat kamatu.
Nemaju svi iste kamate, ali eto, ne bi sve na jedno mjesto
To ti je pametno, tako nekako i ja razmišljam, rađe ubirat 1% manje a imat jaja raspoređana u više košara. S kriptom nikada ne znaš kada će nešto zaroniti ili se pojaviti neki exploit koji onda uništi projekt ili ga unazadi za par godina. Da se razumijemo ići ću samo na provjerene stvari kao što je Celsius ali opet bolje napraviti barem minimalnu diversifikaciju.

Još kada bi bilo provjerenih i sigurnih stvari koje ne traže KYC, ali to je valjda već malo teže ispunjivo. Budući da regulacija sa sobom povlači i veću sigurnost.

A većina nas ima takav plan. Samo treba shvatiti na vrijeme da je bear krenuo, a ne da portfelj zaroni preko 50% i onda shvatiš da je krenuo bear.
3384  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 27, 2021, 08:33:32 AM
Ne gledam nas kao jedinke u Hrvatskoj - znaš da te promjene ionako do nas zadnjih dođu. Gledaj malo što se događa vani, to ti je tvoja sutrašnjica.

U Australiji ne možeš izaći van 10 dana ako jedna osoba u tvom gradu ima pozitivan test, Nizozemci segregiraju društvo i ne dopuštaju necijepljenima ulazak u restorane i kina, ubrzo će u nekim zemljama uvjet za zadržavanje posla biti to da imaš Covid pass - što graniči s fašističkim režimima.

To u Australiji je ekstremna iznimka. Onda tako možeš reći i da je u Danskoj sve dozvoljeno i da nema nikakvih ograničenja. Mislim da je jednaka šansa za obje situacije, odnosno gotovo nikakva.

Svi koji žele zaštitu mogu se cijepit, oni koji ne žele riskiraju da umru i to je to. Al više ne možeš ni umrijet kako ti želiš nego kako ti Veliki Brat kaže.

I da, samo mi nemojte o liječničkim troškovima. Jer onda nećemo liječit ni alkoholičare ni pretile, žderat 3 kile slatkog svaki dan je isto izbor osobe čije liječenje ja financiram.

Čisto da napomenem - cijepljen sam. Trebalo mi je za put i kao što sam rekao, generalno imam ok mišljenje prema cjepivima. Al ovo je ugrožavanje ljudskih sloboda, o tome ne bi trebalo biti nikakve dileme.

Nije stvar (samo) u troškovima. Stvar je u broju kreveta u bolnicama i broju respiratora kojih ima ograničen broj. A nitko od nas ne želi da dođe do toga da netko mora birati hoće li jedan ili drugi pacijent ići u bolnicu. Ponavljam, ne opravdavam nelogičnosti koje naš stožer radi (npr. preko ljeta se ne može unutar kafića, ali na jesen je to OK iako je broj zaraženih počeo rasti) ali shvaćam čemu toliki strah od velikog skoka broja oboljelih. Mislim da takve nelogičnosti bude otpor kod ljudi i zbog toga je broj cijepljenih kod nas još uvijek relativno nizak.
3385  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 27, 2021, 07:11:29 AM
Stvarno sam najmanji mogući stručnjak za bolesti, nisam u životu imao gripu. Međutim, gripa je u pravilu benigna bolest dok ne preraste u upalu pluća koja je zajebana i životno opasna.

Umjesto gripa - upala pluća sad imamo flow blaži COVID - opasni COVID. Moram priznati da iz laičkog kuta zaista ne vidim neku značajnu razliku, osim što više ne umreš od upale pluća nego od korone.

Da se razumijemo, ne podcjenjujem COVID. Samo ga je imala hrpa ljudi oko mene i vidi čuda - svi živi i zdravi, bez posljedica. A mi zaključani ko psi u kaveze.

Ma gdje smo zaključani kao psi u kavezima? Ja živim i radim normalno kao i dok nije bilo korone. Jedino što je drugačije je da kod ulaska u dućan i vrtić stavim masku. OK, različiti smo pa možda kod nas postoje neke zabrane koje ne doživljavam, ali stvarno ne vidim razliku između danas i vremena prije korone (osim svakodnevnih pitanja "jesi se cijepio").
3386  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 27, 2021, 06:50:28 AM
Uh jeste se raspisali o koroni... Imam svoj stav o cijepljenju protiv korone ali sigurno nikoga neću nagovarati da se ide cijepiti. Smatram da svatko ima pravo odabrati hoće li se ili ne cijepiti. Koronu sam imao i srećom dobro sam prošao tako da uspoređivanje korone i gripe nema apsolutno nikakvog smisla. Te dvije bolesti su slične samo zato što napadaju respiratorni sustav ali tu prestaje svaka sličnost. Netko će s koronom završiti na respiratoru i govoriti kako je gripa mačji kašalj za koronu, a netko će samo imati tri dana temperaturu pa će reći da je gripa puno opasnija bolest.

Što se tiče ograničenja koja pojedine države nameću, nije baš sve tako crno-bijelo. Kako je netko napisao, korona je opasna bolest koja se vrlo lako može zakomplicirati, što onda dovodi do hospitalizacije. Smatram da u lutanjima s tim ograničenjima vlade pokušavaju napraviti samo jednu stvar, a to je ublažiti udar na bolnice. Stvarno nisam pobornik kojekakvih teorija zavjera i ne smatram da od nas pokušavaju napraviti robote nego jednostavno još uvijek nitko ne zna što napraviti pa zato imamo takve razlike od Australije gdje je zabranjeno sve do Danske koja je proglasila kraj pandemije.
3387  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako besplatno dobiti (ili zaraditi) kriptovalute!? on: September 25, 2021, 07:25:52 AM
Uglavnom jebena igra, koju ces igrat preko Steama, i imat ce crypto u sebi.
Moci ces imat NFT-ove poput aerodroma, i svatko tko koristi taj aerodrom tebi placa fee. Odlican nacin za pasivnu zaradu

Zvuči stvarno odlično. Nadam se da će ju i napraviti da bude odlična.

Ti NFT-ovi će se moći kupiti i prije nego igra izađe? Jer ako će igra biti popularna, ne bi bilo loše uletiti u kakav presale NFT-ova.
3388  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: September 25, 2021, 06:24:33 AM
I will put that in a different way. For me these results are reality for Dinamo. Bjelica was the outlier in Dinamo story who made them all believe they can play against top teams in Europe and they did. Now we are back to usual scared performances. If you are a coach and you spend whole week of preparation talking how your opponent is good and how you need to watch this and that player, that destroys players morale and makes them believe draw is a good result. And I am sure most of our coaches are doing just that with couple of examples like Bjelica. To do something big in Europe your team has to have qoulity but also belief that they can play against all those other top clubs.

And of course, welcome to dark gambling side @slackovic

These results are reality for Dinamo's coaches, not for the players. I'm not saying that Dinamo has a team that can easily beat top European teams but they definitely can play better. As you said - the biggest problem is that they lost their winning mentality they had under Bjelica. That's why I hoped Krznar is just a temporary solution until they find someine better. I'm pretty sure the wouldn't have lost 3-0 to Sheriff if they had a better coach.
3389  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Blockchain and Gambling on: September 24, 2021, 02:52:47 PM
Easily. Let's say I create an immutable smart contract and run it. The only danger that remains is interference from the "owner" of the blockchain. But such a danger exists even now in absolutely all large (in terms of market weight) blockchains, by the way, you did not answer the question why do you need to track internal transactions in a casino? I'm really curious.

But that's the whole point of decentralization - so users don't have tu TRUST the owner of the centralized blockchain.

As for the tracking of internal transactions, here is one example (I won't go into too much detail because I'm on the phone and it's hard for me to type on it Grin ). Recently I heard that the owner of one Internet casino spent customers deposit. Of course he thought that he won't be caught because his plan was to invest that money, earn interest and give that money backwhile keeping the interest for him. Use of decentralized blockchain to track inside transactions would have prevented that. If he had used centralized blockchain, he could have easily tamper with the transactions and nothing would change.
3390  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Blockchain and Gambling on: September 24, 2021, 01:31:15 PM
Large commissions take place only because of the huge demand from people and the technical impossibility of satisfying them cheaply (bandwidth does not allow). After ETH2 starts working or other blockchains like Cardano or Solana become popular, the cost of swaps and transactions will drop sharply and the work of decentralized services will be efficient. Therefore, one can hope that real decentralized casinos will appear.

Firstly, PLEASE don't put Solana and the word "decentralized" into the same sentence. For me, a decentralized blockchain can't be turned off just because "the big guys" made a decision. The days Solana was turned off because of some error is the day that I crossed it off my list. Btw, I did use Solana once to mint some NFT shit and guess what - it was so clogged during that minting, it reminded me of Ethereum. The only difference is that Ethereum works even if it's clogged (true, transaction fees are very high at that time, but it works) and Solana didn't work.

And secondly, I'm aware what is the reason for big transaction costs. I'm just saying that currently there is not one blockchain suitable to be used in casinos to track inside transactions. We can argue which project will be first to achieve security, scalability and decentralization but that's not the point of this topic.

No. First, you don't need to use a decentralized blockchain to create a decentralized application. Secondly, if Solana has any differences in decentralization from ETH or bitcoin, then they are minimal. As for the tracking of internal transactions in the casino, why do you want to see them if we are not talking about a system of provable fair?

How would you create a decentralized application on a centralized blockchain? For example, you create decentralized application like casino on your centralized blockchain and then what? The users of that decentralized application have to trust you that you won't tamper with the transactions. What's the point of that?
3391  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako besplatno dobiti (ili zaraditi) kriptovalute!? on: September 24, 2021, 06:52:39 AM
Šta ti znači AAA igra? Jel to ono kao triple A s obzirom na budžet, ili po naški da su uložili puno para u razvoj.

Upravo tako:

AAA Games (pronounced “triple A games”) are video games most distinguished by their massive development and marketing budgets. They are meant to be a game development company’s best work and provide a high quality video game experience--comparable to a summer blockbuster. Aside from budget, there are a number of other common features that these games posses. Though there is no limit on genre, unifying qualities among these games are typically photorealistic graphics, game worlds of massive scale, cross-platform releases, and violent content. There are certain exemptions for each of these qualities, but on the whole, these trends hold. However; money is by far the most important factor in determining whether a game is AAA or not, and equally important to these games’ massive budgets is their massive expected revenue and profit. Today, AAA games are expected to sell over 1 million copies, and often provide a multiple-of-cost return on investment for publishers. [1] AAA games are often the most culturally relevant video games because of their massive marketing campaigns--with titles such as the Call of Duty and Pokemon series becoming household names.
3392  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: September 24, 2021, 06:27:28 AM
I agree with you.
With coach Bjelica Dinamo looked like a serious and organized European club, with clear ambitions and strategy.
Bjelica's biggest success is that he managed to change the losing mentality of the players and that everyone started believing that Dinamo can always win, even against the strongest European teams.
Now it seems to me that Dinamo has lost its vision again, that the losing mentality is returning to the team, there is no more clear plan and strategy, the best players are gone and the substitutes are not at the same level.
Given the current situation at the club, it will be a success for Dinamo if they avoid the last place in their group and continue competing in the conference league.

Dinamo is to Krznar the first "real" team so I'm not sure if he is the right man for the job. Actually, I'm positive that he is not. When Mamic left and Dinamo appointed Krznar, I thought that it's just a temporary solution until they find someone better. It looks like that temporary solution became permanent and that's the biggest problem for Dinamo right now. True, some of the best players left the team, but the biggest problem is losing mentality of the team and I really don't think that Krznar can change that.
3393  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Blockchain and Gambling on: September 24, 2021, 06:20:08 AM
well, we have descentralized exchanges working just fine, maybe its just a matter of time until we have a good descentralized casino
the good news is that if code is open source it will be verifiable so people can check if its really provably fair.

True. But with DEXes you will either use them on some centralized blockchain (like Binance Smart Chain) or you will pay high gas fees like on Uniswap. Would you pay $50 for a transaction fee just to place $10 bet? I don't think so. And if casino uses centralized blockchain like BSC, then users again have to trust that casino won't tamper with it's blockchain. That's why I'm saying that casinos need a Blockchain that is not yet developed (decentralized, secured and fast).

Large commissions take place only because of the huge demand from people and the technical impossibility of satisfying them cheaply (bandwidth does not allow). After ETH2 starts working or other blockchains like Cardano or Solana become popular, the cost of swaps and transactions will drop sharply and the work of decentralized services will be efficient. Therefore, one can hope that real decentralized casinos will appear.

Firstly, PLEASE don't put Solana and the word "decentralized" into the same sentence. For me, a decentralized blockchain can't be turned off just because "the big guys" made a decision. The days Solana was turned off because of some error is the day that I crossed it off my list. Btw, I did use Solana once to mint some NFT shit and guess what - it was so clogged during that minting, it reminded me of Ethereum. The only difference is that Ethereum works even if it's clogged (true, transaction fees are very high at that time, but it works) and Solana didn't work.

And secondly, I'm aware what is the reason for big transaction costs. I'm just saying that currently there is not one blockchain suitable to be used in casinos to track inside transactions. We can argue which project will be first to achieve security, scalability and decentralization but that's not the point of this topic.
3394  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: PlanetWatch projekt - novi Helium? on: September 23, 2021, 09:51:01 AM
Ako se ne varam, Atmotube mi je poslan iz Njemacke, i nije bilo nikakvih dodatnih naknada.
Stiglo je u kartonskoj kutiji GLS-om ili DPD-om, ne sjecam se vise

Da, meni se isto čini da nisam plaćao nikakva davanja za bilo što osim Sensecap miner. Zato treba gledati da se šalje iz EU (za nas iz Hrvatske) jer onda ne samo da plaćaš carinu i porez nego i špediciju koja zna koštati dosta.
3395  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Blockchain and Gambling on: September 23, 2021, 04:17:24 AM
well, we have descentralized exchanges working just fine, maybe its just a matter of time until we have a good descentralized casino
the good news is that if code is open source it will be verifiable so people can check if its really provably fair.

True. But with DEXes you will either use them on some centralized blockchain (like Binance Smart Chain) or you will pay high gas fees like on Uniswap. Would you pay $50 for a transaction fee just to place $10 bet? I don't think so. And if casino uses centralized blockchain like BSC, then users again have to trust that casino won't tamper with it's blockchain. That's why I'm saying that casinos need a Blockchain that is not yet developed (decentralized, secured and fast).
3396  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: PlanetWatch projekt - novi Helium? on: September 22, 2021, 02:38:32 PM
Kako prolaze carinu uređaji od PW i slične stvari za kripto, tipa HNT i slično? zanima me za HR, dali možda pitaju čemu služi uređaj, vjerovatno nepitaju ništa za one koje šalju iz EU, dok za one poslane iz Kine i sl. možda i pitaju nešto, pa ako pitaju šta im vi kažete? Dali se ispunjavaju kakvi papiri is sl.?

Mene za Atmotube nisu ništa pitali. Barem se ne sjećam. Ali mislim da sam Atmotube kupio negdje iz EU. Za Sensecap (Helium miner) koji je poslan iz Kine sam morao platiti carinu i porez. Išlo je preko DHL-a pa su oni odradili i carinjenje. Pošalju ti SMS s linkom na kojem moraš ispuniti neki obrazac u kojem piše i namjena uređaja. Ja sam samo napisao WiFi router.
3397  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Blockchain and Gambling on: September 22, 2021, 01:50:34 PM
Theoretically, yes.

But in reality I think that you're not going to see a lot of complicated applications of blockchain in gambling for a long while.

I do think that cryptocurrencies will be increasingly used as the medium through which people transact with centralized casinos, but I definitely don't see integrations of smart settlement contracts for wagers any time soon.

Why? Once a blockchain is ready (meaning it's fast, secured AND decentralized) I see it's implementation as proof that casino can give to it's clients that they can't and won't tamper with any transactions. I'm not saying casinos are doing that now but with the blockchain implementation clients won't have to trust casinos because everything will be publicly visible on a ledger.
3398  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: September 22, 2021, 11:47:16 AM
Evo, čini se da su vam podmirili isplate. Nemoj sve prokockati! Wink

Round 1 Payments have been added to your 500play accounts!

Ne samo da smo dobili isplatu nego sam se ugodno iznenadio da možemo napraviti withdraw u bilo kojoj kriptovaluti koju podržava 500play. Dobio sam 116200 BUX koji vrijede $70 i mogu ih povući kao BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, XRP, XLM ili EOS. Jedino nisam siguran ima li taj BUX uvijek istu vrijednost prema dolaru ili se mijenja. Naravno da kod withdraw-a imaju transaction fee ali u pravilima kampanje piše da će svaki withdraw fee biti pokriven s isplatom za idući tjedan. Long live 500play Grin
3399  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Altcoin novosti on: September 22, 2021, 11:43:07 AM
Nisam našao pametniji topic za nastavak priče o ovome pa ajmo u ovako jednom općenitom nastaviti da budemo barem koliko-toliko on topic.

ne bi da to kazem, ali onda ne razumes osnovu decentralizacije, pa samim tim za tebe nema razlike izmedju centralizovanog i decentralizovanog projekta

governance token sluzi za upravljanje projektom, a kako ce samo upravljanje biti implementirano zavisi od pojedinacnog projekta i umnogome govori o tome da li je decentralizovan ili nije, mnogi su samo nazivno decentralizovani (i to su oni koji uglavnom uzimaju novac od VC), a neki su stvarno decentralizovani - npr. OpenSea je potpuno centralizovan projekat, i po meni je iluzija ocekivati da podeli airdrop, ali bi voleo da me demantuju (Sorare isto)

evo, primer za Bankless
- organizacija je po sezonama (sezona - tri meseca) - u svakoj sezoni imas odredjeni broj projekata i udruzenja koji ce biti finansirani iz trezora
- svaki predlog se provlaci kroz Discord rasprave
- kada se uoblici, salje se na glasanje na Discourse, i tu ima vise revizija, dok ne dobije vecinu glasova (svaki holder koji ima iznad 35K BANK ima jedan glas, nezavisno da li ima 100k ili 35k ili 1M BANK tokena)
- kada prodje vecinu na Discourse, ide na glasanje na Snapshot, gde se glasa u skladu sa brojem tokena u novcaniku (ko ima 35K BANK, ima 35000 glasova, ko ima 1M BANK, on ima 1 miliona glasova)
- kada prodje na Snapshot-u moze dobiti finansiranje i postati deo Bankless razvoja

time se osigurava da ima podrsku proste vecine (51% od ukupnog broja clanova) i investitorske vecine (51% od kolicine BANK tokena u opticaju) - i nema nikakvog razvoja koji je mimo zajednice, a da je finansiran iz trezora

Mislim da smo se krivo razumjeli. Nemam ništa protiv governance tokena tamo gdje oni imaju smisla (kao u slučaju BanklessDAO koji si spomenuo - to je odličan primjer decentraliziranog projekta koji bez governance tokena ne bi mogao funkcionirati). Nije mi jasno zašto bi jedan softver poput MetaMaska koji ima tvrtku koja stoji iza njegovog razvoja trebao imati governance token.
3400  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Kako zaraditi novac prodajem NFT-a on: September 22, 2021, 09:20:08 AM
zasto tako mislis?
imas Trust wallet - i TWT token
imas Math wallet - i MATH token
imas Atomic wallet - i AMC token

ok, neki od njih samo sluze da ti umanje fee, kao sto to uostalom rade i tokeni na centralizovanim menjacnicama, ali ne vidim nikakav problem da metamask izda governance token, MM ne zadrzava nikakve podatke o tebi, sve je na tvom racunaru, i ti mozes da prestanes da ga koristis i ubacis svoj private/mnemonic u bilo koji drugi novcanik, ukoliko ti se njihov razvoj ne svidi nakon decentralizacije putem governance tokena

Od svih koje si spomenuo imao sam samo TWT token i to zato jer sam ga dobio kao airdrop na Binance. Nemam pojma temeljem čega ali brzo sam ga se riješio. To što ostali walleti imaju tokene ne znači da ti tokeni imaju smisla. Ako je governance token, o čemu token holderi odlučuju? Nekako sumnjam da odlučuju o nekim bitnim stvarima. Općenito imam osjećaj da se ti governance tokeni izdaju za svaku glupost. Ali dobro, možda ja ne vidim "bigger picture".
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