No, I used all 5 then I waited more than 50 minutes and re logged in and I had only 3. I have checked database and everything is ok with your accaunt info. Pls try again to login and if you will have 3 pickaxes again let me know.
Why I have only 3 pickaxes Huh It may occurs if your game was not finished (used all pickaxes). You have closed your browser with used 2 pickaxes for example. And opened your browser again (you have 3 pickaxes left). Or maybe i need more info why it occurs if this not happened as i described.
I think there is some problem, the site is painfully slow. We had troubles with our DC, now everything seems to be OK.
Спасибо, вроде разобрался. ТС, скоро уже розыгрыш джек-пота? Или он уже был? Да, время уже подошло. Сделаем. Единственный момент как реализовать это по-честному. Есть вариант - каждый человек генерирует по кодовому слову, мы все слова соединяем в одно и это будет набором, которое влияет на рандом при выборе победителя. Типо глобального clientseed.
poordeveloper, Holdaaja So, everyone who reached new level will receive new pickaxe! Holdaaja , So mb some bug or similar may occured, so you had 1 additional pickaxe.
the layout problem I previously reported for the "gold field" game now is present in the main game. Oh, IE Fixed. Thanks for bug reporting again
Перешли на новую капчу. Надеемся, что вам понравится!
moved to new type of captcha. Hope you'll enjoy it!
moved to new type of captcha. Hope you'll enjoy it!
moved to new type of captcha. Hope you'll enjoy it!
moved to new type of captcha. Hope you'll enjoy it!
moved to new type of captcha. Hope you'll enjoy it!
thats good, but try to be more innovative in promoting coz site like this need so much promotion. Sure, there are many competitors in faucets. That rise of price is not for promoting, its just because bitcoin price became lower to $. As for promoting - we are working on PvP version, which brings more interest in game if you are talking about this.
there you go, i added it. you debut at #83, good luck with the site Good! BTW, why do not you use reflink ?)
Wow! Thanks, it would be great
оплата за игровую сессию увеличена до 370 сатоши
We have raised payment per game session to 370 satoshis.
We have raised payment per game session to 370 satoshis.
We have raised payment per game session to 370 satoshis.
We have raised payment per game session to 370 satoshis.