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341  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 03, 2015, 12:14:35 AM
Dude attacking Josh and showing that he is a scammer is one thing, but never ever put up pictures of his kids, to tell you the truth a mod should make you go take a break, this is not right on this or any other forum.

Why the fuck did you quote it then  Grin

Seriously take it off your post and let mods deal with the little scum up there.

You will see I deleted my post and yes I reported it to a mod, seriously no one here could think that is right.
342  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 03, 2015, 12:12:53 AM
Hello, I am the creator of this reddit thread:

I was asked to compile a list of questions the community has for GAW.

So, Bitcointalk users, what questions would you like to ask Josh?

Were is the 110 million dollar funding

Why wasn't the floor put in place

And how did GAW spend 500,000K in one minute when the whole days trade was only 1.4 million
343  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 07:43:31 PM
Posts on Hash Talk locked and deleted by the second, I wonder how long until one of the Mods has the Balls to lock this one
344  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 07:40:06 PM
Looks like Josh has been taken off the speakers list for BTC Miami
345  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 07:37:01 PM
I think is the most Die Hard fan of Josh is starting to realize that he may of embellished the truth and in fact the only floor available were the BTC he mined whilst we were mining nothing. I think they also starting to realize that he is not going to step in and become their savior or shepherd or anything else he claims to be.
Josh has fucked over his own customers and his name even though it was already trashed here it is now going to be trash within the Crypto community as a hole. I am lucky I got all but 50 coins out at an average of $13, there is no way in hell that I am buying back in, I am trying to get .20 for my last 50 Its on the market so I will see how it goes.

This has become now the worse coin launch due to the size of it and the bullshit that was posted by Josh and Co. I think some of the guys who support Josh have abandoned him and soon so will the rest of the community, I think the little support he has left on Hash Talk are probably paid employees with different user names.

Even the most die hard fans are not even defending him at the moment and all the mods can do is lock threads.    
346  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 10:57:59 AM
I really do feel sad for the sheep that are lead by the self proclaimed shepherd (Josh's words not mine), they have this belief that the coin will magically rise just because Pay Base allows you to shop or get a debit card. Now whilst the debit card could make it easier to exchange to fiat it will do nothing to rise the price. Do these people not get it if I bought the coin tonight for $6.00 I only need to spend it at $6.00.

I know of very few coins that have dropped 75% in value in 3 days and survived, the sheep over on HT just think by holding the coin everything will be okay, by my calculations around 12,000 new coins are going into circulation per day, I am like many others whom are staking and sending it straight to market for BTC and getting what I can at the time.

This coin will go down as one of the most hyped but worse launched coins of 2014 and I don't believe it will be worth more than $2.00 by next week, I also believe that this is the level that the big investors (if any) bought in at, and the real cap from the big investors was more like 10 million not 100 and that is why Josh can not intervene in the market.

I just hope that some of these guys have the common sense to get out before $4.00 as this was what they mined.

347  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 08:18:52 AM
My last post for tonight / today, if anyone bought with a credit card Via, you would have a very good case for a charge back, Josh has stated many times that there was a $20.00 floor and many people here have added screen shots, so you could state in your claim for a charge back that the product was not as advertised. I would almost Guarantee you would win in this case. You could then get out with the money you spent, and if you have already staked these coins that is GAWs problem not yours. As for the actual stakers though not sure how you get those refunded.
348  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 05:46:56 AM




Now we know where the marketing dollars went how much does GAW pay for advertising with these news sites
349  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 12:52:35 AM
The crazy thing about XPY is that it hasn't even been pumped, it's only been dumped.

At least the other scam coins gave you the courtesy of a reach around pump while the bagholders get fucked in the ass!

I has been pumped once, for about 5 minutes. All kinds of fishy tales about how people had their trades get skipped over and such while the GAW $20 buy happened. Maybe that was just system overload, but there is no denying that a select few knew exactly when that buy was going to occur and once it was over the window closed and no one else got the free HamBurgerZ.

Hey I got the $20 and I didn't know shit, i was on Pay Base checking that coins transferred, they did price was $20.06 I sold as quick as I could, stupid me though reinvested at 14.00 However have now closed that position so still go an average of $15.00
350  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 02, 2015, 12:32:48 AM
Does it seem strange that Hash Talk is down at the same time that XPY is dropping below $8.00. I am glad I am not as heavily invested as others but have started an exit strategy. I have hash stakers and suppose I will take the earnings from them and dump every day. I am slowly selling off all coin and keeping the BTC but at $8.00 a coin things are look pretty shitty at the moment. I see a post here stating that $5.00 a coin by Monday, if it gets that low I would suggest it may even hit LTC levels of $2.60 a coin.
As stated I exited GAW with one account sale with a profit so I am all on house money. However I do feel for the guys who got in late especially if this is there first dabble with Crypto as they will never invest or use crypto again and that is a shame.

If Josh really does have a war chest he needs to get it out now, Him saying that he does not want the non believers (his words) to gain is a load of crap, if he continues to let this slide will most likely prove there is no war chess nor ever was.

I can see in months to come someone will sue GAW miners there is plenty of ammo saved here and by people on hash talk that would more then enough evidence to see a law suit in the US get past the first discovery stage.

When you go around sprouting that you have 100 million + fund and that all coins will be purchased at $20 you leave yourself open to all sorts of legal action. The other thing is that if half of all coins are in prime controllers, that only leaves around 6 million coins for his supposed 200,000 customers, that's only 30 coins per customer, so even this figure seems rubbery, I know of a lot of people with thousands of Pay Coin, I advised them to get out at $14.00 some listened others showed the faith, but after talking to one work mate today who invested he regrets his decision big time and asked me If I thought the price would rise. I told him what I thought and told him he needs to make his own decision, he invest 3K all up early in the piece, his coins on hand 500 are worth 4K he also has stakers. He sold 3K worth so he breaks even.
I would hate to be one of the people who actually bought pay coin with a CC for $20  
351  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 01, 2015, 09:10:33 PM
Wow Pay Coin is now Taco coin another proven scam coin
352  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 01, 2015, 08:02:51 PM
What is rather strange is any other company would of had most features ready to roll on day one, the actual ideas aren't that bad just the execution and lies about a massive cap for a floor.

Lets say in fairy land the lord of Fairy land did have some sort of financial pixie dust to spread around, he could of stopped the slide reasonably quickly if he really did have 200,000 customers. From day 1 Josh announced a maximum cap of $700 per week per account in exchanging XPY to BTC, now if he had opened pay base buy invitation only to Zen account holders, he could of given them the $20 price and they in turn would of went to the open markets and bought every coin cheaper than $20. This alone would of stopped any slide.

No what does Josh do, absolutely nothing, and blames people on this sight as the cause, for fuck sake the whole sales over the one day equated to 2% of his supposed financial backing.

Is this a Ponzi, absolutely, has Josh got rich off this, probably, will Josh go to Jail eventually, well I am sending him some KY jelly now.

If I was a customer who bought Pay Coin or a Staker with a Credit Card I would be doing a charge back, you did not get what you paid for and that would be fairly easy to show a CC company that is the case. If you couldn't get it back then maybe ask your local consumer protection agency for assistance. Josh made promises and statements of a $20 floor with $110 million in backing that alone if proven untrue will see you get your cash back, I am just waiting for 1 person in the US who is a customer to take Josh to federal court, as once that happens Josh will need to back his statements with fact. Quiet frankly I am surprised that this has not ended up in class action territory.  
353  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: January 01, 2015, 08:24:01 AM
I hate to admit it but this has gone badly, I was one of the few lucky ones who did snap up the $20.06 on offer through pay base, however I was stupid enough to reinvest. I am closing out the position and will still get an average price of $15. However I am now seeing this for what it is and that is just another alt coin, everything you can do in Pay Base once on line I can already do in one format or another here in Australia with BTC.

As for the hash stakers all of mine were converted hashlets as there was no point in keeping an investment that was never going to win, the premier account doesn't do anything for me as I am in Australia and most of the features will be US based, as Josh is trying to ensure everything he does is within the law only US citizens will be able to get a debit card.

Hashstakers are already a dead investment, if you bought a staker you have no chance of a ROI at $9.00 per coin. The converted ones will only miss the opportunity to sell their coins as the market is dying.

With only 1.4 million dollars in trade yesterday Josh should of been able to keep a $20 floor in place but chose not to, in fact had of Josh put and kept a $20 floor in place the markets would now be trading at around the same level.

So I now find myself asking what has happened to the supposed 100 million fiat, and the 10 million in BTC mined (as stated in the WJS article), the 10 million in BTC alone should have held a floor price.

I have been a semi supporter of GAW but now find the lies are to far fetched for me, I actually think LTC gear has more chance of paying me this week then I have in seeing the $20 floor price again.

So I must say I now think that most people here are right and I was probably wrong.  

I'm in agreement here.  The floor problem bothers me the most.

Floor? You mean this floor bothers you?

Looks fine to me. I think you should send more money to Josh because he is a real swell guy.

Oh, and the real XPY floor does not actually have a cool slide like that. You just plummet down and go splat. 
dam i was really wanting the slide seemed so cool

I am always man enough to were my loses, just as I have with LTC Gear, I am just lucky that Prime Hashlets got me into a position of profit when I got extremely lucky and they went to $50, I sold 1 account that cleared all money spent on Crypto and have been playing with profit ever since, I also ensure I take a little for myself every week.
I also do not believe there are any large investors and the tiny chat love in did nothing to inspire me, I feel for the people who paid $20 via credit card on with the belief that there was a floor. To make it worse there is one Guy who bought 20K worth and then bought hashstakers to stake them. So effectively spent 39K for a 180 day return of more than likely of 26K including the return of his coin, a 13K loss and I am sure he is only the tip of the iceburg.
I have only converted stakers and I cash my earnings every day regardless of price, this goes towards my weekly earn, will I stake again when some of these expire, Hell would have to freeze over or Pay Coin would have to somehow become a success.
My main problem now is where to invest, home mining is out of the question power rates are to high in Australia. A lot of sites have fallen over, so for now I seem to be in a holding pattern.
I am glad I did not cop an absolute flogging here, and if you now of any where to invest I am open to suggestions
354  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 31, 2014, 08:59:15 PM
I hate to admit it but this has gone badly, I was one of the few lucky ones who did snap up the $20.06 on offer through pay base, however I was stupid enough to reinvest. I am closing out the position and will still get an average price of $15. However I am now seeing this for what it is and that is just another alt coin, everything you can do in Pay Base once on line I can already do in one format or another here in Australia with BTC.

As for the hash stakers all of mine were converted hashlets as there was no point in keeping an investment that was never going to win, the premier account doesn't do anything for me as I am in Australia and most of the features will be US based, as Josh is trying to ensure everything he does is within the law only US citizens will be able to get a debit card.

Hashstakers are already a dead investment, if you bought a staker you have no chance of a ROI at $9.00 per coin. The converted ones will only miss the opportunity to sell their coins as the market is dying.

With only 1.4 million dollars in trade yesterday Josh should of been able to keep a $20 floor in place but chose not to, in fact had of Josh put and kept a $20 floor in place the markets would now be trading at around the same level.

So I now find myself asking what has happened to the supposed 100 million fiat, and the 10 million in BTC mined (as stated in the WJS article), the 10 million in BTC alone should have held a floor price.

I have been a semi supporter of GAW but now find the lies are to far fetched for me, I actually think LTC gear has more chance of paying me this week then I have in seeing the $20 floor price again.

So I must say I now think that most people here are right and I was probably wrong.  
355  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 30, 2014, 02:43:46 AM
Another prediction of ours came true and is revealed. More delays. No spending XPY tonight kiddies.

@PinkPoodle said:

    @tankjnr I propose a paycoin wager. If you can log into paybase and shop with xpy at a $20 value, (this was explained to be a feature of paybase) I will gladly admit that you are a better speculator than I and remit to you 1 xpy as payment for my foolishness. If however you cannot purchase from using xpy @ a 20USD valuation, you must admit I have bettered you and remit to me the payment of 1 xpy. Do we have an accord?
    EDIT- it would appear my wager has gone unaccepted. @tankjnr
Quote from: GAWCEO
You have to register with KYC to purchase from Amazon. Assuming thats not an issue, I will take you on in your bet

Misinformation once again you forgot the part were Josh accepted the bet
356  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 30, 2014, 02:37:15 AM
Well I know who will be  Grin after Pay Base is open and that is me, he has already confirmed KYC is not applicable for XPY to BTC exchanges, so I hope the market stays low until then, I will sell on Pay Base and buy on Cryptsy rinse and repeat. I have already made a lot just trading and will make a heck of a lot more in 5 hours, don't you say you weren't warned when XPY hits $20 tonight.
357  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 22, 2014, 06:20:21 PM
Well thank you all here that dumped your coin on the first day you could at 0.016, I was buying and have now made 2.5 x my money in 2 days, so from the bottom of my bank account I say thank you for turning my $2k into 5K. And for who ever it was who sold 2000 XPY for 40 BTC don't feel to bad I am sure you must of had a lot of money not to care about the 14K you have missed out on.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, I know I will, off to the exchange to trade to fiat and as we have excellent exchanges were I am this will be in my bank for Christmas. See you  Grin
358  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 22, 2014, 07:57:06 AM
Great work by the GAW team I have just made several thousands of dollars due to the people who dumped, once Pay Base launches every coin I paid $7.00 for will now be worth $20. Thanks Josh I am  Grin

359  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 20, 2014, 09:33:12 AM
It is surprising that people here are still trying to pull this apart but the market is slowly rising, show me another coin that has this type of market trade, buying and selling out side of BTC. Show me a mining service that has produced based on the $6.85 valuation of XPY that has produced these profits if you wanted to take them now per MHS.

No other cloud service has come close and I dare say no other home minor has done better, so suck it up, accept the fact that the coin has support. I believe that BTC will always be the main coin, however if the market cap was showing correct figures you may find that this is No 3 not bad for a shit coin as some call it.

Most posters on this thread wish for the demise of Pay Coin, not because of the coin but they got banned from hash talk, if you really wanted crypto to survive you would be promoting crypto not trying to tear it apart.

How about we start 2015 with one thing and that is a crypto community that works together to bring the technology to the main stream, and not tear it apart from within.
360  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW Zen Hashlet PayCoin unofficial uncensored discussion. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :-) on: December 19, 2014, 08:31:17 PM
I wonder what this forum will be like if or should I say when pay base launches and people stay seeing the coin selling @ $20, I would imagine some will still be calling scam whilst others will just fade away feeling sorry for them selves for selling now. I saw one large sale of 2000 XPY @ .0200 so lets  call it 14K now when the $20.00 is available then that person will be 26K down. I can imagine on all forums including Hash Talk people will be screaming that some how Josh should compensate for them selling their coins cheaply as they didn't know that pay base was going to be exchanging at $20.00.
I am buying coins until I run out of BTC. Once Pay Base is launched I will sell some XPY and buy more form the open market up to $18.00. I imagine a lot of GAW customers will do the same.

I only have about 10K worth of XPY a lot less then most, I will be staking, I also have invested in other mining services as well and will continue to do so.
If I wanted out now I would be well ahead, I have already made my ROI many times over and all other investments are from earnings, I have a real job that I earn money to pay for every day living. I see all crypto as a chance of possibly getting on to a new technology before the rest of the world does.

This forum and Hash Talk can make all crypto look bad, how about everyone try to work together for what we all want and that is a strong industry.
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