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3461  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: can you explain me something about buy/sell bitcoin on: December 09, 2010, 05:55:02 PM
So it is nothing that will make it go up or down ?

No, there isn't anyone who "decides" that, apart from the collective result of individual behaviors.
3462  Other / Off-topic / Re: send out your women on: December 09, 2010, 02:37:39 AM
Just curious.  Are there any women on this forum?

Are female anarcho-capitalist geeks that scarce?

There is actually a sex ratio available on the forum member stats  (remember you're asked about your sex during registration).

I think it's currently 3.5:1, which imo probably under evaluated.

Women are too busy shopping and grooming, to be interested in stuffs like cryptography, monetary systems, economics or politics.
3463  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: using synfig for an animated movie on: December 09, 2010, 01:11:11 AM
I'll attach here my synfig file as I'll be working on it.
3464  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Bitcoin vs gold ? on: December 08, 2010, 10:57:40 PM
2009 will be written in history as the year when cryptocurrencies where invented.

I remember something called "Yodel" from a few years ago.

Well it is/was anonymous banking, it's not cryptocurrency, is it ?
3465  Other / Off-topic / Re: Political Assessment on: December 08, 2010, 02:33:33 PM
Free market left libertarian.

No offense but, what does that mean ?  How can you be in favor of free market and claim being "left" ?

Agorism is left-libertarianism.
Roderick Long is left-libertarianism (
There is even free market socialism, called mutualism, in the tradition of Proudhon and Tucker.

What is the problem with calling myself a free market left libertarian?

I don't know exactly what you mean by "left", but to me it means "communism", or "socialism".  It is very much incompatible with free market.

So to me, "free market socialism" is an oxymore.  I guess I'll have to read about that.
3466  Other / Off-topic / Re: Political Assessment on: December 08, 2010, 02:15:40 PM
Free market left libertarian.

No offense but, what does that mean ?  How can you be in favor of free market and claim being "left" ?
3467  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: bitcoin tipping feature for YouTube videos on: December 08, 2010, 05:45:51 AM
Vi faru iun (familano, amiko, ...) uzi bitcoin kaj rigardu ilin. i ne facilas! Ili klakos kaj ne komprenos pri la adreso. Mi provis fari ke mia fratino uzis mian paon ( kaj i konfuziis pri multaj aferoj- kaj i multe uzas komputilojn!

"ekzameno de uzeco"

Anka rapide klaki "Tip Jar" estas pli da pli facile ol malfermi Bitcoin kaj almeti adreson.

Ne estas nur pri facileco, sed ankaux pri konfideco.

Mi ne volas klaki tian butonon.  Kiel mi povus konfidi tion ?

Ni parolas pri pagado.  Pagado estas serioza ado.  Gxi ne povas esti nur klakado.  Oni devas uzi la veran bitkojnan ilon.

Se estas uloj kiuj estas tro stultaj je iun komputilon uzi, jen ili ne meritas uzi gxin.
3468  Other / Off-topic / Re: Political Assessment on: December 08, 2010, 05:30:08 AM
Some companies can pay in shares, if you ask for it.  With a public company, one can always take your salary and invest it into the company he or she works for.  A private company, it will always be up to the owners to decide how they compensate those who the get help it.

Overall it is all about risk. The investors take lots of risks (capital), so they need to be compensated.  An employee takes much less risk, so gets paid accordingly.

Shares are property.  You can give some to employees only if there are shareholders who agree to give part of their property.  In the same way, a employee can buy shares only if they are people who agree to sell.

Wages and capital are not equivalent, realy.
3469  Other / Off-topic / Re: Political Assessment on: December 08, 2010, 04:18:13 AM
Somebody needs to pay the salary, that (in the long run), comes from the benefits that the company provides. A salary is just an abstraction of risk, the investors and shareholders take the risk, the salary is paid regardless.  So in the long run, the salary come from the benefits of the company, (or the expected benefits), however has lower potential return, lower risk.

People who work on commission share the benefits also, however they take more risk, therefore have higher potential income, and higher potential losses.

Both share in the benefits, however the those on commission take more, as they take more risk.  The person who is on a salary takes the benefit of having a job at all, at the risk of loosing it.

You confuse *benefit* and *income*.

And even so, salaries are *part* of the income of the company, they are not *shares*.

People working on commission receive a part of sales, not benefits.  An employee can receive a huge commission even if its employer has made no benefits.

Again, benefits are whatever has been earned, minus whatever has been spent.  Salaries, commissions and things like that, are expenses.
3470  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: bitcoin tipping feature for YouTube videos on: December 08, 2010, 04:11:52 AM
For a tip jar, fundamentally all you would need is some URL that you put into your video description that would direct you to a page to donate money, right?

Indeed.  I don't understand those people making some browser extensions to send bitcoin tips.  Seriously, how hard is it to copy paste a bitcoin address ?
3471  Other / Off-topic / Re: Political Assessment on: December 08, 2010, 03:44:57 AM
A salary is a share of the benefits that the company produces, based upon the demand and the worth of the work done. It is just taken in the long-run, not the short.

I'm sorry but no, it is not.

Salary is not a share of the benefits.  Benefits are what's left once salaries and other expenses have been paid.

Salary is a previously agreed amount of money that is paid to an employee in exchange for his work.  It is the same whatever is the financial situation of the company, whether it is in deficit or in benefit.

3472  Other / Off-topic / Re: Political Assessment on: December 08, 2010, 02:35:11 AM
Anarchist, but I wouldn't describe myself as an ancap or a leftist.

Well, are you ok with people working for a  salary instead of a share of the benefits of the company they work for ?

If you are, then you're ancap.  Otherwise, you're leftist.
3473  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: bitcoind running on the N900 smartphone on: December 08, 2010, 12:40:53 AM
I own a n900 too so I might think it's cool to have bitcoin running on it.

An yet, I doubt it will be useful.  Especialy since I don't store any personnal data on my phone (except for backup after encryption).

I mean, the n900 is awesome but anyone who gets his hands on it could see all my personnal data.  :/

I don't know how you guys cope with that, but personnaly I can't.
3474  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Please Don't Shovel Unrelated Crap Into Bitcoin! on: December 07, 2010, 06:44:01 PM

Keep It Simple, Stupid !
3475  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Bounty for Bitcoin Animated Movie [13622.05 BTC ($2520) and growing] on: December 07, 2010, 06:30:16 PM
Check out a thread I've just opened about a project I've started :
3476  Bitcoin / Project Development / using synfig for an animated movie on: December 07, 2010, 06:24:45 PM
I used synfig once to do small animation on the wikipedia page about time travel.  Check it out there :

I'd like to do something similar for bitcoin.
First, we explain the current banking model with a classic Alice and Bob situation :

Then we show how such a model tends to make people dependant on a highly centralized organisation :

We explain that such centralisation induces complexity and therefore costs.

Thus we introduce the P2P model, getting rid of the bank :

We explain that everynode receive every single transactions, and in order to determin who will play the role of the bank, we have them perform a CPU spending task :

Finally we explain what happens when a node has finally performed this task :

This is just a first draft, but it's the global way I see it.

Suggestions welcome.
3477  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / Re: French on: December 07, 2010, 04:05:54 PM
Absolument, ceci dit, la génération sur CPU n'a pas vraiment d'intérêt non plus.

Bah, c'est mieux que rien...    Et puis s'il ajoute des machines, il finira bien par générer un peu.

Faut pas le décourager.
3478  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: similarities between bitcoin and esperanto on: December 07, 2010, 02:04:43 AM
two more things cool about lojban

it has an irc channel on freenode #lojban

it is meant to be machine readable and is engineered to be non-ambiguous

I've just been reading the introductory brochure
and it seems interesting enough for me to start trying to learn it.

Who knows, maybe in short time I'll translate the bitcoin main page into lojban Wink
3479  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: continuous function for generation ? on: December 07, 2010, 01:16:35 AM
What is important is the % drop in average total reward for a block. As fees become a bigger part the % drop will decrease. I think only the first two drops will be big close to 50%.

Hum...  I don't get this.  Why do fees have anything to do with this ?  Fees are added to the subsidy from existing bitcoin stock.  It doesn't reduce creation at all.
3480  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Using GeekTool To Display Bitcoin Data On Desktop on: December 06, 2010, 11:17:58 PM
I'm sorry I didn't see this until just now. I've never used IRC, but I can download Colloquy or use terminal if you tell me how. I sure don't want to waste your time with my lack of skill. I mean I can run if I'm unable to get bitcoind. I appreciate the offer. If you don't have time by the time you read this, but want to do it later you can contact me at (same for jabber, and aim as well).

You can get real time bitcoin support on IRC on, channel #bitcoin-dev for instance.

I advise you to learn about IRC.  Learn the basics commands and install a good IRC client :  irssi

You will run irssi inside a terminal.  Once you'll be comfortable on IRC, me or someone else will help you in real time.
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