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35581  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: October 09, 2015, 09:00:08 PM
'Cause everyone wants to be on the side of the winner, and NOT on the side of the loser, and Russia is sorely beating ISIS.

35582  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles on: October 09, 2015, 08:58:30 PM
But if we got rid of all the legalization and illegalization of alcohol, think of how cheap it would become. Everyone would make it without restriction. The price would go way down, big alcohol makers wold go out of business ('cause everyone would make it), and we all would have a lot more fun.

35583  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: October 09, 2015, 08:54:57 PM
The plane of the earth's orbit around the sun is slightly different than the plane of the moon's orbit around the earth. The moon's orbital plane around the earth is off by about 5.1 degrees from the earth's orbital plane around the sun. This is why you see a partial moon eclipse at times.

At other times, the position of the earth in it's orbit around the sun, causes a total lunar eclipse. This is because the moon's orbital plane remains stationary in its position with regard to at least the galactic plane, if not the universal whole.

While this is a little difficult to explain on paper in words, learning the geometry of the actual motions of the earth, moon, and sun shows that the standard understanding of bodies in space is correct.

In other words, flat earth theory in this instance is completely wrong.


I wonder how the earth is a pear shape figure would fit into this: Figure of the Earth

Gone Pear Shaped

"The earth is officially ‘pear-shaped’ – not a round sphere as is commonly believed. Now do not get the wrong idea about this, it is not shaped like some huge interstellar fruit, that, while interesting would be plain ridiculous. It is barely pear-shaped, but pear-shaped enough."

The links you supplied suggest that the small amount of pear shape might not be noticeable if you simply looked at the earth from a distance. The pear shape of earth might make a difference in the orbits of both, earth around the sun, and the moon around the earth. But the pear shape is small enough that for any time within a hundred thousand years, the difference in orbit would be negligible.

35584  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles on: October 09, 2015, 03:54:12 PM
Who cares if someone decides he wants to become stupid? That's his business. As long as he isn't hurting someone else by being stupid, and as long as he understands that he is going to be made stupid, why should anybody care?

It doesn't bother me at all that some idiot smokes and becomes stupid. I have arranged my finances in such a way that I don't pay taxes. If they go on welfare because they they become to stupid to work, it's no skin off my nose.

35585  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: October 09, 2015, 03:47:08 PM

Armed guards protect Senate Democrats as they demand new gun-control laws

Senate Democrats gathered Thursday on the steps of the Capitol surrounded by about a dozen armed guards to announce a new push for tougher gun-control laws.

The officers from the U.S. Capitol Police, who carried sidearms, were in addition to the regular detail paroling the Capitol ground due the large number of elected officials attending the event, according to a officer on the scene.

About 27 Democratic senators attended the event.

Yes. It is kind of ironic that even if there were laws that eliminated all the guns, the police guarding government people would still have them (guns).

Imagine, for a moment, that government made laws that said that nobody in America could have any guns. To whom would such laws apply?

Well, it wouldn't apply to native Americans on their lands, because government has lately ruled that these lands are separate nations inside of America. And it certainly wouldn't apply to people of other countries within their own countries.

Actually, there are only two groups of people it would apply to. It would only apply to people in government and to 14th Amendment U.S. citizens. For all practical intents and purposes, the only 14th Amendment citizens in America are people who have been naturalized lately, and artificial entity paperwork. Generally, average American citizens are not 14th Amendment citizens, and therefor not citizens at all, because there is no other way for the United States to legally have citizens except through the 14th Amendment.

For you and me, a gun is property. The role of government is to protect the property of the people. The correct demand to make when government attempts to diminish our ability to own property is to demand that they stay away from our property, or see it is returned if it has been taken from us.

Gun laws don't apply to average Americans. The only reason why Americans lose in court is, they don't know how to litigate their own property rights.

35586  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles on: October 09, 2015, 11:59:26 AM
At this time in governmental police state control, it is time to go the other direction.

Let government strongly stress the dangers,
let them stress what will happen to you if you harm or injure someone,
Then get rid of the laws.

When you harm someone, you are punished by being harmed in the same way he was, after you pay to see that he is made well again. If he dies, you pay for his family's loss, even if you have to work it off in hard labor for 20 years. Then you are executed.

If you damage the property of someone, you pay to repair it, and more to compensate him for time lost.

Other than that, nothing but very strong governmentally issued warnings. In other words, complete freedom for all. But absolutely DO make people pay when they harm or damage other people, but ONLY then.

35587  Other / Off-topic / Re: when will michelle divorce... on: October 09, 2015, 11:07:43 AM

On my fifth day in Berlin, I ate at the Massai !

One star for the look : The Massai is an African restaurant. From the outside, you can totally get this feeling. Once inside, you have travelled in an instant to Africa. The waiters are dressed with a white african-like uniform and the menu are... How can I say ? When the menu arrived at the table, I thought there were severals XD Not. Actually, it is a fully binded book and each page is really thick. It looks like the menu has been carved in wood. Really funny, I would like to be the waiter with a table for 4 ! Cheesy

One star for the food : I asked for an Antelope meat. One the menu there was no specification about the rest. Just that there would be wild rice and vegetables. I had a soup as a started, which I had not ordered. It was OMG delicious. They I had my plate. When I say plate, I should say PLATE: I had never seen such a huge plate, could barely stand on the table. On this plate I had the meat, perfectly cooked, some vegies in some kind of coconut shell, some beans in another shell, some wild rice kept warm under another shell. I cannot really explain how good it warm. It was just... Beautiful ! If you want to try this dish, look at the section Cap Special of the menu and Antelop meat.

One star for the people : Really nice and helpful AND fast !

One star for the presentation : Every plate, bowl, is decorated with African designs and the word MASSAI. Really exotic Smiley

Anything else to add ? I have not put a five star, though I would really like to, because my friend thought it was way too spicy. And it was not actually specified on the menu that it would be that much. If you are in Berlin, think of my recommandation and Enjoy !

35588  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Legalize Marijuana, Illegalize Fissibles on: October 09, 2015, 10:56:03 AM
Don't legalize anything. Rather, repeal all illegalization of everything except:
1. Actual verifiable harming of somebody;
2. Actual verifiable damaging of the property of someone else;
3. The breaking of a clear contract.

35589  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: This is why people "despise" Bitcoin on: October 09, 2015, 10:48:18 AM
The two things I see wrong with Bitcoin are...

1. No cash.

2. Because of its nature, Bitcoin plays on the ideas of trust that we have in the way money works. What should be done is that there should be much more advertising about the fact that real trust is involved, even in escrow to some extent.

Fiat is fairly trustworthy in direct transactions. You can trust business because the banks will enforce business to do the right thing in many cases.

Since there is no central bank involved with Bitcoin, there is little method for enforcing trust. Bitcoin tries to overcome this to some extent with escrow transactions. But people are not used to the way Bitcoin handles things. So they jump right in.

35590  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: October 09, 2015, 10:34:03 AM
The plane of the earth's orbit around the sun is slightly different than the plane of the moon's orbit around the earth. The moon's orbital plane around the earth is off by about 5.1 degrees from the earth's orbital plane around the sun. This is why you see a partial moon eclipse at times.

At other times, the position of the earth in it's orbit around the sun, causes a total lunar eclipse. This is because the moon's orbital plane remains stationary in its position with regard to at least the galactic plane, if not the universal whole.

While this is a little difficult to explain on paper in words, learning the geometry of the actual motions of the earth, moon, and sun shows that the standard understanding of bodies in space is correct.

In other words, flat earth theory in this instance is completely wrong.

35591  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: October 09, 2015, 10:03:24 AM
Video: BUSTED: Eclipse PROVES Science & NASA Wrong

Crow777 talks about the terms "barely total" or "barely partial" eclipses from SkyandTelescope's page: The Lunar Eclipse Wasn’t Total After All?!.

Video: There is No Lunar Eclipse Tetrad and Blood Moon is Ghoulish Nonsense
You can see the arc is wrong in this one too:

These folks need to say it right out, that the earth doesn't have a diameter 3.7 times that of the moon, but that both diameters are the same. Oh, of course, they can't. Flat earth, you know. The pictures are ridiculous.

35592  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are standards so poor in the mainstream? on: October 09, 2015, 09:54:05 AM

The mainstream gets the majority bulk of resources pumped into it from humanity yet when you need high standards in whatever area of life you rarely get it from the mainstream, how would you explain why this is?

Please refer to

Haha that video was excellently delivered will be using that to link people in future thanks!.

I do hate to think its all one big conspiracy, the reason being is the herd still gets life improvements as we evolve? if the rich elite had their way we'd all be slaves with zero freedom?  I'm looking for other contributing factors as to why the main stream system doesn't provide the best.

George Carlin is right. But he isn't complete. He left out the answers of what to do... at least in a direct manner. In fact, the fact that he could be on stage as popular as he became was that he used the main stream system to be the way he was, the exact system he was speaking against.

The people in the crowd laughed. They enjoyed Carlin's ironic humor. The were sort of like the people of Dresden, Germany, just before the bombing of Dresden in WWII. These people engaged in the attitude of, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die." And on the morrow they did die.

Basically, in America, Britain, Canada, Australia, and other of the free countries, the reason standards are going lower is that people are looking to government for the answers to their questions and problems, rather than looking to themselves. When something goes wrong, the people take it to the government court rather than bringing their own court in the same courthouse building. Here's what I mean.

The courts are for everyone to use to make their case. The black robed ones aren't the only ones who have the authority. In a direct way, the 9th Amendment (and to a lesser extent the Preamble of the Constitution) allows anyone making a claim to not only bring his a claim, but to also bring in the rules of court. And his rules can state that the black robe can only referee the court, or the claimant will hold him in contempt.

Done correctly, the above works. But people can't do it correctly, because they think the judge is their king's direct representative. Who is their king? Obama, or whatever president is in power at the moment.

The truth of the matter is that all adult people are kings and queens. And until the people realize this and stand up as kings and queens, they are going to be treated as they designate themselves... as paupers. Claims in court - not complaints - are kings/queens disputing with other kings/queens, or with corporations which are the true paupers.

Here's one of the best videos that shows the way to do it - to stand up. You need to be a real MAN (or WOMAN). You need to KNOW that you are the one in authority YOUR court. Listen for the little place in the video where Karl reminds the judge that it is HIS (Karl's) court as he is the one bringing it - The people don't do this because they are too afraid to stand up as this video shows -

Again, the answer is simple in its bottom line form. The answer is that the people are kings and queens in this land. But if the kings and queens look to government rather than standing up as kings and queens, they will be treated as they ask to be treated.

35593  Other / Off-topic / Re: Money, girls and cars, what's your addiction? on: October 07, 2015, 03:18:02 PM

But one of these days that may all change.

35594  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can This Super-fast Camera be Used to Crack the Bitcoin Code? on: October 07, 2015, 02:47:53 PM
no offense but that is the dumbest conspiracy theory ive ever heard.  

Copernican Revolution goes back 500 years.

unless you believe the earth DOESNT revolve around the sun, the sun has to be much much more massive than the earth based on the laws of gravity.  That's just common sense.

The Earth is flat, the Moon and Sun orbit above.


We're drifting way off topic here.

However, there are only a few groups that have any real, live access to whatever information comes from the spacecraft and satellites that go up there. All the physics that we have has to do with math and experimentation done on earth... except for the stuff that is privy to the actual groups that send up the satellites, etc.

Since all the physics experiments done on earth have only been done HERE, how do we know that we are NOT missing some great group of factors that change things once we get thousands of miles above the earth? Only the groups that control the telemetry of and the readings from the spacecraft would know. And who knows if they are truthful or complete in their telling of what they know?

In other words, things might be extremely different - even the physics - once we get way out there.

Just a thought.

35595  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Nearly half of Americans have no savings on: October 07, 2015, 02:38:12 PM
One of the big problems with money savings is inflation. Even if you earn a small amount of interest on your savings in a bank, inflation reduces the buying power of the money at a far faster rate than interest grows it. Not having savings in the form of money is a good thing.

Savings could be held in something like precious metals. But gold or silver have been manipulated lately to make them impractical. However, the manipulation of silver is a smoke screen. People own way more silver on paper than exists. If they decided to take direct ownership, there would be a run on silver that would be almost as bad as the run on cash if people decided to take all their fiat out of the banks. The price of silver would shoot way up, because of its value in industry.

Probably the best way to hold savings is to own good, fertile land that has water. The disadvantages are the property taxes and insurance. However, if it is held in the form of farm land, and rented out to a local farmer to grow or graze, taxes and insurance become negligible. In a pinch, one could live on the land and grow his own food. This might be the best savings of all.

35596  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can This Super-fast Camera be Used to Crack the Bitcoin Code? on: October 07, 2015, 02:10:56 PM
You have to remember every job, needs a different tool. The camera you mentioned has a processor developed for only one function and that is to process those light images to digital images. The processors created for mining, called ASIC's are 100% developed to solve the complex mathematical calculations for Bitcoin mining and are much better for that job.

So you will have the wrong tool for the job, when you use that processor.

The ASIC(s) would be required to crunch the numbers. A GPU (or maybe another ASIC) would be required to direct the ASIC(s) according to the camera and laser activity. The software, of course, isn't written, yet.

Suppose you had a linear group of characters that was continually changing as it was checked by the ASIC:


Now imagine that at the same time this group was being checked, there was another group off each character in this group. The top row in the box, below is the same as the above box.


The example is for visual purposes. It is not accurate regarding the exact way the programming would work, nor the exact characters that would be in any plane. The example simply depicts a type of programming would be needed to instantly check a whole plane of possibilities, each group branching off each character in the original linear group.

Depending how many depths one would want to go, there could be a planes off each downward linear group above. We would also have the horizontal linears of all the planes involved. Such could be extended as many levels as desired, making several ASICs work together at once using the trick the camera exploited.

I know this is a crude explanation. And I don't have the knowledge for expressing it any better. But the result would be that rather than checking the first batch of 81 characters in the first box above, all of the sets would be able to be checked at once, those in the second box, and any subsequent boxes/levels that the programmers wanted to add off the second box, etc.

The result would be that a present miner could "re-route" his dozens of ASICs, and crack the present encryption in relatively short order as it now stands. Of course, the encryption would be made more difficult to compensate, but there might be a point where complication would become impractical because of the increased size of the numbers of characters being manipulated to keep the blockchain safe.

Then, imagine what it would be like if the system were used in quantum computers.

35597  Other / Off-topic / Re: Super fast camera capuring light as it travel! on: October 06, 2015, 06:03:51 PM
This technology was developed in India over a decade or so ago, why is MIT trying to take credit and claiming it's "new"?


oh, and Google has been cleansed of all the old links and only gives links to the new MIT articles. Nice...


ok, I found an old video from 2011, it still says it's from MIT but do recall this being even older than that and being developed in India with no mention of MIT.


Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it visualizes the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it shows light itself in motion. This technology may someday be used to build cameras that can look “around” corners or see inside the body without X-rays.

35598  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 'Cut pensioner benefits now, they will be dead in 2020 anyway' UK Tory party. on: October 06, 2015, 02:18:02 PM
what's your solution to getting the welfare bill down? child and unemployment benefit are already frozen, tax credits are being cut, housing benefit is capped and still the welfare budget balloons each year. the last coalition government cut 12 billion in welfare over 5 years but total spending is higher than when it came to power with those savings eaten up by the over 65s.

our government is committing national suicide in its pursuit of the grey vote with half the total welfare budget now being spent on pensioners. the elderly have been insulated from the recession by the so-called triple lock whereby their benefits increase in line with earnings, inflation or 2.5%, whichever is higher, the "bedroom tax" is waived for them and winter fuel payments remain non-means tested because to make them fill in forms to get free money is "undignified". you tell me what is to be done.

The welfare answer is simple. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, quit working and go on welfare.

35599  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can This Super-fast Camera be Used to Crack the Bitcoin Code? on: October 06, 2015, 02:08:33 PM

You are simply in denial. Nobody is talking about breaking any of the laws of nature, the universe, or physics. The idea of a camera that could be made to photograph light waves was an impossibility a decade ago. Now we have it. Why can't we trick nature into breaking the Bitcoin code in a similar way?

35600  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can This Super-fast Camera be Used to Crack the Bitcoin Code? on: October 06, 2015, 02:05:09 PM
Nice camera, but how can this camera can crack bitcoin ?
Processor on camera is designed only to process image, so it can't be used for other jobs even it's very fast.

I still think quantum computer is better to crack bitcoin Roll Eyes

If you had to use the photography process, why not post a plate that had all the encryption characters on it, in front of the camera laser beam, so that the beam could read the characters all at once, and use multiple laser beams to supply planar encryption readouts? A GPU would be used to control the activities of one or more ASICs in undreamed of ways.

Bitcoin technology didn't happen overnight. There are systems and problems that would need to be worked out with this method.

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