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35621  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fundamentally Christianity is... on: October 05, 2015, 08:49:02 PM
... based on fear.

You are a Christian, then!    Roll Eyes
35622  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: October 05, 2015, 08:47:41 PM
Wow, seriously the majority of the people think it was actually the US govt?  I mean I am not completely throwing that out the window I am just surprised to see so many people think it was internal

This isn't surprising. Think of taxes. People don't like taxes, but they like how government uses taxes even less. And think of the big real estate crash in 2008. It left many people homeless. True, it was the fault of many of these people and not the government, but the people had thought that the government had things covered for their protection. They found out differently.

The drone attacks against Pakistan haven't gone away even though much of the news about them seems to have. People don't trust that their own government wouldn't use drones on them, especially in the light of all the police brutality, lately.

There are lots of other things that are wearing on government trust.

35623  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fundamentally Christianity is... on: October 05, 2015, 08:42:05 PM
Something invented back in the day when our brains wasn't fully developed and everyone was high on mushrooms and hallucinated on a daily basis

Problem isn't that our brains weren't fully developed then. We haven't changed much in tens of thousands of years maybe. But we didn't have much knowledge back then. So people invented answers to what they saw. Much like other animals do in skinner boxes for example. Set them up to give rewards at random times and animals will develop complex behaviors that have no effect at all. Same thing here.

Actually, Youtube search "Graham Hancock" to see that people's brains back 12,5000 years ago were better developed than ours are. Some of us have devolved to the point that we, in our pride, think that we are better than people thousands of years ago.

35624  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Even George W. Bush’s Former Chief Economist Says 9/11 Was an Inside Job on: October 05, 2015, 08:38:26 PM
You may have missed the video below.....

Yet another batshit crazy nutcase making a youtube video.

I've been thinking a lot recently about why clever people believe stupid things, especially conspiracy/cover-up type ideas. There are many reasons, relating to things like confirmation bias and pattern recognition, but I believe there's another reason why this happens, and it relates to video documentaries (where the majority of conspiritards get their information).

There is no such thing as an unbiased documentary. They can get close, but the director will always have an angle that he/she wants to portray. They do this by weaving their ideas into a narrative.

With conspiracy-type documentaries, the narrative is often cleverly devised so that it seems to build on itself throughout the film, making a certain agenda seem more plausible than it actually is. This gives the impression of multiple pieces of information compounding to create a convincing case. Just look at how many people think "Ancient Aliens" is a legitimate factual documentary - people are very easily taken in by the narrative, even though there is basically no evidence whatsoever.

Also, documentaries like this are inherently more biased than any other, because the makers have nothing to lose and everything to gain: A film about a 9/11 cover-up doesn't need to worry about any academic criticism, because they are already telling an alternative story. This gives the director carte blanche to push as shocking/misleading an agenda as possible, subsequently getting more youtube hits, and more money.

It's almost like a "meta-conspiracy"  Wink

It is reasons like this that make the government's own conspiracy theory to be one of the least plausible ideas on the planet.

People want security. They will often believe the conspiracy theory that is best suited to their feelings of security. When the truth about any conspiracy starts to come out, the people will tend to believe the truth.

Regarding 9/11 conspiracies, Google "percent people believe the official 9/11 story."

35625  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 12 Christians Brutally Executed By ISIS Because They Refused To Renounce Christ on: October 05, 2015, 08:19:40 PM
incredible that none of them gave in and really demonstrates the superiority of christianity to islam. muslims are allowed to deny their faith to avoid persecution.

That's because Islam is a religion with two major goals:
1. Converting the world to Islam;
2. Getting the tax money.

35626  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 12 Christians Brutally Executed By ISIS Because They Refused To Renounce Christ on: October 05, 2015, 08:18:00 PM
There are often many differences in the way we die. Many of us feel it coming. To others it is a surprising shock... for a few minutes maybe. But we all die.

35627  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: October 05, 2015, 08:15:29 PM
A lot of people have pointed out that a difference between America and the rest of the western world is how many guns we have. But access to guns does not cause sane people to shoot each other. The germane difference between us and the others is that in America we do not care for the mentally ill. Our care for the insane is to watch their lives fall apart until they become homeless, in jail, or dead from a suicide / spree killing.
Then rather than own up to our role in all this we blame... the gun?

Big Pharma is pushing more pills per second than bullet makers in a month...

You may have something there.  If a LOT of pills make everyone a lot quieter and less troublesome to the Authorities, then clearly, if there are some troublemakers remaining, we need additional Pills and Enforcers of the Taking of Pills.

Serenity, Origin of the Reavers. Pills don't work.

35628  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Decentralisation: An alternative to Democracy on: October 05, 2015, 08:06:55 PM
Democracy is a failure. It is has become an old and obsolete system that needs replacement! Democracy failed 2000 years ago, and its genesis has been distorted since the beginning.
If Decentralization is the next step in the western civilization political stage, will it be a completely new alternative coming to disrupt the current western political systems? Or is it just a fine-tuning of what true Democracy should be?

The only reason America has a thing that is similar to a Democracy is, we as individual people have forgotten how to implement our common law, a thing that is allowed directly by the 7th and 9th Amendments to the Constitution (in the Bill of Rights), and is pointed at by the Preamble and the 6th Amendment.

Nowhere in any of this writing (Preamble, Constitution, Bill of Rights) is there a place that says that people are required to follow anything that is in the Constitution, or that flows out of it. Again, this is evidenced by the Preamble to the Constitution, and the 6th, 7th, and 9th Amendments.

The United Kingdom (Britain and the nations that are part of her), Canada, and Australia are similar. All of these nations, including America, base their law for everyday living of their non-government people, formally if not practically, on the Magna Carta (Note, there is not only one Magna Carta. It was made over several times.), and other great documents that essentially say: The people are free in every way except when they harm other people, damage the property of other people, or break a contract that harms or injures other people.

The 12 person jury is the body that has complete authority in any trial, for judging the law as effective or not, for judging the guilt or innocence of both the plaintiff and/or defendant, and for passing sentence. Don't let a judge tell you any different.


EDIT: If a judge holds a jury in contempt, the jury has the right and duty to call the judge's contempt issuance an error of the court, and then to hold the judge in contempt.

35629  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Are Your Thoughts On Vegans? Or Going Vegan ? on: October 05, 2015, 07:52:39 PM
Note that in the diagram, below, humans are almost exactly the same as frugivores. This match is Biblically correct. In the Beginning, God commanded people to eat fruit (tomatoes are fruit). He didn't seem to say anything about vegetables or animals. Yet, after the Great Flood of Noah's day, God told Noah that people can eat animals, as well.

Presently, people's digestive systems are designed to digest fruit or meat best. We can, and should eat various forms of vegetables, grasses, and herbs in small quantities, according to what our individual systems can handle, mostly as digestive tract stimulants, but also for phytonutrients and some trace minerals.

Definitely, if we can find a source of extremely healthy fruits and vegetables, where we don't need the special nutritional help that we get from eating meat, this would be best.

Warning to meat eaters. Eating excessive amounts of meats can be habit forming, and can cause bad health if fruit and vegetables are not consumed, or only consumed in very small quantities. Older adults should be especially wary about consuming large amounts of processed milk.

Nothing wrong with vegan food as a side-dish for a nice chunk of meat Smiley. A bit more seriously, we are designed to be omnivores. That "omni" thingy includes meat and fat as well. BTW the first and last fully vegan humanoids, the Paranthropus robustus chewed nuts, roots and bulbs and got extinct eventually, while their scavenging cousins the Australopithecus africanus happily turned to our progenitors.

I've seen this chart below been passed around vegan circles saying that we aren't omnivores, any thoughts on the chart since you seem to know some stuff on the matter:

Lots of vegans will try and push this argument, that humans are not technically omnivores. It's complicated, but we know that humans have eaten meat for at least 10,000 years (probably much longer) and our physiology points towards us being omnivorous. It seems silly to say we're not omnivorous, because we can digest vegetables and meat (we have the enzymes present in our gut to break down meat). Just because we don't need meat, doesn't mean we are herbivores/frugivores.

Anyway, I've never thought this argument mattered much, because we know that you CAN survive as a vegan (albeit with a little difficulty). And most intelligent vegans will use another, more compelling argument - The reason, they say, that we shouldn't eat meat is because we know that we don't need it, and we also know that animals are suffering as a result of our meat-eating.

Now personally I think most vegans are shooting themselves in the foot when they try and recruit others, by saying that killing animals is morally wrong. This is because most people won't make such a drastic change to their diet (like many people, I love meat too much to give it up).

What they should be doing, is getting people to eat free-range, outdoor reared animals rather than cheap shitty battery animals. This way, everyone wins - The animals don't suffer and have a happy life, the farmers get paid more, and the consumer gets tastier, healthier meat. If every vegan did this instead of trying to guilt trip everyone into giving up meat, there would be more happy animals in the world.

Funny they skip about the use of our canines? this chart is made for a unwinnable argument again`ts meat lovers.

35630  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fundamentally Christianity is... on: October 05, 2015, 07:33:53 PM
... the only way to a joyful and glorious eternal life.


you are such a beautiful mind. I would really like to know your opinion on this subject

Jesus saves.

See more detail at

35631  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transcendentalism followers here? on: October 05, 2015, 07:30:28 PM
The basic idea of transcendentalism is probably true. This is that we DO have knowledge or feeling beyond our 5 basic senses. God says in the Bible that we should not seek this because we will get caught up in contact with evil spirits. Rather, we should meditate on His Law day and night.

Jesus is 100% God and 100% man.

The Father is 100% God.

The Holy Spirit is 100% God.

Combined as 3 together, or in any combination of two together, is 100% God.

We do not have three Gods. We have one 100% God, yet 3 completely individual Persons in that God, who are all individually 100% God.

God is called the Trinity in Christianity. "Trinity" is a word that describes the 3 parts as being One and, at the same time, remaining 3. this is difficult or impossible for the human mind to conceive of.

Any religion that does not recognize the Trinity, either has the wrong God, or is very mistaken. God, Himself, will judge where the dividing line exists between people who have a false god, and people who are truly people of God but simply have a mistaken idea about God.

The word "Allah" is simply the English spelling of the Islamic word for God. Islamites generally will not accept the English word "God" when speaking English. They think that they need to hold onto the Arab word "Allah" to make things right.

Unfortunately, since most Islamites think that Jesus was only a prophet, they will not be saved... because they do not accept Jesus as being God. This is general New Testament teaching... Jesus is God. Yet, it is a thing only God can truthfully judge people for, on a personal basis. Why? Because only God sees the inner heart and mind of people... not even people themselves see their own inner mind and heart.

35632  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Oculus, Hololens Tech Could Save 300,000,000,000 Lives Per Decade in The World. on: October 05, 2015, 06:56:21 PM
I cant wait for this years christmas.

Oculus rift: watching porn with your wife means you will have a threesome+?  Wink

No. An orgy.

I don't get how 300 billion lives will be saved in a decade. The current population of the world is about 7.5 billion. Am I not abstract enough? Or are we talking about pets, and people becoming vegetarians, and insects, as well?


Because my thread makes as much sense as this one:


Ah. You were talking facetiously.   Smiley

The number was the clue.

I just woke up, hadn't had my coffee yet.    Cheesy
35633  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: October 05, 2015, 06:53:58 PM

When you say slavery, what would they make the people DO? Work harder? Wouldn't they have to market it as some kind of utopia first?
Taxation is slavery.
Then why does the English language have 2 different words for it?

Incidentally, Orwell covered this extensively in his clever satire, 1984, where the dictatorship was trying to purge all unnecessary words from the English language. Nuance? Devil in the details? Fuck that shit, it's all black OR white.

Incidentally, when you look up the definition of the word "taxes" in legal dictionaries, and then look up the definitions of all the words that define "taxes," and then look up the definitions of all the words in those definitions, etc., you either come to circular references, or you come to the word "fraud." Now don't you think that slavery is fraud upon the slaves?

35634  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: October 05, 2015, 06:47:10 PM
A lot of people have pointed out that a difference between America and the rest of the western world is how many guns we have. But access to guns does not cause sane people to shoot each other. The germane difference between us and the others is that in America we do not care for the mentally ill. Our care for the insane is to watch their lives fall apart until they become homeless, in jail, or dead from a suicide / spree killing.
Then rather than own up to our role in all this we blame... the gun?

Big Pharma is pushing more pills per second than bullet makers in a month...

And the sad thing about this is, they haven't come up with a pill that closes bullet holes. Of course, all bullet holes stop bleeding after a while.

35635  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: October 05, 2015, 06:43:54 PM
WHY would a military just randomly "arrest" the entire country? Is it a coup? Was it shoddy leadership and they want to topple the incumbent?
Who said anything about a military randomly arresting a country?

You missed the greatest reason why a military does anything. A military does what it is ordered to do by whoever is in control.
Like any good ideologue, you're doing this thing where you hand-wave away the nuances of real life, and hide behind vague language like "control".
What's vague when the sergeant orders the private, and the private carries out the order?

It's obviously not mind-rays and alien technology, so what's the exact story explaining that control?
The president orders the military to do a lot of things, and they are done. What are you? just plain ignorant?

I'll even help you out, E.g.:
some military generals are in a meeting with the political elite, and there's tension because one side wants to cut the weapons budget and put the money elsewhere. After the meeting, the generals then make a secret pact to overthrow those clowns, and there's your coup in progress.

So who's "in control"? Nobody. It's a dynamic situation with negotiations and passing the ball around on the fly.
While you are correct in saying that no human being or group of humans is in control, still the military acts in a very orderly way. And it has objectives that it follows and accomplishes, even though there are often failures. So, how do they stay orderly and follow objectives? Is it by the aliens you talked about?

If people are not in control, who do you think makes you post your silly posts?

In almost all cases, people in government are there because they like to be in control. Many of these people are control freaks. Usually, they own the military... at least as far as being able to command the military.
And Donald Trump could statistically be a very lucky idiot who got where he is today by a series of lucky accidents. Sounds like you're projecting evilness and malicious intent into the actions of others, when you don't know what makes them tick.
In case you haven't noticed, everybody has evil intent at times, mixed right in with the good.

You talk a lot like a troll, pointing out certain aspects of things, while hiding others that should be obvious to you.

Control freaks often like more money, usually so that they can get more control. What do they want to control? The people, of course. Why? So that they can tax the people for more money, of course.

If the people don't have guns and the military does, government leaders who control the military can take control whenever they want, via their military.
So goes your theory.
Your theory is that my facts are theory.

Why don't many of the governments of the world make literal slaves of their nations? Because everybody sees that American gun freedom works. Push the people too hard, and they will get guns, and you will be dead. At the very least, you will lose control.
I realise America is the centre of the universe, but why so modest?
Then you are intending to get your country to ordain gun freedom for all so that you folks can be the center of the universe along with us?

When you say slavery, what would they make the people DO? Work harder? Wouldn't they have to market it as some kind of utopia first?
Taxation is slavery.
Then why does the English language have 2 different words for it?
Now you are being simply silly. Many things have multiple words to describe them. Why do we need "blablahblah" when we already have "silly."

Folks, please pardon my picking on blablahblah. We can tell from the number of his/her/its posts that he/she/it talks a lot. But that's the way it is, isn't it? Those of us who talk a lot usually should be listening to what we say a little, right?

35636  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Oculus, Hololens Tech Could Save 300,000,000,000 Lives Per Decade in The World. on: October 05, 2015, 06:24:22 PM
I cant wait for this years christmas.

Oculus rift: watching porn with your wife means you will have a threesome+?  Wink

No. An orgy.

I don't get how 300 billion lives will be saved in a decade. The current population of the world is about 7.5 billion. Am I not abstract enough? Or are we talking about pets, and people becoming vegetarians, and insects, as well?


Because my thread makes as much sense as this one:


Ah. You were talking facetiously.   Smiley
35637  Other / Politics & Society / This Could Kick-Start WW3 on: October 05, 2015, 06:19:01 PM
This Could Kick-Start WW3

Fellow patriot,

Don't be fooled... WW3 won't be fought between nations like the first two. And definitely not between the USA and Russia. They know the stakes and they're not stupid enough to risk everything.

No matter how crazy Putin may try to act just to scare the West... he has so much to lose. He's the most powerful man in Russia and he doesn't want to lose that. He'll never go as far as self-destruction.

But small, elite groups of trained fanatics... are crazy enough to kick-start the next world war.

ISIS already set foot on American soil. The 3 jihadist arrested in Brooklyn for planning a bombing are part of a larger plot... According to the FBI there are ISIS members in every state of the Union... just waiting for a sign.

But the part that the feds leave out is these fanatics plan something far worse and much more dangerous than 9/11...

ISIS plots to put the entire American nation on our knees... using a revolutionary weapon that could cripple the whole country.

Make no mistake, ISIS isn't a rational actor like Russia... They have nothing to lose.

After they decapitated Americans and set people on fire... they burned all the bridges. They either die, or they destroy America.

They can't do it with brute, military force. We're too powerful for that... But we're defenseless against a "smart bomb" that's 1000 times more damaging than nuclear devices.

It's a weapon that can instantly end modern life in America by knocking out our power grid. Nothing that has electronic components will ever work again. Cars won't start, TVs, phones, the Internet will all be dead.

They're going to send us back to the middle ages... You'll have to make a fire to cook and use candles for light.

In fact... just seconds after this calamity hits, all social structures will be reversed... and the information I'm about to disclose will put you at the top of the "food chain".

There's nothing you and I can do to stop it... BUT there is an answer... And if you stick with me until the end of this presentation, you'll meet ONE weird professor who's uncovered a proven way to shield yourself, your loved ones, and even your community, from America's morbid coming mayhem.

But First, Who Am I To Make This Kind Of Dark Prophecy?

... read more ( to find out what this secret weapon is that can demolish America so easily.


35638  Other / Politics & Society / Method for Stopping Shooting Rampages Emerges on: October 05, 2015, 06:05:01 PM
October 5, 2015
Full contact info at end

Method for Stopping Shooting Rampages Emerges

by Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman

Hard evidence -- not doctor theories, news commentary, conjecture, hyperbole, rumor, innuendo or any other proposals -- clearly shows that the only known way to actually stop spree murderers is to shoot them -- or scare them into shooting themselves. Time and again society has found this works.

According to the evidence, every mass murder in recent times has been halted, in the final analysis, by shooting the murderers, or threatening to shoot them, with guns. Members of the press corps continue to debate the subject, despite the evidence. Sources speaking privately say the media consciously reject this fact. In stark contrast, self-defense incidents using guns are suppressed, by news-media policy, and do not appear on the public stage.

An excellent write up about the censorship of firearms used in self defense appears here --

and here --

Multiple reports of self-defense, accomplished by shooting criminals, appear as paid space in USA Today, which otherwise censors such reports:

Although knowledgeable commentators are still debating the merits of shooting murderers, the visible evidence clearly demonstrates that shooting the perpetrators does take care of the problem. No other solutions have worked.

The only problem identified is the relative slowness of this effective remedy, due mainly to the delay in getting guns to the scene where innocent victims are assaulted. The scenes have virtually always been in supposed "gun-free zones," with posted signs flatly rejected by the perpetrators.

President Barack Hussein Obama, whose middle name is not supposed to be used, went on national TV, twice in the past week, to propose other solutions, which he announced as "politicized." He promised to "continue talking."

Further analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, has determined that background checks, or newly proposed additional background checks, recommended by Mr. Obama and others, would be pointless for people who already own guns, since they already own guns. The best estimates indicate this is about 100 million armed Americans.

And in other analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, waiting periods have no meaning whatsoever for Americans who already own guns, when they go shopping for guns, since they already own guns. That is also 100 million Americans.

Waiting periods have one additional drawback overlooked in mainstream reports. They require the public to trust psychotic individuals who wait five days to get their first gun, to remain calm for the balance of their lives. Somehow, the five-day waiting period doesn't seem like a long enough "cooling off" period, but this has not made it into nightly "news" reports, or the President's commentaries, for reasons that were unclear at press time.

The murderer in Oregon who sparked the recent repetitive debates owned more than a dozen guns, according to early reports, all legally acquired. While Hillary, Mr. Obama and others are still calling for more background checks, they have apparently failed to notice these obvious errors in their plan.

Only new, or "virgin" gun buyers would be affected, most of whom would pass checks anyway, according to leading experts and past experience. The point of adding even more checks, when current checks are not used to take criminals off the streets, was not clear as this report was prepped for release.

"News" commentators have also failed to make this connection, so far, and have repeated the calls from politicians on both sides of the aisle, who are discussing background checks and waiting periods.

The role of ultra-violent body-rending video games, horrific grizzly blood and all gore movies on nightly TV and a debasement of popular American culture at every level has not figured prominently into the president's prolific pronouncements.

The public -- not some famous vilified "the gun lobby" -- rises up loudly to condemn the assault on their fundamental civil and human rights. This is the same 100 million armed Americans mentioned earlier. Some reports suggest it is "only" 80 million armed Americans. The NRA, often cited as "the gun lobby," has only 5 million members.

Counter-Intuitive Man Says:

Referring to murderers as "gun men" is offensive to men, a violation of journalism ethics, due to its biased and prejudicial nature, and sexist.

Calling murderers "gun men" is virtually propaganda against men and firearms.

It denigrates men, it is derogatory, defamatory and it is discriminatory.

What would media and pundits say if a woman was the criminal perpetrator?

The correct terms include murderer, killer, villain, criminal, assailant and perpetrator, without gratuitously singling out gender.

By using the propaganda term "gun man," the media vilifies a tool they frequently demonstrate hatred for, along with men, which agenda-driven political groups seek to demean or belittle. That's simply wrong, and unethical.

Murderers should be called murderers, not gun men. This would help remove the glorification many mass murderers seek, which encourages others to copy their behavior.

By encouraging such behavior, the media shares responsibility for these acts, according to leading national experts, who are speaking out against such behavior in increasing numbers.

Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman
Author of ten books on gun law
Publisher, Bloomfield Press

P.S. My previous request to the President, to have him call me for common-sense solutions he is not getting from his side of the aisle, has gone unanswered so far. I patiently await. The ideas coming from the TV set are so off base it is hard to imagine they are actually on the air. Has anyone considered education in the schools yet? Schools are currently an empty hole of ignorance on the subject.
35639  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)? on: October 05, 2015, 04:45:45 PM
A Social Justice Warrior is one who
under the guise of helping the poor
steals the wealth of the rich
for his own benefit
leaving the poor with little or nothing of what was stolen.


A.K.A... A con artist.

Yes, but a special kind of con artist, known as a Social Justice Warrior (SJW).   Smiley
35640  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is going wrong in the world? on: October 05, 2015, 04:43:28 PM
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.   Smiley
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