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361  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 09, 2023, 06:17:38 AM

The Trump trial includes the jokers who are accusing him. If it didn't, there wouldn't be any trial.

Why don't you come out and tell the truth? You don't care about the Trump trial. All you care about is your warped opinions of the trial, and trying to get others to agree with your warped opinions.


Trump has been summoned to court, and he will be judged without taking into account my opinion.

Trump has been judged in the polls already. He is so far ahead of anybody else, that he might as well be considered President 2024 right now.

If the Dems continue with their accusations, they will be guilty of interfering with an election... punishable by fine and prison. This kind of accusation against the Dems is starting to come out in the news a little already.


The mere fact that all Russians are for Trump indicates that Putin interfered in the US elections and supported Trump.
362  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who can answer a simple question? on: August 09, 2023, 06:09:38 AM
OP are you expecting Putin to tell the truth when you can some how figure out the truth behind the lies he has given to the world. Look or should I say listen carefully to all he says, there are truth behind every lies he has told.

  Putin says Ukraine attacked Russia first. This is true?

The real question has to do with, does anybody know how to do research... even simple research on the Internet. If they did, they wouldn't have to rely on the opinions of other people in this forum. And, they might even have some references for the things that they, themselves, profess.


  That is, you do not know when Putin spoke the truth.

Oh that? Even you know when Putin speaks the truth. He has friends and comrades in Moscow who he speaks truth to all the time. Nobody gets into the kind of power that Putin has by lying to people, especially all the time.


It is not surprising that Putin, despite the fact that he constantly lies, remains in power. The fact is that the Russian people themselves have lived their entire history in a lie and do not know another life.
363  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 08, 2023, 11:16:29 PM
The judiciary should be given the freedom to carry out its function without intimidation and influence by any other arm of government. The news of Donald Trump conniving with Russia to engage in so many illegal activities has been widespread. But most of this news has been promoted by Democrats who are generally seen as the enemies of Trump. Most Republicans see this as a political witchhunt orchestrated to tarnish the image of Trump. I also doubt if Trump will ever be indicted for any criminal offense because most of his court cases have ended without making him a criminal. If Trump is found guilty he should face the punishment. But many people see it as a plan by the ruling party to undermine his chances of winning the next elections.

And it is all being done by Biden and the Dems to hide the fact that they all are in on the illegal money making schemes that they are accusing Trump of being in on. And theirs are far worse than Trump could ever think of being.


This thread is about the Trump trial. You're getting away from the essence of the topic.

The Trump trial includes the jokers who are accusing him. If it didn't, there wouldn't be any trial.

Why don't you come out and tell the truth? You don't care about the Trump trial. All you care about is your warped opinions of the trial, and trying to get others to agree with your warped opinions.


Trump has been summoned to court, and he will be judged without taking into account my opinion.
364  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: August 08, 2023, 11:06:29 PM
Russians and Ukrainians have lived together for thousands of years. At times there was no difference between them. Nobody could tell if this was a Russian or if that was an Ukrainian.

This whole war is a political action. It might have simply been a civil war, but with the US and Nato involved, it becomes a political war.


What does it mean sometimes there was no difference between Ukrainians and Russians? Maybe you can clarify, I don't know. Thank you.

Take the words that I wrote. Find a good translator, and translate them to your favorite language. Then look them up in several dictionaries. If you can't figure out the meaning after doing all that stuff, perhaps it's time for you to go back to school. You probably don't know the difference between the name "Zelensky" and the name "Putin."


You rudely evade the answer. And here Zelensky with Putin? They wrote nonsense and now you yourself can not find an answer to it.
365  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: August 08, 2023, 12:11:15 PM
Russians and Ukrainians have lived together for thousands of years. At times there was no difference between them. Nobody could tell if this was a Russian or if that was an Ukrainian.

This whole war is a political action. It might have simply been a civil war, but with the US and Nato involved, it becomes a political war.


What does it mean sometimes there was no difference between Ukrainians and Russians? Maybe you can clarify, I don't know. Thank you.
366  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who can answer a simple question? on: August 07, 2023, 08:55:24 PM
OP are you expecting Putin to tell the truth when you can some how figure out the truth behind the lies he has given to the world. Look or should I say listen carefully to all he says, there are truth behind every lies he has told.

  Putin says Ukraine attacked Russia first. This is true?

The real question has to do with, does anybody know how to do research... even simple research on the Internet. If they did, they wouldn't have to rely on the opinions of other people in this forum. And, they might even have some references for the things that they, themselves, profess.


  That is, you do not know when Putin spoke the truth.
367  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 07, 2023, 08:52:34 PM
The judiciary should be given the freedom to carry out its function without intimidation and influence by any other arm of government. The news of Donald Trump conniving with Russia to engage in so many illegal activities has been widespread. But most of this news has been promoted by Democrats who are generally seen as the enemies of Trump. Most Republicans see this as a political witchhunt orchestrated to tarnish the image of Trump. I also doubt if Trump will ever be indicted for any criminal offense because most of his court cases have ended without making him a criminal. If Trump is found guilty he should face the punishment. But many people see it as a plan by the ruling party to undermine his chances of winning the next elections.

And it is all being done by Biden and the Dems to hide the fact that they all are in on the illegal money making schemes that they are accusing Trump of being in on. And theirs are far worse than Trump could ever think of being.


This thread is about the Trump trial. You're getting away from the essence of the topic.
368  Other / Politics & Society / Putin's American hand will be cut off on: August 02, 2023, 06:09:57 AM
Alik Bakhshi

Putin's American hand will be cut off

      Former US President Donald Trump has finally been formally charged by Attorney Jack Smith with a crime against the United States and its citizens in attempting to deceive the results of the 2020 presidential election. The charges on four counts are so serious that Trump could end up in jail for the rest of his life:
   1. conspiracy to defraud the United States
   2. conspiracy to obstruct official procedures
   3. obstruction and attempted obstruction of official procedures
   4. conspiracy to violate the rights of citizens.

  In the old days, for such accusations, everything could end in an electric chair.
    A month after Trump took office, I wrote an article about Trump's secret connection with Putin (1,2) and Russian interference in the 1916 presidential election. I hope Trump gets what he deserves, and dictator Putin finally loses hope of softening the US position towards Russia on the issue of war in Ukraine, given Trump's promise to quickly end the war if he is elected president in the upcoming elections.
1. Putin's hand in the White House.
2. Putin's hand in the White House (continued).

369  Local / Политика / Американская рука Путина будет отрублена on: August 02, 2023, 05:11:24 AM
Алик Бахши

Американская рука Путина будет отрублена

     Прокурором Джеком Смитом экс-президенту США Дональду Трампу, наконец, предъявлено официальное обвинение в преступлении против Соединенных Штатов и их граждан — в попытке обманом отменить результаты президентских выборов 2020 года. Обвинения по четырём пунктам настолько серьёзны, что Трамп может до конца жизни загреметь в тюрьму:
  1. сговор с целью обмана Соединенных Штатов
  2. сговор с целью воспрепятствования официальным процедурам
  3. воспрепятствование и попытка воспрепятствования официальным процедурам
  4. сговор с целью нарушения прав граждан.

 В былые времена за подобные обвинения всё могло закончиться электрическим стулом.
   Через месяц после вступления Трампа на должность президента я написал статью о тайной связи Трампа с Путином (1,2) и вмешательстве России в президентские выборы 1916 года. Надеюсь Трамп получит по заслугам, а диктатор Путин окончательно потеряет надежду на смягчение позиции США в отношении России по вопросу войны в Украине, если учесть обещание Трампа быстро покончить с войной в случае избрания его на пост президента в предстоящих выборах.
1.   Рука Путина в Белом доме.
2.   Рука Путина в Белом доме (продолжение).

370  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who can answer a simple question? on: August 02, 2023, 12:59:06 AM
OP are you expecting Putin to tell the truth when you can some how figure out the truth behind the lies he has given to the world. Look or should I say listen carefully to all he says, there are truth behind every lies he has told.

  Putin says Ukraine attacked Russia first. This is true?
371  Other / Politics & Society / Re: National interests of Russia on: August 01, 2023, 07:08:02 PM
Ukraine's successes could put an end to Russia's national interests.
372  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who can answer a simple question? on: August 01, 2023, 07:03:14 PM
I am yet to see a politician that doesn't tell lies. It is as if telling lies is part of the job of a politician. Well, they will justify it with the saying that it is not possible to please everyone,  hence the reason they all lie at some point.

Well, I think Putin might lie in other occasion but he said he will attack Ukraine and he did... that seems to be truth from him.

  You made a mistake, because Putin lied. This is also confirmed by Putin's forum defender. See post 23.
373  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Who can answer a simple question? on: August 01, 2023, 01:11:20 PM
I am yet to see a politician that doesn't tell lies. It is as if telling lies is part of the job of a politician. Well, they will justify it with the saying that it is not possible to please everyone,  hence the reason they all lie at some point.

Well, I think Putin might lie in other occasion but he said he will attack Ukraine and he did... that seems to be truth from him.

Alas, you do not know, Putin says that Ukraine attacked Russia.
374  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: July 31, 2023, 01:19:06 PM
i don't understand why people in 2023 feel that they need to go into a war, its very bad respect to the soliders that die. no young human should need to die because two old men cant get along. no one.

  Пoтoмy чтo этo нe люди, этo pyccкиe.

I don't understand what you said but it seems you speak Russia so I think you know more about this then me, i respect that, sorry if i said somehting wrong.

He didn't contradict you and you did not say anything wrong.
A sentence in Russian doesn't mean a person speaks Russian. Put it in a translator and you'll see what that sentence means.

 To change your mind, you need to have brains in your head, but the Russians have a problem with this.

Hello, yes I did use google translate, but sometimes it can be wrong anyway.
It said "Because they are Russians" and I did not exaclty understand how to take it, maybe it was "Because they are russians and russians are bad people" or "Because they are russians and russians don't let anyone push them down".. My english is also not hundred procent perfect. i hope you understand  Smiley I don't mean to offence anyone. Thanks
Alik said that Russians are not humans. This is a typical propaganda trick to dehumanize one's ideological enemy, which is often used by radical nationalists in their practice. Simply put, the author of the topic is a Nazi and does not hide it.

I strongly agree that Russians are not humans,they are just some barbaric tribes who kill innocent children,the latest today just a 10 year old girl in the attack they deliberately make against civilian targets consistently in Ukraine which by the way consist a war crime but that is not news anymore,the world is not acting,luckily Ukrainian army is doing so every day claiming more and more liberated territories.

What I don't understand is why Ukraine does not strike civilian targets in Russia so they can feel the same that Ukrainian is feeling and maybe they would come to their senses.

To change your mind, you need to have brains in your head, but the Russians have a problem with this.
375  Local / Политика / Re: Азербайджан, Азербайджан on: July 31, 2023, 07:13:24 AM
Несмотря на 30-летнюю оккупацию Арменией 20% территории Азербайджана, сегодня Азербайджан является самой успешной страной среди стран бывшего СССР. В 44-дневной войне Азербайджан победил Армению, и частично вернул часть территории Карабаха, но до сих пор армянские вооруженные силы остаются на большей части Карабаха под защитой российских миротворцев, которые обязались уйти из Азербайджана в 2025 году, если Азербайджан попросит об этом. Так по крайней мере было оговорено в мирном договоре 2020 года.
376  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan on: July 31, 2023, 07:09:20 AM
Despite the 30-year occupation of 20% of Azerbaijani territory by Armenia, today Azerbaijan is the most successful country among the countries of the former USSR. In the 44-day war, Azerbaijan defeated Armenia, and partially returned part of the territory of Karabakh, but until now, the Armenian armed forces remain in most of Karabakh under the protection of Russian peacekeepers, who pledged to withdraw from Azerbaijan in 2025 if Azerbaijan asks for it. So at least it was stipulated in the 2020 peace treaty.
377  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The moral side of the grain deal on: July 29, 2023, 08:58:20 PM
Egyptian President Abdul-Fattax Al-Sisi, who arrived in St. Petersburg for the Russia-Africa summit along with the leaders of other countries on this continent, called on Vladimir Putin to extend grain deal with Ukraine, which makes it clear that exactly in Russia they see a problem with the grain.
378  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: July 29, 2023, 08:48:49 PM
i don't understand why people in 2023 feel that they need to go into a war, its very bad respect to the soliders that die. no young human should need to die because two old men cant get along. no one.

  Пoтoмy чтo этo нe люди, этo pyccкиe.

I don't understand what you said but it seems you speak Russia so I think you know more about this then me, i respect that, sorry if i said somehting wrong.

He didn't contradict you and you did not say anything wrong.
A sentence in Russian doesn't mean a person speaks Russian. Put it in a translator and you'll see what that sentence means.

Ha ha on Russia. I wonder how long this will go on? Do you think that maybe the whole war is about selling more oil?

France was selling arms to Russia in 2022 while the sanctions were being imposed.
Russia is getting rid of its prisoners by sending them to fight in Ukraine, freeing up some space for new ones.
Countries that support Ukraine have a way to test their weapons in a real conflict. Some of these weapons like combat drones and new long range artillery systems were waiting many years for this.
A similar thing is happening in Russia where Armata and Terminator tanks can finally be used in battle.
The ones pulling the strings of this war are making money, regardless of the outcome. Just like pharmaceutical companies were making money during the pandemic.

 No wonder, the war contributes to the emergence of new, more advanced weapons. The war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine is no exception, although Russia does not call it a war.
379  Local / Политика / Re: Карабахский ишак, или некоторые ошибки Пр on: July 28, 2023, 08:17:52 AM
 После введения санкций лошадь Путина редко выводится из загона. Разве что в Африке раза три была, после чего в Нигере произошел путч с помощью вагнеровцев.
380  Local / Политика / Карабахский ишак, или некоторые ошибки Пр on: July 28, 2023, 04:55:13 AM
Карабахский ишак, или некоторые
  ошибки Природы

  У Моллы Насреддина был осёл, способный читать, правда молча, впрочем, как и большинство людей. В Азербайджане, чтобы подчеркнуть особые интеллектуальные способности кого-то, используется выражение "карабахский ишак". Сразу хочу оговориться, что слово ишак в переводе с азербайджанского это и есть осёл. Как бы там не было, но этот вид непарнокопытных, к коим относятся и лошади, с древних времён находится в тесном общении с человеком, что видимо и объясняет уникальную способность наразлучного спутника Моллы Насреддина. С тех пор прошло много времени и сегодня некоторые представители из отряда непарнокопытных научились не только читать, но и мыслить, причем облекая в слова. Поэтому нет ничего удивительного в том, что ишак, в нашем случае лошадь, что без разницы для данного вида, обладающая таким даром, оказалась на важном посту в правительстве России в должности министра иностранных дел, а это, можно сказать, второй по рангу пост в государстве. Так что труды Моллы Насреддина, обучившего ишака читать, не пропали даром. Кстати, этот факт лишний раз подтверждает точность такой науки как генетика. Недаром наследственные признаки непарнокопытного животного хорошо прослеживаются на фотографии министра.
   На днях этот министр ещё раз показал каких высот может достичь лошадь в мыслительной способности. Это я к тому, что министр иностранных дел России нашел наследственное происхождение Гитлера, обнаружив в нём еврейские корни, чем вызвал переполох в Израиле. Разгоревшийся международный скандал грозит теперь разрывом политических отношений Кремля с еврейским государством, которое до сей поры, оставалось нейтральным в вопросе антироссийских санкций Запада. Похоже, лошадь научившись разговаривать, не усвоила, что не все мысли, а тем более сомнительные, следует произносить вслух, на таком посту, как министр иностранных дел.
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