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3641  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 18, 2017, 01:37:42 PM

My grandfather died at the age of 60 from lung defficience and all doctors agree on the fact that his smoking habit was greatly responsible for it. You telling me that all the doctors are wrong because YOU are healthy?

That's just too stupid, I can't bear with you people. Go die in your own corner.

Jesus man, I just got done saying that smoking is obviously bad for a person's health in the text you snipped.  The actual nicotine may or may not be a positive depending on what is important to a person.

Big Brother and Big Pharma love you bro.  I would be fine with you doing everything they tell you to, but when you are sick all the time they are going to come to me with a gun and try to make me pay your bill.

3642  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 18, 2017, 04:50:10 AM

It's probably the cigarettes. Probably smoking is killing off disease, and that is why the FDA is trying hard to ban it.

You know...

At this point, after all of my research, I actually consider it as likely as not that anything which, according to 'the authorities', I'm not supposed to do is actually healthy.  At least in ways that are important to me.  Salt is a good example.  Lots of dairy products and meat another.  As for nicotine, I'll bet that it increases intellectual ability, and especially in old age (thus offsetting all of the hard work of getting fluoride in the water.)  I heavily abuse all of these substances and am one of the most healthy people I know of.

My research into vaccination program here in the U.S. is probably more responsible than anything else for making suspicious of the motivations of the so-called 'powers that be' and their minions.

I chew tobacco but I don't smoke.  I did so between ages 20 and 30.  I can say for sure that smoking is not good for me, and probably not for anyone else either.  Seasonal bugs always have started in my tonsils.  Back when I smoked about half the time the bug would go to my chest.  Since I quit smoking it never does.  Usually a bug which is going around dies in my throat if I get it at all, and within a few days.  Occasionally it will make me get flu-ee feeling for a day.  I don't tend to get nasal congestion any more either, but that is a normal part of the aging process (and why the 1918 pandemic flu took out so many younger people who are more prone to have a cytokine storm.)

3643  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 18, 2017, 02:18:28 AM

I find the arguments to not vaccinate simply stupid and not based on any scientific evidence. Diseases which had disappeared started to reappear because of people not vaccinating their children, risking the lives of others at the same time.

This thread is about the evidence. Essentially, there isn't enough evidence to show that vaccination works where other things fail. The thing that is being proven is that even if vaccination works, there are other, worse things caused by the vaccination than the benefits received from the vaccination.

Lets finally do the studies. But the medical doesn't want to. Why?


Look at the number of epidemics in Africa where medicine is poorly developed and many people are not vaccinated and in the West where almost everyone is vaccinated. Isn't that a proof h that vaccines work.

Less malnutrition and constantly improving sanitation mostly, and that is directly associated with wealth.  Looking at the charts, it's pretty clear that vaccines had little or nothing to do with the decline of various infectious diseases.  These snake-oil salesmen saw a trend and tried to take credit for it.  Successfully due in no small part because the same basic people also own the media and 'control the narrative.'  They also basically own the curriculum from k --> {n} and teach people NOT to think for themselves.


Note that Scarlet Fever never did have a vaccine and it's trajectory is pretty much the same.

3644  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 17, 2017, 02:31:35 PM

It's not a scam it's very important...
If you don't get flu vaccine you're going to get sick and the disease is hardly curable without antibiotics.
And the problem is that antibiotics seem to have disastrous effects on long term...

Flu is viral.  Antibiotics are of zero value unless treating some sort of a bacterial infection.

The only 'disastrous effects' antibiotics have is that people mis-use them and use them where they don't apply out of basic ignorance.  Doctors will sometimes give a patient antibiotics when a patient asks because it is the easiest way to get them to leave the office.  And they don't have a 'disastrous effects'.  Over-use can and does lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria which can and is a problem ecologically.  For an individual they appear to be one of the more safe and well understood drugs.

Almost everyone gets over the flu.  Some people who are near the end or unlucky will be pushed over the edge and will 'die from the flu'.  Usually they would die from something else fairly soon anyway.

It irks me that an army of aggressively ignorant propagandized drones who don't even understand the most basic thing about antibiotics are going to be the muscle that supports forcing everyone at gunpoint to the clinic to be injected with whatever Merck wants to inject.  Well, not 'everyone'.  The affluent who have private doctors will be able to buy their way out, and I suspect that I will be able to as well.  I specifically go uninsured and pay the Obamacare fine because I'm betting that the vaccine mandate will apply to everyone on government health care.

3645  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Well Dammit, He Fired Comey on: May 17, 2017, 04:14:45 AM

Those tapes won't be necessary Wink Comey wrote the shit down. I must say, he was on my bastard list after the Hillary reveal, but now, he can sit with us. Clever man.

So the scoop is Trump flat out asked Comey to kill the Flynn investigation. Apparently (this is all unsubstantiated, by me at least, but being widely reported as from 'official sources), he asked Sessions and Pence to leave the room, looked Comey in the eye and flat out asked him to dead the Flynn investigation, after getting briefed from Yates about the issues with Flynn. Obvious Watergate jokes and comparisons aside, this is a huge obstruction of justice.

A round of applause for 45. That took nuts people. It was fucking retarded, like, full retarded, but the gesture was a grand gambut, a binary that apparently didn't go so bigly. Comey went home and wrote the shit down, and shared it with a select few folks to cover his ass. In fact, I remember Comey saying during an meeting that he would 'definitely finish serving his full term as director', which was odd because no one really asked him that, at the time. He was talking across the table, so to speak, that was aimed at Trump. Trump took the bait, canned his ass, and now we have an infinite popcorn scenario.

At this point, it would be unkind to kick a downed man. I will cease being so cynical if I can help it (some of this shit is just ignorant, it defies logic of explanation and must be pointed out). He's in over his head, the GOP just cut loose the kite string, the majority of America would like to see him impeached, and this is like if Nixon and Ollie North had a baby that sold guns to drug cartels. This is done people. Watch everything wrap up, it will play out so very interestingly.

America's gonna be great again, shortly Wink

Writing it down is of limited use since anyone can write anything.  I write stuff down that I can swear to in court.  If Comey did that, fine.  If not, he'll have to perjure himself.  Of course if Trump asked him cold to drop whatever Flynn case(s) may have been cooking in spite of there being a 'there' there, that's a something which is a genuine abuse of power and Trump should get nailed on it as should anyone else who's abused their power within the statute of limitations.

Something is odd with the whole Flynn situation.  The mainstream media is still going bananas about him.  Trump should not have much reason to care about him any more so I find the suggestion that this is all Trump and Comey discussed to be less than complete.  Something tells me that Flynn in particular has some juicy intel and perhaps a plan to re-enter the political arena in one form or another.  I like the guy so I hope that both are true.

What I heard (from Infowars IIRC) is that tracing back the paper chain to see who authorized the access to NSA data on Trump, or at least on his associates, is something which should be fairly quick and easy.  Comey was slow-walking it.  Trump got fed up and fired his ass.  (It's more than likely that the paper trail ends up pointing to Obama, and Comey himself may be a link in the chain.)

I've heard again that "tapes" (to use Trump's often meaningful quotes) exist of Comey both fucking little boys dressed up to look like Howdy Doody on Epstein's pedo-Island, and ass-fucking Prince Charles who is also outfitted similarly (and looks a little like Howdy Doody anyway.)  And Trump might have these tapes.  It's quite possible that the party who recently reported this got it from the same source I did originally.  Namely 'The Doctor of Common Sense' on Youtube.  In that case a second source is value-less.

I also heard that Henry Kissinger's unscheduled stop by the Whitehouse right after Comey was shit-caned was for the purpose of offering Trump a big-fish's head (Clinton or someone of her caliber) if he would cease and desist further exploration of human trafficking.  Human trafficking (and associated evil) seems to be key to the current 'deep state' hold on power and they will do anything to halt exploration of it.

If Hillary or Barack or someone(s) of that class fry, and law enforcement loses interest in tracking down pedos in high places, it will be a reasonably strong observation substantiating the conjecture about Kissinger's visit (and more generally his game.)

3646  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 16, 2017, 07:11:29 PM
Vaccinations become obsolete every year, because new viruses are constantly appearing and it will be more effective to improve immunity in a healthy way, rather than letting all kinds of vaccines.

Virus mutations are rare, but deadly. A perfect example is that of the influenza virus. It mutates very frequently, which makes it extremely difficult for the scientists to develop vaccines. But the other viruses, such as Polio and smallpox have remained stable for the past hundreds of years. So vaccines work 99% of the time, but for the remaining 1%, we don't have any remedy.

Thanks for telling us about deadly virus mutations which are rare. This shows that beneficial mutations don't come about at all, and evolution couldn't have happened. Dead viruses are dangerous. Stop vaccinations.


It's a stone-cold fact that for many years people who got the polio vaccine also got an injection of SV40 virus which was along for the ride.  SV40 is certainly associated with a variety of cancers and can be found in a lot of malignancies today.  Like around half according to some researchers...who quickly became persona-non-grata...  But cancer is not a problem, right?  My grandparents are batting 4/4 in getting cancer.  Three died from it and the other one lost her leg when she was in her 60's.

Speaking of undetected viruses which come along for the ride in some vaccines, one of the more recent vaccines is rotovirus.  This malady afflicts people who work in rice paddies all day, but is of pretty dubious value for Western urban dwellers.  Non-the-less it is part of the vaccine regime here.  Part of the reason is probably because the patent holder, who also sits on the board deciding what to inject into kids, makes unknown millions of dollars off of it.  His name is Dr. Paul Offit (ironically enough.)  You'll see him all over the mainstream media extolling the virtues of vaccination and claiming that it is perfectly safe for an infant to have 10,000 vaccinations at one time.

Funny thing about rotovirus is that both Merck (iirc) and GSK (British) manufactured the stuff.  Then, after it had been in use for a while, someone discovered and undiscovered pig virus in GSK's offering.  The American authorities halted injection until the issue was more well understood.  Then the same pig virus and another undetected one were found in Merck's product.  The CDC (and/or FDA or some American authorities) then quickly decided that the undetected viruses were no big deal and both Merck and GSK were allowed to continue business as usual.

3647  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 16, 2017, 02:50:20 PM

I just don't understand how you can seriously defend your thesis...

You're actually saying there is something very harmful and NO ONE knows it in the world!
Except those who profits from it.
But doctors and health workers don't know about it.
Universities don't know about it.
Only you.

Lots and lots of people know it and many of them medical doctors and academic researchers.  Many of them are speaking out, but since mainstream media doesn't cover them most of the peeps remain ignorant.  In fact, the propaganda and conditioning is structured such that many of the peeps will fight tooth and nail for something they don't understand.  You are pretty much a poster-child for this phenomenon.

As for money, very few people are making a ton of money off being anti-vax.  A few people sell herbal remedies and/or snake-oil, but most of the time saying anything which goes against the official corp/gov stance leads to nothing but grief in one's career and financial life.  Most people who understand and disagree with the corp/gov activity will do so quietly and try to protect their family and friends, and probably their patients as much as practical even though there is a danger in doing so.  Only a small percentage will go public, but again, that is enough to provide a wealth of information to anyone who has an interest to go looking.

3648  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 15, 2017, 03:15:18 PM
Being vaccinated is a duty simply for all those that can't...

Some people are allergic to vaccins and if you're not vaccinated you allow the disease to spread to them.
Someone vaccinated can't get REALLY harmed even if they can get slithly sick. But very young children and people enable to take vaccins are still affected.

Pretty much everyone is 'allergic to vaccines'.  Scientifically speaking, that's kind of the point.

The propaganda you've been fed here falls apart because vaccines are injected into most everyone without any sort of testing to see if they might produce a negative reaction in that individual.

The 'test' seems to be the way witches were detected back in the day; throw a woman into a lake.  If she swims, she's a witch.  If she drowns, she wasn't a witch.

3649  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 15, 2017, 03:03:49 PM

Even with the help of a systematic vaccine you can not protect yourself from all diseases, because every day new viruses can appear.

Right. And how much less protection you have when you get vaccinated, because the vaccines wreck your immune system... at least somewhat.


Vaccines are destroying the immune system of a person. On the contrary, they stimulate it. It's like exercise. If you regularly perform exercises that your muscles are toned and you to easily overcome the load. If you spend your days lying on the bed then in time, you will be hard just to take one step.

It's more accurate to think of our immune systems.  Plural.  Our bodies have multiple protective systems.  Vaccines only work on one aspect of immunity.  It's like adding a turbo to an engine but not upgrading the cooling system.  The engine will fail because of the 'upgrade', and I think that it is this principle which is causing a lot of auto-immune problems and others.  Of course these are not as much of a 'problem' for those who own shares in pharmaceutical companies.

I'm enough of a believer in the principle of excising one's whole immune system that I am relieved to get a touch of whatever seasonal bug is going around if I've not been sick for a while.  Most of the time I either don't catch the bug, or feel a little funny in the throat one morning then it passes.  Very rarely do I get sick enough to stop doing whatever project I'm doing.  Only once in the past 4 years did I lay around in bed and sleep a lot one day.

Immunity aside, there is a significant difference between eating something and having something injected directly into one's bloodstream.  Basically, everything one consumes is broken down in the gut into more basic components and only then passes through the intestinal walls.  The good stuff (lipids, proteins, sugars, etc) are selected and the bad stuff dumped.  Aluminum, for instance, is very common in the environment and our digestive systems have had millions of years to figure out how to deal with it.  Injecting it bypasses all of that and can be quite dangerous.  It's why ticks and mosquitoes and so forth are potentially quite problematic (and, parenthetically, why these creatures have long been of interest to bio-warfare developers.)

3650  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 14, 2017, 10:55:36 PM
Pro vaxxer: Vaccinations work!
Pro vaxxer: don't infect me bro
(even though supposedly vaccines work).


I mean, if vaccinations worked, why would any vaccinated person be afraid of a sick person? He couldn't transmit the disease to the vaccinated person... if vaccination worked, right?


The propaganda tells them that unless 70% 85% 90% 95% 97% of people are vaccinated 'we' won't have 'herd immunity' and sickness will sweep through.

I guess they didn't stop to think 'sweep through what?' if so many people are supposedly immune.

I guess they also didn't stop to think that other countries which don't vaccinate to our schedules don't seem to have 'epidemics'....although half a dozen people getting sick at Disneyland constitutes an epidemic of existential proportions to these nit-wits as long as the mainstream media says it is so.

The vaxxers say they are protecting the 'weak' in our society who are not strong enough to be vaccinated (even though vaccines are so safe that it is crazy to question them and there are no 'tests' given to see who can handle them and who cannot.)  I'll tell you who cannot handle the vaccines:  The affluent class who have the money to pay off a private doctor and get a waiver.  It is kind of true, though, that their kids need to be able to perform against other non-damaged affluent kids in ivy-league schools and after that in a professional vocations.  It is unfair to compare them to kids who are going to grow up to a career as a checker at 7-11.

3651  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 14, 2017, 05:04:10 PM

You'll find that is very few liberals that will champion all causes blindly.

That's the case with me.  I'm the same basic 'classical liberal' that I always was.  Not that some of my views have not changed over the 35-ish years that I've been intellectually active, but the core basis for them have remained quite consistent.  In my analysis and opinion at least.

Frankly, I don't see it in others very much.  Most people I know are afraid from peer pressure and rejection to go against the 'party line.'  I was always more prone than most to call a spade a spade and go against my Liberal peers on certain issues even back in the day.  What I was less willing to do is to really listen to what the 'other side' had to say.  That is where I've really made an improvement, and I think it has really helped me broaden and improve my analytical capabilities.

For example, I have a huge bias against transgendered folk, but I'm aware if it and I try to mitigate it when I discuss said population. I grew up in the South, in a Black family. We don't really play that shit, old school black folks, for the record. I don't really think that's a good thing. I really shouldn't give a good goddamned about someone's sexual preferences, the Lord has given them the free will to live their limited life as they see fit. Just because I do not agree with said life, it doesn't invalidate it. I'm one guy with opinions, that don't matter for shit in the grand scheme of things. It's truly meaningless folks. I feel them same about abortion, I don't agree with it. It's murder, plainly, and I dare anyone to challenge that, I will rip you a new asshole with words. But I do believe people should have the choice to fuck up. Women should have the choice, we should all have the ability to live our lives as we see fit. Given that said life is adaptive, I'm not condoning serial killers running around because 'it feels good, man'.

That, and a little bit of navel-gazing, is all it takes to be absolved of the crime of intolerance (or what the modern SWJ types will often call 'racism' in their characteristically ignorant way.)

One of my main beefs with these types of deviants is that 'we' on the anachro-left fought fairly hard for their rights against the 'religious right' and other reactionaries back in the day.  That battle was basically won and a raft of posers seem to have jumped on the band-wagon to take advantage of the elevated and protected status that we classical liberals never intended.

The SJW 'movement' is more a rejection of the seeming 'fuck them' attitude of your party. The primary criticism from leftist of conservatism is that the minority is crushed under the will of the whole,. The secondary critique is that your party cares nothing for the citizen that cannot do for itself.  For those of us with empathy for people other than our own social network, usually as a result of having faced a fucked up sitch personally, it pains us to see people, however fucked up and weird they are, being denied the right to do just that. You should be able to be as your are. Not do what you will, that's a different doctrine, a more sinister one that has no place in my life. But, dammit, you get one of these. At least be able to enjoy it. If you have a dick and want to cut it off, fuck it, I don't care. I start to care when fringe behaviors become normalized, but if it improves the public by preserving the outgroup, and if the outgroup is sizeable.enough, I will begrudgingly submit. Homosexuality for example. Currently in the process of being normalized. Is this good? In my opinion no, our biological function is to reproduce, and propagate. It's all about the DNA. That's a different discussion.

But if normalizing homosexuality means gsy people not getting killed for being gay, not being discriminated against in housing, finances (the heart of the gay marriage debate, from a secular standpoint), then I'm all for it. No one should have to suffer for their beliefs, in this country. And when I have kids, I control what they ingest. If that's not an agenda I want in my house, that's that.

My beef with the SJW crowd is that I consider them to be pretty much pure phony astro-turf and a product of a collection of scientifically designed schemes which came out of the science of marketing.  Worse still, designed by entities who designed and implanted an end-goal which the designers don't even share.  They are the classic 'useful idiots' mentioned by the Bolsheviks of old, and they've been developed using a more well developed set of tools from the same basic toolkit in a lot of cases.

On an individual level, many of the SJW types seem every bit as cruel and with every bit as much of the aggressive ignorance as we Classical Liberals used to ascribe to the Reactionary Right.

What really gets my goat is that while the shift has been quite profound, it was done just carefully and smoothly enough to drag most of my formerly like-minded friends and family down into the cesspool of ignorance and stupidity.  At least a few of them are starting to bob to the surface and get some gulps of fresh air.

3652  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 14, 2017, 04:13:24 AM


Na tvbcof has just a distorted view of reality.
Everyone who doesnt share his worldview is a leftist sjw.

Classical fashist much?

The irony here is though that you are actually complaining about the left (and the right - like a sane person who follows US politics would do).

I define 'fascist' in much the same way that Mussolini did...and he was kind of a master:

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
― Benito Mussolini

I think that people mistakenly use the term 'Fascism' when they really mean Totalitarianism (which, BTW, I am above all else against.)  The reason why is that Fascism and most forms of Collectivism (esp, Communism) rapidly go that way and tend to start out that way from the get-go.  Neither can exist without Totalitarianism.  Capitalism tends to devolve into Cronyism which is something that also vexes the other major political systems...and just about anything else that humans do.

You (Criptix) may be right that I assume SJW-ism more broadly than I should.  I'll try to be mindful of it.

I will say that I strongly sense that a lot of the SJW types are being sold a pig in a poke vis-a-vis 'Communism' which they've been conditioned for all of their lives (as have I as a 50 yo American public school victim as I look back on things.)  Those sponsoring the SJW movement and the promises of Socialism/Communism are very cynically not at all Socialist or Communist' themselves and have no intention of going there.  In fact they are not far from Mussolini's Fascism.  The modern Chinese 'Communist' system most closely approximates what they are shooting for and it most closely maps to a form of neo-Feudalism.  Capitalism for the few in leadership and totalitarian quasi-communism for everyone else.

3653  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 08:53:31 PM
... Worse, you and DKOS and the rest of the Leftist dumb-fucks are trying like crazy to make it into some sort of a identity politics thing ...

Ad hominem attack.....* YAWN *   Roll Eyes

Ah, did I huwt you feewings? Sad Poor widdle snowflake.


You ad-hominem'd (and victimized) me by accusing me of an ad-hominem.  I think I'm going to cry Sad  (That should verify my former-Leftist bona-fides for ya.)

3654  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 08:29:25 PM
... Worse, you and DKOS and the rest of the Leftist dumb-fucks are trying like crazy to make it into some sort of a identity politics thing ...

Ad hominem attack.....* YAWN *   Roll Eyes

Ah, did I huwt you feewings? Sad Poor widdle snowflake.

3655  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 13, 2017, 08:01:52 PM

Well I don't care as long as you people get vaccinated.
For the rest you can chose whatever medicine you prefer.
Go for plants and vitamins and whatever you want. Pray if that's how you want to get treated.

But vaccins shouldn't be an option. It's a public duty. You either get vaccinated or stop going to school and public places.

Actually, if freedom is going to be taken away, it should be your freedom to be vaccinated that should be taken away. It should be the law that anybody who is vaccinated voluntarily should be executed.


I few years ago I would have considered certain 'BADecker-ish' things to be totally nuts where now I consider them in the very possible category.  One of these is the conjecture that some of the most influential people in the driver's seats are genuine Luciferians.  This would include a certain fairly small segment at the top of the pharmaceutical industry.  For this reason I did put some effort into trying to figure out what makes these people tick.

One fascinating theory which seems to match up with observations quite well is that they actually do have an ethical principle which can be paraphrased as so:

 - People must have at least the theoretical ability to know what's happening to them.  Failure to object implies consent.

This would explain the vaccine inserts which very few people read, but which state that, for instance, no studies have been done on pregnant women, and they vaccines can cause a wide variety of problems up to and including death.  It would also help explain why it is actually not that difficult to find information making it pretty clear what is going on (historical fiction, whistle-blowers, presentations by doctors who've bowed out of the system, etc) if one does a little bit of looking.

The philosophy seems to be that there is no obligation that things need to be turned into a 'for dummies' book...just that information is available.

A corollary seems to be that if there is a 'proxy' which supplies muscle, then the original offender is off the hook.  In practice this means that if a population can be propagandized into, say, demanding that their peers are assaulted, then a project is ethically acceptable on the part of the designers.

The basis for a lot of these principles seem to be expressed fairly clearly in un-edited versions of the Babylonian Talmud.  This body of philosophical thought seems to be the basis for Kabbalah which itself seems to be the basis for a variety of esoteric spin-off philosophies.  In part, perhaps, because Kabbalah was kind of exclusive to Hebrew speakers (until recently) and other's had a desire to get in on the action.

Anyway, that's kind of where my fairly recent research is pointing me.

3656  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 06:52:01 PM
The so-called "TWO-Party System" is perfectly designed to divide & conquer the masses, pitting Demo-Crips against Re-Blood-licans and "right" against "left."

Looks like you fell right into their trap,

when we should all be uniting against this massive corruption.

No, I did not.  Indeed, the ACA was primarily a Republican cronyist invention.  The Dems mostly slathered on a helping of totalitarianism and state sponsored extortion at the end.  I'm perfectly aware of this.

All I am saying is that you are whining and crying about the fall-out which is directly associated and anticipated from what was an obviously flawed system in the first place.  Worse, you and DKOS and the rest of the Leftist dumb-fucks are trying like crazy to make it into some sort of a identity politics thing which only confuses and aggravates the problem making a solution which works for the peeps even less likely, and I doubt very much that this is an accident. 

It's you who've fallen into the trap my friend.

3657  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 13, 2017, 06:43:03 PM

Well I don't care as long as you people get vaccinated.
For the rest you can chose whatever medicine you prefer.
Go for plants and vitamins and whatever you want. Pray if that's how you want to get treated.

But vaccins shouldn't be an option. It's a public duty. You either get vaccinated or stop going to school and public places.

By taking this position, you have taken on the responsibility for any and all of the potential malfeasance of corp/gov who brought us to this situation (so you better be damn sure you've done your due diligence and research here just as many of us who have some concerns have done.)  When armed enforcement handcuffs us and inject us with whatever the board of directors of Merck & Co., Inc wish, your contribution will not be forgotten.  Especially as the rate of prescription drug use continues to climb through the current 3in5 Americans and more and more people start wondering about the factors which brought us to this situation.

"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."  -- Herman Goering

Same shit, different assholes.

edit: slight.
3658  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 06:22:31 PM
The God-emperor has spoken, RWDS when?

Meet your all-white, all-male Right-Wing Senate death panel:


'Death Panel' as I define it would be a group of people making individual decisions on a case-by-case basis about what kind of treatment makes sense in a given situation WHEN and only when other people are footing the bill.

What DKOS seems to be pointing at here are the group of people who are trying to deal with the train wreck known as the ACA (aka Obamacare.)  The ACA was the worst possible program which could have been attempted.  It contained all of the crony capitalist corruption that everyone likes with all of the totalitarian control freak principles that appeal to the collectivists.  Not only that, but it put the burden of the system on the 20% of people who made a living without being a corporate worker drone and thus turbo-charged the collapse of the middle class.  To the architect Gruber and his ilk that is not a problem in part because it is no longer a big voting block.  Back then I was quite left-wing in a lot of my preferences but I could see that the ACA was a carefully designed disaster.

Where the Left fucked up is that they had every expectation that H. Clinton would be in charge after 2016 and they could bring in fully socialized medicine (replete with all of the crony 'public-private partnership' graft that their hearts desired) when Obamacare was scheduled to implode.  Didn't happen.  Cry me a river.

Just a little hint to the modern-day Leftists.  One of the big reason I turned my back on you is that almost everything about the movement has gone full-retard, and the 'identity politics' part is one of the real poster-children of the phenomenon.  It is EXACTLY the instinct which spawns 'racism' and such.  The funniest thing is that if there is one place where there is some concern based on observation and numbers, it is in people who have sway over American politics, systems, and society coupled with something of an 'Israel First' mentality.  The Left is as terrified as anyone at pointing out this elephant in the room.

3659  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 13, 2017, 05:30:06 PM

Ok I'd just like to know if there is a whole conspiracy behind vaccins going on since... Well at least for 2 centuries, why are all doctors fully in?
It means ALL DOCTORS are machiavelous traitors?
That they all just have 0 ethics without exception?

In the West in particular there was a concerted effort to promote 'allopathic' medicine and deprecate other forms of healing which started well over a century ago.  This was done in in part by funding medical programs and influencing the government to sanction preferred medical paradigms and trade organizations.  Allopathic medicine tends to rely heavily on pharmaceutical products and there is an increasingly ugly incestuous relationship between corporate, government, and academia going on here.

Medical doctors put their pants on the same way as do everyone else.  One needs a generally high IQ to get through medical school, but that does not mean they or Gods above Men or whatever.  Most of them have a better than average understanding of certain fundamentals of biology and half a day or so of instruction on vaccine science (or dogma).  Those who stop there are easily outpaced by an interested non-medically trained individual who studies the subject for a while, and especially when such an individual has the same basic background in the fundamentals of biology, ecology, etc.

It is also the case that many many medical doctors have their own mis-givings about vaccine regimes and the number is growing.  Most of my own most valuable insights into issues with vaccine technology comes straight from formally trained medical doctors.  It is propaganda that makes people believe that 'all doctors' think one thing or another.  Many do not, and many of these have first-hand experience with some of the malfeasance within the establishment systems.  Only a relatively few people have what it takes to buck the system when it means financial ruin and flushing a lifetime of career development down the toilet.


An amusing saying from the days of old when there were options in medical service (paraphrased since I cannot find reference):

Allopathic:  Patient dies from the cure of the disease.
Naturalpathic: Patient dies for the disease.

For my part, I'll try to make informed decisions on a case by case basis about what services I'll use.  I'm not buying a lot of the bullshit about high blood pressure, too much 'bad cholesterol', etc, etc.  OTOH, I'll be first in line for rabies vaccine if I get bitten by a rabid animal.

3660  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 12, 2017, 04:52:59 PM

Well then you clearly have a whole new problem here...
I mean doctors are NOT supposed to do something like that...
Don't they all take the hypocrate oath?

'Hippocratic' Oath.

It's focused on individual rights and thus is a flawed concept in a collectivist 'social justice' society where the needs of the individual take a back seat to the needs of the collective.  There are various renditions of the Hippocratic Oath and they are complex enough to allow very flexible interpretation, but doing so is still a hassle.

The collective is ill served by having the wrong proportion of the wrong kind of people so some individuals do need to be modified or gotten rid of.  This will help 'level the playing field' which is the proper role of corp/gov.  No need to have medical professional hands tied as they try to execute on these prerogatives.

When it comes to medical experiments, a lot more can be learned a lot quicker by doing them on unsuspecting human populations.  Again, for the good of the collective of course.  Here again that fuckin' oath can be a nuisance in lots of cases.  It helps a little because the sheeple still imagine that the oath has some actual meaning, but with each whistleblower the effect is degraded.

'Doing no harm' also increasingly conflicts with the mandate that corporations maximize shareholder profits.  Something has got to give, and it's the corporations who have lobbyists and more and more they who fund academia.  It's not hard to understand why one side is winning over the other here.

Edits: sp, and slight
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