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3661  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 08:29:25 PM
... Worse, you and DKOS and the rest of the Leftist dumb-fucks are trying like crazy to make it into some sort of a identity politics thing ...

Ad hominem attack.....* YAWN *   Roll Eyes

Ah, did I huwt you feewings? Sad Poor widdle snowflake.

3662  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 13, 2017, 08:01:52 PM

Well I don't care as long as you people get vaccinated.
For the rest you can chose whatever medicine you prefer.
Go for plants and vitamins and whatever you want. Pray if that's how you want to get treated.

But vaccins shouldn't be an option. It's a public duty. You either get vaccinated or stop going to school and public places.

Actually, if freedom is going to be taken away, it should be your freedom to be vaccinated that should be taken away. It should be the law that anybody who is vaccinated voluntarily should be executed.


I few years ago I would have considered certain 'BADecker-ish' things to be totally nuts where now I consider them in the very possible category.  One of these is the conjecture that some of the most influential people in the driver's seats are genuine Luciferians.  This would include a certain fairly small segment at the top of the pharmaceutical industry.  For this reason I did put some effort into trying to figure out what makes these people tick.

One fascinating theory which seems to match up with observations quite well is that they actually do have an ethical principle which can be paraphrased as so:

 - People must have at least the theoretical ability to know what's happening to them.  Failure to object implies consent.

This would explain the vaccine inserts which very few people read, but which state that, for instance, no studies have been done on pregnant women, and they vaccines can cause a wide variety of problems up to and including death.  It would also help explain why it is actually not that difficult to find information making it pretty clear what is going on (historical fiction, whistle-blowers, presentations by doctors who've bowed out of the system, etc) if one does a little bit of looking.

The philosophy seems to be that there is no obligation that things need to be turned into a 'for dummies' book...just that information is available.

A corollary seems to be that if there is a 'proxy' which supplies muscle, then the original offender is off the hook.  In practice this means that if a population can be propagandized into, say, demanding that their peers are assaulted, then a project is ethically acceptable on the part of the designers.

The basis for a lot of these principles seem to be expressed fairly clearly in un-edited versions of the Babylonian Talmud.  This body of philosophical thought seems to be the basis for Kabbalah which itself seems to be the basis for a variety of esoteric spin-off philosophies.  In part, perhaps, because Kabbalah was kind of exclusive to Hebrew speakers (until recently) and other's had a desire to get in on the action.

Anyway, that's kind of where my fairly recent research is pointing me.

3663  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 06:52:01 PM
The so-called "TWO-Party System" is perfectly designed to divide & conquer the masses, pitting Demo-Crips against Re-Blood-licans and "right" against "left."

Looks like you fell right into their trap,

when we should all be uniting against this massive corruption.

No, I did not.  Indeed, the ACA was primarily a Republican cronyist invention.  The Dems mostly slathered on a helping of totalitarianism and state sponsored extortion at the end.  I'm perfectly aware of this.

All I am saying is that you are whining and crying about the fall-out which is directly associated and anticipated from what was an obviously flawed system in the first place.  Worse, you and DKOS and the rest of the Leftist dumb-fucks are trying like crazy to make it into some sort of a identity politics thing which only confuses and aggravates the problem making a solution which works for the peeps even less likely, and I doubt very much that this is an accident. 

It's you who've fallen into the trap my friend.

3664  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 13, 2017, 06:43:03 PM

Well I don't care as long as you people get vaccinated.
For the rest you can chose whatever medicine you prefer.
Go for plants and vitamins and whatever you want. Pray if that's how you want to get treated.

But vaccins shouldn't be an option. It's a public duty. You either get vaccinated or stop going to school and public places.

By taking this position, you have taken on the responsibility for any and all of the potential malfeasance of corp/gov who brought us to this situation (so you better be damn sure you've done your due diligence and research here just as many of us who have some concerns have done.)  When armed enforcement handcuffs us and inject us with whatever the board of directors of Merck & Co., Inc wish, your contribution will not be forgotten.  Especially as the rate of prescription drug use continues to climb through the current 3in5 Americans and more and more people start wondering about the factors which brought us to this situation.

"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."  -- Herman Goering

Same shit, different assholes.

edit: slight.
3665  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 13, 2017, 06:22:31 PM
The God-emperor has spoken, RWDS when?

Meet your all-white, all-male Right-Wing Senate death panel:


'Death Panel' as I define it would be a group of people making individual decisions on a case-by-case basis about what kind of treatment makes sense in a given situation WHEN and only when other people are footing the bill.

What DKOS seems to be pointing at here are the group of people who are trying to deal with the train wreck known as the ACA (aka Obamacare.)  The ACA was the worst possible program which could have been attempted.  It contained all of the crony capitalist corruption that everyone likes with all of the totalitarian control freak principles that appeal to the collectivists.  Not only that, but it put the burden of the system on the 20% of people who made a living without being a corporate worker drone and thus turbo-charged the collapse of the middle class.  To the architect Gruber and his ilk that is not a problem in part because it is no longer a big voting block.  Back then I was quite left-wing in a lot of my preferences but I could see that the ACA was a carefully designed disaster.

Where the Left fucked up is that they had every expectation that H. Clinton would be in charge after 2016 and they could bring in fully socialized medicine (replete with all of the crony 'public-private partnership' graft that their hearts desired) when Obamacare was scheduled to implode.  Didn't happen.  Cry me a river.

Just a little hint to the modern-day Leftists.  One of the big reason I turned my back on you is that almost everything about the movement has gone full-retard, and the 'identity politics' part is one of the real poster-children of the phenomenon.  It is EXACTLY the instinct which spawns 'racism' and such.  The funniest thing is that if there is one place where there is some concern based on observation and numbers, it is in people who have sway over American politics, systems, and society coupled with something of an 'Israel First' mentality.  The Left is as terrified as anyone at pointing out this elephant in the room.

3666  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 13, 2017, 05:30:06 PM

Ok I'd just like to know if there is a whole conspiracy behind vaccins going on since... Well at least for 2 centuries, why are all doctors fully in?
It means ALL DOCTORS are machiavelous traitors?
That they all just have 0 ethics without exception?

In the West in particular there was a concerted effort to promote 'allopathic' medicine and deprecate other forms of healing which started well over a century ago.  This was done in in part by funding medical programs and influencing the government to sanction preferred medical paradigms and trade organizations.  Allopathic medicine tends to rely heavily on pharmaceutical products and there is an increasingly ugly incestuous relationship between corporate, government, and academia going on here.

Medical doctors put their pants on the same way as do everyone else.  One needs a generally high IQ to get through medical school, but that does not mean they or Gods above Men or whatever.  Most of them have a better than average understanding of certain fundamentals of biology and half a day or so of instruction on vaccine science (or dogma).  Those who stop there are easily outpaced by an interested non-medically trained individual who studies the subject for a while, and especially when such an individual has the same basic background in the fundamentals of biology, ecology, etc.

It is also the case that many many medical doctors have their own mis-givings about vaccine regimes and the number is growing.  Most of my own most valuable insights into issues with vaccine technology comes straight from formally trained medical doctors.  It is propaganda that makes people believe that 'all doctors' think one thing or another.  Many do not, and many of these have first-hand experience with some of the malfeasance within the establishment systems.  Only a relatively few people have what it takes to buck the system when it means financial ruin and flushing a lifetime of career development down the toilet.


An amusing saying from the days of old when there were options in medical service (paraphrased since I cannot find reference):

Allopathic:  Patient dies from the cure of the disease.
Naturalpathic: Patient dies for the disease.

For my part, I'll try to make informed decisions on a case by case basis about what services I'll use.  I'm not buying a lot of the bullshit about high blood pressure, too much 'bad cholesterol', etc, etc.  OTOH, I'll be first in line for rabies vaccine if I get bitten by a rabid animal.

3667  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 12, 2017, 04:52:59 PM

Well then you clearly have a whole new problem here...
I mean doctors are NOT supposed to do something like that...
Don't they all take the hypocrate oath?

'Hippocratic' Oath.

It's focused on individual rights and thus is a flawed concept in a collectivist 'social justice' society where the needs of the individual take a back seat to the needs of the collective.  There are various renditions of the Hippocratic Oath and they are complex enough to allow very flexible interpretation, but doing so is still a hassle.

The collective is ill served by having the wrong proportion of the wrong kind of people so some individuals do need to be modified or gotten rid of.  This will help 'level the playing field' which is the proper role of corp/gov.  No need to have medical professional hands tied as they try to execute on these prerogatives.

When it comes to medical experiments, a lot more can be learned a lot quicker by doing them on unsuspecting human populations.  Again, for the good of the collective of course.  Here again that fuckin' oath can be a nuisance in lots of cases.  It helps a little because the sheeple still imagine that the oath has some actual meaning, but with each whistleblower the effect is degraded.

'Doing no harm' also increasingly conflicts with the mandate that corporations maximize shareholder profits.  Something has got to give, and it's the corporations who have lobbyists and more and more they who fund academia.  It's not hard to understand why one side is winning over the other here.

Edits: sp, and slight
3668  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Pair of glasses left on US gallery floor mistaken for art on: May 11, 2017, 11:13:06 PM

'Art' is sometimes (often?) used for money laundering which explains the very high prices for questionable pieces of work.  Basically it's hard for the authorities to argue that some rich guy doesn't  feel, in his heart, that some piece of cloth with some scribbling isn't worth $1M.  To him at least.

I learned that from watching hours of interviews of a very interesting sometimes mobster sometimes CIA contract agent by the name of Chauncey Holt.  The interviews were taped by his daughter to document his life.  Among many other things he was an artist.  Anyway, I found the tid-bit about money laundering to be interesting.

Holt did another video 6 days before he died describing his role and the role of certain other people in the JFK assassination.  He seems pretty credible to me, and some of his information seems to line up pretty well with other info from people like James Files.  Quite fascinating stuff.

3669  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Well Dammit, He Fired Comey on: May 11, 2017, 06:04:25 PM

My sources claim that Comey has a sexual fetish for Howdy Doody and that is being used to control him.  Not unlike how the mob fairly well owend Hoover the degenerate to the degree that he denied that organized crime existed.

I have no idea if there is any truth to E. T. Williams assertions here about Comey, but one way or another his presentation is about 10 times better comedy than, say, Trevor Noah.  To me.  And if there IS any truth to it, it's actually fairly alarming.

3670  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 11, 2017, 05:45:59 PM

Kind of like the all-white male DEATH PANEL taking away peoples' health care....

'Taking away' != 'not granting'

Making rational decisions about resource utilization is something which humans (and every other creature) have needed to do since life on earth started.  I don't care if it's androgynous green lizard people sitting on the 'death panels' as long as they are making rational decisions free of unhealthy influence when they decide that an 85-year-old with liver failure is not a good candidate for the heart transplant.

Again, it's all about enforced transparency to me.  This is the best way to ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of society at large.

3671  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: May 11, 2017, 04:16:45 PM
President Trump is asking everyone to pass this around:

Let's see if congress understands what people pressure is all about.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure. Congressional Reform Act of 2017

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. - All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective ______. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.


Worst idea ever unless you want society to be led exclusively by independently wealthy people and/or those making bank from influence peddling.

I would like to see politicians be generously reimbursed for their services.  Double or triple what they earn today.  The sacrifice, however, is that politicians lives are a completely open book with no privacy.  All their financial information, where they go, who they see, what they say, etc, etc.  Very importantly, anyone trying to skirt the rules will go to jail, and a real jail like where poor people go.

The solution for anyone who does not want that kind of scrutiny is to stay out of politics or 'public service.'  Very simple.

The kind of monitoring I've described is actually quite close to what Joe Sixpack lives under today so it's not like it should be terribly onerous for our political and social leadership.

3672  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 11, 2017, 05:35:34 AM

Once again convinced that vaccinations are necessary. I can't understand who benefits from the campaign to discredit vaccination? It's not just talk, it is a well organized company which is distributed all over the world.

It's called giving a shit about your fellow humans.  That seems to be the primary driving force behind those most active in giving warnings that vaccination might be more complex than the corp/gov pharma industry propaganda would have people believe.  Caring about others is pretty unusual and old-school in our 2017 'social justice' world but there are a few of us old-timers left kicking around.

On the slightly more self-serving front, it's going to cause me nothing but problems to have more and more chronically ill autistic zombies wandering around demanding that I pay their ridiculously over-priced doctor bills.

It looks to me as though the social engineers get a two-fer with vaccines (and GMO and God knows what else.)  A) they totally make bank when 70% of the population is on some sort of prescription meds, and B) by getting the people who have managed to acquire some assets through a lifetime of work to foot the bill for all the sickies the pesky middle class who have the resources to defend themselves can be deprecated.  Then we get back to neo-feudal system with a small fraction of wealthy elite (who sure as fuck are not poisoning their kids with vaccines) and a mass of powerless plebs to serve them.  They way it's supposed to be.

3673  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: May 11, 2017, 02:18:59 AM

I fully support unvaccinated kiddies. I also fully support imprisoning them in internment camps for the rest of their lives to protect the rest of us.

Vaccinated people can harbor asymptomatic wild strain mumps and spread it around like a bunch of typhoid Marys.  And the vaccine doesn't work for shit so most of the current outbreaks impact mostly 'vaccinated' people.

I personally got mumps the old fashioned way; as a kid, and it was no big deal.  I thus have life-long immunity PLUS I don't go around infecting others.  Post-pubescent male humans can become sterile from getting mumps...which is a good thing to a lot of our 'enlightened' social engineers.

Mumps exists in the MMR for one reason and one reason only; Merck has a market advantage.  After trying everything from rabbit blood to incantations to make the MMumpsR part work, they through up their hands and just scratched out the data showing it didn't work and penciled in numbers that did.  If a private citizen did such fraud they'd go to jail.  Merck has high powered lobbyists though so they have no problems.

I feel sorry for the kids of you imbeciles who think that big-brother loves you when in reality most of the people running the corporations cooking up concoctions to pump into the kids are complete psychopaths.  I suppose that is a modern day expression of Darwin's principle at work...and I'm sure this is how it's justified by the vaccine division VP at Merck (and the CDC scumbags who swap positions regularly through the revolving door) as well.

3674  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: May 08, 2017, 04:05:17 AM

After i loosed 21 btc on MTGOX i start hate this cryto currency. Why no one from this comunity dont come whith an idea to help Mtgox loosers like me. From 2013 comes alot of good coin but no one give something free for mtgox loosers. This crypto world was much better if all unite them effort to help people who lost them all economy because of mtgox. Sorry for my bad english.

Many many people tried to help back at a time when it could have made a difference.  Never let someone else control your BTC in excess of that which you can afford to lose.

This is not fair anyway. Tomorow this can hapend to btc e or bitstamp. We all need to recover money in someway to trust again in crypto. Angry

The basic problem is that the thing which made it possible for Mt. Gox to steal your money is exactly the thing which makes Bitcoin valuable in the first place.  If it were possible to somehow modify Bitcoin or the block-chain to help you recover (from a fairly obvious error on your part) it would effectively kill Bitcoin as a thing of value.

Of course that isn't the only way to kill Bitcoin, but it's a good one and is the angle most attackers who wish to kill the system have worked (esp, via tainting or 'coloring'.)

3675  Economy / Exchanges / Re: MtGox withdrawal delays [Gathering] on: May 07, 2017, 04:51:54 PM

After i loosed 21 btc on MTGOX i start hate this cryto currency. Why no one from this comunity dont come whith an idea to help Mtgox loosers like me. From 2013 comes alot of good coin but no one give something free for mtgox loosers. This crypto world was much better if all unite them effort to help people who lost them all economy because of mtgox. Sorry for my bad english.

Many many people tried to help back at a time when it could have made a difference.  Never let someone else control your BTC in excess of that which you can afford to lose.

3676  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How can we solve the social justice problem? on: April 29, 2017, 05:26:40 PM

This culture war has gone on long enough and its time to end it. Bill Nye, our beloved childhood hero, is doing a show about gender and progressive bullcrap. Berkley CA is practically a warzone, and the entire media is just using this to strengthen their horrible social agendas. How can we end this and just get back to real life?

Bill Nye the creeper guy?

A good rule of thumb is to be suspicious of any person who gravitates to doing kids shows in the mainstream media, and especially if they have ties to elitists (royalty, anti-human religious freaks like the greenies, etc.)  I'll not be a bit surprised if Nye turns out to be the next Jimmy Savile.

3677  Other / Politics & Society / Re: North Korean ultimate weapon against Trump on: April 29, 2017, 08:13:03 AM

If I were Jong-Un, assuming he is not a globalist actor playing is part as third-world dictator and madman, I would promise that if there were an attack on N. Korea then Hezbollah and/or Hamas would become a minor nuclear power possessing at least a few suitcase nukes.  Mostly I would choose these two since Iran very likely already has nukes of their own, and because it's fairly obvious that Trump the U.S. leadership care a lot more about Israel and the chosen people than they do about America and our own trailer trash.  Plus, a few nukes going off in the U.S. would be very much in the interest of our leadership in a 'never let a good crisis go to waste' sort of way.

I dearly hope that Israel stays safe and secure else even more of my tax dollars will go to Israelis in order to build a new batch of settlements in CONUS (and second homes in Hawaii most likely.)

3678  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: April 29, 2017, 04:52:41 AM
And the answer to why Trump flipped the script is 2 parts.  1) exotic botanical s.  2) N. Blackmail.

His entire countenance, demeanor have changed the last few weeks.  Some one told him who is really "boss"  and MAGA is on hold.  He does not look happy

It seems that way to me as well (though I can hardly stand to watch him any more) but wonder how much of that is a figment of my imagination.

I was hopeful that Trump was in a 'sweet spot' where he knew what he was up against and what he was going to need to do, but was also outside enough and careful enough to have no big-time dirt on him.  In retrospect I think that some of the indications of this were fabricated, and as someone who was quite desperate to not have Clinton I was prone to be hopeful.

It now looks to me as though Trump's cover was so deep that most of the media themselves were fooled.  To this day they are only coming to terms with their good fortunes.  This would explain why the fear and loathing for Trump on the part of the mainstream media was so palpable.  It really was real and they really were in a panic!

I considered the above possible (because it would be safer to keep the media in the dark lest they spill the beans) but unlikely because the differential between the skill level of the mainstream media hacks and those entities who were promoting the guy.  In retrospect I now realize what a powerful positive the negativity on the mainstream media front was on me, and probably a lot of people.

Another fairly brilliant trick was to induce the mainstream progressive sheeple into making a big deal about anti-Trump stuff which was blatantly trivial and absurd.  Easy enough to do and no surprise with modern methods and the idiots they are working with.  The trick was that I spent all of my time arguing against these nothingburger assertions and being frustrated at not talking about some of the larger issues.  Basically I (and I suspect a lot of others) spent the election tied up with pointless little nonsense while the important conceptual ideas gathered dust.

3679  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alex Jones and Trump on: April 29, 2017, 03:51:01 AM

I do listen to Alex Jones on a regular basis(every night) and feel that he does deliver a powerful message. I don't believe the mainstream media any longer and he does report the news in a different and interesting way. Sometimes I do believe he goes off the deep end but in the end he does report the news in an interesting and easy to follow way. I understand where some people are coming from when they say he is crazy, maybe I'm crazy too.

I agree with this except that I see no sign of insanity.  I've throttled back my intake of their info and am back to scanning occasionally to see if they have something which is potentially interesting.

I don't think Alex Jones can be trusted. Then again I'm the kind of person who doesn't trust anyone anyway but his accusations are often completely uneducated and I don't trust his sources. He also has now said that a large part of the way he acts is for entertainment so I think my suspicions are rooted enough in fact to be logical.

It may seem odd, but I agree with this as well.  I don't believe that Jones ever tried to pretend that a part of his 'act' was not for 'entertainment' value.  That does not mean he doesn't have a message to get across and often enough it seems like a good message to me.  To the degree that doing it in an entertaining manner is effective, that's not objectionably to me.

My beef with 2017 Jones and Infowars is that they are now fairly clearly acting as gatekeepers for Zionists at least.  Whether they are under duress or being paid off or simply cannot maintain a viable media business at scale by doing otherwise is unknown to me.

That does not mean that they don't produce a lot of good information.  They do.  It DOES mean that their analysis of our complex political landscape is UNRELIABLE and one MUST augment a lot of their work product with external research (or just go on being an ignorant sheep in many areas.)

I do not really trust the Infowars bluster about being 'under attack' from Google and their ilk.  Maybe they are, or maybe it is a ploy to get people to support them more.  It's actually difficult to know without seeing their books and I would not take Jones's word for it.

As I said before, I had supported Infowars financial quite a lot in the later part of the election because I appreciated their on-the-street reporting.  I have quite a collection of books that I wanted anyway from Infowars store, and quite a sample collection of their magic potions.  Having some suspicions about them off and on over the years, I actually didn't plan on actually consuming them and they sit on my shelf unmolested to this day for later use and/or testing and probably will be for some time.

I'll not be buying anything more from Infowars until they get real about Trump and stop being such ass-lickers.  Some of their reporters seem to be trying to.  If they continue to get resistance from Jones (assuming that is happening) I hope they walk like Dykes and Melton did.

3680  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Boycott Chobani products on: April 29, 2017, 12:32:17 AM
Back when I was a commercial fisherman much of the fleet had issues with the Japanese for a few years there.  Most of the catch went to Japan.  Some of my fellow fishermen made it a point to 'piss in every brailer' and loved to brag about it.

Now, the Middle Eastern labor supposedly enlisted by Chobani probably does not try to hock up big green globs of mucus teaming with tubercular bacteria into every batch of yogurt (so-called), but who wants to take the chance?  I guess the kiddies eating the school lunch menu don't have much choice.  Thanks Michelle.


Reminds me of another story from back in my childhood when I lived in Portland.  Back then it was the liberal trendy thing to do to feel empathy for the criminals and try to help them and such.  Someone had the bright idea to have prisoners make bread for Oroweat (IIRC) and send the finished product to the school lunch programs.  Of course the prisoners started shitting in the bread dough almost immediately...which is not to say that the 'health authorities' detected it right away.

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