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37321  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 17, 2015, 07:04:42 AM

In the first place, the stuff written at isn't really the evidence. It only points at the evidence. When what is expressed at the link is examined in detail, then the evidence is brought out into the open in abundance just like the link states.

God is within the universe as well as without. Therefore universe-style evidence can be used, and extra-universe evidence can be alluded to.

Your end simply ends yourself, or ultimately will, if you don't change.


EDIT: Wow! Page 218 !

1)  So, it "isn't really the evidence."  Well, I'm glad you finally agree it isn't proof.  It's evidence of evidence?  So, it's basically worthless on its own as far as reasoning about God.  Yep, that's about right.

2)  So, you're saying stuff in the Universe is evidence of stuff outside of the Universe.  Are you drunk?

3)  My end simply...what?  What the hell?

When you make up your own word meanings and (invalid) forms of reasoning, you just make meaningless statements.  None of what you say is relevant to anything and anyone.

Absolutely. You DO have a hard time figuring much of anything out, don't you? Especially the proofs listed at, right?


But you just told me they weren't proof(s).  You said they weren't even evidence.   You said that it was pointing to evidence.

That's about as equivalent as me pointing to a a road sign and asking you what it means -- "STOP!"   ...Please.

The point of the thread is proof for the existence of God (or not I expect). Anyone who takes a look at, can find for himself/herself the proofs for God. And, that is what it is about.

Anyone who wants to deny the existence of God can do so, whether or not he/she looks at the stuff in the link above. How anyone wants to use or treat (or ignore) the info at the link is up to them.

37322  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 17, 2015, 06:39:11 AM

In the first place, the stuff written at isn't really the evidence. It only points at the evidence. When what is expressed at the link is examined in detail, then the evidence is brought out into the open in abundance just like the link states.

God is within the universe as well as without. Therefore universe-style evidence can be used, and extra-universe evidence can be alluded to.

Your end simply ends yourself, or ultimately will, if you don't change.


EDIT: Wow! Page 218 !

1)  So, it "isn't really the evidence."  Well, I'm glad you finally agree it isn't proof.  It's evidence of evidence?  So, it's basically worthless on its own as far as reasoning about God.  Yep, that's about right.

2)  So, you're saying stuff in the Universe is evidence of stuff outside of the Universe.  Are you drunk?

3)  My end simply...what?  What the hell?

When you make up your own word meanings and (invalid) forms of reasoning, you just make meaningless statements.  None of what you say is relevant to anything and anyone.

Absolutely. You DO have a hard time figuring much of anything out, don't you? Especially the proofs listed at, right?

37323  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: March 17, 2015, 06:35:08 AM
The following is from Alan Korwin, the publisher of, from his "Page Nine blog," except that the quote, below, may not be posted on the blog yet. Give him a couple of days. Better yet, go there - - and look at a lot of other interesting things.

Iran Tweets in English: "Israel Must Be Annihilated"

Media fails to cover THAT part of Netanyahu's speech

The "secret" treaty Obama/Kerry want won't stop an Iranian nuke
Netanyahu spells it out -- THAT'S why they hated his appearance

The lamestream media told you:
The lamestream media told you:

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a highly controversial speech before Congress on March 3, 2015. Many democrats boycotted the speech, people in Israel thought it was a political stunt, and the president made a big deal out of deciding not to watch it. Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu do not get along.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

The crucial parts of Netanyahu's speech were in the beginning.

These were excluded from most U.S. "news" reports, but having watched the whole thing live I heard it. My jaw dropped. A simple web search provides anyone with the transcript.

You heard about the controversy, the fact that the man currently in the White House turned his back on the speech -- from our greatest ally in the Middle East! isolated among endless murderous muslim maniacs in the region.

Here's what the "news" didn't give you -- the news. FACTS about the blood thirsty madmen seeking atom bombs, literally being aided and abetted by our own president and secretary of state -- unimaginably impeachable offenses. These are not minor glitches or problems. These are full-fledged nightmares.

Netanyahu shed light: "Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spews the oldest hatred, the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology. He tweets that Israel must be annihilated -- he tweets! You know, in Iran, there isn't exactly free Internet. But he tweets in English that Israel must be destroyed."

Have you seen that in the "news"? No of course not. It would upset their narrative. We need a man to come here from the other side of the world to say it, so the man in the White House can turn his back -- and our media can decide it's not important enough to repeat.

He continues: "For those who believe that Iran threatens the Jewish state, but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, Iran's chief terrorist proxy. He said: 'If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world.'"

I am not making this up. Neither is Netanyahu. Have you seen that in the "news"? No of course not. It would upset their narrative of "controversy." We need a man to come here from the other side of the world to say it, so the person in the White House can turn his back and our media can decide not to dwell on it.

"But Iran's regime is not merely a Jewish problem, any more than the Nazi regime was merely a Jewish problem... The people of Iran are very talented people. They're heirs to one of the world's great civilizations. But in 1979, they were hijacked by religious zealots -- religious zealots who imposed on them immediately a dark and brutal dictatorship. That year, the zealots drafted a constitution, a new one for Iran. It directed the revolutionary guards not only to protect Iran's borders, but also to fulfill the ideological mission of jihad. The regime's founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, exhorted his followers to 'export the revolution throughout the world.'

"America's founding document promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Iran's founding document pledges death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad. And as states are collapsing across the Middle East, Iran is charging into the void to do just that."

Israel's prime minister goes on to list Iran's "successes" in pursuit of jihad, all familiar to us, but never spelled out one after the other, connecting the dots.

And then Netanyahu warns us carefully:

"Don't be fooled. The battle between Iran and ISIS doesn't turn Iran into a friend of America.

"Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant Islam. One calls itself the Islamic Republic. The other calls itself the Islamic State. Both want to impose a militant Islamic empire first on the region and then on the entire world. They just disagree among themselves who will be the ruler of that empire.

"In this deadly game of thrones, there's no place for America or for Israel, no peace for Christians, Jews or Muslims who don't share the Islamist medieval creed, no rights for women, no freedom for anyone.

"So when it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy... is your enemy."

And these people want the atom bomb, and are determined to get it. Right now, Secretary of State Kerry is working to give it to them. He is naively negotiating with these savages, agreeing to terms that are unenforceable, conditions that cannot be verified, guarantees that cannot be confirmed, and that doesn't even matter, because in a mere few years, the entire agreement expires, and Iran is totally unrestricted and can do whatever it pleases. It's as if Obama wants Iran to have nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu points out that the only difference between the warring factions, "is that ISIS is armed with butcher knives, captured weapons and YouTube, whereas Iran could soon be armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs."

Speaking only of publicly available information (he was scolded for using secret intelligence, but made it clear everything he "revealed" was already on Google), "To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle, but lose the war... that, my friends, is exactly what could happen, if the deal now being negotiated is accepted by Iran. That deal will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. It would all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons, lots of them."

And he goes on to detail how all of Iran's nuke plants continue to exist, grow, operate and make enriched uranium. Inspectors can document violations -- but can't stop them. And like North Korea, Iran breaks the locks, takes out the cameras, and plays "hide and cheat," constantly. These aren't Boy Scouts -- they are villains. They've been caught twice with huge secret nuke plants -- not barrels of uranium, that inspectors didn't know existed. The chief IAEA inspector said, "If there's no undeclared installation today in Iran, it will be the first time in 20 years that it doesn't have one."

Netanyahu told us, in front of Congress: "Iran's Supreme Leader says Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges, not 6,000 or even the 19,000 that Iran has today, but 10 times that amount -- 190,000 centrifuges enriching uranium. With this massive capacity, Iran could make the fuel for an entire nuclear arsenal and this in a matter of weeks, once it makes that decision."

Did the "news" media report any of this to you? This is the important part of Bibi's speech. And there is nothing controversial about Israel in this. Iran is the controversy here. And our media -- now among our greatest enemies -- is a root problem for us. They are keeping you in the dark. Iran plans to make enough enriched uranium for an arsenal of nukes, not a bomb, they want to annihilate our greatest ally. We're their greatest enemy, and you had to read my report to find out. Hmmm.

Netanyahu's not done: " Now I want you to think about that. The foremost sponsor of global terrorism could be weeks away from having enough enriched uranium for an entire arsenal of nuclear weapons and this with full international legitimacy.

"And by the way, if Iran's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile program is not part of the deal, and so far, Iran refuses to even put it on the negotiating table. Well, Iran could have the means to deliver that nuclear arsenal to the far-reach corners of the Earth, including to every part of the United States... That's why this deal is so bad. It doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb; it paves Iran's path to the bomb."

And Mr. Obama is designing it with Mr. Kerry, who claim ignorance. Who knows, maybe they are. That's why Mr. Netanyahu came here  to speak directly to us.

Then the controversial part (according to our press) -- if Iran wants a good deal, stop behaving so badly, stop exporting terrorism, stop your path to nuclear weapons, stop your brutality at home and abroad, treat your woman like humans, endure sanctions while you behave so badly, Israel will always remain a staunch ally of the U.S., and we know we in Israel can count of you in America, but we cannot and will not allow this to occur no matter what, for the sake of the world. You can read it all online.

In other words, the various militant parts of Islam, including Islamic nations, want mass Jihad, especially of Israel. Does this sound like a religion of peace to you?

37324  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 17, 2015, 05:35:17 AM
<Annoying babble>

By extended vocabulary, do you mean misspelling every second word (even with spell check) and making up others altogether? I feel sorry for your kids, that is if you really have any. Did your parents have any kids that lived?

As far as my counter attacks on you goes, I've done so when you attack other people too, not just Vod. Is it my fault somehow that you have a hard on for him?


<--- Dickexperiment

You and I certainly don't agree on everything... maybe on few things. But you said this soooo well^^.


You dont have the right to talk here until you disprove the sequoia

Thanks for permission to post here - do I need it? - since the proof for God found in obliterates any sequoia ideas, whatever they might be.


Yeah, that's not proof.  How many times do we need to tell you this?

That's called "really bad suggestive reasoning" with conclusions that in no way follow from the premises.

There cannot be conclusive, empirical evidence for something that is, by definition, non-empirical.  

It's impossible.  The end.  Talk less, listen more.

In the first place, the stuff written at isn't really the evidence. It only points at the evidence. When what is expressed at the link is examined in detail, then the evidence is brought out into the open in abundance just like the link states.

God is within the universe as well as without. Therefore universe-style evidence can be used, and extra-universe evidence can be alluded to.

Your end simply ends yourself, or ultimately will, if you don't change.


EDIT: Wow! Page 218 !
37325  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 17, 2015, 05:28:39 AM
He has no choice, he's brain dead now, all he can do is shit stir, and he know's it, hence the quoting VOD/OYO's photo, (the paedohero costume) Like he did with the joint, as admitted by him, a laugh is one thing, but the photo's are proving they are one and the same, look at oyo's photo, then look at VOD's trust, follow the paedo accusation, which incidently, has a photo.. proving they are one and the same as I thought..

BADecker, I know we like shaggin oop's, slaggin each utha, but to support a paedo is beyond even you I thought..

Clearly I thought wrong..

I was waiting for your vote at

37326  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 17, 2015, 05:23:45 AM
<Annoying babble>

By extended vocabulary, do you mean misspelling every second word (even with spell check) and making up others altogether? I feel sorry for your kids, that is if you really have any. Did your parents have any kids that lived?

As far as my counter attacks on you goes, I've done so when you attack other people too, not just Vod. Is it my fault somehow that you have a hard on for him?


<--- Dickexperiment

You and I certainly don't agree on everything... maybe on few things. But you said this soooo well^^.


You dont have the right to talk here until you disprove the sequoia

Thanks for permission to post here - do I need it? - since the proof for God found in and obliterates any sequoia ideas, whatever they might be.

37327  Other / Meta / Re: Enough is enough! on: March 17, 2015, 05:17:13 AM
As much as the dumb clown picks on me, I kinda feel sorry for him. So, I had this idea. Let BCT start a forum entitled Children and Morons. Posters who were constantly offensive - Decky often obliterates my posts simply by making numerous babbling posts that hide anything that I have to say - could be moved to the C and M forum for a number of days or months where they could ramble. They might even make good friends of some of their own kind in there, and decide to stay. Who knows, if they all type as fast as Decky, it might become one of the largest forums in BCT. Then, if one of us ever wants to drop by and say "hi," we would know where to find them. After their time was up, they could be allowed out into the "world" again... unless it was proven by their actions in C and M that they were as bad as or worse than before.

37328  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 17, 2015, 04:08:52 AM
<Annoying babble>

By extended vocabulary, do you mean misspelling every second word (even with spell check) and making up others altogether? I feel sorry for your kids, that is if you really have any. Did your parents have any kids that lived?

As far as my counter attacks on you goes, I've done so when you attack other people too, not just Vod. Is it my fault somehow that you have a hard on for him?


<--- Dickexperiment

You and I certainly don't agree on everything... maybe on few things. But you said this soooo well^^.

37329  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One People, One World, One Government on: March 17, 2015, 04:03:32 AM
The United States has the look and feel of power. There is, however, that which can pull the "blanket" of strength right out from under the united States on almost a moment's notice. It is the knowledge and understanding of the people.

Ayn Rand brought the point out into the open. She was from Russia, saw what the Russian government did to their people, how the people were deceived into trusting the government. The brief explanation of it is here It is the same thing that the United States Empire is doing to its people. People can wake up.

The difference between the American Government and the Russian Government is what the two were officially founded on... the statements in their founding documents.

The Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights, allow for each individual human being in America - more easily used if they are not U.S. citizens - to put down every order and law and command of the United States or their individual State. The backbone document of the most powerful country of the world allows for the people of that country to stop paying taxes any moment that they want, if only the people learn the simple way to do it and then do it.

The places to go to learn are:

The places for seeing how to put the knowledge into practical operation are:

Google and Youtube search "Karl Lentz common law."

37330  Other / Politics & Society / Re: If Ayn Rand never existed Bitcoin might actually be bearable. on: March 17, 2015, 03:47:04 AM
Probably one of Rand's best points had to do with getting the objective idea of selfishness out into the open.

Selfishness is something that we are (at least have been in the past) taught is wrong. Share, is the idea.

Community/commune/communism(?) and collectivism is part of what all governments are made of. We all help each other, as well as ourselves, of course. Rand brought it out into the open what it is (or might be?). It is selfishness.

Is there a difference between pure selflessness and pure selfishness? If there is, it is only in the spirit or soul of the person. On the outside they both look the same.

Selflessness gives and helps people out of the desire for the good of the other people.

Selfishness gives and helps people out so that the people will return in kind, so that the selfish person is benefited.

The results are the same. Only the spiritual feelings are different. Rand brought this out into the open, so that we can recognize that we may not be the philanthropists that we think that we are, or that the philanthropists of the world may not have been what we thought they were.

She did it to show that communist leaders - she was from Russia - were not there to divide everything evenly among the people, so that everyone would benefit, and so that nobody would be poor. They were there to control everything for said dividing, so that they could steal out of the pot and enrich themselves.

37331  Other / Politics & Society / Re: A Blockchain Voting System on: March 17, 2015, 02:42:21 AM
Actually, voting for President in the States isn't done by the people. It is done by the delegates to the electoral college.

Here is what the voting done by the people does. It sways the members of the electoral college in the direction that they vote. But, the members of the college aren't necessarily required to vote the way the people seem to be voting in their popular vote.

Ours is a land where much of the formal government is by representation. The fact that the people, through vote, are behind getting the electoral college members set in place - it's a strange process - they have essentially cast their vote through whatever the electoral college members decide to do... even if it is the decision of the college to NOT follow the popular vote of the people.

37332  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: March 17, 2015, 02:32:52 AM

The American nation was founded by people who were Christian in a big way. True, lots of evil people have used the nation over the years for unChristian activity. But the base was Christian. You can find all kinds of Christian sayings and indicators throughout Washington, D.C.

The point is that Christianity will be found in the books and school teachings simply because that's where the nation came from, that is how it was settled originally.

It was settled as a Christian society by England before its Independence. The U.S. inherited that Christian foundation, as many of the architects of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights (7 years later) were religious, in their public life, but non practicing in their private affairs. (For example, our first elected* President, George Washington. He was a dues paying member of over a dozen churches, even a board member on several, but rarely attended a Sunday service while home in Mt. Vernon, Virginia. Yet, on public trips, made a show to attend church services several times a week.)

*President of the Continental Congress was a largely ceremonial position. Therefore, most (all) historians begin the first presidency, with George Washington, in 1789.

EDIT: In my head, I was mixing up the Bill of Rights with the Treaty of Paris...Bill of Rights was 15 years later, not 7.

You, perhaps, said it better, with additional detail.

The point is, the people of the USA at its beginnings were basically from Christian lands, or lands where Christianity was taught in depth at one time or another. They had the training built into them, if simply because the lands they came from had trained them, automatically, parents to children, just in habit-like living. Because of this, it should be no surprise that at least the "dregs" of Christian teaching are found in all of the schools of the land. It's in the people.

The major difference between Islam and Christianity is teachings that revolve around Jesus, the Christ. Even though Islam may acknowledge the fact of the existence of Jesus, they do not accept that Jesus saves. Islam accredits salvation to the living of a good life. Christianity accredits salvation to faith that Jesus will save the people by the salvation He set in place when He did His work on the cross. In addition, there are many other differences in the way the two religions consider Jesus.

So, there will be differences and controversies between the people of the two religions, especially since the Muslims who are moving into Christian lands are those that are slightly more militant. This can be seen from the fact that they are brave enough to move to strong Christian lands.

37333  Other / Politics & Society / Re: BREAKING: Feds Announce Massive Takeover of Police in These 6 U.S. Cities on: March 17, 2015, 02:17:33 AM
If ...

1. The military of the U.S. was brought back to the U.S. from around the world, both people and equipment, and...
2. Was divided evenly among the States by population or land size or some similar kind of dividing, and...
3. The States all formally adopted the Bill of Rights and every other Constitutional in-favor-of-the-people-clause, and...
4. The U.S. government was dissolved, then...

Our great land would come back to strength, and the people of the world would be free.

37334  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 16, 2015, 03:39:59 AM
Good. Now that we have cleared up that all this talk about Bible ad trees is off-topic, lets get on with on-topic stuff, like showing evidence for or against the existence of God, so that we can start to prove that God exists or doesn't. Oh wait, I have posted a universe full of evidence that God exists, at, and the OP at his initial post top of page 1. Therefore, it should, now be evident to everyone that God exists.

37335  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 16, 2015, 02:47:37 AM
Why not accept the evidence/proof, especially in the light of the posts that suggest that God cannot be proven to not exist?
No, because that would be a logical fallacy. Just because there is no proof of god cannot exist, it would be a fallacy to automatically assume yours is true.


1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.


Tremendous amounts of evidence for the existence of God are found at my post here An additional piece of evidence is found at OP's original post in this thread.

There is no requirement that anyone accept any amount of evidence as proof. However, when the evidence is connected to great pain or great joy, almost everyone will accept it as proof.

And for Decky... Proving that the real God is or is not the One spoken about in the Christian religion is a side something that should be part of a different thread. Even if it were part of this thread, why attempt to prove which attributes belong to the true God when people still have question about whether or not God exists? In any event, it isn't really part of this thread.

37336  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: March 15, 2015, 11:06:18 PM

LA Public School Teaching Kids "Allah is the One True God"


Big deal! I remember getting tested a lot on Yahweh and Haile Selassie I when I was in public school... Just like that!


 Roll Eyes

The American nation was founded by people who were Christian in a big way. True, lots of evil people have used the nation over the years for unChristian activity. But the base was Christian. You can find all kinds of Christian sayings and indicators throughout Washington, D.C.

The point is that Christianity will be found in the books and school teachings simply because that's where the nation came from, that is how it was settled originally.

Do Arab and Islamic countries teach Christianity in schools? Do they teach their kids Islam?

37337  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 15, 2015, 10:56:20 PM
Quote from: BADecker
This thread has been entirely beat up with way off topic stuff, not to say anything about the stupid ramblings of Dorksperiment.


You're certainly one to talk about stupid ramblings.  Roll Eyes

And so I am talking about stupid ramblings, even though it is off topic.

Consider, everyone talks off topic now and again. Mostly, my off topic posts have been to answer other off topic posts. So now, in an effort to get on point and get some real, good info, let's do just that.

The point of scientific proof for God is found throughout the whole universe in the science used to examine everything. It works through what is found in my post at In addition, there are other scientific and non-scientific proofs for God.

Since the topic title has a question mark in it, and since OP has shown the pattern by listing one of the scientific evidences, it would follow that OP is asking for more examples of, at least, scientific evidence.

I'm sure OP understands that there is going to be all kinds of discussion about whether or not certain points should be considered evidence this way or that. But we have gotten into a bashing contest rather than a proof finding contest.

If you don't have at least evidence for God, then why not continue with your evidence that God doesn't exist? I think Decky is simply frustrated that he can't refute, scientifically. And so he wants to cover up the strong evidence I have shown. That however, as off topic as it might be, is simply silly. Why not accept the evidence/proof, especially in the light of the posts that suggest that God cannot be proven to not exist?

37338  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 15, 2015, 03:31:17 PM
See? It's just as I have said at and in other posts. People and scientists and engineers pattern their machines off the more advanced machines found in nature.


OSU researchers create fast robot modeled after birds.


So by your logic God patterned us off something more advanced found in nature?

Hadn't thought of it that way. The example of "my logic" in my previous post (quoted above) is designed to reinforce the machine-like quality of nature and the universe as explained in my post linked above.

If someone wants to discuss whether or not God used a pattern to make people, and/or what that pattern might have been, shouldn't he/she start a thread about it? This thread has been entirely beat up with way off topic stuff, not to say anything about the stupid ramblings of Dorksperiment.

37339  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 15, 2015, 03:44:31 AM
See? It's just as I have said at and in other posts. People and scientists and engineers pattern their machines off the more advanced machines found in nature.


OSU researchers create fast robot modeled after birds.

37340  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 14, 2015, 03:18:09 AM
After all, you already believe in God. Let all these poor folk who need to see that He exists have a chance. Giver them a breather already.

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