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3801  Economy / Speculation / Re: Keep Calm only a 7k Dump is causing current BTC crash on: February 16, 2015, 04:38:51 AM
Crashes after hacked exchanges are so 2014...
Yeah and now Monday has to tell us a story of its own after the fact. LTC/BTC is ok as of now which is inverse of what BTC/
USD has offered in the same timeframe. Let's see what how the table looks after we spin it.
3802  Economy / Speculation / Re: $230 USD now! on: February 16, 2015, 04:18:52 AM
Bter just lost 7k coins, this may slightly cause the down trend, but the whole situation would be up

That actually depends if the hacker choses to sell those coins.

 If he does, then yes we might see a crash. Hopefully the start of new week should bring us up

Most thiefs are focused on short term profit, so i doubt he will hodl his coin, well maybe in start til things settle down a bit, and they he will
probably run them through bitcoinmixer and sell one portion at a time.
He surely wont hodl 7k coins and risk loosing value on them.
Whenever there's a theft of this magnitude it would seem like there should be an initial holding period as the news would've went far and wide so these mixing services would be able to get a report on the stolen coins so they don't go ahead and become an accessory to this crime while also profiting from it. Bitmixer and co should have a credibility rating in this so-called free market and helping out bandits should knock their rating out while a mixing company(s) that doesn't engage in that behavior would end up shooting to the top and the bad ones would go out of business. This way, at least these stolen coins would have to sit where they are and always be visible w/o being able to be cashed out so the incentive to engage in stealing/hacking would be a waste of time, and surely there would be no short term benefit for doing so.

They may not be able to dump immediately, but they can slowly break out small portions and mix it through any exchange or gambling site. Even if some are caught and frozen there is still enough for a big profit.
Perhaps but if there's this short term and almost immediate mixing need/nature of this crime then maybe what I was describing will help.
3803  Economy / Speculation / Re: It will drop under 100 on: February 16, 2015, 04:15:56 AM
Then sell me your coins at a below 100 price each. Ill buy all you have.
That offer has been open for far too long on this spec forum with all the bearturds posting their nonsense but not addressing nor taking you up on your offer. Go figure.. I'd contribute to picking those sellers off as well in terms of scooping their unvaluable coins.
3804  Other / Politics & Society / Senator McCain: ‘Unconstitutional’ to limit Obama’s war powers on: February 16, 2015, 03:50:43 AM
Sen. John McCain said Sunday that Congress should give President Obama more military authority than he has asked for to defeat the Islamic State.
Mr. McCain, chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, said stripping the commander-in-chief of any military options is “unconstitutional and frankly leaders to 535 commander-in-chiefs” as lawmakers get too involved in specific military strategy.

“I think we should not restrain the president of the United States,” the Arizona Republican said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Congress has the power of the purse. If we don’t like what the commander-in-chief is doing, we can cut off his funds for doing so.”

The president last week presented to Congress a new war authorization for military action against the Islamic State, despite having conducted airstrikes for more than six months under authorizations from 2001 and 2002.

Mr. McCain said that while it’s “probably not absolutely necessary” to approve a new authorization, it’s “probably appropriate” to have the debate since Congress hasn’t done so in more than a decade.

Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, the ranking Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, said he doesn’t support putting a time limit on any war authorization, despite the White House’s proposal only lasting three years. He does, however, support limiting which U.S. troops can be sent into battle.



Mr. Warhawk doing his hawking and continuing the executive's power of unrestrained action overseas. Just stop the BS and actually declare war and then this commander in chief will have the constitutional authority to do what is needed with respect to ISIS - not some crap authorization of military force which is an abdication of Congress' authority on the matter. They just don't want a debate on the matter cause that would involve polling the American people and having that being shown on television showing the special interests either getting shot down cause the population is tired of intervention and undoubtedly the engineering of the situation from the get-go, which has been subtly proposed by future Prez candidate Rand Paul, or the populace getting overlooked in favor of these same special interests at the helm of the MIC.
3805  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CNN national poll: Rand Paul 13%, Bush 13%, Ryan 12%, Huckabee 10%, Christie 9% on: February 16, 2015, 01:11:07 AM
Rand Paul Likely to Get What He Wants, Official Says: The Chance to Run for 2 Offices in 2016

Sen. Rand Paul will likely get what he wants in Kentucky, a member of the state’s Republican Central Committee told TheBlaze: a way around state law preventing him from appearing on the ballot twice.

In a letter this week, Paul requested his party establish a Kentucky presidential caucus for March 2016 instead of a primary for May of next year. Under Kentucky law, a candidate cannot be on the ballot for two offices. That presents a problem for Paul who plans for run for reelection to the U.S. Senate and likely plans to run for president.

Most of us will go with a caucus,” Kentucky state Sen. Albert Robinson told TheBlaze. Robinson is a member of the central committee that will decide on replacing the presidential primary with a caucus. “We would see it as a way of helping one of our own.”


This is great and the average low information voter wouldn't be having any say unless they were willing to participate in the caucus which takes a lot longer than merely showing up to vote in person or casting an absentee ballot via the mail. Lower level offices would be more competitive also.
3806  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CNN national poll: Rand Paul 13%, Bush 13%, Ryan 12%, Huckabee 10%, Christie 9% on: February 16, 2015, 12:59:11 AM
Rand Paul draws applause in Florida for urging change in GOP

Paul said he expects to announce in March or April whether he’s running for president.

President Barack Obama’s request last week for Congress to authorize military force against the Islamic State highlighted a contrast between Paul and many Republicans, particularly Rubio, on foreign policy.

Obama’s request sets a three-year time limit, but doesn’t put geographic boundaries on where the U.S. can use force.

On the Senate floor Wednesday, Rubio called the time restriction “quite unprecedented” and said: “I would say there is a pretty simple authorization he could ask for, and it would read one sentence. And that is: We authorize the President to defeat and destroy ISIL, period.”

When asked on Friday about Rubio’s approach, Paul said: “That could be a million American GIs in the Middle East. It’s a mistake not to put some conditions. … Right now there are 60 different groups in 30 different countries that have pledged allegiance to ISIS. The current resolution, and for those who want no restrictions on the resolution, would allow us to put 100,000 troops in Libya. I would think we would want to vote if we’re going to send 100,000 troops to Libya.”

Since Bush has emerged as the early Republican front runner, Paul has been a leading critic and suggested there’s little difference between Bush and Clinton.

On social media last month, Paul’s PAC put out a recording of a mock phone call between Bush and Clinton, with an actress playing Clinton telling the Bush character that “We both agree on so many issues: bigger government, Common Core and amnesty for illegal immigrants.”

3807  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CNN national poll: Rand Paul 13%, Bush 13%, Ryan 12%, Huckabee 10%, Christie 9% on: February 16, 2015, 12:45:28 AM
Rand Paul gets receptive ear to his message in Sarasota

Conventional wisdom has it that Florida is Jeb Bush country in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, while Florida Sen. Marco Rubio enjoys lots of conservative Sunshine State love as well.

But that didn’t stop Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul from courting Republicans in Bush/Rubio home turf this weekend. At a Valentine’s evening airport rally Saturday night he found plenty of Republicans receptive to his message.

“I like Jeb Bush. I’ve voted for him,” said Republican business broker Dale Tindall. “But whether it’s the Bushes or the Kennedys, or the Clintons, enough is enough.”

That sentiment was repeated over and over again in random interviews among the several hundred people gathered Saturday to see Paul, who told the Tampa Bay Times he is not intimidated by his rivals’ Florida advantage or by Bush’s expected overwhelming fundraising advantage.

“Most of the grass-roots of our party believes that we should have less centralization of education in Washington. Most of the people I meet are opposed to Common Core, as I am,” Paul, 52, said of the education standards championed by Bush and adopted by Florida and most other states. “I just think it’s going to be difficult (for Bush) to win over grass-roots conservatives.”

3808  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CNN national poll: Rand Paul 13%, Bush 13%, Ryan 12%, Huckabee 10%, Christie 9% on: February 16, 2015, 12:32:07 AM
Rand Paul's East Orlando (Florida state capital) Post Interview

United States Senator (KY) and likely Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul, chatted with us Friday while he was in town for the Orange County GOP's Lincoln Day Dinner.

By Jacob Engels

His stump speech brought Central Florida Republicans to their feet for a healthy standing ovation in the heart of the I-4 corridor, during the Orange County GOP's annual Lincoln Day Dinner fundraising event...proving that Senator Paul's libertarian brand of conservatism can engage the Republican base, as well as students on college campuses nationwide.

But beforehand...Paul, a leading presidential contender, dressed in blue jeans and a sport coat, kindly fielded our questions after being hounded by the local TV news outlets, who provided little more than "gotcha" style inquiries.

The son of former Texas Congressman and Republican presidential contender Ron Paul, was on point with his answers and focused on a theme of freedom and individual liberty. From his #AuditTheFed legislation to his favorite band, we present our exclusive interview with Rand Paul.

Was a pleasure to speak with Senator Paul.

What were the expectations growing up in the Paul household?

Do well in school...or else.

You have made a significant effort to broaden the appeal of the Republican Party to millenials and the younger generations. Why should the platform of the GOP interest these groups?

Kids are just innately part of this "leave me alone" coalition. They are leaving the house and tired of their parents and ready to make their own decisions. As adults move out of school and into the workforce, they are hungry for independence.

Young people are connected through their devices more so than any other generation and don't understand why the government should be looking at what you are doing on your phone or who you are talking to. Ideas of privacy, of reigning in the NSA...are very much ideas that resonate. I have taken this message to young conservatives and libertarians at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) and more liberal students/young people at Berkley, and it was received well in both places.

A lot of the youth who voted for President Obama are upset that he has not been a better defender of their privacy and that he has continued the perpetual nature of war.

Freedom and the power of the individual are two themes that are predominant in almost everything you do. Why are these concepts so important to you, and what is an example of something elected officials do to hinder these ideas?

When we started out, the whole battle of the constitution was not to restrain the people...but to restrain the government. When we finally booted the King and set up our own country, we wanted to constrain make it hard to go to war, and listed rights important to us in the Bill of Rights. We also stated that those not listed are not to be disparaged, so individual freedom and rights really come out of our origin as a nation and people.

Over the last 100 years, government has grown bigger while freedom and individual liberty have grown times of war it's even more dangerous. In the past, some civil liberties would be lost and then come back after war. The problem now is that we are in a perpetual state of war and fear, and because of that there is a great deal of danger that our civil liberties we lose them through the Patriot Act and the new NSA surveillance program. The mandates of backdoor searches through Google and Facebook mean we could never get that freedom back.

What would a Rand Paul presidency look like? What role would women, minorities and citizens have in helping shape policy and governance?

I would look at the law and find out how the law was treating people unfairly. For example, the war on drugs has had a disproportionately negative effect on African Americans, Hispanics and those that live in poverty.

In my administration, I would do everything in my power to make sure that the law was treating everyone equally and that it was more just. Putting someone in jail for 50 years for selling marijuana is obscene, and it should stop.

In Florida, you have two prominent people who might run for President who can't even come to support medical marijuana. I know a man whose daughter has 200 seizures every day, so many that it can stunt the growth of his daughter’s brain. He wants to use cannabis oil, in addition to traditional medicine. Those in Florida who are against medical marijuana would actually put him in prison if he did that in your state. As Republicans, we need to show a little bit more compassion for people.

Where does your legislation on auditing the Federal Reserve stand?

Audit The Fed is very popular. It passed in the House last time with every Republican and about 100 Democrats. In the Senate, we have a little bit more of an uphill battle, but we have 30 co-sponsors right now and are hoping for a vote sometime this spring.

A lot of people think that a bank connected to the government like the Federal Reserve ought to reveal whose stuff they buy and what they own. If you are the Chairman of the Federal Reserve...should you let people know that you bought your brother’s bank? There should be more transparency.

Lightning round - Favorite band, film and Austrian economist.

Rush. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and F.A. Hayek.

3809  Other / Politics & Society / EU-brokered Ukraine truce 'holding', but at risk on: February 15, 2015, 11:54:51 PM
International monitors say the EU-brokered ceasefire in Ukraine is largely “holding”, but fighting in the town of Debaltseve risks undoing the truce.

Ertugrul Apakan, the head of a special monitoring mission (SMM) operated by the OSCE, a European multilateral body, told press in Kiev on Sunday (15 February): “The ceasefire has been holding in the first 12 hours, with some exceptions, notably in Debaltseve, Raihorodka, and Lugansk”.

He said there are “numerous unconfirmed allegations regarding ceasefire violations”.
But he added: “Based on what it could hear overnight and what it could observe during the daylight, the SMM notes the ceasefire was overall respected over the first 12 hours of its implementation”.

He said the main exception was Debaltseve, where artillery fire “started” at 10am local time.

He noted that an OSCE patrol tried to enter the town, a strategic railway hub, but was “refused access” by Russia-controlled fighters.

He added that Mariupol, a strategic port in east Ukraine, is quiet. He said Donetsk witnessed one mortar round, three rocket attacks, and some small arms fire between midnight and 1am. His staff heard “outgoing” artillery rounds from Russia-occupied Lugansk at 1.45am. They also heard artillery fire in Raihorodka at 10.35am.

3810  Other / Politics & Society / Putin’s Russia is Already ‘a Classic Fascist State,’ on: February 15, 2015, 11:08:31 PM
Fascism is no longer a threat in Russia, Vitaly Portnikov says; rather, it is “an accomplished fact,” the result of a step by step process in which Vladimir Putin has realized that ignominious goal by destroying all democratic institutions, exploiting the grievances of the population, and increasingly using force abroad and at home.


            Thus, it is time to stop speaking about fascism as a possibility in Russia as many, including most recently Anton Oleynik in “Vedomosti,” continue to do and to face up to the factnthat it is already in place -- and that the real question is what Russians and others now must do in response (


            After the Crimean Anschluss, Russia’s part system was “finally liquidated,” and “United Russia, Just Russia, the KPRF and the LDPR can at any moment be united in some sort of National Socialist Workers Party of Russia. All of them will only be glad to do so,” something that makes a mockery of the Russian opposition’s complaints about electoral fraud.

3811  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What You Should Know About the United States New Defense Secretary on: February 15, 2015, 11:06:39 PM
The point here is that he's a veteran of the military industrial complex/big business collusion that's been implementing foreign policy and reaping the financial benefits for a long time. He's also a political hack/stooge for that community so it's a big signal of business as usual. He's merely a figurehead tho.
3812  Other / Politics & Society / Re: American Occupations Forces should leave the European Union ASAP. on: February 15, 2015, 11:03:38 PM
Europe and it's individual countries have been enjoying the US taxpayer paying for most of their security for the last many decades. I've long thought that the US should only have a few strategic bases in partnership with the host country and that would go a long way to help spending being cut in the US. However, Europe's version of socialism would cost significantly more if they had to foot the bill for defense that currently the US is paying for and has for quite a while.
3813  Economy / Speculation / Re: $230 USD now! on: February 15, 2015, 06:15:48 PM
Bter just lost 7k coins, this may slightly cause the down trend, but the whole situation would be up

That actually depends if the hacker choses to sell those coins.

 If he does, then yes we might see a crash. Hopefully the start of new week should bring us up

Most thiefs are focused on short term profit, so i doubt he will hodl his coin, well maybe in start til things settle down a bit, and they he will
probably run them through bitcoinmixer and sell one portion at a time.
He surely wont hodl 7k coins and risk loosing value on them.
Whenever there's a theft of this magnitude it would seem like there should be an initial holding period as the news would've went far and wide so these mixing services would be able to get a report on the stolen coins so they don't go ahead and become an accessory to this crime while also profiting from it. Bitmixer and co should have a credibility rating in this so-called free market and helping out bandits should knock their rating out while a mixing company(s) that doesn't engage in that behavior would end up shooting to the top and the bad ones would go out of business. This way, at least these stolen coins would have to sit where they are and always be visible w/o being able to be cashed out so the incentive to engage in stealing/hacking would be a waste of time, and surely there would be no short term benefit for doing so.
3814  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Snowden: NSA Surveillance About Control on: February 15, 2015, 05:10:22 AM
sucks that most americans believe in nothing to fear nothing to hide and don't care if their government uses their tax dollars to spy on them, spineless fucking sheep
Welcome to my world and life, we're such great pupils. Can you do any better?
3815  Economy / Securities / Re: Cryptovest FS (CVFS) Assets Official Investor update thread on: February 15, 2015, 04:42:09 AM
Getting close to another dividend so now is the time to purchase shares at this point. It's up to you to decide whether CVSF is legit but I think they are worth the choice and thoughts at this time. The prospectus is where any new person needs to peruse to see if it is worthwhile at the moment. Their model and funding mechanism has been paying nicely and is quite new at this point in time but appears to be legit far into the future and quite the prosperous security for the time going forward. The resumes that are running this show is something to peek at and base your decisions upon in the OP. Options are available so check it out.
3816  Economy / Speculation / Re: $240 USD current price hitting $260 is a matter of time ! on: February 15, 2015, 04:30:09 AM
Seems like $255 is a pausing point for the night since China seems dead but tomorrow will resume the trend upwards. Trying $300 later on so stand by for it.
3817  Economy / Speculation / Re: Those hodling >10btc since last ath on: February 15, 2015, 04:08:19 AM
The problem with this thread is that those that are holders of this or any amount have big plans for it some day and the true believers are going for broke or triumph. Those that make the so-called 'serious' replies are here for entertainment, trolling or those that have already sold. Hence, you're left with true believers so you had it coming. I'm sure there's a certain % that will unleash a certain % of their holdings at certain increments up the charts plus you'll always have traders doing their thing.
There is no problem with this thread itself not sure why you opened with that.
I came with that as the state of the union around here right now. You come with a potentially curious thread about what the holders are up to and I gave you a very legitimate outlook on them/us. Perhaps you were genuine with your question which I answered you appropriately for. I would've ignore or responded in a more sassy tone had I thought you were an adversarial newcoming troll trying to ask for trouble. Check out some of the other threads around here to see what you're working with and the times and dates associated w/ all the prior bears that thought they were on cloud nine here. Things are and/or have been changing and you came at a time where the troublemakers have scaled back their operation at the moment. This is where you are right now, nothing else to say.
3818  Economy / Speculation / Re: Today I took a shit and... on: February 15, 2015, 03:54:45 AM
I was gonna say that it was only gonna be a matter of time until this thread went downhill but one could argue that its fate was sealed right out of the gate. Tongue Could someone go ahead and do a courtesy flush before things really get out of hand..? Cheesy

Are you kidding me!? I've made a ton of money based off the TA in this thread. Keep it coming OP!!
This was an interesting response until the respondent was more interesting than I and that remains to be seen. Folding for the time being. cheers
3819  Economy / Speculation / Re: rpietila Wall Observer - the Quality TA Thread ;) on: February 15, 2015, 03:27:40 AM
I thought you said you were going to sell the castle and buy more bitcoin.

What makes you think he hasn't borrowed money against the value of his real estate to invest in bitcoin?

I don't usually try to borrow money, but when I do, no bank is ever willing to give it. So we have a mutual understanding.

It's fine. The portfolio is doing really well without, and the risk level is low as it is. Introducing borrowing, would significantly increase my risk, without a corresponding increase in return.

And what's more - the marginal utility of money goes down dramatically after a few million$ anyway. Even if you had projects to do with the excess, such as I do. The availability of financing things that are worth doing has not been a problem for me for 7 years at least, and it's little correlated to my net worth.

Of course getting to such a position is a long and rocky road. At least it was for me.

I completely agree with you re: the marginal utility of money, But I thought you were willing to take a slight loss and sell quickly to capitalize on what you consider to be a bargain price for Bitcoin. You are basically valuing the castle at ~ $1.5 million, roughly the same as your purchase price although in Bitcoin terms you would be almost tripling your ROI.
If there are buyers for such a place at roughly the same price then wonderful, it does seem like a pleasant situation to be in to be able to sell and purchase 3Xs-ish the amount of BTCs at this stage of the game. Yeah.. or rethink your lot in life and pretend you currently have less than 10 BTCs and what that would mean in the event of the next bubble or two and what that would get you compared to what is already on your plate (former). Enjoy your fruits! So many like minded don't have that nor anywhere near it.
3820  Economy / Speculation / Re: Those hodling >10btc since last ath on: February 15, 2015, 02:24:26 AM
The problem with this thread is that those that are holders of this or any amount have big plans for it some day and the true believers are going for broke or triumph. Those that make the so-called 'serious' replies are here for entertainment, trolling or those that have already sold. Hence, you're left with true believers so you had it coming. I'm sure there's a certain % that will unleash a certain % of their holdings at certain increments up the charts plus you'll always have traders doing their thing.
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