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3821  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Si creo un dibujo y quiero convertirlo en nft para venderlo donde lo podría hace on: April 01, 2021, 11:34:40 AM

Estoy por poner el Merit Dashboard en este formato, y pedir un pico ...

¡Pues ni lo dudes! ¡Si hay un momento es ahora y la plataforma no solo te paga la primera venta sino tambien el 10% de futuras transferencias del token!

Y este texto personalizado que tienes? Te ha regalado el foro la posibilidad de ponertelo? Esta muy bien!

Owned fNFTs:
3822  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: Y mientras unos compran bitcoins para sus tesorerías, otros venden … on: March 31, 2021, 11:16:28 PM
Entiendo que el caso citado en este hilo debe ser poco frecuente, bajo el prisma de una empresa pública que hubiese invertido parte de sus reservas en bitcoin. Aún me sorprende que estuviesen allí, no por presuponer una mala intención, sino por el hecho de que su custodia es sustancialmente más compleja aún a fecha de hoy, que realizar un depósito en un banco, y requiere un componente de savoir faire a fin de evitar que "desaparezcan".

Hay ya varias empresas especializadas, incluso PROSEGUR que es la empresa q maneja mas dinero en efectivo en España, basicamente de comercios, bancos, cajeros,... ahora tiene una division de criptocustodia. Vamos que como casi todo es subcontratable.
3823  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Si creo un dibujo y quiero convertirlo en nft para venderlo donde lo podría hace on: March 31, 2021, 11:14:29 PM
Aqui puedes ver algo en youtube en ingles.

Lo primero es mas o menos sencillo: Tener alguna prueba de que eres el autor. De una foto seria el negativo de un 3D el proyecto, etc...
Luego lo conviertes en un fichero tiff or avi o lo que sea...
Lo segundo es usar una platarforma para venderlo
Aqui usa una plataforma llamada "rarible"
Conectas tu metamask, con algo de ether (este sera un token en la cadena ETH) y sera un Token ERC-721
Das crear NFT, subes el archivo...

Ahora, el archivo NO esta como tal en la red Ethereum. Lo que si se hace es poner un enlace al IPFS, en el video usa "Pinata" como servicio de almacenamiento.

Y ya es cosa de poner el archivo a la venta o en subasta que es un proceso no muy distinto del de e-bay.

3824  Economy / Economics / Re: U.S. rent has increased 175% faster than household income over past 20 years on: March 31, 2021, 11:02:59 PM
It is a highly cyclical market in most places in the world, with cycles in the range of 5 to 10 years of time depending on several factors. We must take into account that "Real State" or housing is not all created equal. On one side, you have the highly liquid markets of downtown NY, London, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, ... This cities are traditionally the subject of foreign and corporate investment. In London for example, the ridiculously long planning process extends the cycle whereas in NY it is simply about lack of buildable greenfield.

However, even the most imperfect markets eventually reach a valley and go up again, e.g. people start thinking that they would rated earn a bit less in other cities or places and have a better quality of life and lower rents than to pay the massive rents, or the prices are so high that eventually regulations are relaxed,... Remember that for every rent, there has to be someone willing to actually pay it and have the means to do so.
3825  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ethereum Becoming a Store of Value on: March 30, 2021, 05:55:08 PM
I found a video of Mark Cuban explaining this:

Do you think Ethereum has potential to become store of value? Why or why not?

No, it is not intended as a store of value, simply as a utility token backed up by the network that is able to compute in exchange for a fee. At this point the fee is so high that is not really worth using it.

In the future, the yield of staking will be a market commodity that will be self regulated and open to competition, thus price is unlikely to increase.
3826  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is Polkadot going to Kill Ethereum? on: March 30, 2021, 05:46:27 PM
I do not know if you have been around for long, but "ethereum killers" are kind of a buzzword in crypto. NEO was going to be an Eth killer, then NEM, then Waves, then plenty of value went into a miriad of useless tokens... I my view the most serious issue that could affect Ethereum is its own success driving up fees. So the Ethereum strategists could actually be Ethereum killers.
3827  Economy / Economics / Re: How the rich get richer and why it works on: March 30, 2021, 05:26:53 PM


This is not a conspiracy theory and I not paranoid, this is how the world works. You probably live in your candy mountain full of fluffy sugar clouds. I don´t.

You can simply google "lobby groups" in the USA (or Europe for that matter) to see that this is not only real, it is not even hidden. Ask yourself why it took 50 years to put restrictions on tobacco?

I consider your post and analysis to relating to Africa kind of democracy

Quite the opposite. You can see here the stats for the USA:

As you can see, there is a direct relation between turnout and income. This is not a coincidence. In fact the money involved in developed countries is such that there is much more interest in manipulation.

To analysis this again using the African and Nigerian model, this is the reason many people turn politicians because they want to get in there to be able to have influence on policies that will better their businesses. Is a system of distrust basically or some times you can also see such traces in developed economy too.


Surely the rich get richer by making themselves relevant in power. Even after them, their families want to keep going that way but things are no longer that easy for them.

No traces, is the whole system at work. News, society, workplace, ethics,... all in place to preserve the few.
3828  Economy / Economics / Index versus active management "Buy the world" on: March 30, 2021, 12:04:50 PM
Hi, I promised a short post on active and passive management - mostly to myself Smiley, and for the general economic education of the forum.

Regarding investment in funds and asset allocation, there are two tendencies of lines of thought. There are maximalists on both of these, but the truth is that they are compatible:

a) Active asset management: This is about picking and choosing assets individually and making changes when the manager or asset allocator considers it adequate. Example: A portfolio of hand picked companies "Apple, Amazon, Taiwan Semiconductors, Constellation Software and Alphamin Resources". Why? Because the allocators thinks they will outperform "the market"(*).

b) Passive asset management: This is about buying all the companies on an market(*). For example the S&P 500 has, unsurprisingly, 500 companies on its list, so you would distribute your investment across these, probably weighting by marketcap of the company (e.g. If Appel is worth 1 Trillion and Facebook is worth half a Trillion, you would have twice as much invested in Apple than in Facebook, etc...). You probably would need to have quite a bit of money to do this since you would need to buy 500 different shares, but there are funds that do it for you (index funds).

This passive strategy  can be applied to different markets using different indexes. One frequent advice for people who do not know much about analysing companies (most of us) or do not have time to go shopping for companies is to "Buy the world" - This means buying and indexed fund that tracks a Global Index of some short (e.g. The MSCI World). Buying an index carries along the recognition of the market being unpredictable or at least unpredictable consistently along a long stretch of time. Is basically the opposite to timing the market.

(*) "The market" is normally how we would call all publicly listed companies on a region, exchange, list, etc... It is understood to be a proxy for the underlying economy of that sector or region.

As you can imagine it is perfectly possible to follow this strategy with cryptoassets. There are some actively managed funds out there and a crypto20 and others that are managed passively.

3829  Economy / Economics / How the rich get richer and why it works on: March 30, 2021, 11:36:08 AM
Ok, this applies mostly to democracies but just follow me for a moment... I am going to think as I write Wink


- To have rule a country you need: (a) A way of enforcing power (military, police, judiciary,...) (b) Some form of structure of government (c) Sufficient amount of votes
- In most democracies the military are aligned with democracy in general terms. You throw them some money, keep an eye on what the generals are doing and have someone of trust heading all that.
- In most democracies, and even in most countries I dare to say, you do have some structure of government with public workers, ministers, judges of short,... Sometimes this structure is better, sometimes is not really good, but it is there.

Now, you need the votes. If you are in the 10% of the richest you have a problem: You have something that everyone else would like to take from you. They cannot do this directly because the right to private property / ownership is normally granted and enforced. However, in a democracy, you run the very serious risk of people asking for laws that would force you to distribute wealth. This is the outline strategy on how the rich prevent that from happening:

- You can count on the votes of the 10% that is rich just as you to vote for politicians that will keep it that way.
- You can easily create a "choir" or "court of sycophants" that will play your game. They will be cunning, smart, educated and you will make sure that you will pay them well. You can add another 10% of votes, if not more, on that. Their names are "KMPG", "Bearing Point", "Morgan Stanley", "Goldman Sach" and so many others that work day after day for you and do not want to end. Let´s make this a 15% of the quite well-to-do classes.

How do you get another 25% of convinced voters to ensure that the laws maintain your privileges:

- Hate: You will get another 5% that are simply to angry to vote to "that party who is this and that"... you know, they vote with their guts not with their brains.
- Hopelessness: Discourage poor people from voting. Ensure they think their vote is meaningless or make it meaningless by Gerrymandering or similar, put a difficult process for registering,...
- Mislead: Ensure that they are not educated in alternative ways of thinking:  bitcoin is risky, the communists are taking over, this is the best country in the world, you have to trust the government,...
- Fear: Create an external and internal enemy (e.g. China) and place yourself as only alternative.
- Mislead: Ensure you have a public image of ingenuity and hard work, even if you basically spend your days smoking weed and tweeting.
- Hopelessness: The system cannot be changed. If you do something different it won´t work.
- Fear and disinformation: If you cannot oppose and argument, attack the messenger (AKA ad-hominem).
- Mislead: Be cute, nice, speak well, ... people tend to think positively of shit if shit is presented as food.
- Mislead: Poor are poor out of their choice, or because life is just like that, or because they have made bad choices or... you choose.
- Make sure to include a good number of public media in your "tournee". You will need them for all of the above.

All this costs money, but it is money well spent is it not?

3830  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: Y mientras unos compran bitcoins para sus tesorerías, otros venden … on: March 30, 2021, 11:02:49 AM
No, es una combinación de tema político con una suerte de “¿WTF es esto del bitcoin?”. El equipo gestor de las empresas públicas de canarias ha descubierto ahora que hay bitcoins en la tesorería de la empresa, se ha escandalizado, y quiere proceder a su venta y al pago de los impuestos por ganancia a la mayor brevedad posible.

Sería interesante ver cómo han custodiado los citados 20 bitcoins durante este periodo de tiempo (si estuvieron en un Exchange, o wallet de papel o hardware en una caja fuerte por ejemplo). Según cómo, aún suerte que sigan allí …

Lo bueno de que haya cazurros incompetentes por el mundo es que llegaran tarde a la fiesta y nosotros estaremos repartiendo la entradas ... a precio reventa Smiley
3831  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Es posible minar con consolas? Un pc son 1400€ y una Xbox 500€ a igual potencia. on: March 30, 2021, 11:00:30 AM
Ni esa XBox ni ese PC son rentables. Con uno perderas mucho y con la otra perderas mas o menos igual y además te cargaras el aparato. La mineria de bitcoin o casi de cualquier criptodivisa es casi siempre ruinosa porque tienes q competir con las instalaciones profesionales. Tiene sentido solo si lo haces de forma especulativa, pero en general casi cualquiera q haya minado te dira q es mas rentable comprar lo que sea directamente.

Yo en 2017 conseguí algun rendimiento extra porque los precios subieron muchisimo, no porque mi operacion fuera rentable en el momento en que mine. Ademas fui posiblemente de las 5 primeras personas que se pusieron a minar una "mierdamoneda" clon de Monero llamada "Electroneum". Deje una de mis rigs minando una noche cuando se lanzo el primer minado publico y al despertarme lo conseguido ya habia pagado el coste de la rig entera.

Pero casos peculiares aparte... si es por conocimiento adelante, si es por rendimiento es mas barato comprar. Incluso si piensas "da igual pq la nintendo me la voy a comprar igual" no es cierto. Se estropean, te lleva cantidad de tiempo configurar y puede haber "accidentes", sin contar la electricidad consumida.
3832  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: FIAT currencies on DEX on: March 29, 2021, 05:29:32 PM
After seeing exchanges become banks, I believe that the next step of decentralized exchanges (DEX) such as Uniswap or even the same Binance or a more recent Orion Protocol is to introduce atomic swaps Fiat/Crypto.
Besides trading I think we could see the dollar or euro etc... being used to provide liquidity for example.

This would also allow greater accessibility to the entire cryptospace.

I know of a project that works on this but before I reveal it I would like to have your neutral views on this.

I am afraid that this would have to deal with a gigantic bright red tape from governments across the world, and particularly of the most influential one - USA. Exchanging fiat on a DEX would firstly require to have digital fiat chains which as of now are only being considered and not very well liked..

For now, DEX for fiat are out of question. At most, it could be stablecoins, which are not the same at all in terms of risk.
3833  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Which NFTs are worth the investment? on: March 29, 2021, 05:21:58 PM
At the moment all is hype with NTF. I have done a few posts that speak about the market for NTFs here, here and here.

After thinking about it, my conclusion is that NTFs have only a real value if they confer the owner some short of exclusive right over the use of certain asset, tool, property, etc...

Example: Anyone can use the image of a Beeple whose NTF sold for 69M USD. However if you buy certain Skin on any of the chains used in videogames it is yours exclusively to use. The first one is worthless, the second has some value.
3834  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: VISA Completes First Cryptocurrency Transaction on Ethereum on: March 29, 2021, 05:11:34 PM
It is quite peculiar. Visa is actually in an oligopoly along with mastercard and american express. I think that this signifies a concession towards cryptocurrencies but as a form of trial. Ethereum is, as today, expensive, inefficient and subpar to any established network. However, Visa´s management does understand what is to be disrupted and it speaks of their good sense that they take this stance.
3835  Economy / Economics / Investing only for the rich? Think again on: March 29, 2021, 05:04:11 PM
On a recent post, I found out that quite a few replies mentioned that you can only diversify or have a varied portfolio "if you have a lot of money". I aim to contribute to a general financial education for the members of this forum (some could actually teach me, many are clueless). While in most countries, particularly in USA, some investments are reserved to qualified investors (typically high income or high worth individuals), there are many possibilities for the average guy to invest.

Myth: Only the rich can invest in the best business.

Reality: Anyone in most countries can invest in great companies and great assets from almost any amount. There are even funds out there that will let you invest from 10 USD or Euros. If you are looking to start your life investment (the earlier the better, see picture below), you may start by looking at Vanguard. These are the best know Index funds (I will write a post on active and passively managed funds some other day). Paper-thin fees and entry barriers are built-in.

3836  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What coin will be bought by new people? on: March 27, 2021, 05:52:38 PM
Anything on the BSC has now plenty of appeal. Ethereum may die and loose many projects due to its slowness, a sin in the technoworld. The incumbents such as Cardano and BSC are now profiting of a great number of projects so these are possibly going to make the bulk of the investment of the "new people" who have not lived the 2017 hype and fall.
3837  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Another NFT sold for huge $$$ ' A column of New York Times on: March 27, 2021, 12:52:56 AM
Here is the add, the price still yet to be determined.. as of now, more than half a mill USD.

As I watched these riches change hands, I thought to myself: Why should celebrities, athletes and artists have all the fun? Why can’t a journalist join the NFT party, too?

So I decided to turn this column into an NFT and sell it on the open market. Whatever I make from it will go to The New York Times’s Neediest Cases Fund, a 110-year-old effort started by the former Times publisher Adolph S. Ochs that supports charitable causes in New York and beyond. (Administrative note: Since the Neediest Cases Fund doesn’t accept direct cryptocurrency transfers, I’ll have to convert the proceeds to dollars first, meaning that this is not a tax-deductible gift for the buyer.)

This basically reveals all the stupidity surrounding the NFTs that do not really confer any exclusivity right or possible utility. But.. I feel tempted Wink

Once I joined Foundation and linked my account to my Ethereum wallet, I had to upload an image of my column to a decentralized storage service called InterPlanetary File System, or IPFS. I then had to mint a token mapped to that file — essentially, generating a unique cryptographic signature that would live on the Ethereum blockchain, marking the file I uploaded as the real one.

The process is simple enough isn´t it?
3838  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Too many coin in circulation on: March 26, 2021, 08:30:28 PM

The following factors could also serve as guideline to selecting the right coin to invest in:
1. How useful the coin is: the purpose of the coin legit
3.Analyze its competitiveness
4.Demand and supply capitalization and founders holding
6.the general value
Answering this questions will clerify you on the right choice of coin and also aid you to know when to buy and sell. Paying close attention to market volatility will aid you know the utility and demand of each currency and it will also aid you towards predicting the trend of each coin so as to know how to account for each coin.

1. No, every possible case is already covered by the million shitcoins out there.
2. The purpose is never non-legit
3. Almost impossible, there are millions of coins.
4. Demand is unknown and rarely verifiable.
5. Irrelevant. Marketcap is as good as the las value in the market. That is, if ever listed.
6. WTF is "general value".

Answering these questions will lead you nowhere and DYR would take so much money that you cannot afford it.

Just replace all this for "Get to know the team". Talk to them, search their names, ... most of the times you will find a bunch of school drop-outs living with their moms and dreaming of being podcasters.
3839  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What is happening to altcoins in this bull season on: March 26, 2021, 08:20:15 PM
Even though there are good staking and yield coins out there, there is a problem with bulls: anything has to be compared with bitcoin and that is a difficult mark to break. After the halving it showed again proof o dominance and even with a general bull sentiment by all indicators, buying abundant coins with scarce bitcoins is a leap of faith.
3840  Economy / Economics / Re: The Permanent Portfolio method by Harry Browne on: March 26, 2021, 07:01:54 PM
I'd do 33:33:34 bonds:gold:stocks.

Not bad, it is just that you will not have cash when cash is in demand (recessions and liquidity crisis)

By the way, do you have a link to an article that talks more about this?

Harry Browne authored a book, but I am sure there are may updated versions.

This is interesting. But I wonder, what would be the result of such a portfolio to your desire to increase your worth? Or is this portfolio better on protecting or preserving your wealth rather than increasing it? Will this only result to a break-even at the end of the day?

Or should the bulk of our portfolio jump from one asset to another based on the call of the times to make the most out of the changing circumstances and leave the rest for a hedge?

For example, in our current time, would we rather do away from cash and just risk on, say, Bitcoin? Or should we just devote a small percentage to Bitcoin to avoid the rough seas?

The idea behind the portfolio is to be as lazy as possible while preserving wealth. Now, you can tweak it a be a bit more "active" if you chose so yes.

It indeed looks simple, but imho one has to have at least 500k...

Not at all. This is perfectly possible with 1000 USD. It is better if you have at least 5000 to avoid the commissions eating up too much. What you do is to make a "synthetic" porfolio with ETFs or funds.

... Besides inflation, bitcoin does reach all of the other requirements in the list. So it is possible for you to replace any of them with bitcoin so that we can utilize this method more effectively

Bitcoin is still variable in behaviour. It is not bad in recession and great with inflation, but it there is a liquidity crisys like at the start of COVID,... well...

I am thinking that bitcoin could  add some pepper to it. Keep tuned Smiley


25% Cash?? Why? Static cash is the sure way to lose value.
I agree it's good to have liquidity in a recession or crisis, but it's much better to keep that 25% in high-liquidity assets than cash.

Cash or cash equivalents (e.g. short term bonds). But careful, in 2008 cash was cash and bonds markets were on the verge of collapse for a few days.

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