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3841  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: August 25, 2015, 08:13:04 PM
Maybe because they do not believe on the existence of God? Well, that's only what i can think of though Undecided

If they don't believe in God, then religion should seem stupid to them, and they shouldn't care. The only thing they should hate is when others mistreat others, but that's hating people sinning, not actually hating a religion. If an atheist hates a religion, they have some misplaced anger.
one day god might be forgotten can make sure HE never does and this is how..

3842  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NASA Employees Caught Buying Child Porn Escaped Prosecution, Now Names Hidden on: August 25, 2015, 03:32:04 AM
....Second, the porn on your computer hasn't hurt anyone, has it? If it has, and if the hurt one can be plaintiff and show how he was hurt, pay off his damages....

Child porn, as is being discussed here, is hurting the children.
MMH your funny you..i was joking about the loan Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
good job i am not starving don.t think you help anyone out Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy so much for god and love Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

its funny you love god but not that much Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  tight sod Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
i am joking its funny tho you all go to church and put money in a box but if a street beggar ask you you tell him to go away and want him arrested Cheesy Cheesy

back on topic chop there dicks off if caught a second time Wink ;)and if its a women 2 time blind her and make her wear  padlocked knickers..not much you can chop off women bits to stop them abusing  Cheesy
go to jail first time but it depends how far they have gone to fit the punishment..
anyone who hurts kids needs a beating if you kill a child then you should die
3843  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 25, 2015, 03:02:28 AM
1 invention spawned by the Bible is the mechanized clock, monks needed to pray at specific times.
if i invented the remote control for a telly did i invent the telly answer no
Water clocks[edit]
Main article: Water Clock

A scale model of Su Song's Astronomical Clock Tower, built in 11th century Kaifeng, China. It was driven by a large waterwheel, chain drive, and escapement mechanism.
Water clocks, also known as clepsydrae (sg: clepsydra), along with the sundials, are possibly the oldest time-measuring instruments, with the only exceptions being the vertical gnomon and the day counting tally stick.[9] Given their great antiquity, where and when they first existed is not known and perhaps unknowable. The bowl-shaped outflow is the simplest form of a water clock and is known to have existed in Babylon and in Egypt around the 16th century BC. Other regions of the world, including India and China, also have early evidence of water clocks, but the earliest dates are less certain. Some authors, however, write about water clocks appearing as early as 4000 BC in these regions of the world Wink Wink Wink

so try again Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
3844  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 25, 2015, 02:29:24 AM
this is life for you not god

you need to watch and learn  Grin Grin SCIENCE IS THE KEY TO LIFE

Science is the key to life. But mankind doesn't have an inkling of the key to science. Mankind only scratches the surface of science a little... and hopes for the best.

ok then you tell me 1 invention that as come out of the bible i cannot think of one
so if you tell me an invention. you need to tell me how it was made and where in any bible it tells us this
so you see science is the key to life
what as the bible invented..
Dam there is 1
the bible invents stories up so thats 1  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
don.t get me wrong i like the bibles stories i love them good read and good watch BUT so is star wars
and many books and films we watch every day..

nothing beats star trek  and star wars best ever

3845  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sexuality on: August 25, 2015, 01:58:57 AM

Wrong! Look at Neal Adams' findings at When we need a larger earth because the lands are far too small, the earth will provide.

he is full of poooooo  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy WOW the planet not growing faster than humans
plus do u know when we grow food do you know it takes 2 years for the land to re fertilize ..
this is why we use fertilizers to speed the process right by farms all my life i know the process
 so what you got to say about that Wink Wink

you are so wrong my friend the world is to full to keep making babies..
we need some sort of breeding cycles or lower the population..
the earth as programmed us when to much of something it destroys its self till the balance comes again..
plants do this animals do this i bet all living things do this and we humans do this

this is why i think the earth is alive and not just some rock we live on it can control how we think..
 I think? Cheesy
see we humans think we are so special but if you look around the earth at other creatures we all act the same really we eat and reproduce
good watch it will help you understand more

Of course the earth itself doesn't provide. It is God Who provides. But He is getting tired of providing for a bunch of self-denying atheists.

so does god provide for people like this

 then why can i provide so much for my kids and i don.t believe in god you think he make me suffer
i know i can make money the secret is not to be lazy money is god at this present time..

see the only way to be totally free is everything is free
if i want a car i just go and get one from a show room for nothing what ever i think of that man uses becomes free.
 what ever i need and money is attached to it then i become a slave for money to buy these products
because i want it i need money for it so i am now a slave for money..
so unless we get everything for free we will always be slaves..
so you see the super rich some where along there blood lines they also were slaves really if you think about it
if i make a billion dollars i have been a slave to get this because i had to work hard to achieve this..
then if i pass that money to my children then they are truely free..
and this is what man and women strive for
so where is god in all this
3846  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 25, 2015, 01:06:24 AM
this is how nuts you yanks have become Shocked Shocked Shocked

the last video says it all why i don.t believe in god Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy NUTTERS

backward thinkers Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy don,t forget i said not all yanks are backward thinkers.. these 2 guys have a sound mind and good thinking Wink

3847  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 24, 2015, 10:30:39 PM
this is life for you not god

you need to watch and learn  Grin Grin SCIENCE IS THE KEY TO LIFE
3848  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 24, 2015, 09:26:43 PM
you said jesus saved us all
well then how come he got nailed to a cross he could not save him self and after getting nailed to a cross

Jesus saved us by dying. If He had saved Himself from being crucified, then we all would not be saved right now.

still loads more poor than rich

It's better to be poor, and help people out to the point you have nothing, than to be rich.

Luke 18:22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. 23 And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich. 24 And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 26 And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved? 27 And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

But I think you're upset that most people are poor and not rich. Well, that's because the rich are making it so they can be rich and making it so others suffer. This is the sinful nature. I'll write more about the sinful rich below.

you research the bible to much research cancer the way you write about god and the bible you might find a cure for cancer.
your not stupid far from it but your religion lets you down because you could use your intelligence to do some real good

Thanks. But my religion doesn't let me down. I do what I do because I try to do what God would want me to do, which is to help people when I can. I'm hoping some people are helped by what I do (not just on this forum). I think it's good to have some people in the world who believe in the 10 commandments like not lying, not stealing, not cheating on people, and respecting their parents, etc. I think it's a shame that the world is in the situation that it's in.

I find it hard to believe it would be, if people didn't lie, steal, cheat, etc. The EPA disaster is one example. They lied, they made a disaster when they knew about it beforehand, and after the disaster they caused, they sent the Navajo people oily fracking water for their crops, and because of this, if they want to save their crops, they may have to buy clean water to do so (which is pretty much stealing from them). People are messed up and have messed this world up in search of more money.

1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. 13 I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; 14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
you are god or the devil you take your choice in life ..but if a man is so poor to feed him self he will be a devil or die..
so if this what happens then why does god not feed everyone..because there is NO GOD you talk to yourself when you pray..
the way you say chapter blahblah verse this and that..
imagine you learnt code or how to be a doctor or science this way you will do more good than trying to preach..ok its common sense the 10 commandments thou should not kill and the rest of it..
why i say this is because you have emotions and if someone steal of you you feel bad..
 if someone hits you you feel pain so you know its wrong without a book telling you this..
plus you say you try and help the poor i am skint will you give me some bitcoin please so i can feed my kids Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
not so giving now are you Wink Wink
3849  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do Atheists hate Religion ? on: August 24, 2015, 08:55:08 PM
Well, a significant number of atheist's don't hate religion, after all a religion is nothing more than a set of beliefs, traditions and rituals, what it really bothers some atheist are religious people with the attitude of: I know better than you how you should live your life or go you'll burn in hell.

Nobody should hate religion. Religious folks should respect atheism for what it is, a religion. Atheists should not condemn those other religions that are trying to save them; they should welcome and respect those who want to save people, even if their method is misinformed.

Atheists are people living their religion. Their religion might be vastly different than some other religions. The reason they live their religion as they do is, they think their religion is right. If they didn't think their religion was right, they would live their life in some other way, according to some other religion.

If the particular form of religious atheism some atheists live, happens to suggest that they don't care enough about other people, so that they feel that other people can live their life with the religion of THEIR choice, however foolish that choice of religion might seem, perhaps those atheists simply aren't very caring in an area of their lives that some others would deem an important way to care about people of other religions.

If the religious atheism of some atheists allows or demands that they openly ridicule, laugh at, or scorn people of other religions, they are acting similar to the way some people of other religions act toward them about their atheism religion.

Nobody but a vegetable lives in a religious vacuum... and maybe not even they.


While i agree partially with what you wrote, the part that i bolded about your post is something that simply put, does not conform with the real world.

Some people hate religion, countrys, cultures,etc. Even if that hate is mistaken they still do it. And there is nothing we can do about it.

Since you made reference to the bolded part above, does that mean that you think that some people SHOULD hate religion? Or were you only stating that you believe it is impractical to think that the world could ever exist without some people hating religion?

A person who hates religion has a religion of hate against religion. This means that he hates himself or his own beliefs, though probably he doesn't realize it.


Do I believe that some people should hate religion? The answer is no.

People have feelings, and those feeling must be directed at something, even if the direction that those feelings take is a mistaken one.

As an example, sometime ago I read an article about a trend in Japan, in which young men “marry” digital characters. While this will seem odd (at best) the truth of the matter is that people feel love, and that love is going to be directed at someone or something and we are unable to control where other people are going to direct their feelings.

Hate is the same. Hate is a feeling that is there and is going to be directed at someone or something and we are unable to control where other people are going to direct their feelings.

I hope that this clarifies my posture.

That's the problem with atheism. Atheism tends to look in the wrong places for answers.

Look to God, because God provided for people in the earth in every way that we need. He will provide in the future, and has provided for future provisions even though we don't see it.

Atheists can't do this... look to God. They don't understand What and Who God is for them.

That's the problem with atheism. Atheism tends to look in the wrong places for answers.
i got a lift off a dragon last night to the you believe me WHY NOT Undecided :-\its the truth Roll Eyes

science not god good watch
3850  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 24, 2015, 08:28:18 PM
School band told to stop performing 'How Great Thou Art'

"There was no halftime show under the Friday night lights at Mississippi’s Brandon High School — the marching band had been benched.

The band was ordered off the field because the Christian hymn “How Great Thou Art” was a part of their halftime show — in violation of a federal court order."

you said jesus saved us all
well then how come he got nailed to a cross he could not save him self and after getting nailed to a cross still loads more poor than rich
you research the bible to much research cancer the way you write about god and the bible you might find a cure for cancer.
your not stupid far from it but your religion lets you down because you could use your intelligence to do some real good
3851  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sexuality on: August 24, 2015, 08:11:47 PM

Wrong! Look at Neal Adams' findings at When we need a larger earth because the lands are far too small, the earth will provide.

he is full of poooooo  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy WOW the planet not growing faster than humans
plus do u know when we grow food do you know it takes 2 years for the land to re fertilize ..
this is why we use fertilizers to speed the process right by farms all my life i know the process
 so what you got to say about that Wink Wink

you are so wrong my friend the world is to full to keep making babies..
we need some sort of breeding cycles or lower the population..
the earth as programmed us when to much of something it destroys its self till the balance comes again..
plants do this animals do this i bet all living things do this and we humans do this

this is why i think the earth is alive and not just some rock we live on it can control how we think..
 I think? Cheesy
see we humans think we are so special but if you look around the earth at other creatures we all act the same really we eat and reproduce
good watch it will help you understand more
3852  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [R3D] Bittrex ICO/CFC OPEN - AUXPOW - Destruction/censorship-proof encrypt on: August 24, 2015, 06:56:42 PM
HMMM 10 btc a day you need 80 days Shocked Roll Eyes to reach target 800btc i be shocked if reached
 just not the same as 1 year many been burnt but you never know
 my money on no chance to reach 800btc ..I HOPE IT DOES BE A SHAME NOT TO REACH 800BTC
Dam i thought it was getting released no matter what but there you go my mistake Grin Cry Cry Cry Cry

I'm sure they will release it some how.  Plus it does not matter how much you put in now because if it does not reach it's target then you get all your btc back anyways.  win win.
we shore do but still be Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry if not reached
and how are you doing my friend good i hope
arr well i put it in to VERI if not good call by supernet thanks
3853  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sexuality on: August 24, 2015, 05:42:12 PM
THE WHOLE POINT IS WHAT Undecided Undecided Undecided
what is scaring you
what is the point Undecided Undecided
hmm Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
do you think everyone will be gay and then there be no babies getting made so it be the end of the human race Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
is this your worry Cheesy Cheesy if this is what you worry about then WOW you really are stupid Wink Wink
i can think of no other reason why you would be worried..
and if you say your not worried then why all the stupid charts and post about OTHER PEOPLES SEXUALITY

Seems to me that the assumption is that homosexuality is natural. The question was, Is this nature's way of controlling the herd?... in other words, the population of the planet.

When you look at all the vast reaches of the earth --- the whole population of the United States could be easily settled in comfortable apartments on 6,000 square miles, leaving well over 3 million square miles for whatever --- we are not even close to starting to reach the population limits of the earth.

Homosexualism is caused by things that some people do to the health of themselves and other people, so that people like corruption.

yes its natural to be gay and its natural to be straight we are creatures of the earth.
and before man was here fish were gay animals are gay.

plus we are not even reaching our population limits how stupid you are its what 1 person uses and dumps that is the problem
plus is the USA the only people that matter

so throw us all in 1 super city and we can all share 1 bag of crisps and no dumping  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
anyways there will always be gays so why hate them when one of your family could be a gay one day Wink Wink had enough now so enjoy your stupid topic because it wont solve nowt Grin Grin

Do the math. There is so much room for people to expand on the earth that it is mind boggling.

Sure, even one person can destroy lots of the earth. Think of the one match that sets a gigantic forest ablaze. yet with healthy, proper controls, the earth is designed to easily accommodate a thousand times the population that we presently have.

The idea that the present population of the earth is rapidly reaching a point of unsustainability, is simply selfish nonsense propaganda.

i see what your trying to say..but we need a pill that fills us up and gives us all our nutrients so we can survive ..maybe one day
could you tell me how we can cut our consumption rate down and the waste we dump.HOW.
I always thought if we had free energy the population would explode then more resources are needed..
only so many fish only so much land for cattle ..
but there is way to many people on this planet

but imagine free energy the good it could do be the best thing ever
3854  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [R3D] Bittrex ICO/CFC OPEN - AUXPOW - Destruction/censorship-proof encrypt on: August 24, 2015, 05:03:04 PM
HMMM 10 btc a day you need 80 days Shocked Roll Eyes to reach target 800btc i be shocked if reached
 just not the same as 1 year many been burnt but you never know
 my money on no chance to reach 800btc ..I HOPE IT DOES BE A SHAME NOT TO REACH 800BTC
Dam i thought it was getting released no matter what but there you go my mistake Grin Cry Cry Cry Cry
3855  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] R3D - [DEV INFO] BITTREX CFC - deployable, voting, reputation on: August 24, 2015, 03:33:16 PM
Stoner, you must be smoking some good stuff if you managed to come up with something like this. 800 btc?.. your eyes must be all r3d LOL.. or is it 8 btc?..

Seriously though, if your project is as good as you claim it is why don't you list it on kickstarter for example

I'd agree with the fact perhaps this wasn't the best place to seek investment or audience provided it's not a "trader's coin".  This forum has just become a hub for crypto-related projects, announcements and the likes.  Have any other projects gone through kickstarter that were in the same realm?

     Best regards,


I'd agree with the fact perhaps this wasn't the best place to seek investment or audience provided it's not a "trader's coin".

Well if you agree then why you re-listed here?

This forum has just become a hub for crypto-related projects, announcements and the likes.

You forgot to add the scammers playground...

Have any other projects gone through kickstarter that were in the same realm?

No, because they all turned out/turning out to be scams designed to enrich the creators.

Would you mind braking down the 2000 BTC you're asking for? How did you come up with such amount, what are you intend to use it for exactly?
Could you please tell us all is this right in my thinking..
Hope you do reach the 800btc

plus i hate ICO but i have to give this 1 ago some good devs who are very trustworthy
and if i thought it was a scam i be the first to tell everyone I HUNT SCAMS OUT
 then warn everyone to stay away..and then rip the devs to shreds..i hate robbing devs..but trust is here
 99.9% SO EVERYONE BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ..see if its a scam its the end of ICOs for good this is the last one i try and if all good confidence will come back for ICOs ALWAYS DO YOUR HOME WORK BEFORE YOU BUY.. Grin
oh i forgot to say 100sat is low price so happy days..
but my point was always 800btc be hard to reach so when i said it was to dear that is what i meant not the 100sats
 Because it wont drop to low if there is a look at the price of doge coin how many coins there
anyway i shut up now i am babbling on
av a nice day all AND BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Grin Grin
3856  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sexuality on: August 24, 2015, 04:55:07 AM
THE WHOLE POINT IS WHAT Undecided Undecided Undecided
what is scaring you
what is the point Undecided Undecided
hmm Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
do you think everyone will be gay and then there be no babies getting made so it be the end of the human race Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
is this your worry Cheesy Cheesy if this is what you worry about then WOW you really are stupid Wink Wink
i can think of no other reason why you would be worried..
and if you say your not worried then why all the stupid charts and post about OTHER PEOPLES SEXUALITY

Seems to me that the assumption is that homosexuality is natural. The question was, Is this nature's way of controlling the herd?... in other words, the population of the planet.

When you look at all the vast reaches of the earth --- the whole population of the United States could be easily settled in comfortable apartments on 6,000 square miles, leaving well over 3 million square miles for whatever --- we are not even close to starting to reach the population limits of the earth.

Homosexualism is caused by things that some people do to the health of themselves and other people, so that people like corruption.

yes its natural to be gay and its natural to be straight we are creatures of the earth.
and before man was here fish were gay animals are gay.

plus we are not even reaching our population limits how stupid you are its what 1 person uses and dumps that is the problem
plus is the USA the only people that matter

so throw us all in 1 super city and we can all share 1 bag of crisps and no dumping  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
anyways there will always be gays so why hate them when one of your family could be a gay one day Wink Wink had enough now so enjoy your stupid topic because it wont solve nowt Grin Grin
3857  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rapture? Comet Predictions, JADE HELM / CERN, Revelation Prophecies on: August 24, 2015, 04:39:33 AM
They Have Made Void Thy Law (Part I & 2) / Rekindling the Reformation - by Walter Veith

"God’s laws are not to be tampered with, but one by one the Ten Commandments are being attacked and made void.
Every precept of God has been marginalized and reduced. They are being wiped out of our constitutions and international will learn alarming news about the new fascist human rights laws and Roman Catholic natural law touted by the UN and the Papacy as the answer to the world’s problems.... we discover that the international community has been coerced into rewriting God’s laws and that it has become forbidden to practice God’s laws, to pray in Jesus’ name, to worship God on His Sabbath, and even to raise Jesus up as the Son of God. According to law, Jesus must be placed on the same level as false gods and false prophets.See what astounding efforts have been made to set up the legal right to replace Jesus, the Son of God, with the false new age christ. More information is also provided on Roman Catholic economic thought and its impact on today’s economic and political state."

I'm pretty sure he got through all 10 commandments and there was only one that hasn't been implemented yet. For most commandments there are laws somewhere in the world to make them void. Some examples:

Thou shalt not kill - abortion & euthanasia are rights
Thou shalt not commit adultery - promoting sex for children in their education, and homosexualtity marriage rights.
Thou shalt not steal amd thou shalt not covet - gov'ts can use your house etc. "The Supreme Court, in Kelo v. City of New London, 125 S.Ct. 2655 (2005), held that a local government could take private property by eminent domain to benefit commercial development. " (link)
Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor - evolution is taught all over, God is a liar about creationism is taught in public school. etc.
thou shalt not stick your hand in the fire because it burns
thou shoult not poke your 2 eyes out or you be blind
thou shoult not turn the other cheek when crossing the road or you get run over
tho shoult not chuck bricks at your friend face because it hurts
thou shoult not talk shit because there is no god

the only possible way if the earth never made man is aliens made us and they could of only used science Wink Wink

3858  Other / Politics & Society / Re: USA vs RUSSIA on: August 23, 2015, 10:56:54 PM
If we fight a nuclear war , we lose. Does it matter if there are a few Russian or Americans left who can decide that they won?

You are wrong. Russia will win the coming nuclear war.  Smiley
your wrong too no one will win we will all be dead..but this will never happen..its all done for money and to lower the population  and to control the little people
i believe the super rich call us the little people..
3859  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: August 23, 2015, 10:48:19 PM
because they have flat brains Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
3860  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Sexuality on: August 23, 2015, 10:35:19 PM
THE WHOLE POINT IS WHAT Undecided Undecided Undecided
what is scaring you
what is the point Undecided Undecided
hmm Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
do you think everyone will be gay and then there be no babies getting made so it be the end of the human race Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
is this your worry Cheesy Cheesy if this is what you worry about then WOW you really are stupid Wink Wink
i can think of no other reason why you would be worried..
and if you say your not worried then why all the stupid charts and post about OTHER PEOPLES SEXUALITY

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