VfB Stuttgart ? - ? Mainz 05
Tonight fixture in the bundesliga is a close call; will we be able to flurry of goals tonight ? I think Mainz will nick a win tonight; and move out of the relegation troubles. What do you think?
I guess that Stuttgart wil make a win today against Mainz and place my bet on Stuttgart. Dont know why but i have a feeling that they can make it today at home . I just bet on the win but i would say that Stuttgart win the match with a 2:1. But you know the german league all is possible.
Ist echt der wahnsinn was da von jetzt auf gleich mit Dogecoin passiert ist , keine Ahnung warum der so explodiert ist aber eventuell schaut es mir nach einen pump aus. War Dogecoin nicht schon mal auf 350 oder 450 Satoshis vor jahren mal kurz ? Hab garnicht nachgeschaut aber denke schon . Na dann hoffe das einige einen guten gewinn daraus machen oder schon gemacht haben.
Oh yes. That will be a good opportunity for Leipzig if two keyplayers from Leverkusen cannot play.
Thanks for the Information on that , havnt know that there 2 important players from Leverkusen cant play in this match. That will change my bet for sure as i normaly would be placing a bet on Leverkusen for a win against Leipzig. So i also will be going for Leipzig for a win as you have written it will be hard for Leverkusen with out this players to win.
How to secure a bitcointalk account from the hands of the bad guys who are not responsible out there? because there is a lot of account hacking news out there, and my friend is the victim
Your friend has to follow the steps from the Account recovery team and you will find all the details in the Link that Welsh already have posted. He can also make an new Account and make an Topic here about his banned or hacked Account. Whats the Account Name of your friend ? DT Members can tagg them as long its not in his hands but there should be a proof that the Account is hacked or not anymore in his hands.
Update :
Ich habe meine Email nun bekommen und sieht mir danach aus als ob sie die sache mit dem Email Anbieter behoben haben ! Auch die registrierung war ohne probleme erfolgreich für mich !
Bis heute ist bei mir noch immer keine email angekommen, da ich mir aber überhaupt nicht mehr sicher bin ob ich dort überhaupt noch etwas in der Wallet liegen hatte (könnten hochstens 2 oder 3 Coins in Frage kommen) könnte es ja auch sein, das gleich vorab alle User aussortiert wurden, welche keinerlei Guthaben in den Wallets hatten. Würde ja om Bearbeitungsaufwand auch Sinn machen, sich nur mit den Usern zu beschäftigen, welche es wirklich betrifft. Oder wurde ich einfach nur vergessen Schreib mir mal eine PM mit deiner registrierten email von Cryptopia und deinem benutzernamen den du bei Cryptopia benutzt hast . Ich werde diese dann an meine connection vom support weiter geben falls du das möchtest natürlich. Du kannst aber auch folgendes machen: Wenn du keine Email bekommen hast melde dich dort an das ist der Support https://cryptopia.zendesk.com/Du musst eine Account machen dort : New to Cryptopia Limited (In Liquidation)? Sign up Source : https://cryptopia.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/restricted?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fcryptopia.zendesk.com%2Fhc%2Fen-usAber benutzte nicht dort deine Logindaten von cryptopia!
Willkommen im Forum !
Denke mal mit Kraken ode Bitcoin.de machst du nichts verkehrt aber die haben auch höhere Fees Bitpanda hab noch nicht auspropiert aber Bitstamp wäre eventuell auch ne option. Je höher die Transaktionsgebühr desto schneller wird die transaktion durchgehen und gemacht , bei minimaler transaktionsgebühr kann es schon mal länger dauern bis die durch ist. Denke mal das es die beste option ist wenn du dir einen eigenen Wallet anschaffst und du transaktionen von diesem machst. Electrum wallet oder Bitcoincore wallet.
Coinpayments.net als wallet zu nutzen funktioiert aber sei dir bewusst das wenn irgendwas ist mit der seite oder die gehackt werden waren es deine coins ! Es gibt ein Sprichwort ! If you have not the private keys for the wallet its not your Coins
I have now also managed to reactivate Discord on my new computer Thanks for pointing out the developer mode. Here is my data: Discord Username: Mole#9387 Discord ID: 521965538461745172 You are welcome buddy and no problem , it helps to find out if somebody is impersonate an User on Discord as every user have his one ID. Sometimes they can copy your Avatar and Discordname and it looks like the original. But the Discord Username number and the ID would be a other one , with this you can find out Scammers and other shady people. Disocord ID 521965538461745172 Quoted and verified for future reference !
Since theymos would not have control over discord, I doubt that can be implemented. The current process of recovering account here is already secure so there is no need to rock the boat as of now.(In my honest opinion).
Wrong , theymos dosnt recover Accounts anymore or i guess just when its needed. FYI: The humans handling the new account recoveries system which was implemented late last year are a company that Cyrus created called Cryptios. alanst, 3dOOm, and Rizzrack -- the "mysterious newbies" who some people noticed -- are three of their employees. They've been doing a great job. Although Cyrus created the company with bitcointalk.org in mind as their first customer, they are accepting additional customers. Their main specialization right now is high-security, social-engineering-proof customer support & community moderation. All the Account recovering are done now from cryptios and there team with Cyrus as the leader. For sure they doing it with the main signed message thing i guess as you have written and it was just a friendly suggestion or asking from me if that would be possible , to recover Accounts that have there Discord ID posted here in this thread and are already in the Bitcointalk Discord Server if there would be something with the Account.
At least i got all 3 matches from yesterday right and you can count on Schalke that they lose . Bremen and Hoffenheim also have played there matches as i have expected. Schalke should try to change there playing style maybe this would help them , there is nothing that can go wrong anymore. Realy sad how some teams can lose there well playing like Dortmund and a few others.
It is happening just what happens every single year meaning that, at some point, Bayern Munich starts running faster than everybody else. If they win tonight, and they will, they will be seven points ahead of Leipzig. After that, Bundesliga will be already assigned. I know what you mean and yes you are right at some point but this year its different because there are more as just one Team that have the power to fight Bayern. The teams that normaly should be beat Bayern Munich now struggling all and the teams that you dont expect playing the games as the others should . Gladbach is the only one at the moment that doing there job , all others dont take there chance. About Bruno Labbadia that is surprising me.
What are you expecting cryptohunter if you always write, complaining and posting the same Story with different Alt Accounts of you. Why you dont doing that with your main Account anymore? I guess the only one how is stalking maybe you and that for years as you complaining always about the same users. But its useless to write with you so back on ignore again.
I dont know if that is possible but i guess it should be , the posted and the quoted Dirscord IDs are for every user unique as the signed message from a wallet. Just in case somebody get hacked or something will happend to the Bitcointalk Account here , will it be possible for the User if he posted his Discord ID and it was quoted here that the Account will get recovered?
Maybe the Discord ID can be used for that also as an second option for recovering maybe ! And its possible that this will bring more Users to the Discord Channel. Its just an idea and dont know how you see that.
WTF is going on with German League and the teams ! Leverkusen losing against Wolfsburg , and Mainz making a surprise win about Leipzig , both bets was wrong , damn. The only matches i got right was Freiburg and Bremen . But the others was a pain in the Ass , if Schalke will win tomorrow against Bayern Munich i will stop placing bets for 1 - 2 Weeks. Hoffenheim and Cologne the same , i have no clue what to bet there.
So yeah i thought that Dortmund will be coming out of there bad unlucky playing, another lesson learned. Bayern Munich should be win there game without any Problems. Leverkusen and Arminia Bielefeld should be also fine and placed a bet for a win on them. Freiburg vs Stuttgart will be an intresting Match.
Yeah just have seen it that Dortmund has lost there game , shit , was thinking that they maybe will win the match after the bad played weeks they got. But dont know whats happend to Dortmund as they sucks realy now and for sure Gladbach also playing well more and more . Hope that tomorrow some of my bets will be better.
My bet for the todays match goes for a win for Dortmund against Gladbach . Hope they learned from the last games and will make it even Gladbach is playing very well the last weeks. No risk no fun so i go for a 2:1 win for Dortmund . There are a lot of other intrested Games this weekend also.
OK, thanks for the info!
Yes your Old Account was and got hacked on 28th October 2020 and was posting some Malware thats why it got banned. I have reported the Account and have given the Account a negative feedback. You can read it here : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5182222.msg55471521#msg55471521You also should be if you want your Account back write in META and open up an thread and ask for unban it . You have to follow the steps here : Support for hacked/lost accountsIf your Account is recovered i will change my negative Feedback. Regards Lafu
Thanks a lot for info, i just recovered my account!
And thanks to Admins too!
Glad and happy to hear and read that you have recovered your Account and that you have it back now again. Thanks also for the PM and i will change my feedback i have given you to a neutral one . Hope that you looking more now about that your Account is safe and what you maybe downloading to avoid that your Account got hacked again. Regards Lafu
At least the bets on Schalke and Bayern Munich was right , also on Arminia Bielefeld and Leipzig , covers the last Weekend a bit ! I guess we havnt seen in the last years so much played draws in a season as seen for now in the League. It was a big lose for Schalke against Cologne and that would be points that thay have needed . There will be some dramatic at the end of the table when the season goes to the end it looks like.
Na da hatte ich ja dann mal glück das ich letztes jahr dort schon alles getauscht und die bitcoins dort rausgebracht habe. Hoffe das alle anderen die noch Coins dort haben ihre Bitcoins oder auch andere Coins noch bekommen und auszahlen können.
War mir irgendwie letztes jahr schon zu verdächtig und traute der Seite einfach nichtmehr deswegen hab ich dort auch alles abgezogen. Viel glück allen die noch dort was haben.