لماذا عملة البتكوين هي الاغلى من بين باقي العملات المشفرة الاخرى؟ وكيف يتم تحديد سعر البتكوين؟ ومن يقوم بذلك؟
قيمة اي شي في هدا العالم يحددها العرض والطلب, سعر البتكوين الان 9200$ يعني انه يوجد فعليا اشخاص مستعدين لدفع 9200$ لشرائها, في حال اكثر مشتري كان يريد دفع 8000$ فقط, فعندها تلقائيا البائعة لن يجدو من يشريها ب 9200$ وسيقوم بتخفيض السعر مثلا الى 8500$ في حال لم يقم احد بشرائها بهدا السعر يقومو بتخفيض السعر قليل وهكدا حتى يصلو الى رقم متوافق بين البيع والشراء, طبعا هده العملية تتم بسرعة والبائعة والمشترين بالملاين ولكن التزامن في السعر في المنصات كلها سريع جدا نظرا لوجود الانترنت. اما عن سبب شراء البتكوين اكتر من العملات الاخرى (وهوا السبب الرئيسي في ارتفاع سعرها مقارنة بالعملات الاخرى) فيختلف من شخص لاخر, البعض يرا ان البتكوين هي اكثر العملات امانا من حيث قوة التعدين التي تحميها وعدد ال nodes التي تقوم بالتحقق منها, البعض الاخر يستتمر فيها لانها الاشهر بين العملات, البعض يرا ان انخفاض سعر البتكوين في فترات الهبوط اقل من العملات الاخرى لذلك يعتبرها اقل خطر في الاستتمار, لكل منهم سبب خاص به ولكن العامل المشترك ان كل شخص يشتري البتكوين يعتقد في داخله انه سيكون قادر على بيعها بسعر اعلى في المستقبل.
لذلك اريد معرفة اراء الجميع حول هذا الموضوع لانني لن اقوم بأنشاء اي شيء قبل اخذ الموافقة من الاعضاء الكبار داخل القسم واذا كانت الفكرة جيدة ونالت اعجاب الجميع سأقوم بأنشاء المدونة بأسرع وقت ممكن
اخي لا يوجد اعضاء كبار واعضاء صغار في هدا المنتدى, حتى مالك المنتدى نفسه يعامل نفسه على انه عضو عادي مثل غيره من الاعضاء لذلك التعبير الاصح هوا اجماع اغلبية الاعضاء على الشي بغض النظر عن رتبتهم, الفكرة اعجبتني لسبب واحد وهوا ان تصميم المنتديات لاينال اعجاب بعض من الناس, ويرون انه "دقة قديمة", ويصعب عليهم تصفحه, لذلك تلاحظ ان مواقع مثل Medium يقوم الكثير من الكتاب هناك باخد المحتوى من هنا واعادة صياغته بطريقة بسيطة ويتم نشره وعند البحث يظهر لك في اعلى القائمة. المدونة يمكن ان لاتجدب اي زوار جدد ولكنها حتما ستساعد في نشر المعرفة في العالم العربي, وهوا من وجهة نظري اهم شي, لذلك انا اعتقد انها فكرة جيدة,يمكنك البدء بتخليص مثلا 5 مواضيع مهمة متعلقة بالمحافظ, حماية الاموال, كيف يتم تحويل البتكوين وغيرها من الاساسيات, وان احتجت اي مساعدة في شرح او صياغة اي شي قم بطرح اسئلتك هنا وستجد المساعدة.
Both T15 and S11' PSUs are rated at 1850w on 220v so that's a max of 8.5 amps, 1120w on 120v is 9.3ams, so you are already pushing over the limit by a small factor, but still I think it's only a matter of time before you toast it, antminer T15 probably consumes a bit more than it even at lower power mode, so about 10 amps or more, more than what the PSU could handle.
Long story short, the PSU is toasted and you should STOP running the other miner on 110/120v.
The problem with these gears is that there is no company called "Aladin" that manufacture mining gears, they simply modify another known miner and give it a fancy name, should you face a problem in the future it's highly unlikely that you will find resources online to help you solve the problem, the support on most of these Chinese companies is pretty useless and you will have to count on other miners sharing their experiences, so you should stick to mining gears that are widely used such as antminer S9, but since these are old gears and will eventually break you have to take the cost per th into consideration if Aladin t1 32th goes for 100$ and S9 13.5th goes for 80$, then I would go with Aladin, if the difference in price is pretty minor I will go with S9.
Also, regardless of what gear you chose to buy you must Sdcard it before plugging it to the network, a good percentage of used mining gears come infected and if the virus spread into your LAN it will be very hard to get rid of it, so the gear you decide to buy MUST have an Sdcard slot and must be flashable.
Both public key and address mean the same thing. (If you have the public key you can make the address)
I just don't get why we can't use the address as ”The Box”.
Not sure how do I explain this, technically you can actually use bitcoin address to encrypt a message, but only in symmetric encryption fashion, what you need here is asymmetric encryption (Publick Key encryption), bitcoin address is ripemd-160 bit hash of the public key which is 256 bits, so in short, the address and the private key are in a different format and thus the encryption algorithm won't work on the address, in the box example you would imagine the address as a very small box that can't handle the coin nor the lock. So if you now understand that the address in its simplest form can't be used, you might still ask, well if the address is hash for the public key why can't we encrypt it? first of all, just because you know the address, and you know it's the hash of a public key, you simply can't reconstruct the public key from the address. also after reading this part again The only thing you need to encrypt a message is its text and a public key. What's the point?? I can encrypt a message from satoshi's public key then. What will I achieve? I can get the public key of an address right?
It isn't the same with signing/verifying that you prove you own the address. It seems like you are confusing encryption to a signature, ECDSA is designed for signature and shouldn't really be used for encryption anyway, there are far better options that were designed for the sole purpose of message encryption.
Why can't you post a complete image of the miner status page? you can hide the pool/worker/wallet details, some information at the top of the page is important.
Not that it will happen in near future ($100k target) but humor me here, shouldn't your "first on the list" be Bitmain?
He can't go after Bitmain, because he allows their gears which violate the cgminer license on his pool, and he directly or indirectly makes a lot (probably most) of his profit from those mining gears. Real talk though if btc hits 100k. Mind you I have been in btc since before you probably even heard of it
We all agree on Kano's terrible behavior and personality but I have to disagree to this, Kano has been in the game from the get-go, if not for his behavior and perhaps weak hands in Hodling BTC - he would have been so rich to the point where he wouldn't bother running a mining pool, with that being said we have to give credit where credit is due, Kano is probably in the top 5 of best pool developers. if only his attitude was half as good as his skills.
... since he merits the thread over and over...
He merits the OP 5 times with a total of 12 merit points.
You seem to misunderstand the purpose of the merit system, giving someone merit doesn't mean you promote him, support him, like him or even agreeing to what he wrote, any constructive post that has semi-good valuable information or opens the doors for further useful discussion can be merited.
Right now, the encryption thing goes like that:
1) I ask a guy to give me his public key. 2) I encrypt a message 3) I send him the encrypted message.
Since only if he owns the address, he can decrypt the message, why can't we simply skip the step 1?
For starters, you should forget about bitcoin address, imagine it doesn't exist, think of it simply as a different representation of a public key, next you need to understand basic Public-key cryptography, the simplest way to look it is by imagining a scenario where you need to send your friend something as a gift, say it's a gold coin, you are going to send it using a third-party which you don't trust, that coin is so expensive and you are afraid that somebody will steal it, so you decide to put that coin in money/cash box and send the whole box to your friend, you can simply purchase a new box, send the key and the box together (a terrible idea) or send the lock and the key separately (a bad idea)or a better way would be asking your friend to buy the box and send it to you (unlocked) and of course, he will keep the keys. So now you put that coin in the box, and then you lock it (notice that you don't need the key to lock the box, but you need the key to unlock it) and then send it via an untrusted medium. Your friend gets it and he uses the keys (since it's his lock and only he has the keys - not even you have the keys) and bingo, the coin arrives safely. The box = Your friend's public key ( he can safely share it with others) They keys = Private keys (He must not share it with others) The coin = The encrypted message (The transporter knows there is something inside the box, but he doesn't know what that is) You can't skip any part of those three. Yes but I'm trying to say that if a person can decrypt the hash(private_key) (which is the public key), he can do it for the hash(hash(private_key)) too. (which is the address)
Well actually the address is more like hash(hash(hash(private_key))), you need to hash the public key twice first using sha256 and then ripemd160, but you are correct, your friend doesn't need you to send him the public key nor the address, using his private key he knows what is the public key as well as the address, but YOU need HIS public key to encrypt a message which then he can decrypt using his private key.
الخطر هوا في حال كنت قد استعملت الرخصة وجهازك كان متصل ب My Kaspersky هنا يمكن لحامل الحساب ان يقوم بالعديد من الاشياء من اهمها ان كان التفعيل على نظام اندرويد يمكن لي الشخص الذي اعطاك الكود ان يقوم باقفال موبايلك ومعرفة موقعك الجغرافي, يمكنه ايضا تفقد معلومات 2FA او تعطيل الحماية في جهازك , وهنا قائمة بالاشياء التي يمكنه فعلها. https://community.kaspersky.com/kaspersky-internet-security-13/how-many-my-kaspersky-accounts-can-be-linked-to-one-multi-device-license-closed-5914طبعا لايكمنه الوصول لملفاتك ولا IP address ولا اي شي من هدا القبيل, كل مايسطيع فعلها هوا التحكم في خصائص Kaspersky فقط لا غير, ولكن طالما انك لست متصل بحسابه لن يستطيع فعل اي شي اصلا. اما بخصوص حماية العائلة اولا تقوم شركة كاسبر سكاي باخد موافقتك في الانظمام تحت حساب يتم ادارته من قبل احد افراد العائلة لذلك لايمكن ان تكون الرخصة تحت حساب عائلي في حال لم توافق عليها انت, وحتى لو كان هدا صحيحا فلا يمكنه ان يفعل اي شي باستتناء التحكم في البرنامج نفسه فقط. طبعا الحديث بصفة عامة لانني واثق ان الاخ Coinoplex شخص صادق وكريم واود ان اشكره مجددا على كل مايفعله للقسم العربي.
very strange... please give me "full" miner stat image. If your miner have problem before, my mod not solve this...
I think it's normal, I have seen a few gears that have some weird target hashrate but as long as the actual hashrate is within normal range then all good, but that doesn't seem to be the case here with 12.5TH assuming his gear is S9k it has to be over 13th for all batches/versions unless he has a few bad chips here and there. elfarto69 how long has this miner been online for? also, what was the average hashrate on the stock firmware?
Thank you for your explanation we did not plan and do not plan to violate the rules of the Forum, we tried to choose the most appropriate section for our topic
You put the topic in the mining software ( bitcoin mining) and then one of the moderators moved it from there, which means it was not the most appropriate section, but you created the same topic in the same wrong board again, i'd like to believe it was only another mistake and not in your intention to break the rules. Honestly speaking your topic will do best in altcoin mining, I believe that is where Awesomeminer topic located, you just need to make sure you get the correct sub-section, also the title is inaccurate, that is why the mod moved it here.
This fake website comes 3rd in my google search for Whatsminer, and a few members in the mining community (mostly newbies) keep asking about this website, it's FAKE and SCAMThe website has been online for nearly 2 years now, if you want to help fight this scam:
انا لا استخدم منصة Yobit نظرا لعدم ثقتي بها ولكن الخاصية التي تحتاجها موجودة في افضل موقع تشارتات في العالم وهوا TradingView يمكنك تفعيل هده الخاصية على اي تشارت وعملة تريدها عن طريق الظعط على رسمة المنبه او الساعة واتباع الخطوات تقوم بتحديد السعر, وهل يتم تنبيهك عند تجاوز السعر للاعلى ام الاسفل, يمكن ايضا استقبال ايميل يخبرك بحصول الشي التي حضرته في الاعدادات , يمكن ايضا تحديد مدة زمنية لصلاحية هدا التنبيه, اما ان كنت تريد استخدام الاداة في المنصة نفسها عليك مراسلة الدعم للحصول على الجواب لانه لا اعتقد اي شخص هنا يستعمل تلك المنصة لانها ليست موثوقة ويمكن ان تخسر اموالك في اي لحظة.
I found that fuse and as expected it was shot to shit. It says 20A 250V where can I try to find one like this? It's not like we still have radio shack and I can go browsing the drawers for fuses.
Here is the image of the fuse And I guess these once will work https://www.amazon.com/Divine-Lighting-Slow-Blow-Ceramic-MDA20A/dp/B004I36FJA, but as the previous post says, you must confirm that it's only the fuse that needs replacement, or simply risk 5$ and directly test the PSU ( that's what I would do because aside from a blown fuse I can't test the other advanced stuff).
Those S19 and future S19++, pro and variants are going to make almost imposible produce money with old miners, even with S17/T17 units.
You need to always be very near the most efficient gears, if you don't invest a certain portion of your profit to re-position yourself in a better place, eventually you will be left out, this is why the duration to ROI is crucial, also the timing is very important, many people I know ( including a few in this forum) bought those latest batches of T17/T17+ for nearly $800 plus shipping, that is what I call a terrible business plan. If you bought a T17 58TH for $817, and paid 100-200 for shipping say you paid $1000 in total so unless you have FREE power, you will simply NEVER ROI. Even with 2 cents per Khw, you will still need over 10 months to ROI, and this is the rainbow scenario where difficulty doesn't go any higher, price doesn't go any lower and your gears don't die on you. With that being said, after a second thought on the situation, I strongly believe that difficulty has most likely hit the top, for now, starting from the next epoch my guess is that we start consolidating to the downside for a few months (unlike I thought a while earlier for many reasons which I will talk about in the near future), the correction won't be major so if you have an S9 and pay 5 cents per Khw, it's impossible for you to become profitable again, however, the adjustment will be a small push in profit, meanwhile, I wouldn't buy any mining gear at these current prices.
Thanks for the comment, we should move thread to another section.
You can't move the topic from the wrong section and then recreate another one in the same wrong section two days later. You are using this forum to advertise your services for absolutely FREE, you should at least respect and follow the rules if you don't intend to get banned. Please follow the rules and don't post in the mining board unless the topic is explicitly related to the firmware of yours that works on SHA256 mining gears, if it's an altcoin related or any other sell/buy service it shouldn't be in the bitcoin mining section.
he gave me 57 merits
I gave him 67 merits
Phill thanks so much for your input, just a correction, you are looking at the number and not the sum on bpip.org, in reality, you sent me a total of 137 merit 69 times (some contain more than single merit), I have only sent you 62 merit, certainly not because that's all you deserve, you have a dozen of great posts that I would merit if I had enough merit, so far I have sent only about 1335 merit in total (all the sMerit I had), I also think increasing your source allocation will help improve the mining community, so if Theymos decides to increase your bag, do let me know and I will stop pumping this topic until it's needed again.
... easily correlate profit switchers adjusting to it. Which fee are still up on 24 rolling average close to a 6.6 reward.
Profit switching does affect the network hashrate but to a very certain "tiny" degree, we are talking 15Exahash, all Sha256 coins excluding bitcoin don't even have half of that, so even if we were to assume that 100% of miners are set to profit switching, and all other Sha256 disappeared, there won't be 15EH coming to the network from there, I am well aware of automated farms that will shut down "programmatically" when are not profitable and come back online when they are in the profile zone, I am just not sure about how much hashrate those guys have, but you may actually be correct, although given the short time frame it could simply be the luck effect on the network. Anyhow, he is an update Next Difficulty: between 17291952297815 and 17376566672531 Next Difficulty Change: between +9.5522% and +10.0882%
We will make a new all-time high above 17T in less than 3 days, the current ATH is 16.55T, so the difficulty is making higher highs while the price is making lower lows, the two things that every miner hates to see.
98 + shipping.
So that will be $130-140 shipped, not sure if it's worthy for merely a 28th consuming 57w each, after the power bill S15 will make 2$ a day (best case scenario), that is close to 3 months only to ROI the PSU, and with difficulty rising those 3 months could very easily become 4 or 5, I wouldn't pay that much for an S15 PSU, if he could find one shipped for 100$ or less, that might make sense, but paying 130-140 bucks and having to wait a couple of weeks to get the PSU from china isn't something I would do.