Altcoins in 2018 remind me of the old joke about the man who jumped off of a 100 story building. People on the 40th floor heard him say as he fell past, "So far, so good"
The thing I like about crypto is that it teaches you the importance of patience and time in the same way compound interest does. To build wealth you need to use patience and time.
Some Ico's don't allow people in the U. S. to participate but you can join the bounty to get involved in the ICO despite this restriction.
I pick my signature campaign by picking an ICO that I want to invest in and that I think will do well long term. I use the ICO rating websites such as:,,,,,, and others along with @iconizers on twitter to help narrow the choices down. A ton of research is required.
Excellent idea. You will learn to be frugal while building a retirement account. Good job!
A million dollars from trading altcoins is not only possible it's very, very easy. First you start with 2 million....
Buy bitcoin and add to it every month regardless of the market swings. Do this for five years. Retire in style.
I'm looking forward to getting my taylor app. It will be my little trading monkey making me money. Gonna be so cool.
If I had to pick only two altcoins to invest in, I would choose NEBL and DRGN. They will make you money.
I just picked up a coin I'm excited about LEGOLAS $LGO. It is a new exchange which is coming later this year. I'm bullish on exchanges and I don't think I've seen one that hasn't gone 10x.
My votes for most promising altcoins of 2018 goes to [drumroll], OMG, DRGN, ICX, NEBL POLY. These are winner winner chicken dinner!
Reach into your pants and see if you can feel any balls, because it doesn't sound like you have any.
Not everyone has the temperament to be a trader. Just buy bitcoin and add to your bitcoin holdings every month without fail on the first of the month irregardless of the market. In a few years you will have a nice retirement nest egg and it will be entirely stress free. Or you could continue losing money trading on the hope that you'll learn to be better.
Don't sell . There's a good chance this downtrend in the market was caused by a Mt. Gox trustee selling off 500 million in bitcoin. It's almost over, be patient.
I'm sickened by all the people asking to be regulated. Careful what you ask for. If these markets were regulated 'til they were smooth as vanilla pudding for all to consume, there would be no money to be made. Safe as milk takes away risk and risk makes money.
If you have any uncertainty, listen to it. ICO's are very risky and already they are starting to only let rich people in early. If an Ico let's you buy .2 ETH worth it is probably a scam. The quality ICO's demand large buys for early investors more and more. The safest investment strategy is to buy bitcoin and every month buy more bitcoin.
As you can see from my signature I'm most stoked for Taylor Ico. It s a mobile smart app trading bot which will alert you to trading opportunities. I think it will help people make money trading crypto and will be wildly popular because of this. It is perfect for the millennials who are flocking to crypto.
I avoid airdrop coins because you have to download and use their wallets and historically many wallets are full of malware, viruses and other malicious critters to steal from you. Tokens don't have this problem, they can all go in MyEtherWallet which has shown no problems.
I like to use the ICO ratings sites, and there are lots of them,to find potentialy profitable ICO's and then check the best for their bounty programs.
I'm thinking most altcoins will do well in the future, but I am particularly stoked on $DRGN, $ICX, POLY, THETA, and $OMG. You can't win the Game of Coins without Dragons!