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41  Economy / Economics / Re: Save while young better than wait on: January 31, 2024, 06:58:14 AM
From personal experience, I've come to realize that starting to invest in oneself and one's financial future should happen sooner rather than later. The difference between those who make this decision today and those who procrastinate becomes significant over time. I recommend all young people seriously consider their finances, start investing, and build financial stability for a brighter future.
Yes, exactly. Many people who procrastinate think more about momentary pleasure than finances in old age. That's why the younger generation needs to dream. Because when we think about dreams, they turn into plans. When we say a plan, it will change shape again into a commitment. When we carry out our commitment, it will change shape again and become a reality.

So while you're still young, don't waste your age having fun, make the best use of your money by investing for the future, such as Bitcoin, property and gold. This is a long-term investment, the younger generation must be aware of all this so that we can achieve financial freedom in old age. If you plan to be successful in Life, you have to think it, believe it, and make your beliefs work for you.
Environmental factors are quite influential on the younger generation so that there is a desire for them to be able to balance the lifestyle of their circle so that they put aside or don't think too much about the future, which is quite unfortunate actually, but this is a real thing that is happening right now.

Those of us who are aware of this may be something to be grateful for because saving or investing for the future is very important.
When we are young we seek a lot of knowledge, money and everything that will be of great benefit in old age.
42  Economy / Economics / Re: Coping with Risk. on: January 31, 2024, 06:42:58 AM
There is no business or investment that does not have risks, so we must understand this and all the risks we face will be proportional to the possible profits we will get.
If we have to choose between running a physical business or running an online investment, I think both are the same and it all depends on each of us in terms of being able to do it, because the risks we face will be proportional to the percentage of profit and also the knowledge we have in business or the investments we make.
43  Economy / Economics / Re: Why Bitcoin is the only crypto you should BUY on: January 31, 2024, 06:25:29 AM
Bitcoin is a widely adopted currency with a large community. It is also a king that has revolutionized the consensus model and served as a role model for many currencies that followed it. It is a store of value, and as such, it sets the balance and direction of the market. There are many features that distinguish Bitcoin from others, but these are the first ones that come to my mind...
Besides that, the price has a higher percentage in the future, making Bitcoin a good choice to buy and also store so that you can make a profit in the future.
what happened in the past is a strong enough reason that this will happen again. Bitcoin prices are always able to recover even though deep corrections occur, so I think there is no need to doubt anything.
44  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Larangan pemasangan alat peraga kampaye! on: January 30, 2024, 04:14:58 PM
Larangan pemasangan alat peraga kampaye!
Pasal 71 PKPU No. 15 Tahun 2023
(1) Alat Peraga Kampanye Pemilu dilarang dipasang pada tempat
umum sebagai berikut:
1.tempat ibadah;
2.rumah sakit atau tempat pelayanan kesehatan;
3.tempat   pendidikan,   meliputi   gedung   dan/atau
sekolah dan/atau perguruan tinggi;
4. gedung atau fasilitas milik pemerintah; 
5.Fasilitas tertentu milik pemeirntah; dan
Fasilitas lainnya yang dapat mengganggu ketertiban umum
 Sebenarnya secara undang-undang atau PKPU sudah jelas diatur dan kenapa juga tempat larangan di lakukan, dan apakah sanksi yang harus dilakukan saat pelangaran itu dilakukan?

Sebenarnya pelaksanaan hukum di Indonesia bagus banget, semuanya sudah tertera dengan detil contoh yang OP bilangin tentang Pasal 71 PKPU No. 15 Tahun 2023. Normalnya, kalo ada pelanggaran terhadap aturan ini, pastinya ada sanksinya juga, karena ada payung hukumnya. Itu jelas. Tapi sayangnya dilapangan penindakannya kurang dan hasilnya banyak alat peraga kampanye menempel dimana saja, bahkan di pohon-pohon di trotoar jalan raya. Bahkan sekrang ada berani nempein di pagar rumah orang lain. Harusnya ya jangan seperti itu. Jadi, menurut saya sebaiknya para calon-calon petinggi politik dan tim kampanye mereka ikut patuh sama aturan ini, biar ga bikin masalah dan bisa berjalan dengan lancar.
Di Indonesia tidak mengerankan lagi untuk hal hal seperti ini, hampir di semua hukum tidak ada yang di jalankan dengan benar dan menurut saya itu karena penegak hukum tidak tegas sehingga mereka bisa melakukan demikian.
Memang secara terang terangan saat ini banyak alat perage kampanye yang di pasang di tempat temapt yang di larang namun ketika tidak ada tindakan apapun dari pihak yang berwajib maka itu terus di lakukan dan banyak yang mengikutinya.
45  Economy / Economics / Re: Why we should prioritize investment over saving on: January 30, 2024, 03:55:47 PM
Saving our hard earned money have never been a bad idea, but their are certain things we need to consider before thinking of saving, such as inflation.
Inflation is truly the real enemy to every money that is being saved up, because when the time is right like a year time, when it should be used for it purpose, the value wouldn't be as how it actually was when you started saving it, but on the other hand, if we have been investing that money into Bitcoin, land or gold bit by bit, over the course of a year, the value of that your investment would have added additional value compared to our savings that will be eaten up by inflation.
So too me we should think of investing more of our money than saving it, so that  inflation wouldn't eat it up.
That is very true, but we also have to be astute in looking at the types of investments and opportunities so as not to experience losses. If we are talking about a safe place then there is no way for us to be able to keep the money we have safely because everything has possibilities and risks.
However, compared to saving money that is not used and then having its value undermined in the future because of inflation, it is indeed better to invest it, that is an undeniable thing, but again we have to learn about investments that will be profitable for us in the future.
46  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Mengubah insecure jadi bersyukur on: January 28, 2024, 08:25:20 AM
Bagaimana caranya supaya kita bisa lebih menghargai diri sendiri? Karena saya merasa kesulitan untuk menghilangkan rasa insecure ini. Setiap saya melihat orang lain yang memiliki kemampuan berlebih saya merasa iri dan selalu merasa kalau saya lebih rendah dan tidak memiliki kelebihan apa-apa dibandingkan orang lain. Tolong berikan solusinya..
Saya yakin banyak orang yang pernah merasakan ini karena saya juga pernah ada posisi ini namun memang ini tidak boleh di biarkan secara terus menerus karena akan berdampak buruk pada diri sendiri di masa depan.
Untuk mengatainya mungkin setiap orang memiliki cara yang berbeda akan tetapi saya pikir meningkatkan kualitas diri dan dengan demikian akan muncul rasa cinta terhadap diri sendiri sehingga hal tersebut menurut saya cukup ampuh untuk menghilangkan rasa insecure.
Ada berbagai caranya, baik itu rajin berolahraga, rajin beribadah ataupun bekerja lebih keras untuk mendapatkan penghasilan yang lebih besar lalu semua itu dedikasikan untuk diri sendiri.
Saya pikir setiap orang harus mencintai diri sendiri dan menghargai diri sendiri untuk ataupun atas apa yang telah kita lalui, pada dasarnya semua kita hebat.
47  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: January 28, 2024, 06:51:01 AM
Bayern Munich failed to win the Bundesliga title last season and their toughest opponent was Dortmund last season. After losing the title to Dortmund last season, Bayern Munich have made a number of changes to their squad and have strengthened their squad this season compared to last season. Bayer Leverkusen has been their toughest opponent this season as Bayer Munich have strengthened their squad this season compared to last season. Bayer Leverkusen can't keep up with Bayer Leverkusen. Bayern Munich have not been able to get past Bayer Leverkusen so far. We also notice the points gap between Bayer Munich and Bayer Leverkusen. If Bayern Munich fail to win the title this season, it can be said that they have fought hard in the end.

As it is the middle of the season, Bayern Munich still have a lot of time to climb to the top of the points table. Bayer Leverkusen can only be overtaken if they play according to plan and put in consistent performances.
Maybe you are wrong, Bayern Munich managed to win the title last season dramatically after Dortmund failed to win their last match by having the same points but Bayern Munich was ahead on Agg goals.

In terms of quality, I think Bayern Munich this season is better than last season, but this season they often cannot maintain their consistency and also on the other hand, their competitor this season is Leverkusen and the Leverkusen team has strength and consistency throughout this season so now they have managed to become leaders of the standings. while the Bundesliga.

In Bayern Munich's last 3 matches, it is clear that they are in decline in form, even though they have managed to win 2 of their last 3 matches, but in terms of quality their team seems to be in decline and they are having difficulty winning matches even though they are against lower level teams.
I think Tauchel must be able to evaluate and improve the performance of the Bayern Munich team otherwise their percentage of being able to defend the title will become smaller.
48  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: January 25, 2024, 01:38:24 PM
Assalammualaikum wr wb
Selamat Malam teman Teman SFI semunya, Semoga kita semua senatiasa diberikan kesehatan. Aamiin.
Izinkan saya mengajukan kembali beberapa postingan, masukan dan saran dari teman-teman sangat saya butuhkan sebagai bahan perbaikan kedepannya.
Terimakasih banyak teman-teman semuanya.

Terima Kasih Banyak Untuk Teman Teman SFI Saya semuanya, Jujur Saja sangat banyak motivasi dan energi positif yang saya dapatkan dari teman teman semua setelah saya lebih aktif lagi di Board lokal Indonesia, semoga kita terus bisa kompak selalu teman teman.
49  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Bagaimana sih melawan rasa malas on: January 25, 2024, 09:09:05 AM
Jadi ini pengalaman pribadi setiap mau memulai selalu ada aja alasan yang membuat pekerjaan terhambat entah itu ada halangan atau apa.
Sudah belajat berbagai macam habit namun belum juga ada perobahan, rasa malas seakan menjiwai tubuh ini mencoba melawan masih aja menang ni malas.
Apa ada tutorial yang ampuh dari agan-agan yang dirahmati Allah Swt.
Gak ada menurut saya masukan dari orang lain yang bisa membuat perubahan dalam hidup kita gan, kecuali memang ada keinginan besar dari diri sendiri kita untuk mengubah kebiasaan buruk tersebut.
Dalam beberapa hal saya juga terkadang demikian dan bahkan melakukan kewajiban seorang muslim yaitu Sholat terkadang saya malas malasan dan sering menunda, berbagai orang telah mengingatkan saya dan berbagai masukan telah saya terima namun itu tidak kunjung dapat mengubah dalam waktu lam kecuali bukan saya sendiri yang memiliki keinginan besar untuk melakukannya.

melawan rasa malas yaitu membuat pola hidup yang teratur dan tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu, hal lain yaitu melawannya dengan cara melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan positif walau kegiatan tersebut tidak menambah pendapatan kita, karna dengan cara begitu kita selalu disibukan dengan sebuah pekerjaan dan akhirnya terbiasa, setelah itu usahakan sisihkan waktu untuk berolahraga, dan jangan lupa bersyukur dan berdoa
Saya setuju untuk ini karena saya pernah menerapkannya dalam hidup, banyak hal hal positif yang kita lakukan dalam hidup akan berdampak positif juga untuk hal hal lainnya.
Mungkin pola pikir dan juga kebugaran tubuh yang menjadi lebih baik karena kegiatan positif yang sering kita lakukan sehingga terbiasa, ini saran yang bagus menurut say untuk bisa mengubah hidup untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi dan mari kita awali dengan hal hal kecil dalam kehidupan sehari hari kita untuk bisa merubah hal hal besar dalam hidup.
50  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: January 23, 2024, 04:21:10 AM
Thomas Tuchel failed to maximize the match to win full points even though they played at home with a much greater advantage. Werder Bremen's defense does look so solid and they don't let Bayern Munich players enter the penalty box area without escort. Harry Kane was unable to do much in the match because he was guarded quite tightly by Werder Bremen and Pressing players who were also quite successful in making Bayern Munich players frustrated in finding opportunities for scoring goals.

For the problem of struggling the title may be up to now Bayern Munich is still quite likely because the difference in points from Leverkusen is not too far away. But the spotlight must be given to Thomas Tuchel for failing to get full points at home when facing opponents who are not too strong. Because when viewed from the last five matches the appearance of Werder Bremen is quite unstable and they haven't won before.
There are still quite a lot of matches left this season and the competition for the title is not over yet, but Bayern is a strong team that has not been able to maintain its consistency this season, that is a job that has not been completed by Thomas Tuchel because if you look at the quality, this team is quite strong in all areas but mistakes are often made. happens when they play against lower level teams when they are unable to maintain consistent performance and they will lose points, which is quite detrimental.

And on the other hand, Leverkusen is getting stronger at the moment and they are still able to maintain their consistency since the start of the season. The dramatic victory against Leipzig certainly made the Leverkusen team even more confident.

I think in the last few seasons, Leverkusen has been quite a difficult competitor for Bayern in the race for the Bundesliga title and the percentage of Bayern failing to defend the title is quite large this season compared to previous seasons.
51  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀🚀 Official Partner of Newcastle United Football Club on: January 17, 2024, 07:19:44 AM
Anybody enjoying the AFCON?
I didnt watch a single AFCON match yet, but maybe I am going to watch Ivory Coast vs Nigeria tomorrow because it was included as one of the BSFL questions.
What I watched are some short video clips with goalkeeper and defense mistakes, it was very funny like from amateur leagues. Smiley
Salah scoring most goals sounds good to me.

This is still the group stage and there are no fierce matches yet, currently there are only a few matches which in my opinion are unbalanced and very boring to watch.
Maybe when I enter the know out round I will regularly watch AFCON matches, currently I only watch some match footage from some teams to see the strength of these teams.

Mohamed Salah is the top scorer at AFCON 2024?
Yes, it is very possible, he is in good form at the moment and in the first match Mohamed Salah managed to score a dramatic goal at the end of the match to save Egypt from defeat.
52  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Help posts in local boards that did not receive enough merits on: January 17, 2024, 06:54:22 AM
Indonesian Local Board

Link 1.
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Link 10.
53  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Adakah Cara Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Di Negara Tercinta Ini on: January 12, 2024, 01:07:33 PM
Memang benar gan, jika akan membuka usaha tidak dibekali pengetahuan dan keterampilan maka saya rasa percuma saja maksudnya adalah, ya kita bisa melihat orang disekitar kita membuka usaha yang lumayan cukup besar omsetnya tetapi jika kita tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan Keterampilan  sama seperti orang itu dalam bidangnya atau usahanya maka tidak akan berhasil juga. Dan benar juga anda bahwa jika seseorang tidak memiliki kompetensi dalam suatu bidang maka akan susah untuk menemukan hasil akhirnya yang ada hanyalah tidak meningkat justru akan semakin ketinggalan.
Setiap usaha pastinya memiliki resiko dan saya yakin semua orang yang telah membuka usaha pastinya dibekali dengan pengetahuan tentang usaha yang dibukanya meskipun sedikit namun perihal akan maju ataupun sebaliknya kembali lagi pada kebutuhan pasar sehingga saya pikir meningkatkan ekonomi tidak selalu pada terpaku pada pelaku usaha namun pendapat perkapita masyarakat di Indonesia sehingga memungkinkan untuk terjai perputaran uang yang besar dan akhirnya bisa meningkatkan keuntungan para pelaku usaha.
54  Economy / Speculation / Re: will the btc price reach 100k ? on: January 11, 2024, 12:06:07 PM
it is still very difficult for the price of bitcoin to touch the price of 100k dollars. even though this year entered the year of halving. if the price is getting higher, people will rarely use it for transactions because sending fees will also be more expensive. the dilemma of the crypto currency world is like this, the higher the price, the more people use it but the more it decreases because the sending fee is getting more expensive.
Difficult does not mean impossible to occur mate, because every thing that will happen in a balanced way even though some people may not realize that. We will not know how many people will continue to make transactions with Bitcoin when their conditions are in the improvement, as well as when the condition is declining because transactions in Bitcoin will continue to occur within any condition as long as Bitcoin can still be traded and invested by many people. So the price as high as that is not an impossible thing to happen as long as there is time for everyone in being patient to see that becomes real.
If we talk about whether it is possible or not, we should be able to look at what happened in the past. I have been following Bitcoin price developments for several years so I am starting to believe that no matter how bad it gets, the Bitcoin price is always able to recover and exceed its highest price.
For the price of 100k I think it is too close to Bitcoin's ATH a few years ago so of course it is very possible that we could see a price of 100k, but in time it is not certain when that will happen, sooner or later I really believe we will all see that price.
55  Economy / Economics / Re: How to stay poor! on: January 11, 2024, 11:53:07 AM
I understand one thing and I believe it.
Not everyone has the same responsibilities so it is difficult to control finances. I have even seen a small child who works to support his family's economy so there is no way or way for him to save his money for his personal needs. He has quite a lot of income for someone his age. but there is nothing left when he has to meet the needs of all his output, this is about life which cannot be defined and also about love so he has to do that.

What is certain is that everyone who works hard will never feel deprived at any time so that those who support the family economy will find their own way to earn money because I believe that natural law is fair.
56  Economy / Economics / Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......! on: January 11, 2024, 11:39:59 AM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.

Indeed, those who failed to go out in their comfort zone most of the time waste the opportunity to change their lives, there are many aspects that
we can consider, chances that we missed when it knocks our door, it's important to keep yourself well-aware to what you can do.

Money will give you that chance if happens that you manage to work yourself in, there are things that we need to improve and budgeting and holding
our finances the right way is really important towards our success.
Not many people have the opportunity, so many of us see excessive fear so they don't dare to get out of their comfort zone.
If someone has money it might be a little easier for them to earn more, but if everything has to start from scratch then I think the struggle and process that has to be gone through is much longer.
57  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Politik Dinasti dan Nepotisme on: January 10, 2024, 02:48:19 PM
Indonesia kan negeri konoha gan,

Dan Indonesia perlu Pemimpin yang adil kali ini. Jika terus-terusan dapat Pemimpin....maka, Negara Tercinta kita ini akan selalu jadi Negara Konoha. Maksud saya Lahir kesejahteraan bagi warga negara, Makmur dan Utang RI tidak dan bertambah lagi.

Utang RI saat ini hampir Rp 8.500 T. Jika terus berlanjut siapa yang akan selesaikan. Lihat saja respon para pejabat jika ada temuan di saat pemeriksaan selalu membuat Retorika awal dan banyak yang bilang bigini.. Oh.. itu bukan masa saya pak, namun masa si Pulan dan SiPulen.

Sampai kapan Cerita Taman kanak-kanak akan ini akan berakhir??

Entah lah mas.sebagai rakyat kecil dan punya penghasilan minim rasa nya lelah ya menghadapi hari-hari dinegeri ini,dan entah sampai kapan ini akan berakhir.

Selain pasrah memang tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan gan dan saya juga berpikir 1 suara dari rakyat kecil tidak berpengaruh apapun dalam pemilihan umum karena penyelenggara nya saja tidak netral dan banyak kecurangan yang terjadi.
Saya tidak berpikir kalau negara Indonesia ini akan berubah dalam jangka waktu dekat.

Secara aturan memang tidak di perbolehkan politik dinasti di indonesia, namun banyak kecurangan yang dilakukan di belakang layar seolah menjalankan itu, jadi sama saja menruut saya.
58  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Pemilih Muda Mendominasi Pemilu 2024 on: January 08, 2024, 01:40:03 PM
Untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia pemilih terbanyak di pemilu 2024 adalah pemilih muda atau yang sering disebut Gen Z dan Milenial. Kehadiran para pemilih muda atau Pemilih yang belum berpengalaman agar bisa memberikan informasi yang baik dan benar kepada orang lain atau kepada masyarakat terkecilnya, seperti keluarga. Partisipasi aktif pemilih muda dapat membantu membentuk kebijakan publik yang inklusif dan mewakili seluruh masyarakat. Karena pemilih  muda biasanya cenderung memiliki ide, cara pandang dan energi baru yang dapat meremajakan dunia politik dan lain-lain. Peran pemilih muda sangat dinantikan dalam pemilu 2024 nanti. Selama ada pemilih muda atau pemilih pemula yang peduli kejujuran dan antikorupsi, negara dan bangsa ini akan tetap eksis dan jaya. mara dari itu jangan golput pada pemilu nanti pilihlah pemimpin yang sesuai hati nurani masing-masing.
Suasana baru dan penycoblosan baru maju generasi milenial,banyak anak-anak muda jaman now yang perduli kepada negeri Indonesia ini,menurut saya itu sih bagus wajib dijadikan contoh oleh anak-anak muda lain nya.
Berikan hak suara kalian jangan sampai salah pilih ya dan jangan GOLPUT 🙅.
Saya melihat antusias yang begitu tinggi pada kalangan anak muda saat ini karena pengaruh media sosial dan sekarang hampi di seluruh platform media sosial sangat banyak isu isu politik sehingga karena hal tersebutlah muncul rasa ingin medalami dengan situasi dan apa yang terjadi saat ini.
Saya pikir anak muda saat ini cukup peka terhadap politik dan pastinya setiap orang memiliki pilihan masing masing dan saya juga berharap bahwa angka Golput dari semua pemilih bisa murun di pemilu tahun ini di bandingkan pemilu tahun 2019 lalu yang mencapai 18,02 persen dari total pemilih yang terdaftar.
59  Economy / Speculation / Re: A big buying opportunity might be on the horizon on: January 06, 2024, 04:34:00 PM
Well again this will end in Waiting time , yeah ETF denial will never stop bitcoin from making another ATH because we have seen this happens many time before , but the thing here is that we are nearing the Halving so bitcoin will make another great chance to increase and so as we to purchase and make our folio open for another investing .
as soon as the market grows is the faster we can make withdrawal and money .
It's a good idea not to withdraw money in advance if the market is developing quite well because everyone will take advantage of this good trend for their own benefit. But if it's time to withdraw money, I think it's not a problem to do so as long as there is still potential for better price growth in Bitcoin. Of course it would also be very good to remain in the current position while continuing to implement purchases with the capabilities we currently have.
That is very true, in fact, when this positive trend continues, it would be better to maintain assets and even continue to buy according to your abilities.
I don't think a good choice is to exit when market conditions are fine, we have seen the Bitcoin price continue to increase since the last few months so I think this is a good moment to maintain assets and also to add assets is also good when we look at the prospects an increasingly positive (possible) future.
60  Economy / Economics / Re: 4 COMMON MISTAKES PEOPLE MADE WITH THEIR FINANCES LAST YEAR THAT SHOULD BE AVOID on: January 06, 2024, 04:19:23 PM
Among those 4 points, many of the people I know skip the first point, they have little to no emergency fund, most of them are employee with fixed monthly salary, they are living healthy life, they think they will not need any emergency fund. Then Covid hit, companies are laying-off their employee, some of them living from their small saving. This makes them realized that no-one is safe and everyone needs emergency fund.
Very true. The importance of an emergency fund can be understood when any emergency situation arises, and the biggest example is the time of Covid. People are most carefree when they are happy. Because there are no bad situations during those times, people don't think much about the bad times that may come in their life. Everyone should really think that time does not always pass in the same way, situations sometimes teach people hard reality.

I have seen how people are struggling to survive after job loss, because they have no second option except job, and they don't have money to start anything new, and that's why having an emergency fund is at least a new one. They could start something and try to live better.
In fact, everyone wants to have an emergency fund, but not everyone can set aside their money because an income that can only cover living needs makes it difficult for someone to control their finances, especially if they have many dependents in their lives.
I'm sure everyone is aware of the importance of an emergency fund, as am I, but until now I have often failed to set aside money because of the high cost of living and also the needs of several of my family that I have to fulfill.
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