I'm a bit skeptical about this project. The idea is very difficult to implement, and the hackers tools also don't stand still. Let's see how the project will develop
The team is filled by the experienced experts in the field of blockchain cybersecurity, so I think that you should not worry about the technical implementation of the product
Will they figure out criminals intentions and then will tell the police about it?
As far as I understand it the platform provides incentives for anyone to detect cyber crime and report it and if they do so successfully they will be rewarded. I think it is also how Swarm works, but didn't get an answer.
How does Uncloak compare with Polyswarm?
Polyswarm are in a different market to us. They are concerned more with distributed malware protection. The marketing is pushed more towards threat detection, however, they are a distributed bug bounty focused on malware. Uncloak are looking at vulnerabilites/threats on multiple levels, from blockchain infrastructure through to an organisations computer network.
Uncloak aim to take a proactive approach, tackling cyber security threats on all fronts, rather than relying on a reactive solution. Uncloak goes out into the private/public web searching for vulnerabilities, utilising Artificial Intelligence, combined with a bug bounty program. Prevention is better than cure.
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