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41  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 24, 2020, 12:50:47 PM
And then you have countries who are against immigration. UK for example left EU because of this.
That is not quite correct. The UK didn't leave because they don't want immigration. They left because they don't want unelected and unaccountable outside bureaucrats to decide their immigeation (and everything else) for them.

And what's wrong with each sovereign country deciding their own policies anyway?

The EU supposedly started as an economic alliance with mist everyone under the same currency to faciliate commerce. Now it has turned into a gigantic bureaucracy that thinks it should control everyone.
42  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 20, 2020, 08:05:16 PM
What makes the country socialist?  Is it the moment things you don't agree on being funded collectively become collectively funded, the nation is socialist? So socialist just means you not getting your way?  

You need to read the Communist manifesto by Carl Marx. Socialism doesn't mean something I disagree with. Socialism and communism have very clean definitions completely unrelated to my wishes.
When the government controls, finances, or owns the education system, that is socialism. I'm not saying this, Carl Marx said it.
Now maybe you like socialist education, maybe the entire world (except me) likes socialist education. And maybe the entire world can decide to rename it 'public education'. But it's still socialism. It has nothing to do with me and you approving of it or not.

So be honest with yourself. You may decide that you like government financed and government controlled education. But that doesn't make it any less socialist, just because you like it, or just because most people like it. It's still socialism.

Most socialists are hell bent on renaming it 'public education' to hide the true mechanism of it. Don't be a hypocrit like the rest of them.
43  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 20, 2020, 07:08:51 PM
Not sure who you were addressing your post to. But I'll assume it was me.

Most people support public healthcare and education which is why almost every industrialized nation have both.

I'm not a big fan of 'public opinion' and what most people want or believe. The undertone is that this is what most people think and there is something wrong with you if you don't follow most people. Perhaps you are not a team player?

I am a grown ass man for crying out loud, not a sheep who blindly follows most people.

Have your opinion but at least be honest about the fact that you are in the minority.

I would never claim, nor would I care if my ideas were popular or not. There is something very wrong with saying that your position is popular. As if pupolarity could lend legitimacy to anything.

What makes the country socialist?  Is it the moment things you don't agree on being funded collectively become collectively funded, the nation is socialist?

Socislism is not absolute. You don't wake up one morning and your newscast suddenly announces that today is tge first day of socislism. Socialism is most often a process, incidious, deceptive, and gradual.

And to simply put it, the USA has very strong elements of socialism. You might try to tell me that is what must people want, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the USA has very strong elements of socialism, and it's getting gradually worst.

The textbook definition of socialism is government either controlling or owning the means of production.

Does your government control, own, or finances health care and education? If so, you would be more accurate to call it socialist education and socialist health care instead of public education and single payer health care.

Socialists know that most people don't like socialism. So they rename everything in a more palatable and easier way to swallow.

Public education sounds so much better than socialist education, doesn't it?

And single payer health care also sounds so much better than socialist health care, no?

But they are the same thing.

So socialist just means you not getting your way?  

Government controlling and financing the education system is the textbook definition of socialist education. It's not dependent on my opinion of it. It doesn't matter if 99.999% of the population like it or not, it's still socialism.

So at least be honest with yourself and call it what it is: socialist education, not 'public education'.

Money is social construct.  "making money" is an arbitrary metric that depends on use of public services.

I have no idea what that means. You don't need to use public services to make money.

If you use public services, you are not making money, you are costing money to the tax payers.

Who would lose out if we let the free market control our military operations abroad?

Wake the fuck up already. The millitary industrial complex already catters to corporations and special interest. In fact one could argue it's already controlled by special interest.

The constitution only allows the government to raise a millitary in times of emergency, in times of war. It doesn't allow for a perpetual standing army.

“Overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.”
 George Washinton, Farewell Address, September 17, 1796

“The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Chandler Price, February 28, 1807

“War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen and unsupposed circumstances...that no human wisdom can calculate the end. It has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes.”
Thomas Paine, Prospects on the Rubicon, 1787

“A standing army is one of the greatest mischiefs that can possibly happen.”
James Madison, Debates, Virginia Convention, 1787

“Standing armies are dangerous to liberty.”
Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, 1787

And the fact and the matter is, the USA doesn't really need an army at all. Just allow every citizen to be armed as he pleases without arbitrary restrictions. And nobody will ever dare to attack the USA.

“None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to unknown recipient, February 25, 1803

44  Other / Meta / Re: Using the forum to post trading instructions? on: September 15, 2020, 11:38:56 PM
OP, are you required to collect KYC info?  By that question, I mean are you registered as a business where the government/regulating agency in your jurisdiction requires you to have that data?  Don't know about anyone else, but that would be a huge turn-off for what amounts to using someone else's trading bot.  I don't even trust half the crypto exchanges out there with my personal info.

It's not required to ask for KYC but I get in trouble if I don't. I learned this the hard way.
Apparently frauds who steal bank information prefer to buy Bitcoin with it. They act fast before the account gets flagged.
And so as a trader, when I have too many fraudulent buyers with fraudulent payments, banks block my account from receiving or sending e-transfers. They are essencially blaming it on me instead of on the actual fraudster.

I understand that KYC is a big turn off for the community. Which is why I want to explain to my buyers why I need KYC, what I will do with the information, and what alternative verification methods they may choose.
45  Other / Meta / Re: Using the forum to post trading instructions? on: September 15, 2020, 11:05:50 PM
It sounds like you need to do this as a company, I wouldn't want to do "KYC" with just anyone, and I can imagine people use LocalBitcoins to avoid KYC at an exchange that has much better rates.
I'm no expert on KYC, but I can imagine you'll also need an AML policy. Just knowing who you're dealing with doesn't mean they won't use you to launder illegal funds.

Register a domain name
That would be my suggestion too.

People misunderstand why KYC is needed in my particular case.
The easiest and most widespread payment method in Canada is e-transfer, or email transfer by using your bank card. And once the payment is deposited in my account, it's not reversible. Most Canadian buyers don't want to do KYC because they imagine the trader reports them to the government, for tax purpose I suppose. But that's not at all why KYC is needed.

In the last summer several buyers bought Bitcoin from me with e-transfer, and they turned out to be frauds who were using stolen identities and stolen bank cards. Two of my buyers were frauds who sucessfully bought a total of over $5,000 of BTC from me. And an other 6 or 7 buyers were also frauds but their payment got stopped before completion.

But instead of fixing their obvious security problems, banks opt for the easy way: blaming me, the trader for accepting fraudulent payments. And so I have been blocked from receiving or sending e-transfers.

So I am fixing my problem with the banks and trying to clear my name. In the mean time, I will need to implement methods to filter out fraudulent buyers. KYC is just one of the two methods I intend to use. If you send me a picture of you holding your ID, and a piede of paper saying you are buying BTC from me, that makes it nearly impossible to commit fraud.

An other way to filter out frauds without KYC would be to freeze the Bitcoin you buy in our first trade for a week.
That gives the banks time to determine if the transaction is fraudulent or not. I intend to tell my buyers the first transaction with me should be no more than $20 and the coin gets frozen in escrow for a week until their account is verified.
If they don't want to wait, they can opt for KYC.

In short, banks can't do their job of protecting their customers money. So they dump that responsibility on me.
46  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 14, 2020, 06:28:57 PM
Socialism is a pure economic system that ceases private enterprise and turns over all means of production to the government with communal ownership. It is impossible to have private enterprise in a socialist nation and the U.S. has all sorts of private entities, so no, not socialist at all.

There are varying degrees of socialism. But the textbook definition is government either owning or controlling the means of production. So the government doesn't need to own it or finance it for it to be called socialism. If a government legislates it to the tits, it's socialism.

Do you know any area of your life that isn't legulated/permitted/licenced/taxed/regulated/subsidized by government?

Look up the 10 planks of communism. You will find they are all present to varying degrees within the USA.

You probably could make the arguement that other countries are more socialist than the USA. And that would probably be true for all nations outside North Korea. But make no mistakes about it, the USA is a socialist state.


We need to balance socialism with capitalism.

Fuck that! There is no acceptable 'balance' of socialism anymore than there is an acceptable 'balance' of Nazism. Down with all forms of socialism.
47  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 13, 2020, 12:58:14 AM
You can also pretend as if every socialist country hasn't turned into a dystopian hell hole. Socialism is a pure economic system that ceases private enterprise and turns over all means of production to the government with communal ownership. It is impossible to have private enterprise in a socialist nation and the U.S. has all sorts of private entities, so no, not socialist at all.
I'm not promoting socialism. I am the furthest thing away from socialism.
I oppose socialism. This is why I am telling you the USA has strong socialist elements and becoming more socialist increasingly over the years.

And a free market can not be regulated. Else it's no longer a free market.
Government will always point to problems real or percieved within a certain area of life, than claim that they must interveed or else the bogeyman will get us all.

48  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 12, 2020, 11:48:20 PM
Having "socialist" programs does not make a nation socialist which is my entire point.
You can say that having socislist programs doesn't make a country socialist. But it's as meaningless as saying I ate a ceasar salad, therefore I am vegan/vegetarian.

Progressive and aggreisive taxation (meaning the tax rate increases as you make more money) is 100% a socialist concept. That we should tax the most productive people to give to the least productive ones is also 100% a socialist concept right out of the communist manifesto. You can try to tell yourself all you want that the USA is not a socialist system. But the USA has adopted strong socialist tendencies. Call it what you want - partial socialism, hidden socialism, whatever. But those are still socialism programs.

Please, give me one activity you can do in the USA without government taxing/permitting/licensing/subsidizing/regulating/standardizing it.

Wanna talk dirty to your girlfriend on the phone? Government is listening and saving your conversation. They are also regulating your phone and your cell network up to.the tits too.
49  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 12, 2020, 07:40:15 PM
Social programs doesn't make a country socialist.
Of course a country adopting a public library system or public water works doesn't make the country instantaniously a socialist system..But a public library is a socialist program and public education is a sociaoist program.

In my country today, right now, we have socialized road system, socialized libraries, socialized post office, socialized welfare system, socialized retorement, socialized health care, socialized gun control, socialized pretty much everything.
You can't point to a single thing you can do in my country without government taxing it, regulating it, permitting it, licensing it, subsidizing it, and legislating it.

So it's a stupid cop out to say "socialist programs don't make a country socialist".

I suggest you read the communist manifesto by Carl Marx. In it you will find the 10 planks of communism, or if you prefer the 10 items needed to implement communism. Virtually every western country has slready implemented those 10 planks to varying degress.

So you'd be hard pressed to claim you are not at sll living in a socialist country.

Public utilities and capitalism aren't at odds.

But of course capitalism and socialist programs are at odds woth each other.
Capitalism is essencially free market and socialist programs are about forcing everyone into paying for the government programs. They are directly at odds with each other.

A socialist program like public libraries doesn't turn a country suddenly into a socialist state anymore than me eating kale makes me a vegetarian. But socialist public libraries and centralized government armies are socialist programs none the less. And they run counter to capitalism and the principal of free market.

You can't point a gun at my head to force me to pay for your socialist programs and keep pretending you are not implementing a socialist system.
50  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 12, 2020, 01:54:54 AM
Still never met a socialist who thinks EVERYTHING should be controled by the government but that is the strawman of choice amongst bootlickers.

Socialists keep finding problems everywhere, wither real or perceived. And their only solution to these problems is always more government. Some people have more money than others? Get government involved. Pollution, global warming, viruses, banks failing, you name it, more government is always the socialist solution.

Never mind that wherever you are, your government is operating under a crushing dept that is so large it can never be repaid. This goes to show how inneffictive and wasteful government programs are.

Most of us believe necessities should be controled by the government

When you claim something should be handled by government, what you are basically saying is that you want it, or you need it, so you think governme t should steal from other people via taxation to give to you.

Capitalists already are socialists because they almost unanimously believe the government should fund their security via the military, their risk via bailouts, their overhead via public infrastructure, and their employee benefit  costs via social security.

You obviously don't understand who capitslism means. Capiralism is eseencially free market. But as a socialist you don't really understand the idea of free market. To a socialist, if government doesn't legislate it, tax it, regulate it, permit it, license it, or subsidize it, it becomes not free market, but black market.

So at the end of the day, socialists want socialism, capitalists want socialism

Again, you don't understand what capitalism means.

and its really just bootlicking libertarians who want pure captialism.

What's with the bootlicking stuff and you? Libertarians just want to be left alone. If they are not hurting anyone else, they want government out of their lives.

What's that got to do with licking boots?
51  Other / Meta / Re: Using the forim to post trading instructions? on: September 09, 2020, 03:54:00 AM
Yeah just shove it in services in the marketplace section.

The admin doesn't actively trade crypto and this forum was made for bitcoin community growth as a non profit.
Hey bud! Remember me?
You gave me a few sats so that I could try LN. I thought that was very kind of you.
52  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 09, 2020, 03:47:02 AM
in europe people dont buy medical treatment. people get it through the NHS for FREE
That is an absurd statement. You don't get nothing for free. What happens is that government forces other peopke to pay taxes so that you can get your meds bought and paid for by people who are more productive than you are. In other words, you stole those meds from people who have more money than yourself, or rather, you used government to steal from them.

And that is the very essence of socialism; to punish people who are more productive with heavy taxes, and to reward people who are less productive with free shit paid for by the productive ones.

Ir's not too hard to see where that eventually ends up. Now all your manufacturers and employers have left. You don't have anything not made in China or Taiwan anymore.

But you just keep bitching about thise who have more than yourself. See how much deeper that will get ya.
53  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time for EUROPE to become SOCIALIST on: September 09, 2020, 03:29:33 AM
That is very typical of socialists: to demonize and vilify anyone who has more than themselves to push for more government control of everything.

When covid first started out a guy made the news on the internet in my country. He bought $20k of toilet paper, enought to fill up his basement and garage.
And within a week, there was a big shortage of toilet paper all over the country. For some odd reason, people were rushing out to buy not food, not masks, not vitamins, but toilet paper. For about two weeks my family had to use old rags to wipe our bums.

The thing is, that guy saw that there would be a demand in toilet paper. And he banked on it. Unfortunately for him, the TP shortage only lasted a couple of weeks. And so he was stuck with a house full of TP and no buyers.

In the states, after a big hurricane in Florida, one guy loaded his truck with generators and proceeded to head to Florida where he was going to sell them at a premium. But the feds stopped him, accused him of hoarding and price gouging, and prevented him from selling his very needed generators.

So basically, people in Florida were denied access to generators because socialists wanted to demonize people who want to offer a service for profit.

This is how a healthy economy works: people identify where a a need or a want arises, and act in a manner to fill that need.

And in a way, many of you on here are just the same with Bitcoin. You are hoarding Bitcoin right now in the hopes that someone at a later time will be desperate enough to buy it from you at x time the price you paid. Now, aren't you the evil capitalist here?

Just this summer, a neigboring town suffered a big hail. Over 3000 homes with broken windows and over 6000 cars with hail damage. That's good for me, I sell and install windows. So I headed on over to that town and I worked for very profitable contracts. People left and right were throwing money at me, begging me to install windows on their homes. I worked for at least 3x more money than I usually get fir about 3 months. I just came back home last week. What exactly would you want me to do? To sell my windows to the lowest bidder? Someone here doesn't understand how to run a business.

54  Other / Meta / Using the forum to post trading instructions? on: September 09, 2020, 02:53:21 AM
Hey guys.
I'm a Bitcoin trader, but not the day trader kind.

I buy and sell Bitcoin on p2p exchanges like LocalBitcoins and HodlHodl. Typically I buy Bitcoin at around 2-5% below market price and I also sell Bitcoin at 4-8% above market price. And I am building a program to automate my trades.

If my clients have some questions or concerns about trading with me or my bot, I want to be able to provide a link for them to a page where I explain it. For example with a specific kind of payment (e-transfers in Canada) I require KYC. And so I would like to write an article why I need to perform KYC, how I will store their private data, and what I will do with it.

So my question is, would I be able to open a tbread on here and my post will explain the why/how/what? Or course, the buyers might decide to join the forum or not to post in those threads.

Would that be allowed? To post a thread which would essencially be a FAQ for my customers on a p2p exchange?

55  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Automating Trades? on: August 17, 2020, 04:29:56 AM
Out of 16 replies, only two actually read the problem and even these two don't understand what the problem is.

You are absolutely correct.

First of all, I don't think you can fully automate selling your bitcoins like what you describe. I understand it's the verification part of the payment process that's taking time.

Yes, verifying a customer is something that must be done manually. But I only have to do it once. And subsequent trades with that verified customer can be done automatically.

My bot is turning out just fine and should be going live online before x-mas. (fingers crossed) I'm trading with it on the testnet right now. And once a few bugs are fixed, it will be released to the internet.

What worries me the most is not my software screwing up. I got plenty of fail-safes to prevent that from happening. What I worry about is customer reception. Will they prefer to have access to a fast trading bot 24/7? Or will they prefer a more human touch to the process?
56  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Automating Trades? on: August 17, 2020, 03:44:47 AM
It seems some people in the replies are confused about the way I trade.
I'm not a day trader. I don't have to watch the Bitcoin price, ever. I couldn't care less if Bitcoin went up 60% today, or dropped 60% tomorrow.
What I do is buy and sell Bitcoin from people looking to buy or sell on platforms similar to LocalBitcoins and Paxful. Usually for a 4-5% fee.
The Bitcoin fanatic I am wants Bitcoin price to soar to the moon. But the trader part of me doesn't care. I make a profit from my trades no matter where the price goes.

I have been trading on Localbitcoins for a while now but not yet tried automating the trades but I knew some fellow traders who uses automation feature to complete all the trades without much efforts not sure about the name of the bot they were using but you are not the only one brother. Smiley

If you don't want the trouble then increase your minimum trading limit so you no need to deal with your device much often.

That's not how business works. You have to try to make as little profit as possible and sell for the cheapest price possible. That's how Walmart business model works.

Because in the end, it's better to make just a cent of profit on your item if you sell a hundred of them, than making 50 cents per sale and nobody buys from you because you are too expensive.

As it it, manually, it takes about 30 minutes at my computer or phone to process one trade. If I make 10 trades in one day, that's about 5 hours of my time when I can't sleep, drive, eat, work at my job, or just hang out with my family.

But if I can automate it, and I will, I will be able to litterally do hundreds of trades per day, with minimum time consumed out of my life. And I could sell for much cheaper too.
57  Economy / Trading Discussion / Automated trading, anyone? on: August 17, 2020, 03:04:18 AM
Hey guys. I am a Bitcoin trader. And by trader, I mean selling and buying Bitcoin on p2p exchanges for a small profit.
And I have found tradind this way to be rather tidious, repetitive, and disturbing to my life.
People who buy or sell with me expect a reply right away or they find an other trader to buy or sell to. And once they have sent the payment, they all expect an immediate response or somd of them are yielling 'SCAMMER' all over the place.

This works out pretty well for those who stay at their computer 24/7, never shower, never go to.the bathroom without their computer, and never sleep.

So I started looking into automating my trades. So that a software or script logs on automatically and proceeses the trade for me. So far the software is doing pretty good, I expect it to go live before x-mas.

But I am concermed about how my cliebts will like it. It will allow them to buy or sell from me 24/7, any time they want.
But I wonder if they are going to enjoy buying from a software, or not.

Anybody here has ever done this? How are your customers responding to automated trading?

58  Economy / Trading Discussion / Automating Trades? on: July 03, 2020, 03:51:00 AM
Hey guys, first post here.
I recently became a Bitcoin trader against my better judgement. The kind of trading I do is pretty simple. I buy large amounts of Bitcoin at a lower price and I sell it for a small profit on various exchanges like Paxful and LocalBitcoins.
It certainly is not a living, more like a hobby or sideline.

But after about 200 trades, things got very boring and annoying. I have to carry my phone and laptop with me everywhere I go. And stop whatever I am doing (driving, eating, working, jogging, sleeping) to tend to a trade.

People who buy bitcoin from me often demand immediate response or they move on. For example, once I receive their payment, it takes me about 5-10 minutes to secure the payment. Verify that everything is kosher, and release the coin to the buyer. But in that 5-10 minutes, I have had a great many of them complaining and getting scared that I am scamming them or being too slow.

So lately, I've been trying to automate as much of the process as possible. One very small example of automation is opting for automatic deposit for Interac e-transfers. Instead of manually accepting e-transfers into my bank account, it all gets done automatically as soon as I receive a notification of payment

And there are a few things I am gradually automating. So I just wonder, am I the only one trying automation with AutoHotKey, Pulover's Macro Creator, and various API's?
Are there any traders on here who were able to fully or mostly automate their trades?
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