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41  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Get balance of *coin addresses on: May 04, 2013, 07:01:37 PM
You may like: bitcoind -blocknotify=<cmd>
42  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: I had an idea to drastically increase the security of Bitcoin on: May 01, 2013, 01:55:46 AM
This is what multisig transactions are for.
43  Other / Off-topic / Re: What programming languages do you know? on: April 30, 2013, 08:25:39 PM
After I learn c++ what other languages are worth learning and which ar?

It depends why you're learning.  Do you want something that will be practical ASAP?  If so Java, Python, and C are all excellent.

If you want to learn something new that changes the way you think about programming then try Haskell, J (not related to Java), and assembly on an Arduino.  Each one of these will be a completely alien world when you start and they will teach you a lot more than just learning another OO/imperative language.
44  Other / Off-topic / Re: Free windows C++ Compiler - anyone know of one on: April 23, 2013, 01:15:41 AM
45  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Installed linux over windows drive with my wallet.dat on: April 21, 2013, 01:55:17 AM
Turn off the computer and quit using it.  You don't want to overwrite any more than you already have.

Boot from a rescue CD (your Linux install CD will probably work).  Download this: .  Then run:  python --recover --recov_device=/dev/sda --recov_size=2Tio --recov_outputdir=~/.bitcoin

(set the 2Tio to the size of your HD)

I'm assuming you know your way around Linux a little.  If not, ask and we'll walk you through it.

Edit: /dev/sda is your drive C.  You may want /dev/sdb.  Run 'fdisk -l' to see which drive is which.
46  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Transaction contents question. on: April 14, 2013, 07:11:16 AM
Unfortunately it's complicated:

And the standard client doesn't do a good job of showing the fees.  I suggest just setting a small fee, sending it, and waiting for it to confirm.  Unless it's an unreasonably large transaction it should go through.
47  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Transaction contents question. on: April 14, 2013, 06:20:30 AM
You can spend them.  You can take a whole bunch of small inputs and send them to one output.  Your wallet will do this automatically.  It's like gathering a few hundred pennies and using them to buy milk.
48  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Transaction contents question. on: April 14, 2013, 06:04:10 AM
The former.  A transaction's inputs are the outputs of previous transaction(s), not the balance of an address.
49  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Windows Critical Update- Deleted My Wallet And Keys- How To Recover? on: April 11, 2013, 05:59:05 AM
When you start it up it'll give you some options.  Just hit enter, then enter again when it asks for your keyboard settings.  After a couple minutes you'll get a command prompt.

First plug in your external storage drive.  Wait a few seconds, then type this:

fdisk -l | grep Disk

That will list all your hard drives.  You need to identify your C: drive (probably /dev/sda) and your external drive (probably /dev/sdc) - it should be obvious from the sizes but if your external drive is the same size as you D: drive you can verify it by unplugging it, hitting (up)(enter) to run the command again, and see which one appeared or disappeared.

For this example we'll say your external drive is /dev/sdc.

Next you'll need to find the partition number.  Do this:

fdisk -l /dev/sdc
It will give you a table listing /dev/sdc1 and maybe some more partition numbers - it's probably just /dev/sdc1 unless you created a bunch of partitions yourself, so I'll use /dev/sdc1 for this example.

Next you mount it (it's like giving it a drive letter):

mkdir /external
mount /dev/sdc1 /external

Finally you dump the C: drive:

pv /dev/sda > /external/dump

If that gives you an error after the first few GB are copied then do this instead:

pv /dev/sda | split -a 5 -b 1G -d /external/dump

Make sure it completes with no errors, then:
umount /external

And you're done.

That dump will be a complete raw copy of your hard drive.  Once we have it we can start looking for your wallet without worrying about losing anything.
50  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Windows Critical Update- Deleted My Wallet And Keys- How To Recover? on: April 11, 2013, 05:39:41 AM
Perfect.  You'll need a boot CD.  You can download one here:

Burn that to a CD, then use it to boot your computer.  I'll post some more instructions in a moment.
51  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Windows Critical Update- Deleted My Wallet And Keys- How To Recover? on: April 11, 2013, 04:53:20 AM
Step 1.  IMMEDIATELY TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER.  RIGHT NOW.  Don't even bother shutting it down, just unplug it.  Log back on here from another computer.

Step 2.  Get a new hard drive and make a raw dump of your whole drive.  We can help with this if you're not sure how.

Step 3.  Windows may have created a restore point before it rolled back.  If we can go back to that restore point you'll get your stuff back.

Step 4.  If that doesn't work several tools exist which can scan the raw dump and recover keys.  PyWallet is a good first choice.  We can help you with this as well, but the more you use your computer the greater the chance that the deleted files will be overwritten - that's why it's important to turn off your computer.
52  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: HOWTO: create your paper-wallet, (1) **ENCRYPTED**, (2) yourself. on: April 11, 2013, 04:45:23 AM
"super-paranoia mode" is relative.  Your suggested method has several vulnerabilities:

 * Someone hacked your machine and grabs your paper wallet files while you're generating them.
 * The keys are written to your hard drive during steps 4 and 6.  Deleting the files does not wipe the keys - they may still be recovered.
 * Have you verified your bitcoind binary?  Do you know it isn't trojaned?
53  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Q: Hardware Acceleration, Memory Demand on: April 09, 2013, 09:15:31 AM
Please ignore most of my previous posting, I think I found the "missing link".

My mistake was to assume that a solution (of the form hash < target) must necessarily exist within the address space spanned by iterating through all possible values of the nonce in the block header. Of course, it is absolutely possible (and even likely) that no solution will exist within that address space, so that other parts of the block header need to be altered.

Correct.  Once you're out of nonce you bump the extranonce, generate a new input hash, and feed it to the miners.

Question: is there mathematical proof that double-SHA256(block_header) will output every possible value in the 2**256 hash address space, for every possible 2**640 block header input value?

No.  It's actually believed that there will be both gaps and duplicates in the 2**256 space even for a 2**256 input.  The overall the distribution is believed to be good but it's difficult (impossible?) to prove.

The term you're looking for:
Lots more on that, including some commentary on SHA256 specifically:
54  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Checking balance of unencrypted wallet.dat and combatting trojans on: April 09, 2013, 08:56:41 AM
I recommend you use pywallet to dump your wallet.  Take just the pubkeys and copy them to a USB drive.  You can then check the balances on or blockexplorer.

Alternatively you can encrypt your wallet on the offline computer then import it to an online computer.

Alternatively import your wallet into Armory .  It's designed for this.
55  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Modern Problems - Ubuntu not running clients properly on: April 09, 2013, 05:24:38 AM
We'll need more information to help.

First try this.  Open a terminal and run:

tar -xf bitcoin-0.8.1-linux.tar.gz

(Or use 32 if you're on a 32-bit system)

Then let us know what it says if it doesn't work.
56  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: password protected wallet with bitcoind on: April 09, 2013, 04:57:14 AM
Yes, you can use walletpassphrase to unlock the wallet, send the coins, then relock the wallet.

Why are you doing this though?  You haven't added much security if the script which unlocks the wallet is on the same server.  If the script is on another server, why not just sen the coins from there?
57  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 08, 2013, 06:42:14 AM
We have a success over in the Newbies forum:

Niklas, you should try what he did in line 2 to mark the script as UTF-8 (or UTF-16, if you saved it on windows).  When I get a chance I'll add some proper unicode support, but just adding the comment at the top to ensure the embedded strings are handled correctly might be worth a shot for now.

Here's his post in case it helps anyone else:

Hi, could some admin please move this to and let member Revalin know (being a newbie, I cannot post there nor PM him).

Revalin, thanks for your script. Me, too, I forgot my precise passphrase. I remembered the overall mechanism to construct my wallet passphrase but didn't remember exactly how I applied it.
My wallet passphrase consists of a left and a right part. The left part was a sequence of character, maybe "Start" or "start" or "beginning"... Same with the right part. It could have been "end" or "End" or ... So, the passphrase could have been "startend", "Startend", "beginningEnd", ... There were about twenty possibilities for the left and also for the right part, too many to test manually. So I adapted your script.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
lefts = [ "start", "Start", "Beginning" ] # The possible words for the left part
rights = ["end", "End", "ending"] # The possible words for the right part

def test(phrase)
  print phrase, "\t"
  system("./bitcoind", "walletpassphrase", phrase, "20")
  case $?.exitstatus
  when 0
    puts "Found it! #{phrase}"
    exit 0
  when 127
    puts "bitcoind not found in current dir"
    exit 1
  when nil
    puts "Aborting"
    exit 1

lefts.each do |left|
  rights.each do |right|
    test(left + right)

If someone wants to use it, then replace the words in lefts and rights with your words and add as many as required.

Another comment: as reported earlier by niklas, the script runs unusable slow on Windows. I recommend installing some Linux image. I had no problems with German special characters.
Revalin, please PM me, I would like to send you a Bitcoin reward. Without your script, I probably wouldn't have recovered my wallet.
58  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 08, 2013, 06:28:45 AM
What about this solution for the bitcoin-client to prevent forgotten passwords:

support for yubi-key so you can buy your own Yubi-key and connect it to the specifik wallet.
In this way each wallet would be locked to a specifik Yubi-key.
The risk now is that if you lose your Yubi-key you will never get your coins back - Is this assumption correct or is it possible to order a new Yubi-key with identical key?

The advantage of a Yubikey is it can do challenge-response auth instead of passphrases.  That's not really useful in this case.

I recommend storing your passphrase on paper.  If you want cut and paste convenience I think it's cheaper and equally secure to store it on a thumb drive, or preferably a few thumb drives.
59  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Forgot Passphrase - variations of words and capitalizations on: April 08, 2013, 05:32:34 AM
Here you go:
60  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Encrypted wallet.dat, lost password, any solutions? on: April 08, 2013, 05:32:06 AM
Here's one for mik3 @ .

Anyone on Windows or who's had trouble getting these scripts to run may want to grab the test() function from this one.  It uses JSON-RPC instead of calling bitcoind, as suggested by 2112 above.

require "net/http"
require "json"

# Fill in your RPC username and password from your bitcoin.conf here.
$rpc_auth = "user", "pass"

max_bangs = 10
words = [
  [ "one"   , "One"   , "ONE"]   ,
  [ "two"   , "Two"   , "TWO"]   ,
  [ "three" , "Three" , "THREE"] ,
  [ "four"  , "Four"  , "FOUR"]  ,

def test(passphrase)
  puts passphrase
  request ="/")
  request.basic_auth *$rpc_auth
  request.body = { method:"walletpassphrase", params:[passphrase, 1] }.to_json
  response ="localhost", 8332).request(request)
  if response.code == "401" ; puts "Incorrect RPC user/pass" ; exit 1 ; end
  ret = JSON.parse response.body
  if ret["error"].nil? ; puts "\nFound it! #{passphrase.inspect}" ; exit ; end
  return if ret["error"]["code"] == -14 # wrong passphrase
  raise "WTF? #{ret.inspect}"

def spin(phrase, array)
  return phrase if array.empty? do |word|
    p = phrase.dup.push word
    spin(p, array[1,99])

spin([], words).flatten(words.count - 1).each do |phrase|
  phrase.permutation(words.count) do |shuffled|
    (max_bangs + 1).times do |bangs|
      test shuffled.join(" ") + ("!" * bangs)

puts "No luck."
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