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41  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: June 27, 2019, 01:45:06 AM
Ja ne znam sta ce se desiti u Svetu ako nekada Bitcoin dostigne magicnu cifru od 100k ? Ako nebi krenulo prepucavanje ko ce prodati BTC ili kupiti stvarno.

Desice se da na trafici sa ugla mozes da kupis cigare ili kondom za kripto Tongue

E da, ajd kad vec nesto i za bitcoin. Ovo sto se sada desava vrlo verovatno vodi ka sledecem ATH koji je vrlo moguce biti bas tih 1sat=$1. A sta se sada zapravo desava je da postoji CME , ETF jos ne kako treba, "kitovi" zaradjuju na CME-u samom kupovinom na menjacnicam. E sad, moje reci su nista, vec ce vecina da slusa neke kenjace sa CNN i slicno koji imaju 30-40 godina u iskustu sa deonicama kurcima palcima, pa daju razna prognoze, razne datume a to je sve kao da durbinom gledas vaseljenu. Potrebno je jos malo vise knjiga da procitaju koje jos uvek nisu napisane da bi mogli da shvate sta ovo sad znaci, jer ovo se nikada nije dogadjalo nikada nije postojao ovakav market nikada se nece ni ponoviti to sto se desava upravo sada, a ovo je bas ta prekretnica koju mnogi jos ne vide. Nece ni videti, samo ce na kraju otici na trafiku i skenirati qr kod i platiti kondom ako ce da metju ili cigare , jel ako ce da puse Tongue Ja vidim ono sto "oni" ne vide, jer znam da oni ne vide "nas" i nemaju pojam sta znaci da se bitcoin-ov udisaj izdise u kripto generalno i da nema nazad. Poslednjih godina grafik investicija i inetresovanja u "chejnovu" tehnologiju ide samo i samo gore, a to sto je cena kao posledica psihologije investitora toliko varijabilna apsolutno nema nikakve veze sa razvojem tehnologije jer chej nije para i taj token kako mnogi ovo sto se desava vide.
42  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: June 27, 2019, 01:40:22 AM
Udjem ja ------
------------Amin Smiley

Bolje pusti ovde neki link, Discord kanal, neke bitne web strane, uputstva, sta god  ... Neko ce bar kliknuti, pa se mozda i zainteresovati.
Podeli.  Wink

Ima veza evo i eno u mom potpisu, al ajde. Smiley
Vucem ParallelCoin vec par godina. "Vuci" u ovom kontekstu ne znaci da ga konzumiram na nos ili da ga stekam i cekam da skoci cena usled nekog ludila uzrokovanog nekim stvarima koje na ja direktno ne mogu da uticem. Krv sam propljuvao dok nisam nasao pravog GoLang programera, pa me jos usralo da nadjem lepo anarhistu koji je u kriptu 100% zivotno koji zeli da napravi svoj koin. Australijanac kojeg sam licno dovezao da zivi u NS. To u poslednjih godinu dana koje sve probleme prozivljavam necu pisati, jer ni to nije kraj a ni ljudi nisu laki, a narocito ne taki Smiley .. dobro nisam ni ja Smiley E sad. Usled ovog jedinstvenog momenta koji se sad desava kad sva sranja, u prevodu shitovi umiru, ti svi eksperimeti sa klonovima nestaju a pocinju da se izdvajaju nova tehnoloska resenja i sledeci nivo kombinacije svih postojecih, dosadasnjih tehnologija u kontekstu decentralizovane distribucije inforamcija. Posto smo mi sada vec skoro zavrsili a nismo trazili pare od nikog i nismo obecavali da cemo uraditi slepere kamione avinoe vec pisali samo svoje vizije, zajednica je ocigledno prepoznala kvalitet novog koda, koji je javno dostupan na nasem git repozitorijumu, pa je pocelo da se skupljaju ljudi koji zele svasta nesto sa DUO-m, od toga da ga neki primaju za nesto do menjacnica itd. Skocio je dobro u poslednjih mesec dana, gotovo od nicega sad je vrlo dobar, a uzimajuci u obzir da je prirodno redak (rare) koin 100K ce ga biti, nakopano nekih 300K, 100K zarobljeno na topiji (planiramo da spalimo tu adresu a da izdamo nove, ne smemo dozvoliti da Njujorski sud to odluci da pusti ko ono sa mtGox-a) a mnogi su se davno odrekli svojih parallelcoina , brisuci hd i slicno. Poenta je da ga u cirkulaciji nema mnogo, zapravo ako ima 100K to ce biti super. To negde znaci da bi koin mogao opusteno da dodje do $1K, neki, cak ludji od mene smatraju da ce ga gurati do 0.1BTC. Meni ce znaciti prve "gajbice". Prosli put sam bio blizu prve "gajbice" ali nisam se dobro org, "samo" sam dobio "gajbu" na telepu i kola i "malo" kesa Smiley , nisam trgovac, najgori sam sam sa parama, nema ugradjen cip za to Wink
Ako pocnem da pisem ceo plan za ParallelCoin to nece da valja, bolece me prsti, mnog ima da se kaze jos, ali najbitnije je da uradimo hardfork u roku od mesec dana. Treba jos da zavrsimo GUI za wallet, mreza je sprema i nastavlja se stari lanac iako je source code u potpunosti no, uzet je za pocetak btc suite, ali je Loki to razvezao jako pa je sad njegovog koda tamo 70-80%. To je tek pocetak, nakon forka krecemo da uvezujemo ostale stvari o kojima necu sad detaljisati, od 9 algoritama gde se koriti uvek po 3 odjednom, gde asici nemaju sansu, naravno sem ako neko ne ulozi par miliona za razvijanje tako neceg, a opet ako se to desi onda... ja cu biti lep Smiley
Bitna stvar da napisem je da yobit formirao cenu, sto je jednio sto mi negde potajno odgovara, ali nemoj da neko pomisli da tamo salje neke svoje koine ili da kazem pare ulaze, yobit je igracka za decu a koristi koine kao tokene i nema veze sa lancima i nista a vrlo retko se desava da neko uopste uspe da povuce svoje koine odande.

Inace sam krenuo ovde na srpskom da pisem zasto je nas koin krenuo da raste i koji je recpt da te ljudi primete ali sam se smorio bio jako, pa obrisao pisanije. Ima u oficijanoj temi sve o tracu "gossip". Nema veze da li si dobar ili los, vesti o tebi dobre ili lose, ljudi su ko kerovi, jedan zalaje zbog jeza sto gricka jabuku u zbunu a ostali psi iz kraja pocnu da laju ko ludi a ni jedan ne zna zasto laje.

Mnogo sam napisao, dosta je Smiley
43  Economy / Goods / Re: BitStickers - Bitcoin Stickers on: June 25, 2019, 07:39:58 PM
We will print this week 5-6 different variations. Hopefully, it will be on the website as soon as we get them from our print.

Thank you for your interest and idea! Smiley
44  Economy / Goods / Re: BitStickers - Bitcoin Stickers on: June 24, 2019, 08:10:38 PM
Anyone know where I can get some simple:


Stickers? Everyone seems to be for a specific coin or service.

Desperatley need one that just says, pay with crypto.

Thank you for this. I really don't know how we miss that. We will have stickers with few version of "pay with" ... crypto, cryptocoins, cryptocurrencies, etc.

Again thank for pointed out that to us.

Cheers! Smiley
45  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: June 24, 2019, 08:06:49 PM
Udjem ja ovde povremeno, nije da nije... ali i dalje se prica samo i samo o parama. Ima izuzetaka, ali oni se lako izbroje na levu ruku iskusnog metalostrugara.

Verovatno ima vrednih, ne mislim da nema ali jebo sve, kartice, menjacnice, kartice, menjacnice, kartice menjacnice.

Necu opet pisati memoare... dobro, necu bar dok se opet, jel ne prepalim kad cena ode preko 30K Cheesy

Nego da vas pitam jel ima ovde mozda nekih ljudi koji su savladali GoLang makar samo bazicne stvari i hoce da nastave u smeru razvoja ove tehnologije zbog koje smo ovde?

Ako ga interesuje kako, zasto i sta nek se udostoji doci na dikort kanal. Cega? To mora skapirati sam. U startu izjavljujem da necu saradjivati sa retardima kojima je casa puna, naprednjacima i fanovima reality govana.

Da me neko ne bi iz neznanja ili ogranicenosti pitao zasto GoLang odmah da odgovorim: ZATO! Zasto, zato, kao sto lepo Radovan rece. Ako imas interes onda imas mis i tastaturu pa istrazi. Doduse treba i stomak za mene , znam Tongue Ali nisam poeta ja vec je sustina u prici, ko razume shvati koga ja nerviram nacinom onda vidi pogresnu stvar.
Da sumiram: necu nikom nista da prodam niti zelim nekome nesto da platim, samo bih zeleo jos ljudi sa kojima bih saradjivao a koji imaju svoju inicijativu i mogu sami da skapiraju kako da se uklope u pricu moje ekipe i da sami sebi zarade stogod.
E sad da znam da prekrstim ovaj tred ko Zeljkov pop seriju... pu pu .. eo levo eo desno. Amin Smiley

Nisam najpametniji covek ali ja tebe uopste ne razumem. Dali mozes molim te sazeto na Srpskom da napises sta zelis da kazes. Sazeto molim te.

Eo u 3 stavke:
- Ide mi na kurac "prica samo o novcu"
- Pozivam rade i sposobne da nam se pridruze u razvoju tehnologije bez stega kompanije
- Kenjam saljive gluposti da bih skenuo paznju na sebe i nekom dovoljno inteligentnom izmamio osmeh na lice

ps: neizmero hvala na "reply"
pps: "da li" se pise odvojeno kao i "srpski - srpskom" jer to nije English
ppps: izvini, al' ako te to uvredi dobro je, zapamtices za ubuduce Smiley
pppps: jesam dobro sazeo? Cheesy
46  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 22, 2019, 11:28:44 AM
There is one very important thing that comes out regarding Cryptopia issue.

As we see there is 3rd of all existing supply in the circulation stuck there on Cryptopia wallet which is now in hands of authorities/court/liquidators, so if we look what we know from cases which happened in last years we can count that none will be given back to the people. We need to settle this on another way, to defend those true holders somehow. It is quite simple from one hand but it will be really complicated from another.
It will be good if we collect the list of holders somehow so we can make a plan to ban that address on the hard fork and to issue new tokens which will be given to those old holders.
If you had some DUOs on cryptopia please join out discord channel so we can discuss what to do. Please don't miss this now and then ask after a few months what to do. We need to settle this ASAP.
I was believing that cryptopia will give back to all holders, but then after today's talk with the guys, I am convinced there is for real no hope for things from there to be ended easy.
47  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: June 22, 2019, 12:14:11 AM
Udjem ja ovde povremeno, nije da nije... ali i dalje se prica samo i samo o parama. Ima izuzetaka, ali oni se lako izbroje na levu ruku iskusnog metalostrugara.

Verovatno ima vrednih, ne mislim da nema ali jebo sve, kartice, menjacnice, kartice, menjacnice, kartice menjacnice.

Necu opet pisati memoare... dobro, necu bar dok se opet, jel ne prepalim kad cena ode preko 30K Cheesy

Nego da vas pitam jel ima ovde mozda nekih ljudi koji su savladali GoLang makar samo bazicne stvari i hoce da nastave u smeru razvoja ove tehnologije zbog koje smo ovde?

Ako ga interesuje kako, zasto i sta nek se udostoji doci na dikort kanal. Cega? To mora skapirati sam. U startu izjavljujem da necu saradjivati sa retardima kojima je casa puna, naprednjacima i fanovima reality govana.

Da me neko ne bi iz neznanja ili ogranicenosti pitao zasto GoLang odmah da odgovorim: ZATO! Zasto, zato, kao sto lepo Radovan rece. Ako imas interes onda imas mis i tastaturu pa istrazi. Doduse treba i stomak za mene , znam Tongue Ali nisam poeta ja vec je sustina u prici, ko razume shvati koga ja nerviram nacinom onda vidi pogresnu stvar.
Da sumiram: necu nikom nista da prodam niti zelim nekome nesto da platim, samo bih zeleo jos ljudi sa kojima bih saradjivao a koji imaju svoju inicijativu i mogu sami da skapiraju kako da se uklope u pricu moje ekipe i da sami sebi zarade stogod.
E sad da znam da prekrstim ovaj tred ko Zeljkov pop seriju... pu pu .. eo levo eo desno. Amin Smiley
48  Economy / Goods / Re: BitStickers - Bitcoin Stickers on: June 21, 2019, 02:47:54 AM
cute stickers. but why do I need them?

Hmm.. Propaganda? To increase awareness?  Roll Eyes

That happened to me a few times when I was presenting our stickers to some visitor and friends.
"Yes, OK, nice, but what are they for?" and then me  Undecided

I did that few times like that but then it becomes "Come' on people, it's fcn stickers! ""made to stick on something"" to make it more beautiful, to remind you on something, to promote... are you all idiots?" .. yes I become quite out of nerves Smiley
49  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 21, 2019, 02:19:58 AM

ParallelCoin has been listed in Enmanet Exchange:  ! Happy Trading! Cheesy

Charts will appear once 2 transactions are made!


I am glad to see this happening, new exchanges adding DUO, but when we are in those ethical things, please let me explain you something.

First of all, if you want to be a not-decentralized exchange, when there is one point of failure, you can not hide who is behind. You use Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, which is ok, but then you hide the name of person/company which registered the domain and of course there is no mention on the site. So, a guaranty for someone who wants to send their coins is basically 0%. I am not accusing you that you are a scammer or not, just that how I see it is seen so many times until now. I even know some people who did the same. Also, you are a user here from April 12, 2019.
0% transparency = 100% risk. Sorry, but it is like that. There must be someone responsible for that kind of tools, not-decentralized exchanges.
What happened with "A decentralized Data Sharing Platform, Hosting and Content Distribution Network through Masternode Network" how that becomes a centralized exchange?
Cheers, wish you luck in further development.
50  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 21, 2019, 12:46:08 AM
I like he used the term "crypto space" and I realized how ethical we are Tongue

You know what, the original title of was "Crypto Coins World" from today it will be Crypto Space. Although I see now there already are few with the same name related to coins or other "the crypto" related stuff... who cares, this is internet and only domain name matters. Is that ethical? Smiley
51  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] 2BACCO Coin | CrowdFund | Upgrading To POS/POW |scrypt| Smoker Friendly | on: June 20, 2019, 11:55:45 PM
Have somebody addnodes for this coin?

To me, this looks more unbelievable than you but one of my bitnodes was alive for all this time without interruptions.

Hope this help Smiley



The last block is from Fri, 08 Feb 2019 21:41:40 GMT
52  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 20, 2019, 05:21:07 PM
As I told you all so many time, you will all realize how big scam is YoBit, that is not exchange it is pure living shit in digital form.
They hold 3 coins on which I was working on, which 2 years doesn't have a living chain.
Fuck them, get your coins from them as soon as you can.
They will be anyhow expelled if they don't change wallet to new.
53  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 20, 2019, 01:22:07 PM
Hi everyone I welcome the project and I follow it for a long time... I have some amount of coins on the Cryptopia.
Does somebody know what will happen with Cryptopia and those coins there???

***Congratulations on the project and every honor to developers! go on!!!

As I got the story from Cryptopia they are dead, but they are in the legit process of liquidation, which means authorities will deal with the rest of the story.
Their case has been moved from New Zeland court to New York court if I got that right.
Good thing is that they said they have the whole database, which means there is a list with all users and their coins.
We hope, as DUO price was so low in a time of the hack, none of ParallelCoins were stolen and as soon as the court process is done you all will get your coins.
From the other hand time needed for that is unknown. I presume it will not be over until the end of this year.
The good thing is when you get your coins they will be worth... will worth much more than you can imagine Wink
I am sorry for your loss, but let's hope justice will be satisfied and all DUO holders from Cryptopia will get the coins.
To be honest for the market that is a good thing as supply is so low now, which means just one thing... Smiley

Thank you on support Smiley
54  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 20, 2019, 11:48:19 AM
We will be doing our servers reorganization today, so please don't be surprised if you can't open any of our web stuff.

Hope the exchange wallets will not be affected. Hope they are not going offline?

No, of course not. It is just related to the main website and blockchain explorer.

Thank you very much for your belief and support.
55  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 20, 2019, 11:22:50 AM
We will be doing our servers reorganization today, so please don't be surprised if you can't open any of our web stuff.
56  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 19, 2019, 02:26:54 AM
noun UK ​  /ˈɡɒs.ɪp/ US ​  /ˈɡɑː.səp/
​conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true

How this (crypto coin) world is funny.
It looks like nothing else matters except gossip between people.
My conclusion after Loki pointed to me for the "strange" behavior of DUO's price and general interest is nothing else but fuckin gossip. So it does not matter are you good or bad, did you do something or not, have you made something, it only matters how much people talk about you.

The equation is very simple in this case: main dev (Loki) and the ruler from the shadow (that's me Tongue) got in a fight, went mad from spending to much time together in one room in front of the source code. Main dev leaves his working place and went nowhere. In the meantime rulers friend from a distant town call dev to come there to work for some company on a similar project chained with NDA. Dev was still convinced that he will be able to continue work on the coin, but as days were passing he realizes that he went to people who not that have no expertize in the blockchain which they want to develop but that they are very thin whit general IT knowledge. Realizing that dev went completely mad and basically run from them, now for real in a totally unknown direction. The community was in total chaos, we lost main and only dev, he was without anything doing who knows what to survive. And just before the ruler found him and offer him to get back and to continue the work on the place from where he first left price jumps more than 10 times and the number of people in discord group got doubled or maybe even tripled. Those are just basics I will not go to the details, but what is the conclusion?
It does not matter what people talk, it only matters how much people talk about something, good or bad does not matter just quantity.

You all know I hate to talk about price, but I must write my vision.
If this happened without nothing, what will happen when we publish what we have done?
Does the value of a single DUO can reach $100?
Can it reach 0.001 against Bitcoin? Or 0.01?
Which will be the value of Bitcoin and whole crypto scene?
You can think I am mad and a foolish believer, but I know what are have done and where we are going and especially how special is source code Loki wrote in beautiful GoLang, but my belief from today is that I will be so much laughing when I see $1K price of DUO in the hype.
Yes I am mad, maybe, but the chain is old, supply is low, many coins are lost, many coins are stuck on exchanges which don't work anymore and who knows when will be released. But technology used is completely new, the hash system was rewritten, 70-80% completely unique source code.
Again someone could think I am writing this to raise the price, but those who know me know I never do that and that I even do not even care, my goal is not releasing the new wallet to be able to dump my stack, my goal is to develop a whole bunch of crypto coin related business around ParallelCoin itself from where I plan to take the money.

There are a lot of different ideologies related in the creation of certain crypto coin, most of them are just based on the idea of dev or dev team taking money with a bunch of empty promises which never see the light, that is how ICO's start happening, what bullshit. But there are stories which are trying to improve the technology, like Monero or Decred. Etherium is ok from one side, but if you take the whole picture, please...
Our strong belief is that we can be part of something big as it is this changing of humans reality by interfering and disrupting the common way of exchange of goods with that poison language called the money.

Only time will prove my words and time of ParallelCoin and cryptocurrencies, in general, is just started, so maybe we will not survive to see consequences of our moves but children of our children will live in a much better world!

Thank you all on the support.

Be ready for our:
Plan 9 from crypto space!

57  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: June 17, 2019, 11:26:10 AM
As Opus sang in 1984 "Life is life" Smiley

After many turbulences, it looks like we are back on the track.

We are so close to release the new wallet. Let's say 90% of the straight wallet is done and 30% of GUI is done. GUI is a piece of cake, so it is for expected if all goes smooth we will have beta release somewhere at the beginning of next month.
That is the most important part after which we can go further and expand ParallelCoin network with new features.

To me somehow is strange what happened in moments of crisis, a lot of new people has joined our official discord channel and the price of DUO has really on the rise, I mean it was $10  in one moment.

Thanks to all you guys who are still supporting us, ParallelCoin is "old" coin so with improvements of code and new features on an old chain can result in the absolute resurrection.

Keep the faith, we are moving!

Cheers! Smiley
58  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: December 13, 2018, 10:30:14 PM
Why Go?

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Go has a huge and growing number of repositories to do almost everything. Because it is easy to interface with C, it should not be long before a lot of system software is written in it. Yet you can use it equally well for a website as any kind of desktop or mobile application

59  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: December 13, 2018, 05:33:34 PM
I was advised by my boss, @marcetin

I am the leader not a boss but yes ok I will take all responsibility Smiley

Anyhow, it was long time from my last login here, but that was just because I had no time as Loki and me were developing new ParallelCoin platform, which is on 95% to be ready for the release. So as some people got from Loki's writings on Discord how much we made and where we are and that in mid January we will do fork interest has rise and Cryptopia market shows that.

My hope is to settle all things by end of next month and that all things from step 1 will be done and released. I know this all took so long but we finally have new coin code, all golang with whole system com-http for indexing coins and bitnodes for coin node hosting. Bitnodes will go live in next couple of days. Things have been changed from my initial plan, as you know I worked with mblados (Rod Zisso) who act as a jerk and stop responding me after months of telling me he is working on the coin, do not work ever with that guy if he is still here, and if he see this FUCK YOU ROD. I am still mad at that guy as he let me hang as a full and stop answering my messages.

On the new site you will get all explanations and we will create new and when fork happen.

So stay tuned and know that this is our life story and there is no back, it is true story, we dont ask for money but we have are just combining all accessible and suitable technologies to expand cryptocoins tech story.
As we here say last days for us is like "ParallelCoin or death", because we are really last 6 months in this: sleep, eat, programming. I had even learn to do programming in golang so all my new work is in go, which people still did not recognize full as it is the language of internet thing, servers etc, build by Google to solve googles problems which are greatest server problems in the world. Also 3 legendary guys are involved which each of them was involved in developing at least 3 programming languages before.

So as I was mentioned as in charge I announce with this post that our "PLAN 9" goes live from this moment!!!

60  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ParallelCoin - DUO - SHA256 + Scrypt | Community Takeover on: August 08, 2018, 08:40:55 PM
Maybe this is my first post, but I am already four years old Cheesy

Our child:
The Spirit of ParallelCoin Cheesy
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