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41  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: June 18, 2024, 09:58:15 AM
Ronaldo fans are always defensive and we have the vast number of them because they're everywhere in the world. Why do Ronaldo have more followers and fans than Leo Messi? It's clear because Ronaldo have always achieved major titles and deliver in top levels than his competitor. Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi are both best players because they've accomplished so much in the real world of football. These players have performed to the fullest and will do everything to ensure they're having smooth run.
Apart from what you said, Ronaldo is also always chasing new records, as has happened in the Saudi Arabian League this year, so it is quite natural that Ronaldo has far more followers than any other player. And even his comments on Instagram when he saw that Mbappe was officially playing at Real Madrid for next season also created a record number of likes. So it is not surprising that this is clear evidence that many people like Ronaldo more than other players in the sport of football.
42  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Kesadaran pemuda dalam mengembangkan usaha on: June 18, 2024, 09:49:54 AM
Namun saya melihat banyak dari kita juga mempunyai kepribadian yang bagus akan bisnis namun faktor dan kendalanya yang menghambat mereka untuk berproses menjadi pembisnis, terutamnya saat ini adalah faktor keuangan yang membuat dari kita ragu untuk membuka usaha, dan juga tuntgutan yang cukup keras dari orang tua untuk menjadi PNS sangat membuat si anak frustasi akan hal tersebut, padahal jika di lihat dari sektor manapun pembisnis kebanyakan akan sukses, namun yang di perlukan dari pembisnis juga cukup banyak, terutamanya dari segi mental dalam persaingan itu sangat payah di temukan dari sebagian orang.
Karena mental baja pembisnis harus kuat jika kita lembek maka kebangkrutan akan datang pada bisnis yang akan kita kerjakan.

Sebagian orang tua sebenarnya masih belum menyadari kalau PNS itu hanya mengandalkan gaji yang pas-pasan dalam setiap bulannya dan gaji pensiun ketika sudah sampai masanya saja mas sehingga pada saat ini memang masih sangat banyak para orang tua yang senang kalau anaknya bisa lulus menjadi PNS karena mereka semua senantiasa belum menyadari kalau untuk menjadi kaya itu harus mampu menjadi pebisnis yang bisa sukses dengan perkembangan bisnisnya sendiri karena mau sekecil apapun bisnisnya tetap yang menjadi pemiliknya adalah bos. Namun kita juga harus menyadari bahwa untuk menjadi pebisnis yang sukses itu selalu membutuhkan proses dan tantangan yang tidak mudah untuk dilalui sehingga kerap membutuhkan mental baja yang benar-benar kuat sebelum menjadi sukses mas.

Sekarang ini semua orang bisa membuat perbandingan kesuksesan antara PNS dan pebisnis itu bagaimana dan jelas yang paling terlihat kaya secara nyata adalah pebisnis karena omset yang didapatkan oleh pebisnis itu selalu tidak dapat diukur seperti yang kita ukur pada gaji seorang PNS. Sehingga secara fakta pebisnis selalu lebih mudah untuk mengalahkan seorang PNS apabila pebisnis itu sudah benar-benar sukses dan mas sendiri bisa melihat seberapa banyak PNS yang kaya di negeri kita ini.
43  Economy / Speculation / Re: Buy Bitcoin, and HODL! on: June 11, 2024, 04:02:27 PM
Personally, I feel Bitcoin is like planting a tree and watching it grow.
That's how patient one needs to be.

Buying a bitcoin and holding it can be a solid investment strategy.
The Bitcoin market can be very tricky sometimes, but it's best to buy it when you can afford it and hold it for a long-term perspective.
Another strategy is that instead of buying your bitcoin at once, you can buy it bit by bit at different times.

This can help you not buy all your coins at a high price. It's playing safe, not putting all your eggs in one basket. Avoid the FOMO and not do enough research.
Being cautious and not investing more than you can afford.

People who like to buy and hold Bitcoin do not need to panic too much about complicated market conditions as long as the person does not use the market to trade. And I think FOMO and research are only needed by beginners who are just getting to know Bitcoin because those who have known Bitcoin for a long time no longer need to do research repeatedly on the same asset model as Bitcoin. Additionally, if you suggest not putting eggs in one basket, it may only be more suitable for those who like to carry multiple baskets with the same contents. Because those who put all their money in Bitcoin will not experience losses as long as they don't sell it at a low price or when the price is being corrected like now.
44  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Adakah Cara Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Di Negara Tercinta Ini on: June 11, 2024, 02:23:48 PM
Ya pariwisata menjadi salah satu objek yang dapat membuat perekonomian menjadi bangkit. Tapi ada beragam cara yang mesti dilakukan agar menjadi daya pikat dari turis seperti kebersihan dan tarif yang terjangkau. Di Indonesia sebenernya cukup banyak tempat-tempat yang layak untuk dikunjungi karena panorama yang sangat indah, hanya saja nilai kebersihan dan biaya masuk serta biaya makanan terkadang cukup menguras kantong sehingga sangat merugikan para pengunjung. Seharusnya tidak hanya pemerintah yang disalahkan tetapi masyarakat disekitar tempat pariwisata itu juga harus serius dan tidak membuat para wisatawan resah.

Dan saya lihat dibeberapa wilayah juga masih suka ada pungli mas sehingga hal tersebut juga bisa menghambat berkembangnya tempat-tempat wisata yang ada di sekitar kita sehingga hal itu juga harus bisa ditertipkan oleh pihak masyarakat setempat ataupun oleh pihak pemerintah didaerah itu sendiri supaya semua masyarakat bisa merasakan perkembangan ekonomi dan juga tempat wisata itu sendiri.

Karena pihak tamu yang datang juga tidak akan mau masuk apabila masih ada pemungutan liar, baik itu tiket maupun istilah lain untuk bisa masuk ke tempat tersebut dan selain salah satu contoh yang mas katakan itu saya rasa hal lain yang bisa dilakukan oleh pihak pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk bisa membuat perekonomian menjadi lebih meningkat adalah dengan membangun lahan yang layak seperti pasar supaya para masyarakat bisa memiliki inisiatif untuk berdagang didalam pasar tersebut meskipun hal itu juga tidak jauh berbeda seperti berdagang di tempat-tempat wisata tadi.
45  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best local board posts/topics on: May 30, 2024, 10:10:49 PM
Link 1:

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46  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Is it proper for younger ones to gamble? on: May 25, 2024, 09:57:14 PM
why don't you contact the authorities because even in countries where gambling is legal, children are strictly prohibited from gambling because they are still at school, if children continue to be allowed to gamble then their future will be ruined, they will not have time to finish their schooling or even apply to a job.

The level of children's addiction to gambling will certainly be very difficult for their parents to control if it is not controlled from an early age by their own parents. I also don't really agree with reporting things like that to the authorities if they can still be handled on their own for the common good, because children who are still at an early age or still at school to gain more knowledge, of course there is really no need to take part in gambling because They'll definitely have time to understand more about gambling when they get older or when they start working for themselves and making money that they can put aside for themselves.
47  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: May 22, 2024, 09:44:17 AM
Assalamualaikum untuk semua member yang selalu mampir di SFI dan terutama untuk OP agar sehat selalu supaya bisa terus mengawasi Thread ini seperti biasanya.
Pada hari ini saya kembali mengajukan 10 postingan dan saya juga mempersilahkan bagi setiap member SFI yang berkenan untuk membaca dan mereviewnya agar bisa memberi sedikit arahan berguna kepada saya secara pribadi dan juga orang lain secara umumnya.

48  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Apa Paket Internet Terbaik Rekomendasi Kalian? on: May 22, 2024, 08:27:41 AM
Jujur ane pernah mencoba iconnet dan indihome. Karena di sini ada beberapa warung kopi yang memakai iconnet dan ada juga yang memakai indihome. Ane ngetestnya di waktu yang paling sepi yakni habis magrib dan habis subuh. Hasilnya sebenarnya dua-duanya itu menurut ane pribadi enggak jauh berbeda. Harganya juga ga beda jauh. Malah ane liat di beberapa kondisi indihome lebih murah jika kita teliti dalam membeli paket yang ditawarkan. Untuk ping di tempat ane lebih bagus indihome daripada iconnet.
Sesekali coba mas ngetesnya pas sedang ada kondisi hujan lebat yang disertai dengan kondisi berangin, pasti mas akan lebih menemukan perbedaan lagi antara jaringan iconnet dan indihome tersebut karena saya pernah merasakan sedikit gangguan pada jaringan iconnet pada saat sedang hujan lebat mas. Meskipun hal itu tidak berlangsung lama, tetapi hal semacam itu sangat jarang terjadi pada jaringan indihome sehingga saya masih cukup setia dengan jaringan indihome untuk saat ini meski sempat kepikiran tentang Starlink yang juga sudah masuk ke Indonesia dan sempat viral gara-gara kunjungan Elon Musk ke Bali kemarin dan disambut baik oleh semua pihak.

Kelebihan iconnet yaitu terletak pada nilai ekonimisnya. Misal seseorang tidak ingin memakai wifi di bulan 6 karena ada kepentingan di luar kota. Nah orang tersebut bisa tidak membayar tagihan bulan 6 dan tidak ada denda atau mambayar untuk bulan yang tidak kita pakai. Cukup kembeli membayar maka wifi iconnet anda akan kembali mengaktivkabn pertanyaan keamanan.
Kalau dilihat dari sisi ekonomis memang iconnet itu bisa diandalkan karena bayaran bulanannya mampu dijangkau oleh semua orang dan tidak hanya oleh orang kaya saja. Tetapi ada satu pertanyaan apakah kehadiran Starlink milik Elon Musk yang dikembangkan oleh SpaceX itu akan menjadi saingan khusus dari iconnet dan indihome ? Karena menurut kabar kalau Starlink itu layanan internet tanpa kabel yang jauh lebih cepat dari jaringan indihome yang masih mengandalkan kabel fiber optic mas.
49  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Saat ini trading meme coin paling banyak di minati on: May 22, 2024, 07:27:11 AM
Setelah kenaikan bitcoin tidak berdampak pada altcoin top lain sehingga banyak orang berdagang pada meme coin yang lagi trend mukai awal tahun ini.
Tidak seperti biasanya ketika altcoin mencapai ATH baru semua altcoin akan mengikuti pergerakan harga tapi tahun ini malah kebalikan setelah up harga bitcoin coin meme terus bermunculan hingga hype tertinggi itulah alasan mengapa orang lebih suka trading pada coin meme.
Saya lihat trading pada coin meme lebih besar profit dari pada altcoin top lainnya.

Saya justeru melihat hal sebaliknya dari yang mas katakan ini karena dampak dari peningkatan harga Bitcoin juga masih bisa membuat altcoin top mengalami peningkatan harga seperti yang terjadi pada ETH kemarin dimana ETH yang sempat meningkat hingga 20% lebih didalam pasar dan hal itu juga dibarengi oleh peningkatan harga Bitcoin mas.

Artinya dalam hal berdagang itu tidak mesti harus fokus pada memecoin saja karena memecoin juga bisa rusak ketika Bitcoin dan para altcoin top lainnya sedang mengalami koreksi harga dan sekarang mas sendiri juga bisa lihat didalam pasar kalau altcoin top seperti ETH dan BNB masih cukup layak untuk dipilih sebagai aset perdagangan sehingga tidak perlu terlalu fokus pada memecoin saja walaupun dalam hal mencari keuntungan juga perlu memanfaatkan semua momen termasuk momen peningkatan harga memecoin seperti yang terjadi dalam tahun ini, tetapi kita juga harus ingat bahwa momen seperti itu biasanya tidak berlangsung lama di memecoin.
50  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: If we lose in gambling, what do we need to do? on: May 12, 2024, 04:48:00 AM
Actually they are aware positively knowing good or bad paths. It's just that people who have played gambling have felt a big victory. And on the other hand most people are big ambitions because the defeat of money that has been lost becomes uncontrolled emotional is a mess in time. which starts to assume entertainment will become an addict because it is too optimistic
Entertainment doesn't have to be an addiction, the same goes for gambling because if some people consider gambling as entertainment, of course they have also prepared funds that they can afford to lose as payment. I think this is not much different from someone who wants to spend their time just drinking coffee and relaxing at a tourist spot for which they both have to pay with money. So that people who gamble and consider it as entertainment are not controlled by their emotions and ambition to win because they are definitely prepared enough to lose.
51  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Make reading a habit on: May 12, 2024, 04:12:47 AM
Is very good to form the habit of reading, if you don't read there's no way you can be educated, most people jump into something without even reading the terms and conditions reason is because they see it as a waste of time but is very important to read always. reading create room for understanding if you read you will understand but if you don't read there's no way you will understand.
Reading is the first door to knowing anything that has been written by other people and this can certainly have the effect of increasing knowledge for everyone. Because reading is the main thing that must be encouraged by everyone, especially by people who don't know the things they are looking for all this time. And if you see someone who considers reading to be a waste of time, just stay away from that person because that person is definitely a lazy person and you don't need to get closer to him if you don't want to catch his lazy nature.
52  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin Price. on: May 12, 2024, 04:01:29 AM
The price of Bitcoin starts halving after four years and this halving is the peak of the Bitcoin price. Since the halving currently takes place in 2024, it is very likely that the price of Bitcoin will peak at $80,000 in 2024. Because the year after the halving, the price of Bitcoin increases the most, which is proven by the 2020 halving. Now currently Bitcoin price is $62720, it is very likely to increase further.
I think you have seen the Bitcoin halving this year which occurred precisely last April, but on the one hand you must have also seen the peak of Bitcoin prices before the halving occurred in that month where the price level of more than $73K is the ATH level that has occurred in This year. So the proof in 2020 has been neglected after new history occurred this year in Bitcoin, especially at the peak price level reached by Bitcoin before the halving, but for the next moment of price increase it is quite possible that it could happen again in Bitcoin this year during the price increase it could start as soon as this year.
53  Economy / Economics / Re: Money is all wealth? on: May 12, 2024, 03:42:09 AM
Money is needed for life to be sweeter. There is nothing that is given for free in this 21st century. We have fly past the olden days of batter trading. In this century, for life to be sweet and enjoyable with our desires being satisfied, money is the primary thing that is needed, it is money that can be used to buy our dream car, build our dream house, travel to our dream country, live the kind of love we dream of. Money is just everything we need and lastly, we need money for good health too.
It cannot be denied that money is something that is really needed by everyone who still lives in this world and is in an environment where everything has to be bought. But you also have to realize that in life there are also things that money cannot buy even though you have a lot of money in this life. But in order to achieve all the dreams that you say, of course you have to do it through money because what you mentioned are things that have to be paid for with money, so if you only pursue those things, of course you have to have a lot of money. But honesty, trust and empathy from the people around you will be difficult to buy with money if the people around you no longer like you.
54  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How can I get into trading on: May 12, 2024, 03:24:22 AM
Good day guys!
As someone who’s new to this space and wants to start trading, what are the steps I can take to start and how much of fund do I need to start?.
What wallet is best for me? Can I use meta trader?

I don't usually use meta trader because I prefer to use centralized exchanges when doing spot trading for some of the coins and tokens that I have seen well in recent times. But if you are happy with the use of meta trader, I also don't forbid you from using it as long as it is safe enough for you. But once in a while, try looking at the big exchanges and try to use them at a time when you have the opportunity to try them, maybe you will be interested and not just rely on the meta trader.

However, if you need a wallet to store assets or profits you get from trading results, I would advise you to convert all profits from trading to Bitcoin and save all Bitcoins in an Electrum wallet. Because on the one hand, you can also consider this as a long-term investment, because if you only want to save money for a while before you use it for trading in the market. You can store it anywhere as long as it is safe enough for your funds, including on the exchange where you trade if it's only temporary.
55  Economy / Speculation / Re: Why Bitcoin Price is Down Today? on: May 12, 2024, 03:02:05 AM
Bitcoin's recent price decline can be attributed to a combination of economic uncertainty, regulatory concerns, and market sentiment. Factors such as inflation fears, cautious remarks from Federal Reserve officials, and regulatory uncertainties have led to a sell-off in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Market sentiment and investor behavior also play a significant role in driving price fluctuations. Despite short-term volatility, long-term fundamentals, including adoption and institutional interest, remain bullish for Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market.
Do you think these are the reasons?
Some of the things you have mentioned above can indeed be used as reasons for the influence of market conditions and Bitcoin price conditions because the things you have stated can indeed encourage some people to sell their Bitcoin into the market. But it won't always be like that, because I am still quite sure that there are still enough people who want to keep Bitcoin and are not affected by most of the things you have said so that Bitcoin can still survive at the current price level. And apart from that, I am still quite confident in price improvements when the things you say start to be lost by other effects when investors are no longer affected by regulatory uncertainty.
56  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Teknik Dasar Saya Belajar Investasi on: May 12, 2024, 02:20:09 AM
bagi para  investor yang ada di forum ini pasti sudah tidak asing dengan perumpamaan (jangan menaruh telur di keranjang yang sama) istilah ini pasti sering anda baca atau terbaca jika sedang mempelajari dunia investasi di artikel artikel.  bagi pemula seperti saya yang  hidup di pedesaan dan baru terjun atau baru mempelajari dunia investasi namun dengan ilmu atau pun pengetahuan yang saya tau. saya biasanya mengaplikasikan dunia investasi  dengan persamaan menanam sayuran karena pada dasarnya sama-sama menanamkan modal kita untuk keuntungan finansial. dan seringnya saya baca artikel tentang investasi ada banyak kesamaan walaupun tak serupa dalam dunia investasi dan pertanian.jika dalam dunia investasi ada namanya DCA . yaitu membeli aset dengan dana tetap dan rutin setiap bulan. dalam menanam sayuran pun sama. saya lihat para petani rutin menanam tanaman yang sama setiap bulan untuk mengejar harga yang tinggi di pasar.( untuk jenis sayuran yang waktu panen hanya sebulan).

ada pula diversifikasi investasi konsep nya sama dengan kita menanam sayuran dengan jenis yang berbeda-beda jika ada kegagalan dalam satu jenis sayuran mati atau pun harga panen tidak menutupi modal ada jenis sayuran lain yang bisa menutupi modal kita di awal.

pelajaran yang saya ambil dari forum ini dan dunia investasi jika kita tidak mau gagal atau meminimalisir kerugian modal kita coba kita pahami analisis fundamental dalam investasi dengan melihat hal ataupun kegiatan di sekitar kita. karena konsep investasi ada di sekitar kita, hanya saja kita tutup mata

Konsep dalam menjalankan investasi memang banyak terdapat disekitar kita, tetapi bagi sebagian orang masih merasa sulit untuk mengaplikasikannya karena masih melihat beberapa keterbatasan sebagai penghalang yang harus segera disingkirkan oleh diri mereka masing-masing. Perumpamaan yang mas berikan untuk hal investasi pada topik kali ini memang terlihat cukup menarik karena contohnya langsung mengarah pada apa yang sering menjadi pekerjaan dari warga negara kita sendiri, namun untuk kali ini saya bahkan lebih setuju dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh mas @blue Snow. Karena saya sering melihat kalau para petani Indonesia itu terkadang tidak membuat pertimbangan apapun dalam hal bertani dan cenderung mengikuti apa yang dilakukan oleh banyak orang seperti pada contoh menanam padi yang secara umumnya cukup banyak sehingga para petani tidak memiliki pemikiran untuk menanam yang lainnya di waktu-waktu yang berbeda dalam setiap tahunnya.

Jadi jika mas OP sudah cukup yakin untuk tidak menaruh telur di keranjang yang sama, itu artinya mas juga harus siap dengan beberapa investasi yang dananya harus mas sediakan sendiri kedalam beberapa hal. Karena konsepnya juga sudah dijelaskan oleh mas @blue Snow bahwa akan lebih baik apabila kita mau menanam lebih dari satu jenis tanaman dalam waktu yang berbeda sehingga tingkat keuntungannya juga bisa lebih stabil apabila nilai dari beberapa aset investasi yang kita lakukan mengalami peningkatan.
57  Economy / Economics / Re: Invest on your dependants if you too must grow further on: May 11, 2024, 11:48:09 PM
An artiste sang “it’s like flying first class on a crashing plane”; you’re all going down. Thinking of this topic the lyric makes sense because it is the exact case. But on the other hand, if you consistently try to help and the recipient is unserious, don’t beat yourself up. I believe that in the end, everyone has their responsibilities and no one would leave their to completely chase another’s.
That is true and also quite reasonable because basically everyone will fulfill their respective responsibilities in any case without caring about other people's responsibilities. And it is things like that that have made each person to give birth to thoughts that are more suitable for themselves without having to think about how other people's thoughts are carried out. Apart from that, it would also be a bit ridiculous if we could fall simultaneously in the same place because we boarded the same plane as you say in the lyrics of the song.
58  Economy / Speculation / Re: When is next significant correction coming? on: May 11, 2024, 11:37:14 PM
I think everyone has a different strategy even though investing using the DCA method, we don't need to be reckless in starting investments at high prices because considering the potential for high market correction in the bearish season, but our best option is running a DCA investment strategy at a lower price than current market price and save the savings funds in gold for the purpose of maintaining asset stability and when the BTC price falls then convert the gold for crypto investment.
Indeed, there are various ways to invest and also to carry out strategies that we consider beneficial to us as investors. However, in terms of investing in crypto, I think saving funds in currency before buying Bitcoin would not be wrong because these funds will be used to buy Bitcoin when the price is low. However, the method you stated is also quite good to implement because apart from being quite good through the DCA strategy, you can also have the opportunity to make a profit through the gold savings that we choose as temporary savings.
59  Other / Off-topic / Re: How can we help beginners not to get addicted on: May 11, 2024, 11:18:54 PM
Every responsible gambler should have a gambling limit and he should stick to those limits no matter how tensed the game might be or what turn the game takes, it's always crucial for gamblers to stick to their limits, and if for any reason, you happen to have exhausted your limit, the best thing to do is simply walk away from the casino and come back next time and not exceed your limits.

A gambler should have self control and always gamble with a levelled head, never allowing your emotions substitute your brains and start making decisions for you, cos when that happens, you'll start making illogical and uncalculated decisions which often leads most gamblers to their doom, it's important to avoid these things before they even happen.
I think what you are suggesting is something that is quite worthy of consideration because gambling with a calmer state of mind and not controlled by emotions will feel more enjoyable and also more relaxed in facing each game even though this will not guarantee a win. But by setting the limits you mean, a gambler has also won in fighting his emotions because the most difficult thing in life is fighting the emotions within ourselves against the attraction of something we like. So taking into account what you say is quite natural and not wrong for all gamblers.
60  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why the rich win gambling more than the poor. on: May 08, 2024, 02:26:49 PM
You can be rich and yet don't know how to predict a better game will still end up loosing your money, it true that that if you are rich and still know how to predict game you will have a higher chance of winning maybe by playing 3 odd with a huge amount of money rather than playing 200 odd  with low amount of cash.
Rich people have more money to try in any game than poor people, so rich people are more dominant in winning than poor people, who when their money runs out due to losing they will choose to stop and come back again when they have money. This means that rich people can also lose more even though they can also win because they have more capital, but they do not perceive more losses as an obstacle to winning. Because when rich people can win in a game, of course the losses they have experienced before are at least somewhat covered, although not all of them are covered.
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